Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tecra S1 Graphics Driver

79. Das Unwetter in Aflenz 11. August 1890

A n 28 I went in July and Ella for a walk two miles to Etmissl. In August there were very sharp thunderstorm. On 11 August lightning and thundering it all day. At 8 clock in the evening the storm was quite terrible and was discharged from the Bürgeralm Hochschab ago and the next high mountains a terrible downpour, which lasted nearly two hours. I was used from time immemorial, in the evening during a thunderstorm as long as stay up and to be awake until the storm clears or abated. When I was at the same

11th August 1890 saw the approaching storm in the evening, I put myself in the dressed ground floor flat on my bed. Immediately afterwards, it rattled my window as if several loads stones were deposited. I jumped up and saw the lights of the flashes, as the citizens digging down so roared a terrible power and therefore water flooded the largest trees. We were afraid that by the impact of so many mighty woods, stone and gravel from the western side of the house we lived in could be undermined, so that a collapse of befürchten war. Daher flüchteten wir mit unseren wertvollen Sachen in die östliche Hälfte des Hauses. Grosse Massen von Bäumen, Bau- und Brennholz trug die rasende Flut mit sich und staute sich im Orte Aflenz stellenweise an den Häusern. In vielen ebenerdigen Wohnungen stand das Wasser nebst Schlamm und Geröll einen Meter hoch. Schöne Gärten wurden zerrissen und mit Geröll überschüttet. Erst am anderen Tage konnte man das wirklich grosse Unglück und die furchtbare Verheerung überblicken.

     Die schönsten Felder und Wiesen wurden massenhaft mit Steingeröll überflutet. Ich ging walk uphill quite often in the past people ditch and had far I was 23 weirs, which were (192) intended for the melting of snow or rain showers which collects debris stopped, so that this fall it is not in the market. Now you can make from the violence unleashed element of a term, since all the above together with bridges dams and bridges are gone and the citizen was digging into a sea of rock.

at one point was a gate with strong pillars, and it was a big surprise that accumulated in these columns, a great mass of rubble, or would be three to four houses were completely destroyed or washed away.

These terrible rains extended over five on the south-withdrawing valleys or troughs: St. Ilgen, then Fölz, civil, and Jauring Feistritz trench. Quite awful it looked in the nearly two hours long, more precisely located Fölzgraben. The streets were now and then at 2 - 3 m high swept away. In Fölzgraben were enormous amounts of wood, in places, almost 3 - 4 m high geschemmt over each other. The Fölzbach looking here and there a new bed. A grist mill and land were ruined and pestle can take many Monaten wieder benützt werden.

     Herr Graf von Meran hat in dieser Gegend grosse Jagdbarkeit und ein hübsches Jägerhaus. Zur baldigen Wiederinstandstellung der dorthin führenden und von der Überschwemmung gräulich verwüsteten Strasse hatte Graf Meran viele Arbeiter dahin beschieden. Alle vorher erwähnten Wässer nebst denen von Seewiesen und Turnau kommen im Ort Thörl zusammen. Alle Brücken daselbst bis Kapfenberg wurden zerstört. Zur Herstellung der Brücken kamen sogleich 50 Pioniere, da die Poststrasse fahrbar gemacht werden musste.

     Da um diese Zeit ungefähr wanted, thousands of people pilgrimage to Mariazell and torn all the bridges and the roads were badly damaged, had to - instead of Aflenz - a different way over the mountains to be found. By the time the Pilgrims came back later, they were already marching back to Aflenz.

Not even the oldest people could remember no such great flood. Over all prolapsed devastation could write a thick book.

In the main street in Aflenz are four wells. These flows, the source water of tubes from the mountains down. All the heavy barrels from these wells, which were for cattle always completely filled with water, were washed away by the violence of the flood. The supply pipes came in part from the position, so that large defect occurred in clear water. The church located opposite Brnnen had clear water, he was spared the flooding. (193) With great effort and with horses, the fountain basins once again had to be done on the spot.

from neighborly friendship I helped the Schneider Ortner half a day of water from the Keller scoop. Half an hour up in the ditch of Aflenz is a citizen several years ago with a basement built into the mountain porch. On the spacious square in front of it should be for the entertainment of the many summer visitors on 15 August, a forest festival will be held. But this has been thwarted because of the flooding and more than half of the forecourt was swept away by floods, so we have had the remaining half before a 3-meter-deep abyss. Just as all the market people were also all summer guests in the utmost consternation, therefore, departed more of the latter wherever possible.


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