The reason why I could not see through these kind of games even long time is, in my own conservative upbringing. I am the first born and as such "guardians der Tradition“ und ich fühlte mich bereits als Kind mehr zu der Wertschätzung der „Älteren“ hingezogen, als zum Vertreten meiner eigenen Generation. Dieser „Verrat“ war keinesfalls Teil meines eigenen Wesens, sondern der Rolle, die mir anerzogen wurde und die ich als solche nicht erkennen konnte. Kinder werden dazu erzogen die Defizite ihrer Eltern auszugleichen und „brav“ zu sein, anstatt authentisch. Der wahre „Verstoß aus dem Paradies“ hat nichts mit Adam und Eva zu tun. Es ist die Verbiegung der kindlichen Natur, bis das Kind zu einem „funktionierenden“ Mitglied der Gesellschaft deformiert wurde.
Was Menschen tun und fühlen, hat sehr oft keinen Bezug to the current situation in objective terms, and therefore the person is often completely irrational and downright silly in his conduct. The "common sense", one of the most "common nonsense" is to get any further. You have the "private logic" (taken from A. Adler) former to understand what is really in a human right. Each man acts namely subjective logic of each special moment in which an act is carried out. And without turning on the childhood of a man whose behavior is not only to understand all too often.
That people feel as often as the victim is quite understandable. They feel like victims of other People, the "policy", the "economy", the "society" which is usually more generally, the "circumstances". Such structures give a wonderful project his own mind and everyone can find here a confirmation of one's views. In holding to his victims, people have this quite right. However, they are mistaken in regard to the causes of their own misery. The real reasons for the feeling of being victims lie in childhood. It has nothing to do with present circumstances that are not the cause but the effect of self-victimization when they are fully neutral at all. The true cause is in education, and above all in the "black pedagogy", the use of violence of any kind against children. This not only physical violence, but also about cold attitude towards the child. Violence has existed in a simple "slap" on the butt, not because of physical pain, but because of the humiliation. Any love that is not given unconditionally, is not true love, but a means of manipulation.
victim feel lousy, they feel dependent, they lack something that they have been cheated. Through the self-designation as a victim but this state is not better, but they remain even more in its role and a change is always difficult. In addition, victims have the feeling the "right" to have and distribute to their turn, may eventually had to put oneself. The "buck" is passed, whether it is conscious or not, is usually not the case. Most comes to light so if you have children themselves. No matter how much you may have also vowed to educate their children not just as one was even brought up, you will unconsciously fall into similar patterns. The child recognizes itself in a self-contradictory in their own child and it bears little, if this is it "better" is. Of course this is just hidden, so that most people believe say every right to, they would not abuse their children.
people struggle as adults, the main reason for resources, because they seek to cover their childhood deficits. This love and respect are two things that are lacking in the world, most of all. And all desire for consumption, titles, honors, prestige, etc., the desperate search of the young child to love and respect. We have built an economic system that purports to eliminate these deficiencies. So you can certainly say that much of our world is simply perverse, in almost all areas of this perversion is entered: work, relationships, consumerism, leisure. Freud spoke at Perversions of "feeling relocations. He hits the nail on the head: Take a real human need, not satisfied with it, but directs it to a substitute satisfaction which is addictive, entertaining satisfaction deludes and then returns an empty can, which then leads to a more major lack sense . This is the cycle of addiction, but this covers a wide range of human behavior (not just the traditional addictions, which are referred to as such), and almost everyone is involved somewhere.
Two famous examples of people who could not obtain their need satisfaction as a child, are Friedrich Nietzsche and Friedrich Schiller. Nietzsche despised what he so much valued as a child: the truth. Likewise, he hated women and their idol, God, so much that he had to explain that even dead. Only the true cause of his suffering and his mental illness he has never found out because of this truth he could not stand: the brutal and heartless treatment by his mother and sisters. Schiller was a sick man all his life and died very early. He is the great "poet of freedom" of German literature. The struggle for freedom was not only the characters of his plays (Wilhelm Tell, Karl Mohr), but above all, his own personal drama. Schiller was allowed as a child, his desire for freedom nicht ausleben, erhielt nie die Liebe seiner Vaters, den er so sehr bewundert, und wurde in einer Kadettenschule brutal erzogen. Als „Die Räuber“ in Heilbronn uraufgeführt wurde, was das Stück ein Bombenerfolg. Viele Menschen konnten sich mit den Helden und deren Kampf um die Freiheit identifizieren. Einige Jahre später brach in Frankreich die Revolution aus und ihre Ideen überschwemmten ganz Europa. Zwar bekämpfte man das „Ancien Régime“, doch der wahre Kampf fand im Inneren statt. Niemand kam auf die Idee, dass die Kindheit und die Erziehung die Ursache für die Unfreiheit des Menschen bargen. Freud bemerkte zwar, dass seine Patienten als Kinder misshandelt wurden, wagte es jedoch nicht die Erziehung anzugreifen, but the old view was from the "evil" in man faithful. However, he chose the term "instincts". Only in the 20th Century dared child psychologists and psychiatrists gradually to see what really lies behind the destructiveness, the "evil". Great work in this area provided the Alice Miller who died in April. Their works should be read by all who deal with their own childhood and upbringing of children in general. Open one's eyes and you see if you have the courage to truths that you have hidden themselves for years or even decades before himself. The unconscious has had to serve for so many things, if you could not explain human behavior, but chances are good that we will meet these "dark" area with lots of light and one day it might perhaps succeed us to enlighten our minds completely and live in no more illusions!
All that means that a child feels unloved and not respected, if only for a moment, is harmful Education! No matter what happens, a child must be constantly loved and respected, feel completely regardless of what it does. Love and respect should not be used as a means of generating 'good conduct'. The lack of love is the greatest Enemy of freedom. For a true experience of freedom, it is absolutely necessary to own "love store" to have filled.
It is imperative that people find out the true causes of their "search" in life. It is not "normal" and "part of human nature" is to feel unsatisfied. In fact, the man is naturally created in a way that it is not "by itself falls." This falling out causes a separation that is felt for life painful, originating in their own educational content. This condition is also referred to as "sin." But it is human nature not to make it his own, but is brought about artificially. It is nonsense, this man even to hold it against him and to have "repented" to do so you can reach anything, as a function of rituals and a religious or philosophical system. After recognizing the causes and circumstances of their own education, man can begin his true feelings to feel and to mourn the past. He is also placed in the position not to act unconsciously (to have to act!) And to do what satisfies his needs in a suitable manner. Then neurotic behavior is no longer necessary. The `perversions' to an end and the 'urge' is directed into the healthy paths. Thus acquired the Man his freedom back. maybe they had so for the first time in his life ever! There is no good reason that speaks against it to do so.
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