Thursday, July 29, 2010

How Can I Make An A3 Poster

Why do we live in a victim society

It gibt ein Phänomen in unserer Gesellschaft, nämlich dass Individuen als auch ganze Gruppen sehr häufig davon ausgehen, dass ihnen „etwas zustünde“. Dabei meine ich nicht die berechtigten Ansprüche, die sich aus Recht oder persönlichen Beziehungen ergeben, sondern die Vorstellung, dass die Welt einem etwas schulde. Im Englischen spricht man von „Entitlement-Society“. Jeder glaubt fordern zu können. Dabei wird aber vergessen, dass des einen Recht des anderen Pflicht ist. Und ist einem dies doch bewusst, so glaubt man trotzdem etwas haben zu dürfen. Ein Kampf um die Ressourcen setzt ein, der Gedanke des Mangels gebiert derartige Anschauungen, die im schlimmsten Fall in richtigen Kriegen enden können. I myself have long understood this wrong and thought it would be in human nature just a natural instinct, which cause him as much as possible to have and to exploit others for their own gratification. I thought laws are there mainly to prevent chaos and save the people from each other to exploit. I thought everything would solve the problem of morality. If people only "decent" would, then the world would be a better place. This is a traditional view, and it is still represented by a large majority of people. We trust the people themselves, not right and it seems natural to be that the shadow, the Evil, part of the human being is. Hardly anyone will disagree. One can see easily that view because people sentences with "Today ..." and begin to allude to the immorality of the age do. But these people are playing games that are to themselves as just and others as unfairly portray. The key to playing with Eric Berne called "Is not it terrible?" And is played primarily at social gatherings (such as tea parties).

The reason why I could not see through these kind of games even long time is, in my own conservative upbringing. I am the first born and as such "guardians der Tradition“ und ich fühlte mich bereits als Kind mehr zu der Wertschätzung der „Älteren“ hingezogen, als zum Vertreten meiner eigenen Generation. Dieser „Verrat“ war keinesfalls Teil meines eigenen Wesens, sondern der Rolle, die mir anerzogen wurde und die ich als solche nicht erkennen konnte. Kinder werden dazu erzogen die Defizite ihrer Eltern auszugleichen und „brav“ zu sein, anstatt authentisch. Der wahre „Verstoß aus dem Paradies“ hat nichts mit Adam und Eva zu tun. Es ist die Verbiegung der kindlichen Natur, bis das Kind zu einem „funktionierenden“ Mitglied der Gesellschaft deformiert wurde.

Was Menschen tun und fühlen, hat sehr oft keinen Bezug to the current situation in objective terms, and therefore the person is often completely irrational and downright silly in his conduct. The "common sense", one of the most "common nonsense" is to get any further. You have the "private logic" (taken from A. Adler) former to understand what is really in a human right. Each man acts namely subjective logic of each special moment in which an act is carried out. And without turning on the childhood of a man whose behavior is not only to understand all too often.

That people feel as often as the victim is quite understandable. They feel like victims of other People, the "policy", the "economy", the "society" which is usually more generally, the "circumstances". Such structures give a wonderful project his own mind and everyone can find here a confirmation of one's views. In holding to his victims, people have this quite right. However, they are mistaken in regard to the causes of their own misery. The real reasons for the feeling of being victims lie in childhood. It has nothing to do with present circumstances that are not the cause but the effect of self-victimization when they are fully neutral at all. The true cause is in education, and above all in the "black pedagogy", the use of violence of any kind against children. This not only physical violence, but also about cold attitude towards the child. Violence has existed in a simple "slap" on the butt, not because of physical pain, but because of the humiliation. Any love that is not given unconditionally, is not true love, but a means of manipulation.

victim feel lousy, they feel dependent, they lack something that they have been cheated. Through the self-designation as a victim but this state is not better, but they remain even more in its role and a change is always difficult. In addition, victims have the feeling the "right" to have and distribute to their turn, may eventually had to put oneself. The "buck" is passed, whether it is conscious or not, is usually not the case. Most comes to light so if you have children themselves. No matter how much you may have also vowed to educate their children not just as one was even brought up, you will unconsciously fall into similar patterns. The child recognizes itself in a self-contradictory in their own child and it bears little, if this is it "better" is. Of course this is just hidden, so that most people believe say every right to, they would not abuse their children.

people struggle as adults, the main reason for resources, because they seek to cover their childhood deficits. This love and respect are two things that are lacking in the world, most of all. And all desire for consumption, titles, honors, prestige, etc., the desperate search of the young child to love and respect. We have built an economic system that purports to eliminate these deficiencies. So you can certainly say that much of our world is simply perverse, in almost all areas of this perversion is entered: work, relationships, consumerism, leisure. Freud spoke at Perversions of "feeling relocations. He hits the nail on the head: Take a real human need, not satisfied with it, but directs it to a substitute satisfaction which is addictive, entertaining satisfaction deludes and then returns an empty can, which then leads to a more major lack sense . This is the cycle of addiction, but this covers a wide range of human behavior (not just the traditional addictions, which are referred to as such), and almost everyone is involved somewhere.

Two famous examples of people who could not obtain their need satisfaction as a child, are Friedrich Nietzsche and Friedrich Schiller. Nietzsche despised what he so much valued as a child: the truth. Likewise, he hated women and their idol, God, so much that he had to explain that even dead. Only the true cause of his suffering and his mental illness he has never found out because of this truth he could not stand: the brutal and heartless treatment by his mother and sisters. Schiller was a sick man all his life and died very early. He is the great "poet of freedom" of German literature. The struggle for freedom was not only the characters of his plays (Wilhelm Tell, Karl Mohr), but above all, his own personal drama. Schiller was allowed as a child, his desire for freedom nicht ausleben, erhielt nie die Liebe seiner Vaters, den er so sehr bewundert, und wurde in einer Kadettenschule brutal erzogen. Als „Die Räuber“ in Heilbronn uraufgeführt wurde, was das Stück ein Bombenerfolg. Viele Menschen konnten sich mit den Helden und deren Kampf um die Freiheit identifizieren. Einige Jahre später brach in Frankreich die Revolution aus und ihre Ideen überschwemmten ganz Europa. Zwar bekämpfte man das „Ancien Régime“, doch der wahre Kampf fand im Inneren statt. Niemand kam auf die Idee, dass die Kindheit und die Erziehung die Ursache für die Unfreiheit des Menschen bargen. Freud bemerkte zwar, dass seine Patienten als Kinder misshandelt wurden, wagte es jedoch nicht die Erziehung anzugreifen, but the old view was from the "evil" in man faithful. However, he chose the term "instincts". Only in the 20th Century dared child psychologists and psychiatrists gradually to see what really lies behind the destructiveness, the "evil". Great work in this area provided the Alice Miller who died in April. Their works should be read by all who deal with their own childhood and upbringing of children in general. Open one's eyes and you see if you have the courage to truths that you have hidden themselves for years or even decades before himself. The unconscious has had to serve for so many things, if you could not explain human behavior, but chances are good that we will meet these "dark" area with lots of light and one day it might perhaps succeed us to enlighten our minds completely and live in no more illusions!

All that means that a child feels unloved and not respected, if only for a moment, is harmful Education! No matter what happens, a child must be constantly loved and respected, feel completely regardless of what it does. Love and respect should not be used as a means of generating 'good conduct'. The lack of love is the greatest Enemy of freedom. For a true experience of freedom, it is absolutely necessary to own "love store" to have filled.

It is imperative that people find out the true causes of their "search" in life. It is not "normal" and "part of human nature" is to feel unsatisfied. In fact, the man is naturally created in a way that it is not "by itself falls." This falling out causes a separation that is felt for life painful, originating in their own educational content. This condition is also referred to as "sin." But it is human nature not to make it his own, but is brought about artificially. It is nonsense, this man even to hold it against him and to have "repented" to do so you can reach anything, as a function of rituals and a religious or philosophical system. After recognizing the causes and circumstances of their own education, man can begin his true feelings to feel and to mourn the past. He is also placed in the position not to act unconsciously (to have to act!) And to do what satisfies his needs in a suitable manner. Then neurotic behavior is no longer necessary. The `perversions' to an end and the 'urge' is directed into the healthy paths. Thus acquired the Man his freedom back. maybe they had so for the first time in his life ever! There is no good reason that speaks against it to do so.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Cure Anemia

The fear of freedom

Erich Fromm once wrote that the greatest fear of man, that is from Freedom. And while this is true independently of whether someone is for the value of freedom, uses, or not. They were often just the big "war hero" who could not endure, as they erragen them and built a new system of coercion. The whole human history is full of such experiences. Never has a revolution has really brought freedom. How could they? The fear of freedom can not be achieved through political upheavals, but by the change of human nature itself (or what was viewed as the essence of man). And here is the critical phase of childhood. "Give me a child can have up to the age of six men, then you return it." It was called by the Jesuits. Until then, it has shaped the child sufficient to make a "desirable character" of him. Who has power over a child in the first years of life, sealed his fate for his entire life.

Alice Miller, the great "childhood researcher, has over ten books pointed out how children are "shaped" as the "black pedagogy" entire generations of people made unfit for creativity and naturalness, such as "training" was more important than happiness and the true nature of man. Unfortunately, the black education is still not finished, on the contrary. Although the violence has reduced in the physical realm, but the psychological violence against children has increased to an alarming extent. And this is true only for the countries of the Western world (it's a shame that still allow some U.S. states corporal punishment in schools!). If we look at the global situation, a far more dismal picture. Life itself is in most places in the world appreciated not particularly high and the life of a child is the least of all. Here we clearly see the perversion of this world: Rather than look at the lives of children as the highest and most valuable, it is trampled underfoot. Sick souls arise from generation to generation and this unfortunate tradition is never an end, if not intervened and this intervention can only come from outside, starting with raising awareness of the problem. People need to realize what has happened to them when they were children, learn to feel the pain and humiliation.

Astrid Lindgren told once a story of a child who should be punished by his mother. It should go into the garden to get a rod or a stick with which he should be the butt to get spanked. But the child could not find a tail. So she took a stone and gave it to her mother. The child gave the mother the stone and said she intended to beat it. Since the mother's tears came to my eyes, because now she realized what she was doing. Only now they realized that while she was torturing the child, to cause him pain. So are many parents who punish their children for who they themselves were punished as children: You may not realize that they hurt, they believe it was a good and necessary Procedures for children. Only when the feelings may be expressed, which was not allowed as a child, then you can experience healing. There are people who are proud that they managed not to cry when they were punished as children. How much should a child be deformed, that his life and his health no longer tries to protect and express their pain no longer want? Later, this kind of feeling no longer be perceived and often leads to a feeling of superiority (Nietzsche "superman" Greetings!).

the worst excesses we saw in the totalitarian regimes of the 20th Century. Obedience to authority without education, people would never have been able to turn off their minds and attacking other people. Education benefits in this matter, nothing, just because the intellectuals were often the most fanatical followers of dictators. Intelligence can only lead to liberation, when it is paired with humanity, with values \u200b\u200band these values \u200b\u200bmust not be corrupt. In simple terms, one could say that all values \u200b\u200bthat the creation and life are well used, all values \u200b\u200bwhich are the destruction and death are bad. Only when education is the liberation and not the maintenance of authority, then we can take a step vorwärts machen.
Nie hat die Gesellschaft das Böse in der Erziehung der Kinder gesucht. Es ist einfach nicht wahr, dass das Böse in der menschlichen Natur zu suchen ist. Und alle Systeme, die dies behaupten sollten von der Welt verschwinden und als das bloß gestellt werden was sie sind: Lügen! Wer die Ansicht vertritt, dass in der menschlichen Natur Böses sei, der erschafft damit gerade das eben Böse, das angeblich immer bekämpft werden muss. Das trifft nicht nur auf politische Ideologien und Systeme zu, sondern auch auf den Bereich der Religionen.

Gerade auch im religiösen Bereich gibt es eine unglaubliche Angst vor der Freiheit. Manche glauben tatsächlich sie lästerten Gott, wenn sie ihre Sinne and use their minds and come to results that differ from one of the "scriptures". Such people are as obedience to authority, that they prefer to be mad than to really look back. Two and two is then at once not four but seven. This thinking makes them stupid and stupidity is then also sanctified as a "loyalty" to the deity. Rational thought behind it lies the devil, the evil Lord of the world. " Precisely because of Christianity, which is nonsense. I know little to say about how it looks at other religions, but Christianity is known to me because I grew up in a Christian culture am and the ways and wrong ways have examined it. Christianity is basically no dualistic religion. Rather, it has overcome the dichotomy of good and evil. The view there would be a battle between good and evil is not attributable to Jesus, but from Manichaeism, which in ancient times from the East to spread far into Europe and also infiltrated Christianity. To believe the devil to rule the world is actually blasphemous. Just who are familiar with Christianity, must come to the realization that the "work" was accomplished through Jesus. The "sin" of the world was taken away, not just the "sins" committed against Jesus, sondern ebenso jene, die bis in alle Ewigkeit je begangen werden werden!

Sünde kommt vom Wort „Sund“ und bedeutet Graben oder Trennung. Sünde ist kein Verbrechen, sondern das Nicht-Verbunden-Sein mit Gott. Ein fatales falsches Verständnis des Konzeptes der Erbsünde, hat unendlich viel Leid über den Menschen gebracht. Es zementiert die Ansicht, dass das Böse bereits von Anfang an im Menschen vorhanden sei, also so, wie wenn es bereits im Gencode enthalten wäre. In Wahrheit ist die Erbsünde genau das, was den Menschen von seiner wahren Natur (mit Gott) trennt, nämlich die korrupte Erziehung, die seit jeher jede menschliche Gesellschaft vergiftet hat. Niemals kann damit gemeint sein, das Kind is separate from work from his nature. This is done only through the formation by the parents and society. The corruption that engages from the first day of life of a newborn in his life is the true original sin.

Maybe there really for humanity as a whole no hope to ever experience the pleasure of true freedom. But for the individual, this is possible, especially in Western societies, such efforts are certainly not inclined, but still offer enough leeway so that the individual can realize his potential and find. That should be incentive enough to look at his childhood. The price that is paid is small relative to wages, a truly self-actualizing life, not in having a life, but can result in being!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Confidentiality In A Daycare

80. Der Herr Sohn zieht um

D ie fruit trees in the garden took advantage of us in Aflenz full year were rich with fruit. Once a bed of 100 steps long and 40 paces wide kitchen garden was empty, I had to pass the time in succession the beds umgestochen and eliminates the dug out stones. When I finished this work, I got from Mr. Son, kk district judge, the message that he would be translated as Knittelfeld. Since I now had many preparations to do because of the move and to pack a lot and hard.

When I was treated in the summer of 1888 in my abdominal discomfort came with leeches, where the sitting, in time a kind of hardening that can not hurt, but after and for greater was. Dr. Lichtenegger knew remedy.

The time now that I was due to the move so busy, caught the aforementioned hardening of the pagers. I had terrible pain and left on 2 Early October 1890 the physician Dr. Winkler pick. This saw my condition as very dangerous and urged to leave immediately after Bruck hospital. Sir concerned, kindly once the car. So I drove about 11 clock by mail accompanied by Hulda granddaughter to Bruck, after I had even taken a soup to me.

In my hospital was suffering from three Doctors examined and approved the opening of the nearly fist-sized Tippelskirch . For snack I got a glass of warm milk and the Tipple envelopes.

was cut the next day Tipple from the hospital physician, Dr. Bertha, in the presence of Dr. Schmid and still a gentleman doctor. After evacuation of blood and pus of Tipple was purified besalmt and prevented. Four hospital-or cross-sisters went with ointments, fresh and warm water and finally with bandages works.

The second board Class at noon (194) and the evening was excellent, and always more than enough. The snack of coffee in the morning was quite good, and between morning coffee and lunch there was a good soup and a roll. The nurses were very kind and careful. The wound was stopped every day by Dr. Bertha fresh, but the healing went very same lansam. He told me that he, when he studied in Graz, have seen my pictures to load on the host Ries us they liked him and that he himself liked drawing. So I decided to honor him some of my pictures in stock.

On 22 October, I paid for 21 days Meals per Day 1 Gulden 50 Kreuzer and in tips 1 Gulden 22 Cruisers.

On 30 November came the new district judge to Aflenz and 1 December hit the device, a weighing of Graz ago on furniture. After unloading our furniture was packed up the same, which on 6 December arrived by train in Knittelfeld.

On 3 December continued Dr. Eduard Neuhold together with his wife and daughter Greta and the cook of Aflenz. They came together with her daughter, Hulda, who was staying overnight at the second day of a countess in Bruck, in the evening after Knittelfeld, where the family had to stay until the arrival of the furniture in a hotel.

Before the departure of Bruce on 3 October was Dr. Neuhold kind enough to visit me in hospital before the operation. Also Mr. Wawrinek came four times to visit, and as I sniffed so much, he brought a portion of tobacco. On 22 December afternoon, I went to Leoben for 35 cruisers and came to 5 clock there. On 24 Major Plank came to Sister Dominica and then on 26 Dr. Neuhaus. In Wawrinek was in the Christmas holidays feasted splendidly.

In Sommergger'schen house is a restaurant "To the city of Graz." A daughter of the landlady, Stefi, is with the Lord tax collector married in Knittelfeld. As this couple was over the holidays with their mother, so I became acquainted with them in the guest room.

On 26 October began to sweat at night my probably not well-healed wound. So I went on 28 early by train for 40 cruisers to Knittelfeld and met at 11 clock at the station where I was from Dr. Edward and granddaughter Hulda bewillkommt friendly. Edi off in the course of the evening came after Jews castle and back again. Granddaughter Gretchen Neuhold had received me very friendly and pointed me in this for me very nice paved room.

Lichtenegger, Dr. Aflenz me for the case, recommended that I should in Knittelfeld missing, the Dr. Pölz. On 31 I went to him. He inspected my wound and prescribed cold compresses, which cost at the pharmacy 46 cruisers, but in vain. (195) Only after continued use, an ointment, the evil has been eliminated. I stayed 20 days bedridden. Meanwhile, I could still write letters to my daughter in Vienna and also send letters to Carlsbad and Mureck. I, too, were 3 pictures for Dr. Bertha in Bruck on the post, then 4 images for Maister'schen daughters in Leoben and Hans Sommer for Egger.

After I on 29 appear November 1890 held in honor of the retiring of Aflenz Mr. District Judge Dr. Eduard Neuhold farewell parties for my unholy pain and not so good-bye could not, so I wrote to Mr Grabner and merchant Petsch All with a request to greet all Aflenzer me the prettiest and I apologize to everyone. By letter I sent him two Petsch All landscape pictures and for Lebzelter Schmölzer two figure paintings as souvenirs.

I then received from Mr. Petsch of all a gentle and friendly Thanksgiving. By Dr. Bertha came to me a very friendly Communication.

The second book in my experience records mentioned innkeeper Haas died on 10 September 1990 90.

Cookies Always Burn On Bottom

We should not notice (which occur in childhood with us)

Alice Miller, the grande dame of the study of "poisonous pedagogy" has for decades it worked people to open their eyes to their childhood and their experiences of how influence early childhood experiences life and how our whole society has always been sick, and without that this would be noticed. Rather than take a stand for the child, were and are adults and the system is protected, the "education" instead of development and advancement of the child propagated.

Evil has always been frightening, yet alluring at the same time. Where did it come from? How did it originate? Many explanations have been found over the centuries for all culminated however, is that the evil part of human nature itself is. In Christianity, one knows that the "original sin". Even today, it seems that most agree agree that evil is not just inevitable, necessary to man, if not the entire universe belonged, and the best you can do what you learn to deal with it. To believe in an "elimination" or "resolution" of evil, most consider utopian, indeed for almost crazy. The old view that evil is inherent to human nature, has a fatal effect on the education of children, for humanity in general and even more on the health of all species. If evil can not be eliminated, then there is in truth no hope of a "good world", at least in this world. Then the projected hopes of a hereafter, where a higher power would then defeat the evil and "things right" would bring. This view assumes the people the hope and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we continue to think so, then it may be a "good" or even better world never ever give - it would be a hopeless condition and who would waste his energy for that? It is hoped that this mistake will be viewed and shake future generations to deal only the head of the barbarity of their ancestors and their limited world view, which was woven of errors. Where to start these errors? In childhood! There, even evil has its origin. Alice Miller has it figured out long ago: The evil is not easy in the world and it is certainly not innate! It exists only because we shape our children against their nature to educate them (and I use the word "education" hate!) And so evil as a result type of oppression and confusion, from generation to generation! Evil exists only because it is grown in each new generation! And all largely unconscious, so that parents are seriously convinced that they only want "the best" for their children and do. Sun there is a completely false idea of \u200b\u200b"love". What is referred to in our society as such is pure manipulation, Dressage, corruption, "Have Love" no real "being love"!

The congregation of the education is that it is performed on an innocent being who is far too little, in order to resist and has not yet developed the confidence to know what happens to him. If the child is brought up again, say to become a "like" people, it does not remember anything and it looks as if this would correspond to his nature. But education is usually nothing else than the child for the world and the parents to make docile and adapted. Even today, the prevailing view that a child can not be out on its own well, you have to break his will. Of course it expresses no longer so drastically. In earlier times you did this is still open. But still one is satisfied that a child would need correction and that the will and the needs of adults stood in a higher rank than that of the child. All children and childhood are not highly valued in society. It is to be called for an insult than an adult "child" or "childish." For a child, but it is a praise when it is referred to as "adult" or "ripe". To be sure, the violence has now shifted from primarily physical layer to the emotional level. And the children suffer even more under it, as simply the human race. There has never been a society that valued the naturalness, the spontaneity really. Yes, it is the outright abandonment of any community, any social contract, this to suppress the individual and to shape it according to the general ideas. It's called "love" and his "civilized", "adapted" and not "authentic", "honest" and "oneself". If a mother says her child was "itself" or something "would correspond to its essence," they usually mean that the child now behaving as it has raised it as they see fit. Then there is a "good" child.

Alice Miller called the traditional education, the violence (in physical and mental form) applies and is still the dominant mode of education is "black pedagogy". The main aim of education is to pass on false information and to get a sick society upright. Eric Berne pointed out that education consists basically teach children what games (ie social vertigo) they should play in life. The child learns the roles to be played there, think how it is, what it should feel. This all leads to a confusion that persists throughout life. Such fatal chain from generation to generation can be broken only rarely, either by a fundamental event in the life (eg war, personal tragedy), or most often through therapy or, as the rarest Case, by an autonomous decision of the individual (this is only if the child, as it was autonomous yet, has even provided the opportunity for his later life). The true feelings of the child may not be expressed, or only in the frame, as the parents allow it. Every family has "wanted" and "undesirable" feelings and the child learns very early on an express and suppress the other, until this behavior seems quite natural and it imagine no other life can do more. Thus, there are families may be expressed in your joy, but no hate (hate is a normal and healthy human emotion, Hatred has never killed anyone and it should never be stopped, neither the child nor the adult). Very often, the family bid for the permits have sex, but love is forbidden.

The black education, is characterized by (A. Miller "In the beginning was education"):
1) Adults are the masters of the dependent children
2) You alone decide what is right and wrong
is 3) The child is held responsible for the anger of the adults
4) The parents must always be protected by means
5) The vitality of the child a danger to the autocratic adult
6) The will of the child's needs as early as can be broken.
7) All this must happen so early that the child can not remember and the adults can not identify as author.

false information given by the black education on are (from A. Miller "In the beginning was education"):
1) sense of duty produces love
2) hatred disappears when one forbids him
3) Parents deserve respect simply because they are parents
4) children deserve no respect because they are children
5) obedience makes children strong
6) High self-esteem is harmful
7) Low self-esteem makes an altruistic
8th ) tenderness is harmful
9th) to the needs of a child is wrong to take
10th) hardness and cold are good for preparation for life
11) Played gratitude is better than honest ingratitude
12) How do you behave yourself is important than how you really are
13) Neither the parents nor God would survive if they are attacked
14) The body is dirty and Ghastly
15) Strong feelings are harmful
16) parents are creatures that are free of shoots and guilt are
have 17) The parents are always right

The difficulties that afflict people in their lives, is to be found in childhood has long been nothing New. But this one has always protected the parents. The responsibility was with the child even more sought for his alleged "bad assets", the "wild nature" and the like. Alfred Adler represented yet the idea that neuroses and failures of all types declined the most for the "pampering" of the child. The pampering of children beyond measure, he saw it as fundamental evil. This love can be to a child never big enough, no one can get too much love and therefore become neurotic later, that is utter nonsense. What is wrong but is that short of what is called "Tenderness" is a subtle form of domination, Exercise of power and education can be put to dependence. But this is anything but love. Not the child's needs are important, but that of parents. The child's parents should be something rather than to receive something. Neuroses Speaking of mothers who themselves had to do without much in its infancy, is common. An incorrect type of nut can be seen as stifling mother or "mother hen" that their "chicks" can not be big and grown under their wings.

This article constitutes an initial step in the great theme of education, psychology, and their children, either that I am intense in the near future and will report back here on this page will report about it. Only this much: Whoever believes to have had a "good" childhood, so in all likelihood be subject to error. It is this issue should be closely scrutinized to spare without anyone. Man turns himself and his parents a disservice if you do so. But certainly their children will suffer if they do not want a serious examination of his own childhood.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hospital Bed Restraints

The world view of Teilhard de Chardin - Statements - Part 6 / 6

The book "The Phenomenon of Man" was written more than seventy years ago and released only after the death of Teilhard de Chardin. Nevertheless, none of his world view lost its relevance. Although we now know much more about the world of "small particles", have made a wealth of prehistoric finds, the TDC were still unknown. But on the fundamental soundness of his views could not be shaken so far. We operate more people with ideas to help us navigate through the universe and our lives. The World View of TDC offers a wonderful setting by man can find his place within the entirety, of helping him to find his job in the world to give meaning and purpose not only the individual life but of all humanity is capable. And all without dogmatic beliefs that either must be fully accepted or rejected completely. TdC himself with this work contributed to science and religion, though still not reconciled with each other, they have yet to be done very close to each other. People agree it is easier to let both exist, as the one to give up for the other. I would just casually mention that the real reason why people with science or religion difficulty lies mostly in their own education. All too often, blind obedience is required, it is hardly a child who had a happy childhood. While most people are convinced that their beautiful childhood was, and her soul longs so to see it. But what psychologists know for some time, and gradually penetrates into the minds of a people: the child is actually the worst time of life when the child but is subject to trust themselves, to think and feel. The man is almost exclusively a result of training and part of that training is one's childhood to see as beautiful and to honor their parents. But the truth is the exact opposite! The world images that someone's linked directly with the education (what a terrible word in the background) together. This explains in part, as much aversion to the marriage of science and religion. Let we do not deceive us! The man takes out his position in life and that of his unconscious. The mind then has delivered only sent a statement to let the whole thing look justified. Most of the man himself believes it, "good reasons" for his attitude to have. And he also, it is not in a rational explanation, but in the love of the young child and its dependence on the parents who do not bring the truth to see, because it is so dear father and mother. That was only a small excursion into the realm of education and the corruption of childhood. I will begin in the coming days a new series on the subject.

The British scientist Rupert Sheldrake has already identified a few years ago, that there be a kind of "invisible network" has that same kind of living things to one another. He named this system "morphogenetic field". Seem to be, any information exchanged within the network between members of the same species who come in physical contact with one another never. A finch in New Zealand developed a new skill such as building a nest and shortly thereafter was the same skill in birds in Europe are studied, although the birds in New Zealand never had contact with their counterparts in Europe. There are many indications that it is sort of morphogenetic networks of people There. Our consciousness is likely to one another and could potentially every person with any other person without physical contact and technical resource record (video, Internet, phone, etc.) contact. How is the research here on, we'll see, but the approaches are promising.

As for the axis of evolution, then TdC they recognized in Jesus Christ. The tangential energy (charity) intensified the radial energy (love of God). So if the "way of Jesus" follows, which is consistent with the evolution of the universe. But for every man is that he must act in good faith and conscience. But the conscience can be very deceptive sein. Bei den meisten Menschen ist es so stumpf und von der Gesellschaft, den Eltern etc. so korrumpiert, dass es seine Funktion, als Kompass zu wirken, fast vollständig verloren hat. Erst, wenn der Mensch sich befreien kann, dann kann er wieder erkennen, wer er eigentlich ist und sein wahres Gewissen erkennen und dann danach handeln. Hier liegt meines Erachtens nach einer der kritischen Punkte: Das „Gewissen der Welt“ mit dem „wahren Gewissen“ zu verwechseln. Jesus sagt dazu: „Seid in der Welt, nicht von der Welt!“. Wer sein Leben in der Welt lebt, so als ob er von dieser Welt wäre und nicht von Gott, der wird seinem eigentlichen Auftrag nicht gerecht und führt auch kein völlig wertvolles Leben. I am absolutely convinced.

more thing I want to mention. Science has often been a distraction from the only what man really needs, namely himself, we studied the stars, made inventions of all kinds, have engineered the world, only ourselves, we are still a mystery. Progress may require the person only if he finds out who he really is himself, the fact we have to put the emphasis in the future. Otherwise we are like children, the sudden stop nuclear weapons in their hands. It is imperative that humanity "adult" is, or we will cease to exist sooner or later! The real struggle in the world is in the spirit instead. We have made a huge mistake, as we have separated God and man. So it was not originally intended. The real sin was to have not known God, but God created in his own mind and to have this picture in the "sky" is projected to have up and then held to be true to have. The separation between God and man has just created the dualism has a can occur above and below and thus good and evil. We must recognize that evil has its origin in suppressing the naturalness of the people and give erroneous assumptions from generation to generation. Evil is a mistake, not an entity in the universe! So ist der Weg des Menschen durch die Evolution ein einziger Passionsweg. Zwar ist diese Geburt immer mit „Geburtswehen“ verbunden und dem damit einhergehende Leid, doch gerade der Mensch hat den größten Teil seiner Schmerzen selbst verursacht, findet sogar Gefallen daran und ergötzt sich, vor allem, wenn der Schmerz den anderen und nicht einen selbst trifft, daran.

Eine letzte Bemerkung möchte ich noch machen. Das Internet ist ein Chaos, eine großer Misthaufen mit ein paar Perlen darin. Die Struktur ist überfrachtet von Informationen, von denen ein Großteil schädlich oder unsinnig ist. Doch gerade das Internet bietet einen schönen Einblick in die Geisteshaltung des heutigen Menschen. Die Hemmungen, die beim direkten persönlichen Kontakt gegeben sind, verschwinden im Internet in der scheinbaren Anonymität. So glaube ich, dass wir hier ein der Wahrheit eher entsprechendes Bild bekommen über das, was in den Köpfen wirklich vor sich geht, wenn keine „Höflichkeitsregeln“ eine Zensur vornehmen. Das sollte uns allen zu denken geben. Werden wir es erleben, dass im Internet eine Ordnung einkehrt, dass Menschen sich nicht mehr daran ergötzen andere nieder zu machen, zu verführen, zu manipulieren? Die Entwicklung wird es zeigen. Ich für meinen Teil habe aber trotz allem meinen leisen Optimismus anzumelden. Der Mensch ist im Grund viel besser, als er sich zeigt, er weiß es nur selbst nicht. Man hat ihm etwas Anderes beigebracht.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tim Hortons Organizational Chart Diagram

The World View of Teilhard de Chardin - Higher Life - Part 5 / 6

Die Gefahr des modernen Menschen besteht darin, dass er auf den zunehmenden inneren psychischen Druck, der auf ihm lastet mit Isolation reagiert. Dies ist zwar verständlich, bedeutet aber eine Rückwendung, ein Regression. Tatsächlich ist das die häufigste Reaktion, die wir auf der Welt beobachten können. Die Welle der „Selbstverwirklichung“ ist immer noch nicht völlig abgeebbt und hat gerade in letzter Zeit noch einmal einen Aufschwung erlebt. Aber die wahre Selbstverwirklichung liegt, wie ich bereits im letzten Beitrag angesprochen habe gerade nicht darin sich zu isolieren und sich ausschließlich auf sich selbst zu zentrieren, sondern in the expansion of the tangential energy, that is, the tighter connection with the world and other people.

on the narcissism of the individual, often followed by the narcissism of a group. The nationalist and racist ambitions of the last two hundred years shows this clearly. It is the least individualistic of people who find themselves in the group most easily again. But in today's world, we need more identification, one with the whole world, and still more with the whole space. As long as man identifies himself with things that are limited, no matter how far the horizon may be as long as he will feel "small". If I and the whole World would be, I would be still tiny compared to the universe. The only way to safety, final security to obtain, is to identify with the universe as a whole, with the infinity of space and time. Previously known only to mystics, what that really means. But I am convinced that this, previously rare, experiences are individual, in the future to a general experience of the people will be absolutely, yes, must!

In the phase of noogenesis is about a "true spirit of the earth" to create the overall result of the individual centers of consciousness, we see the human spirit. The evolution is the rise of consciousness and the rise it des Bewusstseins ist die Einigungswirkung. Es kommt zu einer Meta-Synthese des Bewusstseins, woraus eine neue Schicht oberhalb der Sphäre des Denkens entsteht. Was es dazu braucht ist ein neues Leitbild, ein erweitertes Bild des Humanismus. Viel wird heute darüber gesprochen zwischen dem Gegensatz von einem humanistischen und einem gotteszentristischen Weltbild. Beide sind im Grunde kein Widerspruch. Gott und Mensch sind nicht voneinander zu trennen. Dieser Irrtum ergibt sich nur dort, wo es heißt man müsse sich entscheiden, ob nun Gott oder der Mensch im Zentrum des Weltbildes stünde. Gott steht zwar außerhalb der Schöpfung, durchdringt sie aber gleichermaßen von Anfang an in jedem noch so kleinen Teilchen. Ein wahres Gotteszentriertes Weltbild is a human-centered world view and a true humanist worldview is one in which God is in the center. Only when we understand and resolve the dichotomy, then we shall be able to struggle through a new unified world view. So far we have not reached that far.

Today, man can grow only by mutual penetration further. use by the acceptance of many works by machines, their minds were more people in the real spiritual realm and this gradually led to a new "awareness" at a higher level. All really great progresses slowly and is barely noticed in its early days. In the noogenesis be the space and the time human. The universal and the personal are not mutually exclusive anymore, they both strive towards a common climax. The universal future can only be a supra-personal - the Omega Point. Omega has already into everything.

The universe is a collector and preserver "of consciousness. The collective of the people is gradually a "world soul" to form. Selfishness is the confusion of individuality with personality. The egoist feels true, but it is subject to error. In order to really be ourselves, we must move forward in the sense of convergence with everything else. Our ultimate being, our Uniqueness lies not in their individuality, but in our person. The true ego grows in inverse proportion to selfishness! Grows all by itself, the universal energy of love.

love full biological reality is the attraction exerted by a being to other beings. It is therefore just the love that creates the future "world soul". Universal love is psychologically quite possible and it is the complete and definitive nature of the capacity for love. A collective, the individual absorbs kills, love, and ultimately resists evolution. What are the attributes of this endpoint, the Omega point, from which was already written so much? 1) Love (universal and unconditional!) God is love, according to the Bible, just as it is the love that accompanies the evolution from the beginning and it has driven and will be their great end. 2) The survival and 3) reversibility. Omega is the last member of a series but it is even outside of evolution.

One finding is important: on the state of the animals, the radial energy is at death returns to the tangential, in humans, however, the radial free from tangential! This is precisely the uniqueness of man. When a body dies, he lives on still, life after death is not an illusion, but reality! At some point the science probably be able to recognize this, until then there are some indications that do not, however, for a scientific "truth." And so we'll have to think for a while because we will live on after death.

The end of the world is unimaginable. Usually one connects to a kind of huge catastrophe, a hellish apocalypse. The higher the noogenesis, the more dangerous is also the action of man: wars, epidemics, natural disasters, etc. rather than take off. The end of the individual being out but not the end of the kind that is unfortunately all too often forgotten. But to humanity as a whole is now the whole evolution. Without us, there is no Development, we stand or fall with everything. Nature can not exist without us. We ourselves have become the pace of nature, we have become identical with it, and even more: the whole universe depends on us! We fail, it fails the whole creation! But between the infinitely small and infinitely large there seems to be an agreement, the consciousness that developed between them to support and protect. God's hand saved before the creation of sinking, and that is our biggest trump card we have! And it justifies the optimism, belief in the future and more so the faith of the people to the people themselves

There are three Main lines along which the humanized Evolution (the fake) is moving. 1) The science, 2) focus on the object person, and 3) connection between science and religion. Of these three points will determine how developed the noogenesis. We look to the outside, but also to recognize women and that the most interesting object of study of the man himself. When science goes beyond the stage of analysis and also the synthesis of turns and is connected to religion, then we can get into a unified, real act of knowledge, an association of mysticism and science! To include the human person, then the universe irreversible personality . Emerge

For the end there are now two scenarios. Either converges the world in peace, the war is finally disposed of, poverty and crime will disappear gradually from the ground. The second scenario would be a division of the world. While one part is more developed in the context of noogenesis, makes progress on Omega, is another part of war, terror and chaos and put Omega never reached. The advanced part would then "go to heaven" at the end, while "go to hell" part of the arrears would. This scenario is more the classic notions of the end times. What will happen is, it is not a bad decision to align his life on Omega. Maybe we will meet then all of a day in "heaven" again! I think the thing is worth it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cigarette Holder Vintage Real Name

The World View of Teilhard de Chardin - The thinking-part 4 / 6

If you look at the man, he seems to be an animal of the highest quality. But one looks closer, one sees how much you order it at all does not do justice. May match the DNA of humans and most of them with that of chimpanzees, the difference in actual behavior and experience is far greater than this small difference of 3-5 percent. Only in the people, the inside of the matter is so compressed that a Ichreflexion arose. Man knows not only that he knows something, he knows that he knows he knows! This man is not simply the most advanced animal in the world, but something completely different!

Only in the people, the jump has taken to consciousness. However, the man still enormous problems in this "I" to find his footing. Much of the social and individual problems stems from the fact that man does not know how he could win that support. He seems to be that he is separated from the world. Ichreflexion The result is that the person himself as separated from all others and, inevitably causing Fear. There seems to be the case that he was "thrown" into the world, as Heidegger had the words. Indeed, there is no easier way back to a state, save for the flight into insanity. The personality is formed in truth through the personalization of all things. Not that the man is isolated and vain or anxious has become introverted, but by itself all things open, and to his own power. As long as man is separated from the universe as faces, before he comes infinitely small and insignificant. The danger is that this fear acts of illusion and spare cover. But there is a healthy way to solve the problem to solve and is itself so far to extend that to include the entire universe. In all things, to know himself is in fact the only way that intra-psychic conflict to solve. Today, the individual is alone and unique stand on the earth. At his birthplace many animal forms, stood next to him (especially other hominids).

The man has settled on the biosphere, a whole new layer that is not visible while but quite noticeable: the layer of thought, which is to be found anywhere on the planet. To understand the human anatomy is no longer sufficient, it requires the psychology. The science of good service up to the level of thought, but at this stage, the consideration must move inward, into the interior of man himself. From the lessons of the phylogeny, we learn that man's thinking has not fortuitous, but it was a planned occurrence. The Psycho-genesis has led to people over a long period of time, but now we see the emergence of another development phase, that of consciousness itself, and this goes far beyond the psychology, the blogs the noogenesis.

This noogenesis lies down again over the layer of thought and wraps the Earth in a new situation from a mere awareness. Before the Homo sapiens, as we know it today finally enforced, had he lived a long time together with other hominids, which are today extinct. The most famous of these was the Neanderthals. These early forms of hominids had a consciousness. We do not know exactly how much it was pronounced, but it seems to be not unlike the people were and they had overcome the critical stage for the most part, as the Cro-Magnon man, who we are today. It is likely that the physical evolution has stopped in humans. From now on everything will go only through the spirit. And the man himself is the driving force of evolution has become. There are, by at least on Earth, hardly more an evolution in humans. One can say that evolution now simply the act of man himself, and indeed in any form, including all errors and mistakes.

Culturally, the evolution in the last few centuries in Europe and America run, at least since the Renaissance. The origins of the higher life of man are probably in the Neolithic, when people settled down, working farm and livestock and larger communities began to form up to the state. The beginnings are lost in history. But the most fertile, those on which we build today, were the ancient civilizations in the Near East, Mesopotamia and Egypt. There were also early civilizations in Central America, China and India, but they ran into dead ends. Central America was stuck at a certain level and was outdated when the Europeans arrived. China remained a feudal society with ease until the 20th Century. The Chinese had focused more and more until they had mastered some arts to perfection, but remained stuck largely social and the technical development. India may turn the world with his "spiritual" world refresh, but the culture infatuation hopelessly in metaphysics. Two beliefs prevented that India could evolve, and they still are today, the slow progress on India: 1) The view that the World actually is not real, but a kind of pure spirit entities, like a dream (one God). 2) The impact of fatalistic karma. Everything is determined by cause and effect, free will is little or nothing happens. This leads to inertia and a culture of "endurance". We can therefore say with complete justification, that the development of Mesopotamia and Egypt on the Mediterranean and later went to Europe and then America is more, to this day.

It is just the faith of the people from the fate in your hand to be able to act creatively, which makes progress possible. There are necessarily "birth pangs" that is the suffering in the world with all its consequences: war, disease and the like. These are not meaningless, but are inevitable accompaniments of the world under development. Would be aware that, then we could endure much longer and we would not be greatly affected by such "labor". People now grow in the noogenesis together more and more. The mind tries to overcome the illusion of proximity, while ensuring the necessary "security" to it mentally to stay healthy. Well, we have so often have little success and not a few people fall into a superstitious, that is a more primitive stage back. Man has the tendency to isolate, since it appears the universe is too vast and happiness lies in the fact seems to concentrate its energies on itself. In fact, human problems arise, particularly those of psychological nature, through the confrontation with the space-time. In the sense of self is the archetype of fear derived from which all other fears. Person feels, however, the energy, the "current" one who carries it, which he himself is his reason, he realizes that his development is not in selfishness, in narcissism, but in conjunction with others and to the concerns of the other and all creation is. Especially in the service of creation discloses, the whole uniqueness of the individual. Here is the abolition of the dichotomy that we have so needed to be mentally healthy.

Erich Fromm wrote that the patients who were otherwise healthy and the fittest, which actually sick. When unadapted human individuality is not yet fully given way in favor of forming the society. But it is these people who push the human race forward, withstand the pressure of conformity. The company likes people who are not, as they threaten their existence. Apparently it is a society as it is important to continue as to get well. But with expansion and compression of the noogenesis is this old experience no longer be maintained. It is true that human beings do not change, only the circumstances would. But that's not true, man can change, that's inevitable if you look at the potentialities of Homo Sapiens look. The question is, what it needs so it will actually change.

How can re-emergence of order out of chaos that we find everywhere in the world. The fact that so can not go on as before, the now all has become clear. But where is the solution? What can you do? First, we need the faith of the people, despite all the past and all the mistakes he has made. The hope of a better future is a necessity, without which neither the individual nor society, nor the human race can survive as a whole. to take a man's hope, just as if you killed him. The only hope is that the Omega Point, to a target of evolution, an absolute end in and with God. However, this should not be construed as escapism, as can be seen in people who long end of the world (apocalypse) actually caused, because then the problems would be resolved once and begin a "new age" would. It is likely less that something will happen. Omega already runs through the creation and if we allow ourselves to this point, we can even make the change. This does not mean that man could arbitrarily improve the world that he can. But I will say is that we human beings by God let us work through it, much more than we even do the job. We need an absolute optimism, an optimism resulting from careful consideration and everything else can be called naive. After all, it's not just about survival, but a higher life!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tecra S1 Graphics Driver

79. Das Unwetter in Aflenz 11. August 1890

A n 28 I went in July and Ella for a walk two miles to Etmissl. In August there were very sharp thunderstorm. On 11 August lightning and thundering it all day. At 8 clock in the evening the storm was quite terrible and was discharged from the Bürgeralm Hochschab ago and the next high mountains a terrible downpour, which lasted nearly two hours. I was used from time immemorial, in the evening during a thunderstorm as long as stay up and to be awake until the storm clears or abated. When I was at the same

11th August 1890 saw the approaching storm in the evening, I put myself in the dressed ground floor flat on my bed. Immediately afterwards, it rattled my window as if several loads stones were deposited. I jumped up and saw the lights of the flashes, as the citizens digging down so roared a terrible power and therefore water flooded the largest trees. We were afraid that by the impact of so many mighty woods, stone and gravel from the western side of the house we lived in could be undermined, so that a collapse of befürchten war. Daher flüchteten wir mit unseren wertvollen Sachen in die östliche Hälfte des Hauses. Grosse Massen von Bäumen, Bau- und Brennholz trug die rasende Flut mit sich und staute sich im Orte Aflenz stellenweise an den Häusern. In vielen ebenerdigen Wohnungen stand das Wasser nebst Schlamm und Geröll einen Meter hoch. Schöne Gärten wurden zerrissen und mit Geröll überschüttet. Erst am anderen Tage konnte man das wirklich grosse Unglück und die furchtbare Verheerung überblicken.

     Die schönsten Felder und Wiesen wurden massenhaft mit Steingeröll überflutet. Ich ging walk uphill quite often in the past people ditch and had far I was 23 weirs, which were (192) intended for the melting of snow or rain showers which collects debris stopped, so that this fall it is not in the market. Now you can make from the violence unleashed element of a term, since all the above together with bridges dams and bridges are gone and the citizen was digging into a sea of rock.

at one point was a gate with strong pillars, and it was a big surprise that accumulated in these columns, a great mass of rubble, or would be three to four houses were completely destroyed or washed away.

These terrible rains extended over five on the south-withdrawing valleys or troughs: St. Ilgen, then Fölz, civil, and Jauring Feistritz trench. Quite awful it looked in the nearly two hours long, more precisely located Fölzgraben. The streets were now and then at 2 - 3 m high swept away. In Fölzgraben were enormous amounts of wood, in places, almost 3 - 4 m high geschemmt over each other. The Fölzbach looking here and there a new bed. A grist mill and land were ruined and pestle can take many Monaten wieder benützt werden.

     Herr Graf von Meran hat in dieser Gegend grosse Jagdbarkeit und ein hübsches Jägerhaus. Zur baldigen Wiederinstandstellung der dorthin führenden und von der Überschwemmung gräulich verwüsteten Strasse hatte Graf Meran viele Arbeiter dahin beschieden. Alle vorher erwähnten Wässer nebst denen von Seewiesen und Turnau kommen im Ort Thörl zusammen. Alle Brücken daselbst bis Kapfenberg wurden zerstört. Zur Herstellung der Brücken kamen sogleich 50 Pioniere, da die Poststrasse fahrbar gemacht werden musste.

     Da um diese Zeit ungefähr wanted, thousands of people pilgrimage to Mariazell and torn all the bridges and the roads were badly damaged, had to - instead of Aflenz - a different way over the mountains to be found. By the time the Pilgrims came back later, they were already marching back to Aflenz.

Not even the oldest people could remember no such great flood. Over all prolapsed devastation could write a thick book.

In the main street in Aflenz are four wells. These flows, the source water of tubes from the mountains down. All the heavy barrels from these wells, which were for cattle always completely filled with water, were washed away by the violence of the flood. The supply pipes came in part from the position, so that large defect occurred in clear water. The church located opposite Brnnen had clear water, he was spared the flooding. (193) With great effort and with horses, the fountain basins once again had to be done on the spot.

from neighborly friendship I helped the Schneider Ortner half a day of water from the Keller scoop. Half an hour up in the ditch of Aflenz is a citizen several years ago with a basement built into the mountain porch. On the spacious square in front of it should be for the entertainment of the many summer visitors on 15 August, a forest festival will be held. But this has been thwarted because of the flooding and more than half of the forecourt was swept away by floods, so we have had the remaining half before a 3-meter-deep abyss. Just as all the market people were also all summer guests in the utmost consternation, therefore, departed more of the latter wherever possible.

Hair Colour Conversion Chart

The World View of Teilhard de Chardin - The Life - Part 3 / 6

The transition from inanimate to animate still lies largely in the dark. Experiments have shown Urey and Miller, as the first amino acids could arise from inanimate matter. Amino acids are the basics of life, people need twenty of them for its existence. As Teilhard wrote his book "The Phenomenon of Man" in 1938, he was aware of the experiment yet. The boundaries between the living and the inanimate disappear into the darkness of the early period of the Earth, but scientists would not simply discard this transition with the argument that he was too fantastic.

Life would be unthinkable, if not from the beginning, and still in inanimate matter, would have been an approach of "Psyche". Life appeared suddenly on the planet. It was probably a lucky coincidence which only a single time and perhaps ever occurred only on Earth and any other planet. As the possibility for life was evident in the evolution of a second it seems somewhat "accessible" to have to really unlock its potential. The real life begins with the cell, it is the natural essence of life. To understand the cell, but they must be classified on an axis of time between past and future. In descending order dissolves the cell in the molecules. At a simple level, the cells are almost peripheral areas of the "matter". In its simplicity and symmetry, they have their affinity towards each other. The "leap of psychic" On this simple step to understand. In the field of physical-chemical processes it is not apparent, even in biology, at least in the simpler organisms, it is still very doubtful. Only in the realm of what we call thinking, is shows a internalization, which we call the "psyche". In its most perfect form we see in humans.

is interesting to note that where the first cells are formed, they have immediately spread all over the world. Between body size and number of living things there seems to be a strong relationship. The larger an animal is, the fewer the number of individuals. This is true at least in principle to. The higher an organism is developed, the less likely played a role. More and more the spontaneity comes to the fore. Although modern man far from a truly spontaneous life must be led, but is the Homo Sapiens of the spontaneous effect observed stronger than any other species.

shows the relationship of life primarily on the cellular level but also in the general laws of development: one to observe the ontogeny and phylogeny. Everything indicates that the development is of the earth through a series of crises, which becomes a new equilibrium, at a time later in the next "woe" to move and culminates at the end in a final state, referred to the TDC as Omega Point. The evolution is seen from the Big Bang to the end of the world one great process of birth. The life forms are no longer out of the inanimate, which is why we in nature can not be observed. It was probably as we have seen a one-off "chance." There are critics who take up this point again and again. It seems to accept just too hard to be that all life on Earth a big "coincidence" is due. But it is the best explanation we currently have to offer. Anything else would mean a return to simple faith dogmas. This would not be science, sondern Religion. So sehr beide auch ihre Existenzberechtigung haben, darf doch weder Wissenschaft, noch Religion ihre jeweiligen Methoden dem anderen aufzwingen.

Bei höheren Lebewesen setzte die sexuelle Vermehrung ein, während Zellen „ewig“ Leben, indem sie sich teilen und so immer weider aufs Neue eine identische Tochterzelle bilden. Durch die geschlechtliche Vermehrung wurde die Möglichkeit für ein einziges Wesen geschaffen sich sozusagen in „Myriaden von Keimen“ zu zerstäuben.

Orthogenese heißt planmäßige Komplikationen (zuerst bei den Molekülen bis hin zum Menschen). Sie sorgt für das Forschreiten des Lebens, ohne sie gäbe es keinen Aufstieg, sondern only propagation of life. Life would only "broad" but no progress "forward". The biosphere is presented as a new layer over the globe and compressed like a giant braid, viewed from the from space as a whole looks great, with all their differences. The surface of the planet is covered with life, yes life is precisely the characteristic of our earth! The "pre-keys" of life from running but not by mere chance, as in the field of inanimate matter, but is much more of a planned process. At a certain "density level" of a single "beam" of a phylum, this tends to "socialize" to us to connect with others. A quantitative expansion follows an "internalization," which leads to a new quality. The axis of evolution, went with the spread of life gradually from the Geogenese in the biogenesis. Only from the people was also solves this by thinking. The physical evolution of humans can be almost completely neglected, the development is almost exclusively more about thinking and its impact on consciousness. Then let the man viewed from the outside while still another being not entirely dissimilar, but in his mind he is with certainty.

Typical for the biosphere is a "struggle for existence," as not found until Darwin. But new research shows that man has only weak shoots and no living being as malleable as it is. Man is above all characterized by "gentleness" and "kindness". He is very far from a "higher animal", but an entirely new phylum, which became the head of the development axis. Seen in the human, without false modesty entitled to as the "crown of creation" must be designated. The man above all a social being. Is the human being "destructive", so this does not happen because it would be something "bad", but because his basic needs are in danger, or is subject to error, it's there. We definitely need the faith of the people. Optimism and faith in the future are not naive, but extremely necessary and reasonable.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Long White Halter Dress

The World View of Teilhard de Chardin - precursors of life - Part 2 / 6

If you look at the world and examined them to the smallest particles follow a line back into the past, one sees that the world has developed from the simple to the complex. In the infinitely small to lose any substance in what TdC has been called the "world stuff" that is apparently pure energy. However, we have never observed energy in its pure form, but only in certain forms, such as connect them to meet us. The matter now has three sides, or signs: 1) the multiplicity (Shared awareness), 2) consistency and 3) the energy. Observed particles on a fundamental level, then falls to one, same as she might, how much they have the same structure. On the other hand, and especially the way we notice the world in the sense that it is separated from each other and very vielheitlich. The energy is the binding force of the particles, but also a constituent value. The energy is the basic form of the material world.

is interesting to note that we had to make was that each particle, and no matter how small, on the whole Universe broadcasts, although the effect decreases with distance, but everything radiates in all directions to infinity from inside. The volume of each particle is the entire universe itself, the atom is infinitesimal, the center of the world itself

It is also true that there is a cohesion of things from "below" there. This led many evolutionary scientists to believe the matter would be organized by itself and by mutation and selection advance (at least in the Biologenese), a "higher intelligence" did not seem necessary. A complete analysis of the evolution of the universe, however, shows that the organization ultimately from "above" is. The physics in recent decades more and more that "spirit" behind the matter in one form or another accepted. But the biology is still where the physics was about a hundred years. She needs God or not, but if they will penetrate deeper, they also have to reach a higher maturity. Heisenberg said that the first sip from the cup of science a'm atheist, but who had penetrated to the bottom of the cup, which recognize the divine. The universe is made up from below along ago, but from above it gets its higher order.

shows the order of the universe only in its entirety. You have the universe as a "single unit" look, to it as best as we can grasp. Even if all the elements can be attributed to a primitive type, there is also a law of "growing interdependence". The longer a process, the more complex it becomes. characterized by TdC the "becoming" the matter by two characteristics of: 1) A critical phase of granulation, the constituent factors, maybe even the atom itself arise and 2) continue in an additive form with increasing complexity, but at least the level of molecules. These processes take place but not everywhere in space but only on stars and planets, they are the "flats" of life.

Each synthesis requires energy. Any progress, any complexity takes work and effort. New Energy can not be delivered as capital from the outside (seen in relation to the entire universe) therefore can grow under the laws of thermodynamics, the universe is not infinite and it also can "roll up" is not infinite, that is more complex. It necessarily seek to an end. This is the view of the world as it appears from the outside is.

there but an "inside" of matter? Latest from the stage of the plants at a forced this view. Undoubtedly, however, this is the phenomenon of man. The complexity has reached such a high level, that can be obtained from people of "conscience" speak. Whether this is the case with Niederer organisms like animals and plants depend, probably above all of them, at what complexity you want to talk about "consciousness". This inside that radiates confidence, but also to the outside. So it is not a purely internal phenomenon, but spreads out in space, like waves do, something electromagnetic waves. The spontaneity of the people can be without a "home affairs" does not explain.

undoubtedly has on the planet, which was originally inanimate, by the compression to life through a new layer of the geosphere gelegt. Es ist dies die Schicht der Pflanzen und der Tiere, an deren Spitze noch der Mensch (zumindest in seiner Frühphase) stand, die Biosphäre. Darüber aber hat sich durch das Bewusstsein eine Schicht des Denkens gelegt, deren Träger der Mensch geworden ist. Dieses Denken hat sich so weit weiter entwickelt, dass allmählich eine neue Schicht, eine Schicht des Bewusstseins selbst entstanden ist, die TdC als „Noosphäre“ bezeichnet. Die „unsichtbare“ Schicht, die sich über der gesamten Erdkugel ausgebreitet hat, und dabei ist durch uns Menschen ständig weiter zu entwickeln und zu größerer Komplexität zu verdichten, ist die „menschlichste“ aller Schichten, sie ist die Evolution, which has its lace, its "crown" reached us. (I believe that the Internet and all its content gives us a good example of how this film looks at the moment).

The more complex an organism is, the better its inner structure (consciousness). The evolution is likely to run mainly from now on man. What we "artificially" call is nothing other than the "humanization" of nature. In this sense even a microchip in a computer is something natural. Above all, the evolution will say is that there will be a "spirituality of the world". In the beginning, in the The field of inanimate matter, the particles obey the mathematical laws of probability most of the higher rises a living being, however, the more rules the spontaneity. Caution is necessary but there is already spoken out in the exuberance of a "new humanity" or the like, because we can not separate from the past and we still have a physical body. Thinking is not possible when one is hungry and has nothing to eat! The need to write just the dreamers and "New Age people" behind the ears.

The adoption of TDC is now that is basically all psychological energy. This energy is divided into two components: 1) the tangential energy: This is the energy that makes the particles of solidarity, members of the same order. The organization of the particles among themselves and their "cooperation". 2) the radial energy: This energy ensures that the particles move towards more complex states. The end point of this development is the Omega Point, the ultimate goal of the entire universe. The tangential energy is love, the attraction of the particles, at least the same order, have on one another. The radial energy is the energy that can move forward one to the Omega Point, to God. These are also the two highest and most important commandments of Christianity! Following Jesus leads the entire law and the prophets of the two bids from: to love God and love of neighbor. Scientific understanding could mean, on one hand the connection and fruitful cooperation with others (charity) and the pursuit of the end point (God). The axis along which takes place the development of evolution is Jesus Christ. It would also be his statement: "I am the truth the way and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, through me" (Johannes. 14:6). The radial energy is a function of the tangential energy, the core but are both one. Through the love of neighbor and creation are the relationships and awareness of the individual and the group of complex and thus we come ever closer to God. The closer we get at the Axis (Christ) live, the more we are in line with the development of the universe (some would say "go with the flow").

But this can all strive toward an end point, it must end Omega already be in the world itself effectively and that he must at least in the smallest little bit from the beginning have been present in every Urteilchen. It is also in Genesis, "The Spirit of God hovered over the water (the world). Without such action of Omega in the world, it would be impossible for a certainty about the "right" to have development. Yes, we never know with certainty was richtig und falsch und folglich auch nicht was gut und böse wäre. In der Relativität findet sich doch die Absolutheit in ihrem Herzen. So spürt auch jeder Mensch in sich, dass es Gut und Böse gibt. Doch was nun Gut und Böse in Bezug auf das Verhalten des Menschen konkret bedeutet, darüber scheiden sich die Geister.

Wir müssen die Vorstellung aufgeben, Gott und Mensch seien voneinander getrennt. Gott wirkt in jedem Teil des Universums, in jedem Lebewesen und am meisten im Menschen selbst. Doch dürfen wir hier nicht in eine primitive Form des Pantheismus verfallen und der Illusion unterliegen die Dinge seine selbst göttlich. Das sind sie nicht. Omega ist der letzte Punkt einer Reihe und liegt doch außerhalb dieser Series. God is the universe itself, and yet outside it. From Understanding this paradox will also depend on how the people of our time are able to install God in their spiritual life. The more complex an organism becomes, the more it gets a higher order. We all feel the enormous pressure exerted on the world and in particular of humanity and is pushing us us more to "internalize" to create more complex mental structures, but not, as some have mistakenly by an insulation of the individual and their own navel-gazing but by focusing on the tangential energy, which means the charity and, thus forcing a "better world" to create. I use that term deliberately here, no matter how he picked it may be. Without such hope, life and mankind would ultimately have no meaning, we would all drown in the swamp of inaction, which have a faster, others slower.

Monday, July 12, 2010

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The World View of Teilhard de Chardin - Teil 1 / 6


I begin with this post is a series about one of the world images that impress me most and which I think is suitable to describe what goes on around us and how the can explain man's existence in a greater whole. It is a world view that between faith and science or no can hardly pass a contradiction. Quite the contrary, it brings even a substantial part of the (Christian) religion with the discoveries of modern science. And this is the explanation of the world model by Pierre de Teilhard de Chardin.

But first some organizational information. I begin today with the first part of the series, which is entitled "Introduction". Here is an overview of the entire series (the exact timing of the appearance of the respective contributions is still open, but they are all later than Saturday, July 31 have appeared.). The source of these contributions is the book "The Phenomenon of Man" by Teilhard de Chardin. The division of the book also follows ich hier.

1.) Einführung
2.) Die Vorstufen des Lebens
3.) Das Leben
4.) Das Denken
5.) Das höhere Leben
6.) Zusammenfassung und Anhänge

Teilhard de Chardin

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (von nun an TdC) wurde am 1. Mai 1881 bei Clermont-Ferrand in der Auvergne geboren. Der Vater war Naturforscher (Amateur), seine Mutter streng gläubige Katholikin. Diese beiden scheinbaren Gegensätze versuchte TdC sein Leben lang in sich zu vereinigen. Er trat in den Jesuitenorden ein, studierte Geologie, Physik und Chemie. Er unternahm viele geologische Exkursionen und unterrichtete von 1905 bis 1908 an der Jesuitenschule in Kairo Naturwissenschaften. 1911 erhielt er die Priesterweihe, an welche ein paläontologisches Studium in Paris anschloss. Im Ersten Weltkrieg dient er als Sanitäter. Anfang der 20er Jahre promovierte er in Geologie und erhielt eine Professur am katholischen Institut in Paris. Er unternahm viele Forschungsreisen nach Afrika, Burma, Indien und vor allem China.

TdC war einer der ersten Franzosen, die sich dem Darwinismus zuwandten, denn damals folgten in Frankreich die meisten noch fast ausschließlich den Lehren von Lamarck. Aufgrund seiner allzu „weltlichen“ Ansichten in Bezug auf die Schöpfung, insbesondere die Bejahung der Evolutionstheorie, kam er bald mit der Glaubenskongregation in Konflikt und verlor 1926 seinen Lehrstuhl. 1929 war TdC einer der Discoverer of the "Peking Man" (Sinanthropus).

published in 1940 his main work "Le phénomène Humain" (Eng. "The Phenomenon of Man "). This work, however, was not published during his lifetime TdC because he needed the permission of his Order and the Church did not receive (as a freelance writer, he would not publish the work). Twice he was exiled from his Order. Every time he obeyed the orders of the religious superiors. In 1950 he became a member of the French Academy of Sciences. TdC died on Easter Sunday of 1955 in New York. After his death his works, especially "The Phenomenon of Man " published and quickly became bestsellers. In the 60 years he has also achieved cult status in the German-speaking countries.

Brief overview of the world

for TDC started the whole universe with a beginning, how to introduce it today in the Big Bang, the Big Bang. This first he called Alpha. The entire universe is moving on an axis, which he identified in Jesus Christ, to an endpoint, the Omega Point (the name Alpha and Omega are from the Book of Revelation, where Jesus is referred to as the A & O). TdC goes after the big bang of a genesis of the stages of inanimate matter, about life, the thinking up to a höheren Leben aus, das in Omega seinen Höhepunkt und Abschluss findet. Das dem ganzen zugrunde liegende Phänomen ist das Bewusstsein, das bereits im Anfang zumindest in Ansätzen vorhanden gewesen sein muss. Also trägt bereits die unbelebte Materie den Keim des Bewusstseins in sich und wird über die Pflanzen und Tiere hinweg immer komplexer. Irgendwann erreicht diese Komplexität einen derart hohen Stand, dass ein Wesen sich zum ersten Mal seiner selbst bewusst wird. Und das ist in der Gestalt des Menschen geschehen. Der Mensch ist das erste Wesen, dass sich seiner selbst bewusst ist. Der Mensch ist die sich ihrer selbst bewusst gewordene Evolution!

Damit aber ist der Mensch nicht einfach die Weiterentwicklung der Tiere, sondern something quite different. Let the man on the stage of DNA 95 or even 98 percent identical with the chimpanzee, it is because of the complexity of consciousness due to him had been done with a "new" system. Man is not a higher animal, but a new phylum (tribe of beings). TdC is believed that the development from the stage of man to just mentally is going, because he believes in the people a physical final state to have detected. And here starts the real of what is referred to in Gnosis than Noogenes (development of consciousness). TdC believes that we come to the equipment were such a transition point and that the great psychological pressure, feel the people in our time eine größere „geistige Verdichtung“ ankündige, bzw. schon im Gange ist, die uns in radialer Richtung weiter gen Omega führen wird. Einen Überblick über die Theorie der Entwicklung des Universums nach TdC gibt die Grafik mit der dieser Artikel begann.

Die Details dazu schildere ich in den Beiträgen der kommenden drei Wochen.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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The unique phenomenon of Christianity

„Denn er (Gott) lässt sich finden von denen, die ihn nicht versuchen, und zeigte sich denen, die ihm nicht misstrauen.“ (Weisheit 1,2)

Das Christentum (durch Isaak) ist eine der drei „Abrahamitischen Religionen“; denn sowohl Islam (through Ishmael) and Judaism (through Isaac) are derived from the father of Abraham. Abraham is the first Hebrew after the Bible (all between now and then refers to all people and nations, for example Adam, Eve, Noah, Melchizedek, etc., are not Jews, it is important to know, for God is the God of creation to of all people, not just the Jews!). Is common to all three that they are all monotheistic religions. The separation between Judaism and Islam "was quite early. But it can not be said of Islam, because the first was built in the 7th Century AD in Mecca and Medina. But the origins (and hence the difficulties in the Middle East) are viel weiter zurück in der Geschichte. Abraham hatte, da seine Frau Sara unfruchtbar war, mit der Magd seiner Frau, Hagar (einer Ägypterin) einen Sohn, namens Ismael. Dieser war der Erstgeborene Abrahams, allerdings unehelich. Später (im Alter von 90 Jahren) bekam Sara doch noch eine Kind, einen Sohn, der den Namen Isaak (das lachende Kind) erhielt. Dieser ist zwar der Zweitgeborene, aber da er ehelich geboren wurde, ist er der rechtmäßige Erbe Abrahams. Das ist die Sicht der Juden (und auch der Christen). Aus Ismael gingen die Araber hervor und sie berufen sich auf die Erstgeburt Ismaels und damit auf ihr Vorrecht. Die Juden berufen sich auf die eheliche Zweitgeburt, die das Vorrecht habe. Die Trennung zwischen Judentum und Christentum erfolgt etwa zweitausend Jahre später. Manche meinen bereits durch Jesus Christus selbst, andere meinen, erst nachdem die Apostel gestorben waren und sich die Urchristen (vor allem außerhalb Palästinas) formiert hatten.

Das Judentum hatte die erste monotheistische Religion der Welt. Es wird zwar zuweilen behauptet, dass doch bereits der Pharao Echnaton (Amenophis IV.) nur einen „Gott“ angebetet hätte und dass möglicherweise die Hebräer eine ägyptische Splittergruppe gewesen seien, die nachdem, Echnaton gestorben war und die Priester wieder den alten Polytheismus einführten, aus Ägypten fliehen mussten. Zeitlich könnte das zusammen passen, denn der Auszug der Israeliten dürfte irgendwann have been 1250-1300 BC. The Pharaoh whose name was mentioned in the Bible, by most as Ramses II, the Great, been found. Akhenaten actually prayed not in a God, but the sun (the exclusive, however). Moreover, the belief in one God, much older, he goes back to Abraham and that probably lived around 1750 BC to 1800 BC So the time of the great Babylonian King Hammurabi I. Abraham is originally from Ur of the Chaldees (Mesopotamia) However, even as a child emigrated with his parents to Haran (now Turkey), and only much later, when he was 75 years old, he migrated to Canaan from (So he was probably ein Halbnomade). Die Israeliten zeichneten sich, als sie aus Ägypten auszogen, durch ihren Eingottglauben aus und unterschieden sich damit von allen anderen Völkern, die ihre Nachbarn waren. Diese verehrten alle möglichen Götter und Götzen. Es war ein harter Kampf, den Monotheismus aufrecht zu erhalten und die Bibel berichtet ständig davon, dass auch die Israeliten wieder Götzen anbeteten oder ihre Religion mit denen ihrer Nachbarn zu vermischen suchten.

Soviel zum groben Überblick über die gemeinsame Wurzel von Judentum, Islam und Christentum. Ich will hier keine Geschichte des Christentums aufzeigen, sondern nur das Phänomens dieses Glaubens in der Welt, so wie es sich heute darstellt, beobachten. Worin liegt nun die Besonderheit?

Was mich in erstaunen versetzt ist der Daseins- und Wirklichkeitswert des Christentum. Das Christentum wendet sich nicht exklusiv an eine Gruppe (wie das Judentum), Gott ist kein Gott für ein bestimmtes Volk, sondern für alle Menschen. Der Einfluss des Christentums ist überall auf der Welt spürbar, unabhängig davon, wie man persönlich auch dazu stehen mag. Doch ist weniger entscheidend, wie weit sich der Rahmen des Einflusses über die Erde ausdehnt, als viel mehr, wie tief dieser Einfluss in seiner Qualität auf den Einzelnen, aber auch auf menschliche Gruppen und Völker wirkt. Die Realität des Christentums kann nicht bestritten werden. Jetzt ist aber von Bedeutung, was es does and how it helps the world in their development?

The Christian God is not vulnerable! This may be a powerful statement called, and it is. Maybe people have alleged that this was arrogant, but that is just as with the question of who is right, the condition that you do not know what is right and wrong. After all, who says "I have (absolute) right!" Which is arrogant when he says the truth. But if he was right, so this statement is not arrogant, but simply true. Why should God not be so vulnerable? This is because God is all powerful and unlimited. "No one has ever seen God," is to say, that man has never seen God in its entirety. Because the Christian God is by definition a God by the human mind can not be detected. Some scoffers said that this is a fine definition for those who fear it could one day be able to prove God or disprove, and they would have nothing left to believe what they could. That objection is itself a belief, he assumed bad motives in doubt and assumes the worse. Such an attitude is itself not a science but a dogma. So we must content ourselves with the fact that God can not be detected. That does not mean that we can know about God at all. In Romans It is about "What may be known of God is manifest in them, God has revealed himself to them. His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divinity have been creating the world by the light of reason to recognize his works. " (Romans 1:19-20).

Man has free will and so everyone has the authority to accept the faith or not. If one accepted the faith but, then it itself becomes the authority over those who elected him. But that is only apparently so, because the believer is aware that the higher authority of God always existed, so it not by faith to a transformation of the facts but only to the recognition and acceptance, comes. The man is from the beginning under the authority of God, but acknowledges he does not do often, and he recognizes this, he may still not accept it. God does not force itself on the people not, not free will is inconsistent with the omnipotence of God. Rather it is a sign of God's love, who does not want slaves, but upright, self-conscious creatures. However, God makes the rules and a failure to comply with them has consequences. This must never be forgotten. Not the man makes the rules. God makes them.

So what can be known by God? On the one hand we have the word of God in the Bible. But this is the knowledge of God is not finished, the verse quoted above shows that can be detected by the light of reason in the works of God, though only in a small frame, the human is able to recognize because of its spirit. It would be hubris to say: "I have realized God (in its entirety)," No one can do it.

I think the key attribute of God that is revealed to us that love. Thus, because the two most important commandments of Christians: 1) Unconditional love and trust in God and 2) love of neighbor. And that is crucial: both are equally important! (Mark 12, 29-31) On these two commandments hang the whole "law" and the prophets. This is a tremendous statement. God is no tyrant, not a distant God who wants to be worshiped, but a loving father, a personal God, the loving people and expensive, the love between people is the same love for him.

In a cynical world, as we find them today often one may not believe in the sincerity with which people pretend to love their neighbor. Nevertheless, there has been this love forever and they are still there today. People who are in loving care for others is a fact. Likewise, people who do not make their own earthly existence in the center of their attention, but serve a higher purpose, which extend the look and the bigger picture that stupid Egoism prefer. This is precisely the claim of Christianity. Not to serve people, not on its own little horizon to see, but far beyond to create something for the Infinite. And the intensity with which Christianity has in the good in people will still be on. The Christian faith can grow the crops.

I distinguish here between religion and faith. Religion is very important for any society, because no other system can stimulate people emotionally beneficial. Here, the individual is a part of something bigger. It is by no means an illusion or a "Seelentrösterei" (for men to feel important in a vast universe, which apparently does not care about him). But I want to write more about what the faith by the individual, being in the world.

Christianity is focused on the world, to creation. It is absolutely life-affirming and hinders death. The wealth, the development, construction, the good and noble is what God wants, including the man is called. God is a personal God, not a metaphysical idea, not a mere thought, but a real person. Man is not a matter of prayer meetings, he has a real opponent, someone who responds. Man is responsible to God. This clarifies that no one with any Sache davonkommt, selbst wenn nie ein Mensch davon erführe. Denn ohne Gott würde der Schwindler, der Betrüger, der Unredliche, der es fertig bringt von der irdischen Macht nicht erwischt zu werden, damit durchkommen. Dass dem nicht so ist, dessen ist sich der Gläubige gewiss.

Anders als viele glauben, ist der christliche Glaube nicht dualistisch. Der Teufel ist kein Anti-Gott, der mit Gott um die Seelen der Menschen und um die Schöpfung wetteifert. Der Teufel ist selbst eine Schöpfung Gottes und untersteht auch völlig der Autorität Gottes. Der Teufel kann nichts gegen Gott tun, was dieser ihm nicht selbst im Rahmen seiner Schöpfung zugesteht. Die Ansicht, dass Gut und Böse um die Welt wetteifern ist manichäisch und hat sich eine zeitlang im Orient und bis nach Rom hin gehalten. Doch ist es eine falsche Theologie, dies heute noch zu vertreten, weder das Christentum noch das Judentum können einen solchen Dualismus heute noch ernsthaft vertreten.

Das Christentum ist auch die Religion der Freiheit schlechthin! Das Christentum ist die Religion der Aktivität. Der Mensch ist nicht nur Geschöpf, sondern Mitschöpfer. Gott ist kein Polizist, der dem Menschen ständig auf die Finger klopft, wenn er etwas falsch macht. Gott ermutigt den Menschen etwas zu wagen, etwas zu tun. Geht der Mensch in die Irre, dann holt ihn Gott schon wieder zurück. Er möchte, dass wir unsere Sünden bekennen, das heißt aber vor allem, dass wir völlig honest in all things. The lie is blocking people. Therein lies the psychological freedom that Christianity holds. You can make mistakes, we sin, it can be awarded one, the load can be thrown "to the Lord." Man is free from all encumbrances by his past, nothing is a multi-kept, if one has repented. Which religion has the force of liberation? People may hold things forever, God holds before a nothing that was taken! (It's called God forget it even!). This is the mental freedom. There is also a "secular" freedom, namely those of the human masters. While someone might in a other servants, but he serves God and his truth to a higher goal. On the surface, this may not make a difference and are not recognized by others for the individual but it is as different as day and night. Even the most mundane activity gets more importance when it is done for God. Incidentally, this also has very mundane effects. The quality of work is better and life satisfaction is increased. The psyche is resilient and through the turmoil of life one goes through without any real damage. A man who stands firm in the faith (Luther says that faith is his "strong tower"), which can be shaken by anything. I am deeply convinced that, therefore, will also suffer a man who never falls from the faith, never a neurosis, psychosis or personality disorder. Christianity calls therefore on activity to create something in the world and "fruitful" to be in every possible way. Therefore, Christianity is not anti-scientific. Thomas Aquinas pointed out that faith and reason are looking for each other. It is exactly the Christianity that God calls people to study works, think about it and draw his own conclusions.

Most religions is not possible on the modern requirements of science and the world as it is in the 21 Century is to adapt. Much too narrow, the mythical ideas of pessimism and passivity. Not so with Christianity. Of course, there are also certain people who would rather represent a narrow range and they will receive as the greatest problems with the world. But not so with the person who has absorbed the spirit of Christianity to a higher degree in itself. With the vastness of the universe, with the infinite smallness of the elementary particles, as we now realize that Christianity is not inconsistent. Quite the contrary. This reflects the more God's greatness. Certainly this view is not mandatory and it is possible without surprise and without thought of God, the magnificence of the universe to consider, but this is only the case when a person based on reason alone remains limited. Does the man to the cosmos with all his being, then it remains nothing more than to be amazed. The greatest scientists have tended to this second view. As Einstein said there are people to meet towards nature with wonder and those for which nothing is erstaunenswert.

precisely what Christianity offers the breadth and connectedness, which is responsible for the discovery of the world and the cosmos is needed. Despite its small size organic would never come to Christ to be negligible on the idea, he never came to a nihilistic view, since he is quite certain to be important, because its creator loves him unconditionally. With this certainty, it appears quite different approach to the world, as without it, the lights one each. Just by exploring the world and through the work of Christians he expresses his love for God. Especially by the Christianity can be infinitely large with the infinitely small "reconciled." A synthesis based on love, which is aligned to a transcendent pole, which is what both the protection of all being, as well as its development ensured. What other religion or way of thinking can match this? Christianity draws not just from the past. For it is not his reason for some time been built up over time by the people but was from the beginning, when heaven and earth were created. It is the seed that was present from the first second of the existence of any matter already, and accompanied the creation in their development until the end of all being. It is this highest point of this comparison is transcendental to all aligned. Saint Augustine read this: "Thou hast created us oh Lord to you now and why our heart is restless until it rests in you." This is aptly expressed what drives the people inside. But not only humans, but the whole of creation from the smallest particle to the largest galaxy. This point is like a bright ray of sunshine, the cloud cover breaks, human tears out of his solitude and makes us realize that there is a noticeable influence of another who has the universe outside his "dwelling place" and yet quite in its creation. And exactly that is consistent Christianity. It will probably can not be random talk.

Christianity is programmatically oriented toward the perfection ("Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect" - Matthew 5:48). Of course this is not to be descriptive, for no man may be the same. It would be quite wrong to assume this Sun No one is at fault because he did not perfect, that would mean to be at fault, because you're a human. God is just and therefore is a man not guilty of one thing he could do differently. But it gives an indication of that. People are imperfect, but God is perfect. It can be seen easily that it is so between man and God a divide. This gap is called sin. An imperfect being can not come to a complete system by itself, so bridging the gap only on the part of the perfect can be done. God did this by, he sent his son (perfection) in the world, which was by the sacrifice of separation of time, such that for all now a "bridge" exists over the abyss. I think this is the best pictorial explanation of what Christianity says in essence is: Jesus Christ is the way to God!

"An atheist, God can be found just a few, like a thief can find a policeman." These words come from the mouth of a famous American preacher. I think it is a very good analogy. The atheist is proud, he would raise himself to God and hates the idea that he can not make the rules and even more that he will be judged. Like so much to him and he puts his faith in accordance with his wishes rightly: This belief is then atheism. The Bible says that those who not believe in God glaubt ein Narr ist. Eine Beleidigung? Könnte man vielleicht annehmen, doch Gott gedenkt nicht Menschen zu beleidigen. Vielmehr ist damit gemeint, dass derjenige, der nicht an Gott glaubt der Weisheit entbehrt. Weisheit offenbart sich dem Demütigen, denn sie kommt nicht durch den Verstand alleine. Nur wer ein „erweichtes“ Herz hat, dem kann sie sich zeigen. Der Stolze kann niemals weise genannt werden. Weisheit aber ist eine Gnade, nicht etwas, das der Mensch sich selbst zulegen kann, weder durch Studium, noch durch Lebenserfahrung. Wer aber dieser Gnade zuteil geworden ist, der erkennt auch deren Ursprung und den dahinter stehende Schöpfer. Das Böse entspringt der Unwissenheit des Menschen, denn bei richtigem Verständnis zeigt that bring the commandments of God is no tyrant work but sensibly and freedom, happiness and success with it (note also that the Christian "free from the law" (from the Old Covenant) is, as Paul describes in Galatians!). I am not exaggerating when I say that a lived life with God is a life that brings fulfillment. And this is the greatest thing that can be achieved in this world. Everything else is a question of the afterlife.

So what is the "benefit" of Christianity? There are two levels. The first relates to the here and now, the other in the hereafter. In this world, Christianity has a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. This means that the Man gets answers to the question: 1) Who am I? 2) Where did I come? 3) Where do I go after death? And 4) What is the meaning of my life? The quality of life increases, the entropy in the spirit declines. And finally: the acceptance of Jesus Christ in the hereafter, or while out in his word for eternal life in heaven. Who could this seriously say "no"?