Friday, May 14, 2010

Aluminum Foil Balsa Wood Structure

72. Das Hoamweh und andere Wehs

N un approached the 26th July approached, to which I had to congratulate two ladies, namely Ms Redler in Graz and granddaughter Messner Pola. I carried the two on 20 and 21 letter written on July 23 to the post. Hardly a number of steps on Way back, I felt excruciating pain in the abdomen, so I immediately took the doctor, Dr. Lichtenegger, who told my sufferings for a break and was very serious.

(177) My brave son telegraphed immediately to the famous, famous Kutschera Dr. Bruck. As Dr. Lichtenegger previously on the affected part about kneading and caused me the greatest pain, it was the same Dr. Kutscher. Forelegs were ointments and flaxseed Köchl and medicines in use, then, three leeches recognized herauszuzuzeln a lot of black blood. Then came cold compresses using ice packs, and die emsige Frau Gemahlin meines Sohnes überaus freundlich tätig war. Medizinen und strenge Diät halfen  mir nach fünfzehn Tagen aus dem Bett. Ich war wohl sehr abgemagert und matt, erholte mich aber wieder so weit, dass ich im Garten mithelfen konnte, obwohl mir die beiden Doktoren jede Anstrengung untersagten.

     Herr Kohlfürst war der erste, welcher mich in meiner schweren Krankheit besuchte. Nun musste ich doch erzählen, woher ich den Ursprung meiner Leiden vermutete.

     Als wir in Graz im Jahre 1853 oder 1854 von der Wohnung in der Klosterwiesgasse wegzogen und im ersten Sack No. 3 in the 4th Floor 3 room-related and there zubrachen 19 1 / 2 years, we needed each year 100-ton stone, known as brown coal, and 3 cords of wood. According to my calculations, the crushing cost of coal, the same Expidieren from the street into the layer of wood, and from there to the 4th Stock 10 florins a year. Savings from consideration, and because I was still quite strong and like working, I was doing this business alone, with my good, dear wife and the adolescent granddaughter helped.

I and my wife took advantage of every summer, the cold bath after the Rauch'schen a guesthouse Savior "next to the Kienreich'schen paper mill. After a few years ago I noticed while bathing in my abdomen near the bladder two small increases. However, since they never hurt, I paid no attention and made a mention thereof against anyone, even to my poor wife not because they had at their most gratuitous jealousy easily found a suspicious cause. The many wood and coal carrying, to the number of seats for writing, drawing and painting could arrange the evil and gardening have led to the outbreak of the same. As I feared in advance, what will happen to me if even the left-side Tippel begins to rumble in the abdomen.

On 23 July 1886 came a new maid from the area in box in lower Saxony Steier as a cook for us Aflenz. This was for a long time in a woman district judge's wife in suspicion that they would apply to transfer to buy food not honestly and conscientiously to work. (178) In late September 1887, dismissed the cook, and in October Mrs. Gusti Neuhold the purchase and preparation of food has even worried.

On 1 November 1887 took place this service a step-daughter of the doctor Winkler Thurnau, took Pauline, tall, slender and delicate, with friendly, gefälligen Äusseren. Sie wurde von Herrn und Frau Neuhold sehr rücksichtsvoll behandelt, daher ich wieder nicht anders konnte, als mich der neuen Köchin dienstfertig und behilflich zu zeigen, indem ich ihr täglich 2 bis 3 Spritzkannen Wasser und 1 bis 2 Körbe Holz in die Küche schaffte.

Vom Zimmer der Köchin ging es hinein in das Speisezimmer, worin das Bett der früheren Mägde stand. Weil nun das fortwährende Klopfen und Fensterln der Burschen bei der Nacht der Frau Bezirksrichter schon lästig war, bekam die neue Köchin ihre Schlafstelle im ersten Stock bei den Kindern Hulda und Gretl Neuhold. Meine Schlafstelle hingegen wurde in das Speisezimmer hinabexpediert, so that the ground would not entirely uninhabited. In retrospect, I must mention

to me during my recovery from the disease described an irresistible urge to densities recorded. The verses I watched a top Irish melody of the song to "The Hoamweh." Of that I gave copies of the wife Auguste Neuhold, the owner's son and zither player Pertl, a trumpeter in Thörl, the choral society in Aflenz, my daughter Marie in Vienna, Mr. Messner Pola, Mr Kohl Prince, then to here as summer visitors what has been a music teacher proud of Graz. Of the two latter, I received very flattering recognition. The

Winter von 1887/88 war besonders schneereich und stürmisch. Überall lag der Schnee meterhoch, und in manchen Gegenden war wegen massenhafter Verwehungen die Kommunikation gesperrt. Im Frühling 1887 hatte der Telegrafenaufseher und kundige Gärtner Ziprian in unserem Obstgarten viele abgestorbene Stämme nd Zweige beseitigt, welche beinahe 4 Klafter in einer besonderen, luftigen Holzkammer aufgeschichtet wurden.

     Schneiden und Zerhacken, Zerkleinern des Brennholzes wurde immer von Arrestanten besorgt. Waren jedoch zufällig keine Sträflinge vorhanden, so verrichtete ich obige 4 Klafter vom Garten, dazu drei Klafter Fichten, wobei ich für mein Alter wohl sehr was hard and the fruit tree wood baskets in the 4th Floor had to tow.

(179) after the demise of Dr. Karl and Karoline Ernestine Watzka were two sisters of the wife of the son Eduard several weeks with us in Aflenz and then moved to her brother, Mr. kkNotar to Millstandt in Carinthia.

to raffle on New Year's Eve 1887, I painted the picture "The coffee sisters," I carved a puppet and made a wall basket Pappendeckl. The picture won the carpenter and glazier Waxenegger the Marionette went to the carpenter's apprentice writer und den Wandkorb gewann Schreibers Gattin.


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