Life would be unthinkable, if not from the beginning, and still in inanimate matter, would have been an approach of "Psyche". Life appeared suddenly on the planet. It was probably a lucky coincidence which only a single time and perhaps ever occurred only on Earth and any other planet. As the possibility for life was evident in the evolution of a second it seems somewhat "accessible" to have to really unlock its potential. The real life begins with the cell, it is the natural essence of life. To understand the cell, but they must be classified on an axis of time between past and future. In descending order dissolves the cell in the molecules. At a simple level, the cells are almost peripheral areas of the "matter". In its simplicity and symmetry, they have their affinity towards each other. The "leap of psychic" On this simple step to understand. In the field of physical-chemical processes it is not apparent, even in biology, at least in the simpler organisms, it is still very doubtful. Only in the realm of what we call thinking, is shows a internalization, which we call the "psyche". In its most perfect form we see in humans.
is interesting to note that where the first cells are formed, they have immediately spread all over the world. Between body size and number of living things there seems to be a strong relationship. The larger an animal is, the fewer the number of individuals. This is true at least in principle to. The higher an organism is developed, the less likely played a role. More and more the spontaneity comes to the fore. Although modern man far from a truly spontaneous life must be led, but is the Homo Sapiens of the spontaneous effect observed stronger than any other species.
shows the relationship of life primarily on the cellular level but also in the general laws of development: one to observe the ontogeny and phylogeny. Everything indicates that the development is of the earth through a series of crises, which becomes a new equilibrium, at a time later in the next "woe" to move and culminates at the end in a final state, referred to the TDC as Omega Point. The evolution is seen from the Big Bang to the end of the world one great process of birth. The life forms are no longer out of the inanimate, which is why we in nature can not be observed. It was probably as we have seen a one-off "chance." There are critics who take up this point again and again. It seems to accept just too hard to be that all life on Earth a big "coincidence" is due. But it is the best explanation we currently have to offer. Anything else would mean a return to simple faith dogmas. This would not be science, sondern Religion. So sehr beide auch ihre Existenzberechtigung haben, darf doch weder Wissenschaft, noch Religion ihre jeweiligen Methoden dem anderen aufzwingen.
Bei höheren Lebewesen setzte die sexuelle Vermehrung ein, während Zellen „ewig“ Leben, indem sie sich teilen und so immer weider aufs Neue eine identische Tochterzelle bilden. Durch die geschlechtliche Vermehrung wurde die Möglichkeit für ein einziges Wesen geschaffen sich sozusagen in „Myriaden von Keimen“ zu zerstäuben.
Orthogenese heißt planmäßige Komplikationen (zuerst bei den Molekülen bis hin zum Menschen). Sie sorgt für das Forschreiten des Lebens, ohne sie gäbe es keinen Aufstieg, sondern only propagation of life. Life would only "broad" but no progress "forward". The biosphere is presented as a new layer over the globe and compressed like a giant braid, viewed from the from space as a whole looks great, with all their differences. The surface of the planet is covered with life, yes life is precisely the characteristic of our earth! The "pre-keys" of life from running but not by mere chance, as in the field of inanimate matter, but is much more of a planned process. At a certain "density level" of a single "beam" of a phylum, this tends to "socialize" to us to connect with others. A quantitative expansion follows an "internalization," which leads to a new quality. The axis of evolution, went with the spread of life gradually from the Geogenese in the biogenesis. Only from the people was also solves this by thinking. The physical evolution of humans can be almost completely neglected, the development is almost exclusively more about thinking and its impact on consciousness. Then let the man viewed from the outside while still another being not entirely dissimilar, but in his mind he is with certainty.
Typical for the biosphere is a "struggle for existence," as not found until Darwin. But new research shows that man has only weak shoots and no living being as malleable as it is. Man is above all characterized by "gentleness" and "kindness". He is very far from a "higher animal", but an entirely new phylum, which became the head of the development axis. Seen in the human, without false modesty entitled to as the "crown of creation" must be designated. The man above all a social being. Is the human being "destructive", so this does not happen because it would be something "bad", but because his basic needs are in danger, or is subject to error, it's there. We definitely need the faith of the people. Optimism and faith in the future are not naive, but extremely necessary and reasonable.
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