Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hoboken Cruising Spots

82. Der Knabe Heinrich - Altersprobleme - Ausflüge

     I m Jahr 1840, ich war 32 Jahre alt, hatte meine stets fleißig gewesene Frau von weißer Baumwolle für mich zwei Unterjacken gestrickt, welche mir bei meinen Reisen im Verzehrsteuerjahr sehr gute Dienste taten. Eine dieser Jacken ist seit einigen Jahren schon ganz zerfetzt, die andere ist noch einen Winter lang verwendbar.

     Als wir in Graz im 1. Sack, im Nagl'schen Haus im 4. Stock einzogen, wohnte daselbst im 4. Stock gassenseitig der Hausarzt Dr. Kammerhuber, ein sehr verständiger und braver, geschickter Man with woman, a daughter and a boy Otto. In the 3rd Stock tailor lived happy, always the boy Henry came up to play with Otto and our son Edward in the lobby, the tailor's son commanded all the time. As my wife said very often, she would like to know what would become of this boy around. And because Henry is always more to be imagined, it was believed, made him become something great. But he was spoiled as the only child of his mother very much, was a skilled tailor to strangers, came to Paris and Berlin, and his parents had cost large sums, and then looked after at home to the little tailor's shop. He dealt with Agent properties. Since But he embezzled money from a club as treasurer, he was arrested several months.

Otto Huber came into the chamber to military school in Graz Liebenau. His father died on 11 January 1891, 80 years of old age. According to the death notices Otto is at the Austrian State Railways Reischen Assistant Director and married. The sister is still single.

As I mentioned that my wound zuheilte again, my joy was also short-lived, because the wound was transformed back into a large walnut Dippel, who also hurt. Dr. Pölz prescribed a truss, 3 florins which cost me and the Bandageur in his apartment on Monday after Palm Sunday, was administered in the evening. While I was preparing to go to bed and I lay down, I grabbed a terrible cold that I shook horribly during one and a half hours. I lost all appetite and was very tired, but I recovered so far that I could at Easter in the church. (198) The new treatment of the truss is annoying.

Now I realized that the old age when I really grew. My daughter Marie wrote to Dr. Edward Neuhold, that he not leave me this year to Vienna should, because they wanted to visit us this summer.

THEREFORE I made a trip to Pentecost to Leoben to Wawrinek and spent 13 days there. Since I wanted to see mountain front, so I took a card there and back for 70 cruisers. As were asked during the trip, the maps, it appeared that I had in the to St. Michael and not on the front mountain moving train took place. I had now for this station 15 Kreuzer pay more and there to return a card to Leoben solve 10 Kreuzer. I did not mind, I liked this ride only because coming together in St. Michael still trains in Leoben, Pontebba of Carinthia and the Ennstal down, and the turbulent life is interesting. Since the card to the front Berg 8 days was valid, so I used the same 4 days.

The boy Viktor Sommeregger to Leoben learned violin. As I have written for him in March out of sheer boredom on 4 sheets of music paper a mazurka, march 3, 16 songs, 2 songs and 2 hunting serenades, such as I played with my flute always welcome. Because of my crooked finger, I could no longer use the flute. I had a good ear for music, and so I did everything in his mind. Of marches above is one that I was eight years old at the parade ground in Graz aufgefasst hatte und erst jetzt zu Papier brachte. Unter den Walzern ist auch einer von meiner Hochzeit, die am 31. Jänner 1830 war. Alle diese 45 Jahre alten Stücke sind noch immer angenehm und ich bildete mir ein, dass es doch schade wäre, wenn dieselben ganz vergessen würden.

     Als ich mich in Leoben dem erwähnten Herrn Steuereinnehmer Sing empfahl, sagte dessen freundliche Gemahlin zu mir: »In Knittelfeld werden wir uns öfter sehen«. Hier aber in Leoben nimmt kein Mensch von mir Notiz. Ich besuchte schon sieben Gasthäuser, aber weder Wirt noch Wirtin, Kellnerin noch Gast kümmerten sich up to now about me. I lacked the gift to impose myself. Also, I never had the courage, the husband and wife singing to annoy you with yours truly. A granddaughter of my late sister, Maria Stadler married a lawyer, officials called Pichler and is since April 1890 here. For this couple, I am twice a week at five clock in the evening visit.

needs in order to come into the forest next to a half hour. (199) From my window you can see the half an hour distant castle, together with small town Hauzenbichl. The surrounding towns of St. Margaret, Gobernitz, land chess, Grosslobming, pause village Massweg, Sachendorf, Kobenz all I ever visited.

My first trip was to further Judenburg because I was tormented by the longing to see this friendly town and an old friend back there visit. When I namely in 1866 with the Graz gymnasts to Judenburg moved (see Chapter 56) were there we received a warm welcome and showered in the brew house with a shower of flowers. From here on gratitude, I sent from the painted by me 30 beer drinkers the two Egid Frank Turner, a für ihn und einen für das Brauhaus. Frank hat nun dort das sehr gut besuchte Gasthaus »Zur Schönen Aussicht« nebst Badeanstalt. Er sagte, dass sich sein Biertrinker im Turnvereinslokal befinde. Das Bild im Brauhaus fand ich noch frisch im Goldrahmen.

     In Knittelfeld gehe ich öfters gerne zum  Bahnhof .  Dort ist ein bewegtes Leben wenn die Züge ankommen. Man kann am Perron ungehindert auf- und abspazieren. Als ich Anfang März wieder gegangen bin, sprach mich ein Herr sehr freundlich an, er wollte wissen, wie es mir in Knittelfeld gefalle. Ich konnte mich nicht an remind him, and knew not to guess the reason for his kindness. When I saw him speak later with the district judge at the station, I asked my master's son, tell me, who would be friendly for the Lord. Since I was told that he was the Lord tax collector, I could not understand that I do not know this gentleman from Christmas ago.

For a subsequent chance meeting I asked my permission to him and his kind wife Gemahli to be able to make a visit. So I was on 15 and 22 June, there and gave them my landscape paintings 4 pieces: Quedlinburg, Terracine, Bern and lock Sulinica.


These supplements, memories of past events with all the details as soon as he wrote 90 years What kind of memory.!)


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