My daughter Marie wrote on 22 In June 1891 from Franzensbad Bohemia that the weather there was always very critical so far, always cold wind and rain and little bright days. Therefore, were also present for much too little swimmers. She later wrote me that she and her domination of women, including the Brentano-hearted boy on 12 July, the Bad and will leave for Vienna and then travel to the estate in Schönbichl at Melk and wanted to get from there to us in Knittelfeld visit.
On 18 July 1891 then drove my daughter with the Western line from Melk to Amstetten, and from there, etc. by State Railway of Admont to St. Michael and came to the evening half past five, held on 19 July, a Sunday, for us, and I went with her to the male voice choir concert in kindergarten. On 20 morning they went on to Leoben and I drove with it. It urged them to not visit for five and a half years of marriage seen people Wawrinek. As the holiday only lasted four days, Marie Schidan on 21 July departed at 5 clock of St. Michael, Asmont, Amstetten to Melk. From there, they had to use Schönbichl a special occasion.
On 22 July I traveled by train early at half past seven in Leoben in Graz, round-trip for 2 Gulden 65 Kreuzer. I looked at the city with many new buildings and the magnificent new bridge. I made my visits to the grave mir unvergesslichen Gemahlin und bei Bekannten. Mein Nachtlager hatte ich zweimal im Hause der Frau Resler, welche bei meiner Hochzeit am 31. Januar 1830 als Brautjunger fungierte. Jetzt war sie altersschwach und hinfällig, zum Erbarmen. Ich musste ihr versprechen, zu ihrem Begräbnis zu erscheinen. Aber wer kann es wissen, ob nicht ich vorher abgerufen werde, da ich um vier Jahre älter bin.
Am 25. Juli wollte ich auf den schönen Schlossberg, da sich aber ein Landregen einstellte, fuhr ich per Bahn um 1 Uhr Mittag wieder nach Leoben, wo ich nachmittags um 4 ankam und wegen des vielen Regens vom Bahnhof in die Stadt mit dem Omnibus fuhr.
(201) On 25 July came from Vienna Amstetten, Admont etc., the wife of the doctor's daughter with the smoke from Graz Hermione Wawrinek to visit. I stayed two days there and went on 27 July after Knittelfeld, where I arrived at half past seven in the evening and was welcomed by my family friendly. Who happened at the station.
On 26 August 1891 I made a walk to Grosslobming, 27 August as Bad Rachau, two hours further. On 13 September I was in the three hours away on a high mountain site located Seckau. On 27 September, I traveled by train to Zeltweg for 10 cruisers and went there for half Hour to the brewery Forrach. On 6 October I was back in Zeltweg and went from there to hour and a quarter white churches. At each site, I just ate a pint of beer and bread, for I felt no further need.
The months of September and October were very sweet, but on 29 October to 2 November was pretty much snow. Then it was several days with frosty cold wind, then as lukewarm.
On 9 November, I felt pain when urinating and Dr. Pölz my condition as stated Blasenkatharr. I could not fathom the emergence of the same and had to avoid all acidic foods and drinks only tea all from the pharmacy to take me. Sorry, took me all the forces in such a way, that it was a miracle, if I am still alive. Deafness, eye evil, and cramp in the legs bothered me for several years. And in a year I struggled a little pain at the base of the spine, which prevented many times that I'm fully upright.
After today, 4 December 1891, 83 1 / 2 years old, am I allowed myself to old age not fret too much.
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