there are concerns in light of the bad circumstances in the world today is the question of what would be for the correct behavior of man. And since there is only the wise counsel of the Apostle Paul, who calls us to eternal chastity. For the holy, good man will abstain from any sexual acts and thoughts, but who can not control himself and needs of sexuality, for it is better he takes a wife, marries and then practiced his desires in this by God pursues not unworthy, found community when he is married with no sexual activity. Of course this is only the second best choice because of celibacy is not just the priest called, but basically all followers of Christ, all saved and just man. But not an external requirement, but the attitude is to cause this, because what would a fair service to the Lord, if he does not come from the heart, but imposed by external circumstances and external pressure?
What are the benefits that this entails any sexual practice? There are a closer study of their diverse and everyone recognizes has the understanding that such a life valuable to the one who can give it. The celibate life strengthens the will power, the power and control that one has about his life in very significant. There will be no unnecessary wasted time to the opposite sex and man as a whole open to God and His revelations and miracles in your life. Instead the attention of the man or woman you desire is to compete, all focused on the eternal and truly valuable. Imagine a priest was married and had children, would be a considerable time for this it, then missing in the service of the Almighty, a shame that would not be justified. Also makes a celibate life reaches a much happier and self-esteem levels of risk which the sexually active people can only dream about - happy who has been equipped by God with a barely existent libido!
is also the health of celibate men are much better than that of sexual trainees, there is no risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases - diseases that attack the human race around and always a punishment for sexual activity were. Not to mention the increased dignity of the non-sexually active people. Catholic Priests today are often attacked because people feel inferior to them - this is the real saints, who have moved to a hard road and the fornicators are a nuisance. But it is precisely the criticism proves the righteousness of saints. Anyone who does not practice sex commits no sexual sin - no extra-marital sex, no masturbation, pornography and the like, the purity of the heart is preserved, with all the people who are not sexually active can be maintained. It is important in this context to mention that it is not easy to adjust his sexual activities altogether. It begins with that all his actions in this regard sets, but even if every sex, every masturbation and pornography has disappeared from life, but usually it takes a while, until the fantasies and images are gone in the head. Here it is, on Post Stand and remain steadfast. But even this evil to an end and after maybe a year or two of complete abstinence disappear and the mental images that sexual desire disappears completely and one can experience a freedom like never before in life. Thanks be to God the Lord, one is able to completely rid of the sex and love with a happiness can, as ordinary people suffering in your life niemals erfahren!
Die spirituelle Reife kann nicht zunehmen solange ein Mensch sexuell noch aktiv ist. Selbst Osho, der fragwürdige hinduistische Guru und Menschenverführer, hat erkannt, dass ab dem Alter von 42 Jahren kein Mensch mehr sexuelle aktiv sein sollte. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass Sexualität ab einem bestimmten Alter nicht nur nicht mehr angemessen, sondern geradezu abscheulich ist (niemand will sich 50jährige im Bett vorstellen!). Zucht und Ordnung, Disziplin und Erhabenheit nehmen zweifellos zu, wenn man der Sexualität entsagt. Die Lebensqualität erreicht neue Höhen und die Lebensfreude kennt keine Grenzen mehr.
Sex schädigt auch die Intelligenz, denn das Gehirn wird ständig mit chemischen Botenstoffen überschwemmt, die die Aktivitäten auf die Reproduktion lenken, anstatt auf wirklich wertvolle menschliche Tätigkeiten. Das Fleisch ist zwar nicht schlecht, doch steht es weit unter dem Geist, der das eigentlich Entscheidende ist.
Im Ergebnis spricht so vieles gegen und so gut wie gar nicht für die ausgelebte Sexualität. Aber wir leben in verruchten Zeiten und so nähern wir uns zweifelsohne der Endzeit. Doch wer standhaft bleibt, der wir seinen Lohn erhalten und für alles entschädigt werden, was er entbehren musste, wobei die Sexualität nicht dazu gehört. Diese nicht zu praktizieren ist eine grandiose Erleichterung und keine Last. Am gesegnetsten sind zweifellos die asexuellen Menschen, denen Gott in seiner Güte the desire has completely absorbed, so that they are his saints, to whom he has his favor. Shame on all those in need of sex and still honor those who have found the strength to practice no more! May the people wake up to recognize, in what for extremely difficult times we live in and choose happiness and abstinence, lest our planet a better one.
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