on the narcissism of the individual, often followed by the narcissism of a group. The nationalist and racist ambitions of the last two hundred years shows this clearly. It is the least individualistic of people who find themselves in the group most easily again. But in today's world, we need more identification, one with the whole world, and still more with the whole space. As long as man identifies himself with things that are limited, no matter how far the horizon may be as long as he will feel "small". If I and the whole World would be, I would be still tiny compared to the universe. The only way to safety, final security to obtain, is to identify with the universe as a whole, with the infinity of space and time. Previously known only to mystics, what that really means. But I am convinced that this, previously rare, experiences are individual, in the future to a general experience of the people will be absolutely, yes, must!
In the phase of noogenesis is about a "true spirit of the earth" to create the overall result of the individual centers of consciousness, we see the human spirit. The evolution is the rise of consciousness and the rise it des Bewusstseins ist die Einigungswirkung. Es kommt zu einer Meta-Synthese des Bewusstseins, woraus eine neue Schicht oberhalb der Sphäre des Denkens entsteht. Was es dazu braucht ist ein neues Leitbild, ein erweitertes Bild des Humanismus. Viel wird heute darüber gesprochen zwischen dem Gegensatz von einem humanistischen und einem gotteszentristischen Weltbild. Beide sind im Grunde kein Widerspruch. Gott und Mensch sind nicht voneinander zu trennen. Dieser Irrtum ergibt sich nur dort, wo es heißt man müsse sich entscheiden, ob nun Gott oder der Mensch im Zentrum des Weltbildes stünde. Gott steht zwar außerhalb der Schöpfung, durchdringt sie aber gleichermaßen von Anfang an in jedem noch so kleinen Teilchen. Ein wahres Gotteszentriertes Weltbild is a human-centered world view and a true humanist worldview is one in which God is in the center. Only when we understand and resolve the dichotomy, then we shall be able to struggle through a new unified world view. So far we have not reached that far.
Today, man can grow only by mutual penetration further. use by the acceptance of many works by machines, their minds were more people in the real spiritual realm and this gradually led to a new "awareness" at a higher level. All really great progresses slowly and is barely noticed in its early days. In the noogenesis be the space and the time human. The universal and the personal are not mutually exclusive anymore, they both strive towards a common climax. The universal future can only be a supra-personal - the Omega Point. Omega has already into everything.
The universe is a collector and preserver "of consciousness. The collective of the people is gradually a "world soul" to form. Selfishness is the confusion of individuality with personality. The egoist feels true, but it is subject to error. In order to really be ourselves, we must move forward in the sense of convergence with everything else. Our ultimate being, our Uniqueness lies not in their individuality, but in our person. The true ego grows in inverse proportion to selfishness! Grows all by itself, the universal energy of love.
love full biological reality is the attraction exerted by a being to other beings. It is therefore just the love that creates the future "world soul". Universal love is psychologically quite possible and it is the complete and definitive nature of the capacity for love. A collective, the individual absorbs kills, love, and ultimately resists evolution. What are the attributes of this endpoint, the Omega point, from which was already written so much? 1) Love (universal and unconditional!) God is love, according to the Bible, just as it is the love that accompanies the evolution from the beginning and it has driven and will be their great end. 2) The survival and 3) reversibility. Omega is the last member of a series but it is even outside of evolution.
One finding is important: on the state of the animals, the radial energy is at death returns to the tangential, in humans, however, the radial free from tangential! This is precisely the uniqueness of man. When a body dies, he lives on still, life after death is not an illusion, but reality! At some point the science probably be able to recognize this, until then there are some indications that do not, however, for a scientific "truth." And so we'll have to think for a while because we will live on after death.
The end of the world is unimaginable. Usually one connects to a kind of huge catastrophe, a hellish apocalypse. The higher the noogenesis, the more dangerous is also the action of man: wars, epidemics, natural disasters, etc. rather than take off. The end of the individual being out but not the end of the kind that is unfortunately all too often forgotten. But to humanity as a whole is now the whole evolution. Without us, there is no Development, we stand or fall with everything. Nature can not exist without us. We ourselves have become the pace of nature, we have become identical with it, and even more: the whole universe depends on us! We fail, it fails the whole creation! But between the infinitely small and infinitely large there seems to be an agreement, the consciousness that developed between them to support and protect. God's hand saved before the creation of sinking, and that is our biggest trump card we have! And it justifies the optimism, belief in the future and more so the faith of the people to the people themselves
There are three Main lines along which the humanized Evolution (the fake) is moving. 1) The science, 2) focus on the object person, and 3) connection between science and religion. Of these three points will determine how developed the noogenesis. We look to the outside, but also to recognize women and that the most interesting object of study of the man himself. When science goes beyond the stage of analysis and also the synthesis of turns and is connected to religion, then we can get into a unified, real act of knowledge, an association of mysticism and science! To include the human person, then the universe irreversible personality . Emerge
For the end there are now two scenarios. Either converges the world in peace, the war is finally disposed of, poverty and crime will disappear gradually from the ground. The second scenario would be a division of the world. While one part is more developed in the context of noogenesis, makes progress on Omega, is another part of war, terror and chaos and put Omega never reached. The advanced part would then "go to heaven" at the end, while "go to hell" part of the arrears would. This scenario is more the classic notions of the end times. What will happen is, it is not a bad decision to align his life on Omega. Maybe we will meet then all of a day in "heaven" again! I think the thing is worth it!
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