Thursday, July 15, 2010

Long White Halter Dress

The World View of Teilhard de Chardin - precursors of life - Part 2 / 6

If you look at the world and examined them to the smallest particles follow a line back into the past, one sees that the world has developed from the simple to the complex. In the infinitely small to lose any substance in what TdC has been called the "world stuff" that is apparently pure energy. However, we have never observed energy in its pure form, but only in certain forms, such as connect them to meet us. The matter now has three sides, or signs: 1) the multiplicity (Shared awareness), 2) consistency and 3) the energy. Observed particles on a fundamental level, then falls to one, same as she might, how much they have the same structure. On the other hand, and especially the way we notice the world in the sense that it is separated from each other and very vielheitlich. The energy is the binding force of the particles, but also a constituent value. The energy is the basic form of the material world.

is interesting to note that we had to make was that each particle, and no matter how small, on the whole Universe broadcasts, although the effect decreases with distance, but everything radiates in all directions to infinity from inside. The volume of each particle is the entire universe itself, the atom is infinitesimal, the center of the world itself

It is also true that there is a cohesion of things from "below" there. This led many evolutionary scientists to believe the matter would be organized by itself and by mutation and selection advance (at least in the Biologenese), a "higher intelligence" did not seem necessary. A complete analysis of the evolution of the universe, however, shows that the organization ultimately from "above" is. The physics in recent decades more and more that "spirit" behind the matter in one form or another accepted. But the biology is still where the physics was about a hundred years. She needs God or not, but if they will penetrate deeper, they also have to reach a higher maturity. Heisenberg said that the first sip from the cup of science a'm atheist, but who had penetrated to the bottom of the cup, which recognize the divine. The universe is made up from below along ago, but from above it gets its higher order.

shows the order of the universe only in its entirety. You have the universe as a "single unit" look, to it as best as we can grasp. Even if all the elements can be attributed to a primitive type, there is also a law of "growing interdependence". The longer a process, the more complex it becomes. characterized by TdC the "becoming" the matter by two characteristics of: 1) A critical phase of granulation, the constituent factors, maybe even the atom itself arise and 2) continue in an additive form with increasing complexity, but at least the level of molecules. These processes take place but not everywhere in space but only on stars and planets, they are the "flats" of life.

Each synthesis requires energy. Any progress, any complexity takes work and effort. New Energy can not be delivered as capital from the outside (seen in relation to the entire universe) therefore can grow under the laws of thermodynamics, the universe is not infinite and it also can "roll up" is not infinite, that is more complex. It necessarily seek to an end. This is the view of the world as it appears from the outside is.

there but an "inside" of matter? Latest from the stage of the plants at a forced this view. Undoubtedly, however, this is the phenomenon of man. The complexity has reached such a high level, that can be obtained from people of "conscience" speak. Whether this is the case with Niederer organisms like animals and plants depend, probably above all of them, at what complexity you want to talk about "consciousness". This inside that radiates confidence, but also to the outside. So it is not a purely internal phenomenon, but spreads out in space, like waves do, something electromagnetic waves. The spontaneity of the people can be without a "home affairs" does not explain.

undoubtedly has on the planet, which was originally inanimate, by the compression to life through a new layer of the geosphere gelegt. Es ist dies die Schicht der Pflanzen und der Tiere, an deren Spitze noch der Mensch (zumindest in seiner Frühphase) stand, die Biosphäre. Darüber aber hat sich durch das Bewusstsein eine Schicht des Denkens gelegt, deren Träger der Mensch geworden ist. Dieses Denken hat sich so weit weiter entwickelt, dass allmählich eine neue Schicht, eine Schicht des Bewusstseins selbst entstanden ist, die TdC als „Noosphäre“ bezeichnet. Die „unsichtbare“ Schicht, die sich über der gesamten Erdkugel ausgebreitet hat, und dabei ist durch uns Menschen ständig weiter zu entwickeln und zu größerer Komplexität zu verdichten, ist die „menschlichste“ aller Schichten, sie ist die Evolution, which has its lace, its "crown" reached us. (I believe that the Internet and all its content gives us a good example of how this film looks at the moment).

The more complex an organism is, the better its inner structure (consciousness). The evolution is likely to run mainly from now on man. What we "artificially" call is nothing other than the "humanization" of nature. In this sense even a microchip in a computer is something natural. Above all, the evolution will say is that there will be a "spirituality of the world". In the beginning, in the The field of inanimate matter, the particles obey the mathematical laws of probability most of the higher rises a living being, however, the more rules the spontaneity. Caution is necessary but there is already spoken out in the exuberance of a "new humanity" or the like, because we can not separate from the past and we still have a physical body. Thinking is not possible when one is hungry and has nothing to eat! The need to write just the dreamers and "New Age people" behind the ears.

The adoption of TDC is now that is basically all psychological energy. This energy is divided into two components: 1) the tangential energy: This is the energy that makes the particles of solidarity, members of the same order. The organization of the particles among themselves and their "cooperation". 2) the radial energy: This energy ensures that the particles move towards more complex states. The end point of this development is the Omega Point, the ultimate goal of the entire universe. The tangential energy is love, the attraction of the particles, at least the same order, have on one another. The radial energy is the energy that can move forward one to the Omega Point, to God. These are also the two highest and most important commandments of Christianity! Following Jesus leads the entire law and the prophets of the two bids from: to love God and love of neighbor. Scientific understanding could mean, on one hand the connection and fruitful cooperation with others (charity) and the pursuit of the end point (God). The axis along which takes place the development of evolution is Jesus Christ. It would also be his statement: "I am the truth the way and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, through me" (Johannes. 14:6). The radial energy is a function of the tangential energy, the core but are both one. Through the love of neighbor and creation are the relationships and awareness of the individual and the group of complex and thus we come ever closer to God. The closer we get at the Axis (Christ) live, the more we are in line with the development of the universe (some would say "go with the flow").

But this can all strive toward an end point, it must end Omega already be in the world itself effectively and that he must at least in the smallest little bit from the beginning have been present in every Urteilchen. It is also in Genesis, "The Spirit of God hovered over the water (the world). Without such action of Omega in the world, it would be impossible for a certainty about the "right" to have development. Yes, we never know with certainty was richtig und falsch und folglich auch nicht was gut und böse wäre. In der Relativität findet sich doch die Absolutheit in ihrem Herzen. So spürt auch jeder Mensch in sich, dass es Gut und Böse gibt. Doch was nun Gut und Böse in Bezug auf das Verhalten des Menschen konkret bedeutet, darüber scheiden sich die Geister.

Wir müssen die Vorstellung aufgeben, Gott und Mensch seien voneinander getrennt. Gott wirkt in jedem Teil des Universums, in jedem Lebewesen und am meisten im Menschen selbst. Doch dürfen wir hier nicht in eine primitive Form des Pantheismus verfallen und der Illusion unterliegen die Dinge seine selbst göttlich. Das sind sie nicht. Omega ist der letzte Punkt einer Reihe und liegt doch außerhalb dieser Series. God is the universe itself, and yet outside it. From Understanding this paradox will also depend on how the people of our time are able to install God in their spiritual life. The more complex an organism becomes, the more it gets a higher order. We all feel the enormous pressure exerted on the world and in particular of humanity and is pushing us us more to "internalize" to create more complex mental structures, but not, as some have mistakenly by an insulation of the individual and their own navel-gazing but by focusing on the tangential energy, which means the charity and, thus forcing a "better world" to create. I use that term deliberately here, no matter how he picked it may be. Without such hope, life and mankind would ultimately have no meaning, we would all drown in the swamp of inaction, which have a faster, others slower.


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