Evil has always been frightening, yet alluring at the same time. Where did it come from? How did it originate? Many explanations have been found over the centuries for all culminated however, is that the evil part of human nature itself is. In Christianity, one knows that the "original sin". Even today, it seems that most agree agree that evil is not just inevitable, necessary to man, if not the entire universe belonged, and the best you can do what you learn to deal with it. To believe in an "elimination" or "resolution" of evil, most consider utopian, indeed for almost crazy. The old view that evil is inherent to human nature, has a fatal effect on the education of children, for humanity in general and even more on the health of all species. If evil can not be eliminated, then there is in truth no hope of a "good world", at least in this world. Then the projected hopes of a hereafter, where a higher power would then defeat the evil and "things right" would bring. This view assumes the people the hope and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we continue to think so, then it may be a "good" or even better world never ever give - it would be a hopeless condition and who would waste his energy for that? It is hoped that this mistake will be viewed and shake future generations to deal only the head of the barbarity of their ancestors and their limited world view, which was woven of errors. Where to start these errors? In childhood! There, even evil has its origin. Alice Miller has it figured out long ago: The evil is not easy in the world and it is certainly not innate! It exists only because we shape our children against their nature to educate them (and I use the word "education" hate!) And so evil as a result type of oppression and confusion, from generation to generation! Evil exists only because it is grown in each new generation! And all largely unconscious, so that parents are seriously convinced that they only want "the best" for their children and do. Sun there is a completely false idea of \u200b\u200b"love". What is referred to in our society as such is pure manipulation, Dressage, corruption, "Have Love" no real "being love"!
The congregation of the education is that it is performed on an innocent being who is far too little, in order to resist and has not yet developed the confidence to know what happens to him. If the child is brought up again, say to become a "like" people, it does not remember anything and it looks as if this would correspond to his nature. But education is usually nothing else than the child for the world and the parents to make docile and adapted. Even today, the prevailing view that a child can not be out on its own well, you have to break his will. Of course it expresses no longer so drastically. In earlier times you did this is still open. But still one is satisfied that a child would need correction and that the will and the needs of adults stood in a higher rank than that of the child. All children and childhood are not highly valued in society. It is to be called for an insult than an adult "child" or "childish." For a child, but it is a praise when it is referred to as "adult" or "ripe". To be sure, the violence has now shifted from primarily physical layer to the emotional level. And the children suffer even more under it, as simply the human race. There has never been a society that valued the naturalness, the spontaneity really. Yes, it is the outright abandonment of any community, any social contract, this to suppress the individual and to shape it according to the general ideas. It's called "love" and his "civilized", "adapted" and not "authentic", "honest" and "oneself". If a mother says her child was "itself" or something "would correspond to its essence," they usually mean that the child now behaving as it has raised it as they see fit. Then there is a "good" child.
Alice Miller called the traditional education, the violence (in physical and mental form) applies and is still the dominant mode of education is "black pedagogy". The main aim of education is to pass on false information and to get a sick society upright. Eric Berne pointed out that education consists basically teach children what games (ie social vertigo) they should play in life. The child learns the roles to be played there, think how it is, what it should feel. This all leads to a confusion that persists throughout life. Such fatal chain from generation to generation can be broken only rarely, either by a fundamental event in the life (eg war, personal tragedy), or most often through therapy or, as the rarest Case, by an autonomous decision of the individual (this is only if the child, as it was autonomous yet, has even provided the opportunity for his later life). The true feelings of the child may not be expressed, or only in the frame, as the parents allow it. Every family has "wanted" and "undesirable" feelings and the child learns very early on an express and suppress the other, until this behavior seems quite natural and it imagine no other life can do more. Thus, there are families may be expressed in your joy, but no hate (hate is a normal and healthy human emotion, Hatred has never killed anyone and it should never be stopped, neither the child nor the adult). Very often, the family bid for the permits have sex, but love is forbidden.
The black education, is characterized by (A. Miller "In the beginning was education"):
1) Adults are the masters of the dependent children
2) You alone decide what is right and wrong
is 3) The child is held responsible for the anger of the adults
4) The parents must always be protected by means
5) The vitality of the child a danger to the autocratic adult
6) The will of the child's needs as early as can be broken.
7) All this must happen so early that the child can not remember and the adults can not identify as author.
false information given by the black education on are (from A. Miller "In the beginning was education"):
1) sense of duty produces love
2) hatred disappears when one forbids him
3) Parents deserve respect simply because they are parents
4) children deserve no respect because they are children
5) obedience makes children strong
6) High self-esteem is harmful
7) Low self-esteem makes an altruistic
8th ) tenderness is harmful
9th) to the needs of a child is wrong to take
10th) hardness and cold are good for preparation for life
11) Played gratitude is better than honest ingratitude
12) How do you behave yourself is important than how you really are
13) Neither the parents nor God would survive if they are attacked
14) The body is dirty and Ghastly
15) Strong feelings are harmful
16) parents are creatures that are free of shoots and guilt are
have 17) The parents are always right
The difficulties that afflict people in their lives, is to be found in childhood has long been nothing New. But this one has always protected the parents. The responsibility was with the child even more sought for his alleged "bad assets", the "wild nature" and the like. Alfred Adler represented yet the idea that neuroses and failures of all types declined the most for the "pampering" of the child. The pampering of children beyond measure, he saw it as fundamental evil. This love can be to a child never big enough, no one can get too much love and therefore become neurotic later, that is utter nonsense. What is wrong but is that short of what is called "Tenderness" is a subtle form of domination, Exercise of power and education can be put to dependence. But this is anything but love. Not the child's needs are important, but that of parents. The child's parents should be something rather than to receive something. Neuroses Speaking of mothers who themselves had to do without much in its infancy, is common. An incorrect type of nut can be seen as stifling mother or "mother hen" that their "chicks" can not be big and grown under their wings.
This article constitutes an initial step in the great theme of education, psychology, and their children, either that I am intense in the near future and will report back here on this page will report about it. Only this much: Whoever believes to have had a "good" childhood, so in all likelihood be subject to error. It is this issue should be closely scrutinized to spare without anyone. Man turns himself and his parents a disservice if you do so. But certainly their children will suffer if they do not want a serious examination of his own childhood.
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