A ls ich bei meinen Verzehrsteuer-Bereisungen einst – 2000 Gulden in der Tasche – spät abends durch die Ortschaft Strass marschierte, fragte ich dort beim letzten Haus, ob man wohl ohne Gefahr noch nach Mureck kommen könne. Da erhielt ich die «tröstlichen» Worte, dass wohl vorige Woche beim Gersdorfer Wald jemand erschlagen wurde, diese Woche aber nichts geschehen sei. Ich wagte mich furchtlos weiter und kam in stockfinsterer Night happy and unmolested in Mureck on.

She was then a service when the rich man by Pichler, former Russian Council of State Street in the grave, where it fared very well and she visited us every other Sunday.
you married her then Polzer, who was on the line Harmsdorf toll Aufsehrer, and slip through as such, the wine merchant Übeleis left. If the dishonest demeanor of Polzer was betrayed, he was not much, as his beautiful wife, the mistress of the Regional Finance Director, Mr. von Varena was.
After several major sub-tails Polzer was dismissed as a teacher and came to the Franciscans, then take off accidentally as I ordered and subordinate to the Holy Trinity, where he told me (168) his resume. Away from us, he was caretaker at the Graz pawnshop. I would now like to see his wife, who was always sick knees.
behind our guest house in Mureck I had painted on a wall, a hermit with a kneeling before the cross, praying hermits. Since our house was like the name "hermit host."
If I had stayed longer in Mureck, I would have built there a private theater. Mr. Probst Lebzelter had already made a big hall. Kaufmann Kolletnigg had promised changes to be all colors, including canvas, and from all sides has been promised help. When I was gone, I had the not very flattering obituary: Now we have a fool in less Mureck!
If I was asked in Graz, where we go on Sunday, it was always called: We go to the carnival host for Ries. They said this had probably never realized that my follies just for the entertainment of guests, but not for me to let go.
One of the main reasons why we sold there, was that so many tobacco Blacker from Hungary Achilty loading host. Even with all the truck loads they were, therefore, their packages hidden in the woods at night and smuggled tobacco in the city. Concerned about it, perhaps inadvertently come into conflict with the tax authorities, we were the buyer of the reality very welcome.
As I once came from Mureck to Graz was at my parents a very pretty girl as a maid, a landlord's daughter from Murau. You told that her brother was destined for holy orders and was staying in Vienna as a theologian. As he wrote to his father that he had resigned from the seminar and wanted to learn the story. The father could not raise enough money and redirect to the son. Rather than this but the story, learned he was in the painting academy and became an artist of the first rank. He went on trips with his pictures and his reputation was founded. As his father was old and weak, he demanded that the son came home to take over the economy. He came. But instead of communicating with the guests, he sat in a corner and drew from the guests and made the economy his economy. The desire and enthusiasm for his Art drove him away again. As the old man did not help, had to sell the business and continued to send her daughter in the service.
(169) came as this famous painter Rafald to Graz, was in the newspaper: A new star has risen among us, etc. I was in tears.
The Ries came to us often of the state court clerk Hölbling. He allowed me to see it acquired from Rafald images. Oh, how I was as lost in blissful contemplation of the 5 beautiful landscapes and natural images with the 4 characters from real life and so moved that my eyes were wet annoying.
Once I arrived at the Hungarian border to an inn, before which the host mother, a very pleasant three sighted old woman sat at the spinning wheel. I took paper and pencil and drew from the old woman, without her noticing. Since I had to make quite a few strokes, there were three border guard, and cried like this: "! Geschwind, 1 units of wine on Neuhold his account" Well, well, 'said I, "Why" Because the supervisor came to me and pointed to those whose name was coincidentally also Neuhold. When he saw the drawing, he was quite delighted with die frappante Ähnlichkeit mit der Spinnerin und ersuchte mich um das Bild, wonach bei der von ihm bezahlten zweiten Mass Wein alle nebst der Alten recht heiter wurden.
Und so ergeben sich viele Gelegenheiten, bei welchen mich mein Schmerz plagte, nicht ein Maler geworden zu sein. Die Schwester des Rafald war dann zu Draiskirchen in Österreich mit einem Schuhmachermeister glücklich verheiratet. 30 Jahre lang hatte ein Werkelmann die Walzer gespielt, die 1830 bei meiner Hochzeit gezeigt wurden. Und so oft ich diese mir noch im Kopfe steckenden Walzer hörte, gab ich in seligster Erinnerung dem Werkelmann 4 Kreuzer.
Since the 18th March of the year, I have written to this Annex. I would have much to say, but say eyes and hand: "It is enough."
Aflenz in Upper Styria, on 23 April 1886
signed Johann Neuhold (But beware, it goes on ....)
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