Alice Miller, the great "childhood researcher, has over ten books pointed out how children are "shaped" as the "black pedagogy" entire generations of people made unfit for creativity and naturalness, such as "training" was more important than happiness and the true nature of man. Unfortunately, the black education is still not finished, on the contrary. Although the violence has reduced in the physical realm, but the psychological violence against children has increased to an alarming extent. And this is true only for the countries of the Western world (it's a shame that still allow some U.S. states corporal punishment in schools!). If we look at the global situation, a far more dismal picture. Life itself is in most places in the world appreciated not particularly high and the life of a child is the least of all. Here we clearly see the perversion of this world: Rather than look at the lives of children as the highest and most valuable, it is trampled underfoot. Sick souls arise from generation to generation and this unfortunate tradition is never an end, if not intervened and this intervention can only come from outside, starting with raising awareness of the problem. People need to realize what has happened to them when they were children, learn to feel the pain and humiliation.
Astrid Lindgren told once a story of a child who should be punished by his mother. It should go into the garden to get a rod or a stick with which he should be the butt to get spanked. But the child could not find a tail. So she took a stone and gave it to her mother. The child gave the mother the stone and said she intended to beat it. Since the mother's tears came to my eyes, because now she realized what she was doing. Only now they realized that while she was torturing the child, to cause him pain. So are many parents who punish their children for who they themselves were punished as children: You may not realize that they hurt, they believe it was a good and necessary Procedures for children. Only when the feelings may be expressed, which was not allowed as a child, then you can experience healing. There are people who are proud that they managed not to cry when they were punished as children. How much should a child be deformed, that his life and his health no longer tries to protect and express their pain no longer want? Later, this kind of feeling no longer be perceived and often leads to a feeling of superiority (Nietzsche "superman" Greetings!).
the worst excesses we saw in the totalitarian regimes of the 20th Century. Obedience to authority without education, people would never have been able to turn off their minds and attacking other people. Education benefits in this matter, nothing, just because the intellectuals were often the most fanatical followers of dictators. Intelligence can only lead to liberation, when it is paired with humanity, with values \u200b\u200band these values \u200b\u200bmust not be corrupt. In simple terms, one could say that all values \u200b\u200bthat the creation and life are well used, all values \u200b\u200bwhich are the destruction and death are bad. Only when education is the liberation and not the maintenance of authority, then we can take a step vorwärts machen.
Nie hat die Gesellschaft das Böse in der Erziehung der Kinder gesucht. Es ist einfach nicht wahr, dass das Böse in der menschlichen Natur zu suchen ist. Und alle Systeme, die dies behaupten sollten von der Welt verschwinden und als das bloß gestellt werden was sie sind: Lügen! Wer die Ansicht vertritt, dass in der menschlichen Natur Böses sei, der erschafft damit gerade das eben Böse, das angeblich immer bekämpft werden muss. Das trifft nicht nur auf politische Ideologien und Systeme zu, sondern auch auf den Bereich der Religionen.
Gerade auch im religiösen Bereich gibt es eine unglaubliche Angst vor der Freiheit. Manche glauben tatsächlich sie lästerten Gott, wenn sie ihre Sinne and use their minds and come to results that differ from one of the "scriptures". Such people are as obedience to authority, that they prefer to be mad than to really look back. Two and two is then at once not four but seven. This thinking makes them stupid and stupidity is then also sanctified as a "loyalty" to the deity. Rational thought behind it lies the devil, the evil Lord of the world. " Precisely because of Christianity, which is nonsense. I know little to say about how it looks at other religions, but Christianity is known to me because I grew up in a Christian culture am and the ways and wrong ways have examined it. Christianity is basically no dualistic religion. Rather, it has overcome the dichotomy of good and evil. The view there would be a battle between good and evil is not attributable to Jesus, but from Manichaeism, which in ancient times from the East to spread far into Europe and also infiltrated Christianity. To believe the devil to rule the world is actually blasphemous. Just who are familiar with Christianity, must come to the realization that the "work" was accomplished through Jesus. The "sin" of the world was taken away, not just the "sins" committed against Jesus, sondern ebenso jene, die bis in alle Ewigkeit je begangen werden werden!
Sünde kommt vom Wort „Sund“ und bedeutet Graben oder Trennung. Sünde ist kein Verbrechen, sondern das Nicht-Verbunden-Sein mit Gott. Ein fatales falsches Verständnis des Konzeptes der Erbsünde, hat unendlich viel Leid über den Menschen gebracht. Es zementiert die Ansicht, dass das Böse bereits von Anfang an im Menschen vorhanden sei, also so, wie wenn es bereits im Gencode enthalten wäre. In Wahrheit ist die Erbsünde genau das, was den Menschen von seiner wahren Natur (mit Gott) trennt, nämlich die korrupte Erziehung, die seit jeher jede menschliche Gesellschaft vergiftet hat. Niemals kann damit gemeint sein, das Kind is separate from work from his nature. This is done only through the formation by the parents and society. The corruption that engages from the first day of life of a newborn in his life is the true original sin.
Maybe there really for humanity as a whole no hope to ever experience the pleasure of true freedom. But for the individual, this is possible, especially in Western societies, such efforts are certainly not inclined, but still offer enough leeway so that the individual can realize his potential and find. That should be incentive enough to look at his childhood. The price that is paid is small relative to wages, a truly self-actualizing life, not in having a life, but can result in being!
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