Thursday, August 5, 2010

Puffy Eye Lid But Not Red

The three greatest illusions of life

Siegmund friend got to the point, which he described as a huge shock to the modern People have taken and now would contribute to his suffering, in a unprecedented scale. These are attacks on the ego, the world view that man has preserved over thousands of years and was backed by the science and research to waver and finally brought down. 1) Copernicus Heliocentric with his world view: These attacks were the man could no longer live in the idea that the world was the center of the universe. Through astronomy the following centuries, the dimensions in the universe got bigger and the subjective sensation of the people are smaller. How big is the man already in relation to the sheer scale of the universe? 2) Darwin and his theory of evolution. Man could no longer be regarded as the crown of creation, at least not in the old, previously dominant form. The idea with the monkeys had a common ancestor to have been for the understanding of man almost unbearable. And even now ready to do some problems, especially at very insecure people. 3) The findings of Freud himself, namely, in particular, that only a very small part of what man thinks he can speak to, can be controlled by, really. The powerful unconscious dominated much more people than the small area that we are aware. The one is unique, not "master in his own house."

Independent of these blows to the human ego, however, Freud discovered that there are three great illusions that plague humans. A healthy person gradually comes so far to lay them down and gain without illusions its self and its security. The sick man, however, is at one, if not hold on all three, although to varying degrees. The first of these illusions is the illusion of being irresistible. It is the belief in reason to be unlimited and attractive for all people. So who is holding a person who is subject to this illusion is not attractive, not from the perspective of the illusionists honest. Or, what would be just as possible, he is not "completely clever "hot, should he find himself in error. Interestingly, there are precisely the people who live furthest from the truth, who believe to be the greatest realists and assume the error anywhere in the world, with each other just is not in itself It's like the ghost riders on the highway : It looks as if the only reasonable driver would have and today have only a driver on the road his spirits.

The second illusion, which was discovered by Freud, is to believe that that one is immortal. It is the childlike desire to live forever. Die, do only the other. Such Illusionist thinks if he should die, then die with it the whole world. He just can not imagine the world without it can continue to exist. To some degree all people have the desire to live forever, and even if not forever, at least as long as possible and that too at youthful look.

The third illusion is that to be omnipotent. Many people believe the reason no doubt as to person to be confined. The childish belief in magic is never completely extinguish. Even today there are many superstitions. Magic rituals, paraphernalia, pull irrational ideas etc. still the society. There seems to be that somewhere must be a "trick", it would reveal that we people are basically being its much larger, as we commonly believe. The child may have his fantasies of omnipotence, as an adult it is ridiculous to even believe it.

Everyone can, if he sees our world see how much these three illusions for fellow human beings, but also with themselves (in many cases) are found. I refrain here also thought to rule over society. I have often enough and I will do it more often, but here I would like the three illusions have just presented it. It is now up to each individual to get an accurate picture.


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