Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hitachi Dvd Gh40f Firmware

73. Was auf uns zukommt ..

    N un Following is a description of my severe illness, which I since 24 February to 9 have gone through April 1888. For 12 years I was tormented by the end of the lower ribs at times a pain, which I always drove by external friction with brandy. As mentioned earlier, I had on 24 February 2 cans water carried into the kitchen. When I was the second can of water from the fountain took off running, the so-called lumbago grabbed me very powerfully that I had suffered some years ago. Since the same again suffering from the lowest ribs, but stronger than before and are stopped to urinate for quite some time was not right, I had to send for the doctor and I go to bed. After

lie down in the dining room can no sick, so my son back in my bed in my room 1 Photo taken and heated my oven.

Dr. Lichtenegger was right there and prescribed medicines, having explained my condition to the ribs as a liver disease. An incomprehensible arrangement of the Doctor I had to lie on his stomach, and he kneaded and püffelte all their efforts on my left buttocks going on relentlessly, like Becker when kneading bread dough mass.

I cried in pain and asked the doctor to stop his work because it was unbearable. What was to blame for this inexplicable Kneterei or irregular urination, the bladder that came into existence in unspeakable pain? I said immediately that the current sufferings more intense and longer, be as that in August last year. The horrible pain made me cry several times bitterly. Again came to the suffering of linseed Köchl. All natural appetite was lost and a strict diet was again ordered to. Diet alone pleases me. This tormented me a boundless, unquenchable Thirst. As often as the doctor came, he felt my pulse and found him always in order. I was again terribly thin.

(180) I certainly had seen for many paintings and statues, "Christ on the cross," but not as vegetarian as I was. In my life I was not as lean as Easter time, nothing but simple soup and water.

Some time ago I was awake at night every two hours to let the water, but now is the great misfortune arrived, that when I fell from weakness in sleep, which expired urine by itself, without my wahrnehmen konnte. Sonach war das Bett samt Gattihose und Hemd durchnässt, wodurch ein sehr übler Geruch entstand. Das Urinieren am Tage ging nicht mehr in Strahlen, sondern nur tropfenweise.

Ich war matt und kraftlos, so habe ich mein Bett doch immer selbst aufgeriegelt und den Ofen selbst geheizt, denn ich musste fast täglich 2 - 3 mal Wäsche wechseln und konnte nicht verlangen, dass jemand anderer sich in der von mir und dem Bette entströmenden, widerlichen Atmosphäre aufhalte, wo doch alles durchnässt beim warmen Ofen getrocknet werden musste. Der hiervon entwickelte Salmiak schadete auch meinen ohnehin sehr geschwächten Augen. Ich studierte auf Vorkehrungen, in order to prevent bed-wetting and left of the turner to make a tube through which urine could take place under the covers in a pot. The incessant saliva swallowing was extremely annoying. Internal heat of the tongue and palate, as leather was dry, a unbäniger and nothing to quiet thirst tormented me terribly. The doctor gave me

concentrated acid, which I had to take a coffee-spoon full in a glass of water. All was in vain. This sad period lasted so long. On 4 April 1888 expressed the evening, the hell of pain in the bladder is still very violent and ... then came again. I felt I was very erleitert. The appetite turned on again, and after a few days I could do without the tube and out of bed. But the terrible thirst would not let up. I drank beer, water, cranberry juice, sour milk, butter, milk and wine with soda water and hoped in time to change.


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