Saturday, May 8, 2010

Samsung Tv Replacement Bottom Cover

70. Kuverts und Kart Andeln

    A ls meine Tochter Marie Ella Hayes moved to Vienna, came by my remaining in Graz some equipment on the attic of the Lord Wawrinek. I checked out the books that I read very many of the women eager Wangert left, the better packaged together with tools, cardboard and newly purchased papers for envelopes in a box, and then issued a walk.

evaluate the six-day stay at the family Wawrinek I went on 15 July from paying for the conveyance of the 70 kg box to the station and from there to 30 Kreuzer 77 Kreuzer Kapfenberg, then for my trip from Bruck to Kapfenberg 22 cruisers. There happened to the soap-boiler Aflenzer Knecht, including cart. Because he knew me, he offered to once, my box, 1 ream of paper and the box with cushion and crown of the golden wedding with you. He was satisfied with 30 cruisers. I then found the post for 1 Gulden 28 Kreuzer plus 20 cruisers. Now I had to do with envelopes for Graz and Dr. Gmeiner Bruck very much. So I had all summer and fall no time to get into our big fruit and vegetable garden.

All work there, planting and harvesting, etc., were concerned by convicts and the maid as well as the hard-working, experienced woman in the nursery district judge's wife. On fruit was there a handsome amount for the winter.

Over the summer there were a few weeks, many residents and the postal service was significant. When I came back from a walk to Emissl, was as a summer guest at the inn Wedl Palbersdorf located Mr. Kohl Prince, cashier official of the municipal savings bank, including women, children and brother surprised me to be found here. He knew that Edward was district judge in Aflenz; that I live with him, it was not known. I once had for Mr. Kohl Prince 850 envelopes to make. Then he bought from my figure pictures of 4 of 60 cruisers. This loving family I visited Kohl Prince several times.

The autumn was fairly short and the winter and very stormy. I was stuck with envelope and make Kartandl , chips and engaged in various domestic tasks, and drew for the New Year's Eve in favor of the Aflenzer Poverty Fund (173) held a mill raffle for children, then 10 Kartandl, one in the other appropriate, and was also the by me in 1841 after the high altar in the Holy Trinity in place Windischbüheln gmalte and well-preserved picture, "Holy Trinity".

The mill was won by the merchant Petsch Thaler, the Kartandln was the senior teacher Kroi and the picture won the shoemaker's wife Hödl. The Lord Mayor has bought her the pictures just because it interested him particularly.

recited a small break in the music I Kroi trained by the old poem, "The Jew and the officer" or "The change-eater." At half past one clock at night, I went with the Lord's son with very wonderful night sky and bitterly cold home.

In spring 1887, I took my time but, in the garden to help as much as I could, because as I tried, to free the gravelled garden because of the larger stones and root out the overly aggressive weeds.


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