Saturday, May 22, 2010

How Do You Get Infinite Health In Dragon

74. Stehaufmandl

N un came the desire to travel to Vienna to visit relatives there. Until 14 May, I felt so far produced, that I could decide to travel. On 19 May in the evening I went through the post from Kapfenberg, was there for 5 guilders a Tour card and was returned with the order of Graz 12 3 / 4 night arriving Vergnügungszug second - actually, with the mail train - by 1 / 2 7 clock early on Pentecost Sunday at the South Station in Vienna, where I waited for the grand-daughter Gabrielle and her husband, Paul Hayes.

(181) This Mr. Hayek, a native of Vienna, is a resourceful man, he could tell me about all the objects had in place the rotunda Industry Exhibition . We were several times in the Prater, Schönbrunn and even in the so-called Türkenschanze next Weinhaus where I at the inn "to this year" even the best wine, 1 / 4 liters for 10 cruisers have been drinking. My daughter Marie, widow Schidan, had been very pleased that she would walk around with me much. We were only in Dornbach by Tramway. Your stomach just reawakened evil forced them to bed, where I received on 1 June left. After several days she recovered.

On 1 June 20 at noon by 1 clock went from the mail train from Vienna to Graz, where I arrived at 9 clock in the evening and me at the station the esteemed couple Wawrinek expected. Every 2nd Day I was with Mr. Plank kk Major as a guest, where I probably wonderfully lived. I made visits to Tropez, now landlord at the Rose Rosenberg, then at Mrs. Resler, my 31 January 1830 what has been bridesmaid, now 77 years old and sickly. Then I was with many friends.

when I was on the mountain Ries, 1 hour outside Graz in the very busy road to rail at that time the village shop vulgo inn, I decorated the two guest rooms with more of myself in watercolor generated rural guest house pictures , at which the guests talked often.

"Coffee-sisters" Original by Johann Neuhold with Brigitte Winkler in Munich

When I sold this reality in July 1850 came after three years the couple from the area Slawitsch Stainz as the third successor in the possession of the above reality. Since I along with my wife this more often visited and the famous husband and wife were especially fond of, I painted for them as a gift and a souvenir that I was once a shop host, 13 images, including: sleeping in the guest house, player, singer, Farewell the hostel, which recruits "Coffee sisters", the Indian mill, wine cellar bar, two dining areas, the hunters, hobby, and two pictures "The Mauler" , all designed by myself. For special hobby I painted these pictures for me.

"The Mauler" - original by Johann Neuhold with Brigitte Winkler in Munich

was three years ago, the Dr . Till med in Graz while loading the host. He liked my paintings so much that he offered the landlady, now Slawitsch, 100 guilders if they sell him above pictures. Since this would be a souvenir of me, she would they give away absolutely nothing. I speculated then sell him my pictures of the same kind quite cheap, met him twice but not at home. I left behind in his apartment at the Münzgrabenstraße my address. Dr. Till was not.

(182) Whenever I met friends in Graz, they said to me: "Yesterday we have to load again host admired your images", made these comments to me pleasure and happiness.

now told me on 1 June 1888 Mr Wawrinek that the shop proprietress got from a master of her pictures, which were not a work of art, 130 guilders have. After a few days ago I went to her to convince me and they told me that a gentleman had Reininghaus, owner of the castle Rabenstein, between Peggau and Frohnleiten located, you bought this make 100 florins and taken to Rabenstein. After her guests grumbled about the departure of the images and threatened her with the absence, lamented the landlady of the Lord again appeared before Reining house so much that he paid her on it for 30 guilders.

I wanted you sell the same pictures very cheap, but they wanted to buy any because she was inclined to sell the reality inside and outside to repair and then.

     Nachdem ich in Graz mehrere Aufträge zur Brief-Kuvert-Lieferung erhielt, fuhr ich am 9. Juni 1888 per Bahn nach Bruck. Auch bei Herrn Dr. Gmeiner erkundigte ich mich dort wegen Kuverts. Dann ging ich zu Fuss nach Kapfenberg, konnte aber dort keinen Platz im Postwagen erhalten. Da jedoch am Gasthaus Marx der Frachtwagen des Aflenzer Kaufmanns Trimmel stand, trug mir der Kutscher an, mit ihm zu fahren. Ich machte es mir so bequem wie möglich und kam um 7 Uhr abends wohlbehalten zu Hause an.


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