Only in the people, the jump has taken to consciousness. However, the man still enormous problems in this "I" to find his footing. Much of the social and individual problems stems from the fact that man does not know how he could win that support. He seems to be that he is separated from the world. Ichreflexion The result is that the person himself as separated from all others and, inevitably causing Fear. There seems to be the case that he was "thrown" into the world, as Heidegger had the words. Indeed, there is no easier way back to a state, save for the flight into insanity. The personality is formed in truth through the personalization of all things. Not that the man is isolated and vain or anxious has become introverted, but by itself all things open, and to his own power. As long as man is separated from the universe as faces, before he comes infinitely small and insignificant. The danger is that this fear acts of illusion and spare cover. But there is a healthy way to solve the problem to solve and is itself so far to extend that to include the entire universe. In all things, to know himself is in fact the only way that intra-psychic conflict to solve. Today, the individual is alone and unique stand on the earth. At his birthplace many animal forms, stood next to him (especially other hominids).
The man has settled on the biosphere, a whole new layer that is not visible while but quite noticeable: the layer of thought, which is to be found anywhere on the planet. To understand the human anatomy is no longer sufficient, it requires the psychology. The science of good service up to the level of thought, but at this stage, the consideration must move inward, into the interior of man himself. From the lessons of the phylogeny, we learn that man's thinking has not fortuitous, but it was a planned occurrence. The Psycho-genesis has led to people over a long period of time, but now we see the emergence of another development phase, that of consciousness itself, and this goes far beyond the psychology, the blogs the noogenesis.
This noogenesis lies down again over the layer of thought and wraps the Earth in a new situation from a mere awareness. Before the Homo sapiens, as we know it today finally enforced, had he lived a long time together with other hominids, which are today extinct. The most famous of these was the Neanderthals. These early forms of hominids had a consciousness. We do not know exactly how much it was pronounced, but it seems to be not unlike the people were and they had overcome the critical stage for the most part, as the Cro-Magnon man, who we are today. It is likely that the physical evolution has stopped in humans. From now on everything will go only through the spirit. And the man himself is the driving force of evolution has become. There are, by at least on Earth, hardly more an evolution in humans. One can say that evolution now simply the act of man himself, and indeed in any form, including all errors and mistakes.
Culturally, the evolution in the last few centuries in Europe and America run, at least since the Renaissance. The origins of the higher life of man are probably in the Neolithic, when people settled down, working farm and livestock and larger communities began to form up to the state. The beginnings are lost in history. But the most fertile, those on which we build today, were the ancient civilizations in the Near East, Mesopotamia and Egypt. There were also early civilizations in Central America, China and India, but they ran into dead ends. Central America was stuck at a certain level and was outdated when the Europeans arrived. China remained a feudal society with ease until the 20th Century. The Chinese had focused more and more until they had mastered some arts to perfection, but remained stuck largely social and the technical development. India may turn the world with his "spiritual" world refresh, but the culture infatuation hopelessly in metaphysics. Two beliefs prevented that India could evolve, and they still are today, the slow progress on India: 1) The view that the World actually is not real, but a kind of pure spirit entities, like a dream (one God). 2) The impact of fatalistic karma. Everything is determined by cause and effect, free will is little or nothing happens. This leads to inertia and a culture of "endurance". We can therefore say with complete justification, that the development of Mesopotamia and Egypt on the Mediterranean and later went to Europe and then America is more, to this day.
It is just the faith of the people from the fate in your hand to be able to act creatively, which makes progress possible. There are necessarily "birth pangs" that is the suffering in the world with all its consequences: war, disease and the like. These are not meaningless, but are inevitable accompaniments of the world under development. Would be aware that, then we could endure much longer and we would not be greatly affected by such "labor". People now grow in the noogenesis together more and more. The mind tries to overcome the illusion of proximity, while ensuring the necessary "security" to it mentally to stay healthy. Well, we have so often have little success and not a few people fall into a superstitious, that is a more primitive stage back. Man has the tendency to isolate, since it appears the universe is too vast and happiness lies in the fact seems to concentrate its energies on itself. In fact, human problems arise, particularly those of psychological nature, through the confrontation with the space-time. In the sense of self is the archetype of fear derived from which all other fears. Person feels, however, the energy, the "current" one who carries it, which he himself is his reason, he realizes that his development is not in selfishness, in narcissism, but in conjunction with others and to the concerns of the other and all creation is. Especially in the service of creation discloses, the whole uniqueness of the individual. Here is the abolition of the dichotomy that we have so needed to be mentally healthy.
Erich Fromm wrote that the patients who were otherwise healthy and the fittest, which actually sick. When unadapted human individuality is not yet fully given way in favor of forming the society. But it is these people who push the human race forward, withstand the pressure of conformity. The company likes people who are not, as they threaten their existence. Apparently it is a society as it is important to continue as to get well. But with expansion and compression of the noogenesis is this old experience no longer be maintained. It is true that human beings do not change, only the circumstances would. But that's not true, man can change, that's inevitable if you look at the potentialities of Homo Sapiens look. The question is, what it needs so it will actually change.
How can re-emergence of order out of chaos that we find everywhere in the world. The fact that so can not go on as before, the now all has become clear. But where is the solution? What can you do? First, we need the faith of the people, despite all the past and all the mistakes he has made. The hope of a better future is a necessity, without which neither the individual nor society, nor the human race can survive as a whole. to take a man's hope, just as if you killed him. The only hope is that the Omega Point, to a target of evolution, an absolute end in and with God. However, this should not be construed as escapism, as can be seen in people who long end of the world (apocalypse) actually caused, because then the problems would be resolved once and begin a "new age" would. It is likely less that something will happen. Omega already runs through the creation and if we allow ourselves to this point, we can even make the change. This does not mean that man could arbitrarily improve the world that he can. But I will say is that we human beings by God let us work through it, much more than we even do the job. We need an absolute optimism, an optimism resulting from careful consideration and everything else can be called naive. After all, it's not just about survival, but a higher life!
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