Friday, October 29, 2010

How To Make A Pc Wrestli


narcissism is something in the behavior of people, all in Western culture, not to observe rare. Yes our society promotes, to a certain degree of narcissistic Efforts, because without them is a progress almost impossible. But what happens when the narcissism determines the whole personality, when it is next to nothing else and become the person is a true narcissist? Then one speaks of the narcissistic personality disorder - it is this article.
What is a narcissistic personality disorder? Edited by the WHO International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) calls for the classification of the narcissistic personality disorder (in addition to the general requirements for personality disorders) at least five of the following points:

• Self for grandiose hold their own importance enormously exaggerate
• Is strong fantasies (power, money, success, beauty, etc.) dominated
• Believe in their own uniqueness that goes far beyond the normal human
• Depends excessive by the admiration of others. • Extremely high
make claims, special treatment
• Exploitative required in interpersonal relationships. Other people are sources in order to survive, the other is not even there at all. •
blatant lack of empathy (in extreme cases non-existent)
• sensation of very large Envy or the belief others are envious of a
• arrogance, haughtiness

What about now specifically the behavior of a narcissist (in the pathological sense) from? Narcissists have a self-image, building on its own grandiosity and invincibility, omnipotence and omniscience. They avoid this but claims they have qualities to the test. The narcissist is also raised to have to provide evidence. He avoids the competition and challenges to be raised about such things dar. The narcissist regards others as sources for his life, he can exploit at will, as they it a "tribute" owe, without, for that he in any way an consideration would provide. He is often sadistic, sadism, but used to make others more submissive, not because he finds pleasure in the pain of others, as the pure sadist. Other people are objects, not subjects, they have fulfilled their task, they are "disposed of" and replaced by other sources. The narcissist has no real connection to other people and mourns not for others, even if they should die. The body language of the narcissist is dominant, arrogant, lofty, he tries to portray itself superior, avoids physical contact, but can often last a very long eye contact, but he always keeps a distance from others, he is never authentic. Er spielt soziale Verbundenheit vor, ist aber zu Teamarbeit unfähig und spielt den Intellektuellen, den Professor, derjenige in der Gruppe, der niemals emotional eingebunden ist, sondern alles aus einer überlegenen Position heraus analysiert. Das gibt ihm das Gefühl über anderen zu stehen. Darauf angesprochen gibt der Narzisst vor über großen Gleichmut zu verfügen, ein kühler Kopf zu sein und dergleichen. In Wahrheit jedoch ist ein Narzisst ein sozialer Idiot, dem Empathie völlig fehlt, auch wenn er oft charmant sein kann und anderen Mitgefühl und Anteilnahme vorspielen kann. Der Narzisst ist ein Opportunist, er investiert Gefühle immer nur, um von anderen etwas zu bekommen, nie weil ihm am Wohl der anderen etwas content.
narcissists usually require special treatment, better conditions than other, better places in the restaurant, preferred treatment and do mostly with the leaders not to talk with employees, that would be beneath their dignity, they believe. The narcissist can not accept responsibility for his life, his illness, he takes on the behavior of others, the world, to forget the bad times and circumstances in which he returned alive. He presents himself as the "lone wolf", the idea would eventually be recognized by history. He pretends to be a kind of genius, but the world is too "stupid" to recognize this. Ordinary activities are hated him, he rejects routine, he needs entertainment. He has no stamina and can not make long term plans. Narcissists idealize others and evaluate them from behind. They praise, whom they need for their outsized need for respect and admiration. Do they have the other but "sucked", then turns to the narcissist from brutal and leaves the other alone with his grief.
narcissists sometimes refer to himself in third person, they talk about their lives as the life of another. You think too much, the only thoughts they revolve around themselves, but they do not feel they are emotionally crippled. They see their lives take place in a film, the film mostly a nightmare similar, but the narcissist feels the pain, it is dissociated, lived almost like outside of his body. His body feels the narcissist as a tool to use that he can, but he has no real integration of feeling one's own body as something foreign to him, the true self, says he, is far more noble and of such things as matter raised . The narcissist has an opinion of himself, which complies with reality, he often adorned with laurels and make the foreign services down others in order to better position itself. He evaluates not necessarily from obvious, but he can say another one painfully exaggerated praise, which in effect as eine Beleidigung wirkt – genau das, was der Narzisst in Wahrheit möchte.
Narzissten leiden an Aufmerksamkeitsdefiziten, sie leben meist nur in ihren eigenen Gedanken und nehmen in der Umwelt nur das wahr, was sie gerade brauchen, um etwas zu erreichen. Andere Menschen an sich sind ihnen gleichgültig. Sie meiden Menschen, die Probleme haben, um nicht um Hilfe gefragt zu werden. Um Hilfe zu bitten ist für den Narzissten erniedrigend. Doch er ist völlig abhängig von anderen, hat viel weniger Selbständigkeit, als normale erwachsene Menschen, deshalb muss er andere in Situationen bringen in denen er berechtigt ist von ihnen etwas zu fordern, ohne dass es so aussieht, als wäre der Narzisst bedürftig. Narzissten rationalisieren and idealize their lives, their failures are attributed to the environment, they themselves remain perfect, even if they do nothing. Narcissists have no personal boundaries and can thus also respect those of others, not for them, each other is a potential source of their narcissistic supply and the narcissist sees no reason why anyone should willingly for him (free) available . He feels entitled to demand anything from the world without giving anything back. He is a man who only takes and returns nothing!
narcissists are often very reactive, they are deadly serious and do not tolerate jokes about himself. They themselves are often cynical and sarcastic towards tolerate others, but not the least joke about it themselves, you are irascible and very easy to get het up about things that would result in a healthy person than to a small discrepancy. The narcissist is not even the feeling of being human, more of a higher being that has come to Earth to study the ordinary people. He feels constantly misunderstood. They are often paranoid, schizoid, antisocial, and often self-destructive addictions and perversions come with them often. Narcissists torment but usually only the narrow circle of their family and their social network, the very sources from which they draw their supply. For die Umwelt sehen solche Menschen meist recht normal aus, vielleicht mit kleinen Abweichungen. So täuscht der Narzisst die ganze Welt, meist sein ganzes Leben lang.
Narzissten sehnen sich oft nach Halt und finden den etwa in einer Religion oder einer strickten Ideologie. Sie unterwerfen sich dann und gehorchen den Regeln einer Institution strickt. Narzissten können nicht wirklich reife Entscheidungen treffen und sind sehr leicht verführbar von totalitären Systemen. So sind der Nationalsozialismus und der Kommunismus für Narzissten sehr attraktiv, denn so brauchen sie nicht zu denken, unterwerfen sich strickten, absoluten Regeln und gelten trotzdem als erwachsene Menschen. Die Welt des Narzissten besteht im Grund nur aus der Phantasie, sie leben nicht in reality, they bear a complete mental breakdown would amount to. The distance between themselves and the world is vital for them. In case of problems these people drift off into fantasy world. Narcissists are like children, they need others to achieve their goals. Typical is also that they want to destroy the reason for frustration. Narcissists have no private self. While most people in society play certain roles (job, at home, neighborhood, community, etc.), there is one exclusive area reserved for family and friends. Narcissists have such thing, they are always the same role, her life takes place on a stage and they are constantly under observation (usually by their parents through the oversized super-ego). They believe the normal rules and laws do not apply to them. In fact, "normal being" for something narcissists of the worst things they can imagine.
regard to sexuality, this is highly disturbed by narcissists. The narcissist craves but after nothing so much as for love, but his inability to intimacy it impossible for a healthy relationship. Thus, the narcissist uses others only for their own pleasure, the partner is a sex object, and only to satisfy his physical needs because no matter what he may say, he may yet so charming und „einfühlsam“ wirken, im Grunde geht es dem Narzissten um nichts anderes, als Sex zur Befriedigung seiner narzisstischen Bedürfnisse zu verwenden. Er ist nie demokratisch, kann den Partner nie als Menschen akzeptieren, fordert Bewunderung, Anbetung (manchmal unter Anwendung von Sadomasochismus, um den Partner willfährig zu machen). Narzissten sind autoerotisch, nichts turnt sie mehr an, als sie selbst. Auch für Inzest sind sie sehr anfällig, denn ihre eigene Familie ist ihnen selbst (genetisch) am ähnlichsten. Sexuelle Perversionen und Paraphilien sind häufig.
Der Narzisst ist ein Versager, ein Verlierer, doch dies hindert ihn nicht daran an seine „Mission“ zu glauben, daran, dass He is determined to be bigger. At least he thinks he should have a right to an easy life. Although he is (his narcissist himself is hard work) is not fundamentally opposed to hard work, but he refuses to do from subordinate activities to "serve" among others. Humiliation for the narcissist to endure a lot harder than for others, for the narcissist covers all its self-respect only from outside, he has no internal source of this. Humiliation is for him a soul equally threatened murder and his whole existence. It is then often react like an animal in danger. Due to the lack of self control freak narcissist can easily and huge Aggressionen zeigen, die für das Umfeld völlig unverständlich sind. Ist der Narzisst nicht mehr in der Lage seine innere Spannung zu kompensieren, kommt es oft dazu, dass er sich aus dem Leben völlig zurückzieht und keinen Kontakt mehr mit Menschen pflegt, die Welt ist für ihn ein gefährlicher Ort und scheinbar hat sich alles gegen ihn verschworen. Verschwörungstheorien sind recht häufig unter Narzissten anzutreffen. Manche werden schizoid arbeiten in abgeschlossenen, abgedunkelten Räumen mit Computer und Büchern und pflegen keine Sozialkontakte mehr. Der Narzisst kann trotz Fehlschlägen nicht mit seinem Verhalten aufhören, da aus seiner Sicht sein ganzes Dasein an seinem Verhalten hängt. Auch wenn er leidet, he has frightened but it is comfortable in his plight and change it a lot more than the known suffering.
the arrogance, dislike routine and the idea of everything to be legitimate, prevent the narcissist can be successful, it is socially an idiot, even if it should have a high IQ. Yet narcissists are basically stupid people, and quite predictable. They are easy to manipulate and often become victims of fraud and abuse. On the one hand, the narcissist feels superior to all others, overwhelming and admirable, on the other hand, he feels his weakness, his helplessness over others and the world.
The narcissist ist kein erwachsener Menschen, sondern ein kleines Kind, er ist niemals reif geworden er ist ein puer aeternus (Peter Pan, Dorian Grey). Die Seele wurde in der Kindheit durch Traumata in einen Schockzustand versetzt, so dass sie nicht mehr weiter wachsen konnte. Gleichzeit hat sich ein falsches Selbst aufgebaut, das von nun an das Leben dominierte und allmählich zur ganzen Persönlichkeit wurde.
Das Verhältnis zu anderen Menschen gestaltet sich für den Narzissten sehr problematisch. Ein besonderes ist jenes zu den Eltern. Meist sind die Eltern die Verursacher des Kindheitstraumas und nicht selten sind sie selbst Narzissten oder Co-Narzissten (Narzissten, die von einem Narzissten abhängig, co-abhänig, sind). Die Eltern sind die Quelle the frustration, the narcissist knows this and hates his parents, often with all my heart, even if it takes care of her and lives with them. You're the cause of his trauma, his fault, his bungled life. But narcissists are not bound free of their parents, they are to them. Something special happens when parents die. The narcissist needs living parents, in order to hate them, so they can make accusations, but when they die, they leave him, which means that he loses a source of his narcissistic supply. For the narcissist's parents never die, their voices are pursuing burned into his mind and control it and even after her death, usually to the death of narcissists themselves dying parents, then the narcissist himself a child again, he feels like an orphan, he was again betrayed by their parents.
it is common that narcissists never move out of home, but remain forever in the parents (until they die), they refuse to grow up and take no adult responsibilities (job, relationships, family, etc.).
The ratio of children is also problematic. Children behave like narcissists and that is a normal part of development. They flirt for attention and think they are charming and invincible, brag, tricks and come through with that, you will forgive them, yes they are often encouraged to um ein gesundes Selbstwertgefühl zu bekommen. Der Narzisst ist im Grunde ein solches Kind, nur er ist erwachsen, bei ihm wird dieses Verhalten nicht mehr geduldet, er bekommt Probleme mit der Umwelt. Er hasst Kinder, er ist neidig auf sie, weil er sich selbst in ihnen sieht. Sie dürfen, was er nicht darf, sie bekommen, was ihm versagt wird. Neue Familienmitglieder werden von vielen Narzissten abgelehnt oder sie versuchen diese zu manipulieren, um von ihnen bewundert zu werden. In den ersten Lebensjahren darf ein Kind fordern, doch je älter es wird, desto mehr erwartet auch die Umwelt als Gegenleistung von ihm. Der Narzisst sieht dies niemals ein und bleibt ein Kind und hält sich auch berechtigt dazu, sein Leben lang fordern zu dürfen, ohne to anything must be asked of him.
The narcissist has no real friends. He may have acquaintances, but friendship requires empathy and such is not a real narcissist or hardly exist. He takes advantage of people who recognize their weaknesses, cheated, is unreliable, keeps his word - no friendship can stay that way. Narcissists never recognize the value and the ability of other people, they are only objects that can be used as desired by all, with no real value.
In later years, many narcissists commit mentally ill or under certain circumstances suicide. It is for them to survive the only way die Realität kann nicht mehr ausgehalten werden. Ohne falsches Selbst ist der Narzisst einem derartigen Übermaß an Schmerzen ausgesetzt, dass er sich nicht mehr integrieren kann, er bricht psychisch völlig zusammen. Gewöhnlich beendet der Narzisst sein Leben einsam, alleine und tief verbittert.

Der Kern des Narzissmus
All diese Betrachtung führen zur Fragen, was denn im Grunde im Zentrum der Narzissmus steht. Welche Grundhaltung besteht im Kern der Persönlichkeit eines Narzissten? Der Narzisst ist ein Mensch, der keine Ahnung hat, wer er wirklich ist. Er kennt sein eigenes Wesen nicht. Das Selbst des Narzissten ist ein großes dunkles Loch! Ein falsches Selbst ist so übermächtig (durch das Über-Ich) become that not even a fight with the real I gives, for this was crippled in childhood and the wrong I have taken the personality out and raped the people now permanently from the inside. But this is not recognized by the narcissist, for he is the wrong I am so familiar, it's his master, that he considers his true personality. It can not detect the falsehood. The narcissist is a slave, a slave of the false ego! The narcissist has given up his self-realization and his adulthood in favor of a slave driver (the false self). Depression, hopelessness, powerlessness felt by the narcissist always, by its inability grow up to be. He feels great shame, especially when he compares himself to peers who have achieved something. The origins of pathological narcissism
lies in childhood trauma. The dissociation results in response to childhood trauma. Deep in the inner narcissist hates himself and doubts deeply in itself. This is also the core of the whole personality disorder! Narcissism is a defense against this deep self-loathing! Narcissism is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. The narcissist does not have its own soul or his own body, they have taken him through the false self, the slave of the narcissist is. He has no control over him, so he is also wonder if it is pulled slightly to account for what he has done. The narcissist loses his life, along with past and future of the false self. The narcissist is full of feelings of inferiority. He knows he should make a grown man and can not do anything yet, he is a child in the body of a man or a woman. The shame of it is boundless. The narcissist finds out sometimes, he's a nerd and he gets to do with fear: fear of how others react to him and fear, as he himself responding (not even after he is lord of himself).
The abuse of children can come in three different ways about. 1) coddling of the child (The child is addicted to it) 2) neglect of the child 3) real abused (sexual or not sexual, emotional, physical). Sexual abuse is not typical of what a narcissist was done in childhood, very often, however, is the emotional abuse. Abused Children internalize the voices of the abuser. Her life is spent related to votes against it. Parents are role models and children learn from positive and negative sense. Love the children learn from them, the parents are not in a position, the child probably the greatest difficulties with love and intimacy. The cause of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is due almost never in a single traumatic act, but (etc. addict parents, corporal punishment, humiliation) in a long series of abuses. If parents abuse children, then they themselves become children again, trying to deal with their own abuse.

The Narcissistic Personality Disorder is one of the mental disorders that are most difficult to treat. This is mainly because the patient is addicted to his fault, he even actually loves. In the therapy, he is not to be cured, but to deal with the difficulties of life better - In short: to be a better and more successful narcissist. Many therapists are refusing narcissists treat because of poor results and the unwillingness of the patients, moreover, the patient is lower and the therapist, because in his eyes, he is himself a "colleague" and has at least the same capabilities and the same knowledge. Most narcissists reject psychotherapy vehemently. Not infrequently, only the external intervention, for example by a court decision to mean that a narcissist ever gets to a therapist. Narcissists give her illness usually only in major life crises, and even then they soon fall back into their old patterns of behavior zurück, auch wenn sie bereits einiges an Therapie hinter sich haben.
Um an das wahre Selbst des Narzissten heran zu kommen ist sehr viel Anstrengung nötig. Viele Therapeuten haben es völlig aufgegeben dieses verkrüppelte Etwas hervorzukramen und dann damit zu arbeiten (das wahre Selbst ist meist nicht älter als fünf Jahre). Sie versuchen viel mehr ein völlig neues Selbst aufzubauen, ein neues wahres Selbst, mit dem der Patient besser in der Welt leben kann. In der Therapie muss der Narzisst einem anderen Menschen vertrauen, etwas, das er in der Regeln nicht kann. Er muss sich auch „unterordnen“ und anerkennen, dass der Therapeut mehr weiß und besser in der Lage ist ihm zu helfen, als er es selbst könnte. He must therefore recognize the superiority of another - how hard this is for the narcissist, is for this text so far has already shown. The narcissist is a huge super-ego dominated that has permeated his entire personality, even in the minds of his narcissistic personality.
must also recognize the narcissist that he, if he wants to be healthy, make friends with the "normality" of human existence must be. Normal is for the narcissist to be a humiliation, for it means he must be like the others, which he has previously always felt superior. In therapy, it is a matter that should not show the true self and develop and that the superego is slowed down and replaced if possible, so true I can gain control of the personality.
Initially, the narcissist to be his self-confidence. The typical rationalizations must be up, the patient recognizes the (frightening) reality of his life. Then begins the narcissist to see themselves realistically. This is done by using other people to tell him where this bluntly and honestly, as the patient's life looks like (friends, acquaintances, etc.). The narcissist is now the source of his addiction (narcissistic supply) on. Then the patient is so far that he can get involved in the actual therapy, with the intention wirklich geheilt zu werden und nicht nur um ein „besser funktionierender Kranker“ zu sein.
Die Gefühle des Narzissten sind „eingefroren“, in Wahrheit ist er nur in einer Linie gebunden: an die Krankheit selbst, in sie investiert er all seine emotionale Energie. Vorsicht ist auch dort gebunden, wo der Narzisst zwar seine Störung zugibt, aber keine Verantwortung übernimmt, sondern nur die Störung selbst für sein Leben verantwortlich macht. Der Narzisst auf dem Weg der Besserung muss zugeben, dass die Krankheit durch ihn selbst verursacht wurde und dass er auch dafür völlig gerade stehen muss. Das Verständnis der Störung bringt noch keine Besserung. Es genügt nicht, dass der Patient über she knows. True healing can only happen there, where the narcissist begins to feel real, feel the pain and express with words and not to "overcome". At the end of therapy the narcissist at best, not a narcissist, but a person who has (sacrificed) lost many years of his life on the altar of an idol (false self) is. He can grieve now recognizes his immaturity and may result in the constructive work to really grow up and take responsibility. He then recognizes his vulnerability, but he is free to realize themselves freely and to fulfill his destiny.
as effective forms of therapy have 12-step programs, EMDR (Eye Movement and Desentizitation Reprocession) and also sometimes found NLP. One must not forget that the underlying trauma disorder, so just those methods most likely are promising, dealing with post traumatic stress and level of such interference.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Black Splotches On Screen

85. Ach, wie viele Leiden ...

N oh the snow from November 1891 to mid-December the weather warm and pleasant. Many people feared that it would not be winter because of ice formation was not a trace, and these abnormal weather conditions were probably responsible for the fact that the rampant in many countries Influenza illness in Styria occurred violently. Where else to read in Graz per day 8-12 in the newspaper were dead, came just before Christmas 1891 from 20-27 deaths. This disease mostly very old people gathered there, and spared neither rank nor dignities.

On 28 December, I went in the afternoon, because the cold was excessive and was no wind, "in the Leuthnersche Inn At the Green Anger." There I drank wine eighth. But when going home shook me a huge cold. I trembled violently, and went to bed, and I immediately felt a very painful stinging and tearing through the whole body.

Fortunately, I had against the temporary cramp in your legs Gläger brandy stock. With this I rubbed the whole body, as far as long as I could. After 3 days, all stinging and tearing was over. Now I was very pleased with the idea that this evil illness was over.

New Year's Eve dinner at half past nine was the friendly woman of my son's room and called the open door: "Happy New Year," to which I received from her a glass of warm lemonade!. When I had drunk it, began a violent cough, der mir eine schlaflose Nacht bescherte. Die Frau Bezirksrichter sagte anderen Tages, dass der Husten ein Teil der Influenza wäre. Sie wissen es von ihrem ersten Bruder, Notar in Millstadt in Kärnten, welcher auch an dieser so peinlichen Krankheit gelitten habe.

     Am Neujahrstag blieb ich noch im Bett und hoffte, der Husten werde wohl von selbst aufhören. Da er aber immer ärger wurde und ich bei Appetitlosigkeit ermattete, ließ mein guter Herr Sohn am 7. Jänner den Herrn Dr. Pölz kommen, der mir 9 Pulver verschrieb und Tee verordnete. Ich musste wieder zu Bett gehen, dabei hatte ich großen Durst und durfte nichts trinken. Nach Bier und Wein hatte ich kein Verlangen, but for fresh water. All doctors advised as a drink to take tea with the customary among wealthy cognac, but I could do without this expensive species.

(204) On 20 January I felt completely free from the annoying cough. The fear of pneumonia was over and I regained appetite, and for the first drinking water.

During the severe coughing I had to take another 10 powder. Dr. Pölz was treated here in places even 200 patients. When I told him on 2 February 5 guilders paid the bill with saw he very attacked because he had to fight against this terrible disease and to fight back. How to read in the newspapers was, are at this very malignant illness, many people - including cardinals died, empires, generals and princes - high over the years.

I had already mentioned that I had to promise Mrs. Anna Resler, to attend her funeral. Coincidentally, I read there on 16 October 1891 in Graz Tagblatt the about death notices on 13 October shall death of Anna Resler. She died of old age, 78 years old. If I had over here of Graz get a message I would certainly be happy there.

The aftermath of the influenza survived stayed with me is not enough. Hearing and seeing is with me since early March 1892 much weaker. If two people speak two steps away from me, together, I do not understand a word. Newspaper reading is already an effort for me especially as there is no eye-glass. It seems sad and painful to go through all Unannehlichkeiten in old age.

Oh, how much suffering could have ended up coming over me I would have!

As I worked in Graz and Aflenz with envelope-production, I wanted to try this business in Knittelfeld, partly to kill the boredom, and partly to snuff now and then earn for a sip of wine or something. Around Christmas 1891 I had sold in 1400 envelopes. At the three public holidays, I made a lot of envelopes, hoping to exploit this new year. However, as mentioned, the influenza to spice up the bill. I made and sold later by 1 April 1892 2840 envelopes. Once in Knittelfeld the useful paper on this to not always have been, I had to come twice already this can be of Graz.

It pains me still that I my poor, 11 December 1882 died, I could not take the unforgettable wife suspicion and doubt about my unfailing faithfulness in marriage.

(205) Mr Kneschaureck master bookbinder, book and Haberdashery Dealers also a homeowner in the main square in Knittelfeld, asked me what I at he purchased papers need. I replied that I too much for Mr. District Judge categorize have. It was certainly untrue, and I did not tell him so, that I do envelopes. To 13 May I put it in all over 6375 envelopes and had learned that Mr. Kneschaurek because of my job for me was very angry.

For a change, I went on 14 May, after repeated invitations to Leoben to Mr. and Mrs. Wawrinek and stayed only three days there, because the envelope preparation for the Pfingswoche drove me home. I had then to Saturday, 4th June prior to Pentecost envelopes sold again in 1660.

On 14 May I Madam Wawrinek 150 envelopes for business cards and 160 for letters. On 18 May I congratulate Mr Wawrinek to his name. On Ascension Day, 26 May, I went to Judenburg to Mr. Frank Egyd, innkeeper "For beautiful views. I wanted to ask because of the daughters of George Dunkel, brother of my mother, but could learn nothing. From speculation, I took AM15. May, the number of envelopes with which I sold at Frank's guests, and in three vaults at once. Over again so many I could fit, if I had had with me.

As our kinsman, Mr. John Maister of Pentecost last year was in Leoben, there was the marriage of his second daughter with a leather merchant Lois Someregger agreed, noting that Mr Maister my frailty, he said to me. We are "hard to see us again," But when he

at Pentecost 1892 visits from his daughters again got there, it took but the longing to see me again. And so he came on 10 June with Mr Wawrinek here, which pleased me immensely. I had just finished off a letter to him, which I gave him along with two landscapes: 'City and Castle Legovia in Spain', 'town Janina in Greece' as a souvenir handed to me.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Brown Spot From Tanning

Regional Cultural History and Genealogy - Lyra

Regional Cultural History and Genealogy - Lyra

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why Fever With Bradycardia

84. Über die Freundschaft

N falls achträglich me some one from previous years. For when I and my wife in May 1839, the Bauer-life reality (real estate) in Mureck-bought, we were all required to pay for home repairs from the good-natured gentlemen mentioned merchant Kolletnig and belt master Rogathin willingly stretched out some loans.

When I went in October to be sought and granted by the Savings Bank loan to Graz, where I read in the newspaper that the "poem written by Moritz Sigrist faith, hope, love" am on Sunday morning chorus of singing. (202) I then listened to this song that I liked it so much that I conceived after the melody during the journey home, the poem "The author of friendship." Then I wrote it twice on gilt-edged paper, and the above correction in the credit guarantor, I gave each a copy with the greatest gratitude.

I was and am still taken from my poetry and the melody so that I could not help to place the text here:


-1 -
The friendship blossoms so divinely beautiful;
a loyal friend is worth gold and treasures,
his heart can never see a sorrow,
makes him pleasure if he gives consolation.
hits and a cruel fate, the diffracted heart
elevates the look confident, hoping the sky;
Sun heals the friendship, it heals the friendship
helping, loving, comforting each pain

-2 -
Where is fortunate that his friendship is like
the faithful and loving us enough hands? How blessed
makes the only good friend
do to help and quickly leaves him no peace almost.
Yes only a gentleman, kind, good and warm friend, the honest
helping, warning, protecting well it thinks the
honestly helping, warning, protecting well it says
United in which virtue and emotion.

-3 -
The friendship is the sky Sunbeam,
refreshing the poor here in Erdental.
Many thousand thanks to the man who gives the blessing
how and where he can.
Oh, what joy, joy, happiness and bliss
we prepared by a real true friend ', because
friend help, because friend's help and comfort
sweetens the bitterness of life.

On 19 November, I sent my daughter in Vienna, the text above with the melody set to notes, in addition to the aforementioned song, "The Hoamweh" that she wanted her son both solid geometry Victor, chairman of the choir singing club to Witkowitz in Moravia to any use.

(203) until 25 November, I felt freed me from the said bladder disease, mitfloss while blood in the urine.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wedding Shower Recipe Saying

83. Schmerzen beim Urinieren -- 83 Jahre alt

D last winter 1890-91, he was very stormy, colder than ever here in Knittelfeld by two degrees than in Leoben. On 30 April and 1 and 2 May, it was after hydrolysis with rain, cold winds and snow flurries suddenly very hot, which overthrew the terrible waters in the depths. Then there was persistent heavy rain, so that was a terrible flood and caused hideous damage. The whole place was like Murtal as a lake. In the community Weinzödl in Graz has been done on land and buildings Severe damage. Weinzödl The bridge was so ruined that the same was impassable until mid-July for pedestrians and only by day. (200) All dams for the raft trip and the two-sided Mühlgängen to the bridges downstream, were torn by the forces of the flood. In support of the most damaged Weinzödl inmates held in the Industry Hall of Graz a great concert. The sad weather, cloudy, cold and rain lasted almost the whole of June.

My daughter Marie wrote on 22 In June 1891 from Franzensbad Bohemia that the weather there was always very critical so far, always cold wind and rain and little bright days. Therefore, were also present for much too little swimmers. She later wrote me that she and her domination of women, including the Brentano-hearted boy on 12 July, the Bad and will leave for Vienna and then travel to the estate in Schönbichl at Melk and wanted to get from there to us in Knittelfeld visit.

On 18 July 1891 then drove my daughter with the Western line from Melk to Amstetten, and from there, etc. by State Railway of Admont to St. Michael and came to the evening half past five, held on 19 July, a Sunday, for us, and I went with her to the male voice choir concert in kindergarten. On 20 morning they went on to Leoben and I drove with it. It urged them to not visit for five and a half years of marriage seen people Wawrinek. As the holiday only lasted four days, Marie Schidan on 21 July departed at 5 clock of St. Michael, Asmont, Amstetten to Melk. From there, they had to use Schönbichl a special occasion.

On 22 July I traveled by train early at half past seven in Leoben in Graz, round-trip for 2 Gulden 65 Kreuzer. I looked at the city with many new buildings and the magnificent new bridge. I made my visits to the grave mir unvergesslichen Gemahlin und bei Bekannten. Mein Nachtlager hatte ich zweimal im Hause der Frau Resler, welche bei meiner Hochzeit am 31. Januar 1830 als Brautjunger fungierte. Jetzt war sie altersschwach und hinfällig, zum Erbarmen. Ich musste ihr versprechen, zu ihrem Begräbnis zu erscheinen. Aber wer kann es wissen, ob nicht ich vorher abgerufen werde, da ich um vier Jahre älter bin.

     Am 25. Juli wollte ich auf den schönen Schlossberg, da sich aber ein Landregen einstellte, fuhr ich per Bahn um 1 Uhr Mittag wieder nach Leoben, wo ich nachmittags um 4 ankam und wegen des vielen Regens vom Bahnhof in die Stadt mit dem Omnibus fuhr.

     (201) On 25 July came from Vienna Amstetten, Admont etc., the wife of the doctor's daughter with the smoke from Graz Hermione Wawrinek to visit. I stayed two days there and went on 27 July after Knittelfeld, where I arrived at half past seven in the evening and was welcomed by my family friendly. Who happened at the station.

On 26 August 1891 I made a walk to Grosslobming, 27 August as Bad Rachau, two hours further. On 13 September I was in the three hours away on a high mountain site located Seckau. On 27 September, I traveled by train to Zeltweg for 10 cruisers and went there for half Hour to the brewery Forrach. On 6 October I was back in Zeltweg and went from there to hour and a quarter white churches. At each site, I just ate a pint of beer and bread, for I felt no further need.

The months of September and October were very sweet, but on 29 October to 2 November was pretty much snow. Then it was several days with frosty cold wind, then as lukewarm.

On 9 November, I felt pain when urinating and Dr. Pölz my condition as stated Blasenkatharr. I could not fathom the emergence of the same and had to avoid all acidic foods and drinks only tea all from the pharmacy to take me. Sorry, took me all the forces in such a way, that it was a miracle, if I am still alive. Deafness, eye evil, and cramp in the legs bothered me for several years. And in a year I struggled a little pain at the base of the spine, which prevented many times that I'm fully upright.

After today, 4 December 1891, 83 1 / 2 years old, am I allowed myself to old age not fret too much.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pictionary Phrases To Draw Idea

life without sex

How blessed are but the people who are able to accomplish a life without the overwhelming burden of sexuality to live? Is it not true that the ordinary man, barely into puberty that he gets to feel a need to just move in sexually active? How shameful this is also the healthy sentient Erdenbürger gesehen werden mag, so beschämend ist es doch zu beobachten, was der Mensch in der Praxis daraus macht und welchen schändlichen Praktiken er sich dann am Ende, trotz aller Gewissensbisse hingibt. So sinkt das Alter der ersten sexuellen Aktivität ständig und wenn man bösen Zungen glauben darf, dann sind es bereits Personen unter vierzehn Jahren die des Geschlechtsverkehrs teilhabend wurden. Doch die eigentlichen Probleme beginnen noch viel früher und die Übersexualisierung der Gesellschaft hat ein Maß erreicht, dass jede Moral mit Füßen tritt und den Zeiten von Sodom und Gomorra gleicht. Wäre es da nicht Recht und billig, wenn die Menschheit das gleiche gerechte Schicksal erlitte, wie die perversen Einwohner those two cities, which were in good righteous anger, with fire and brimstone forever destroyed by the earth? For all men are sinners and no one deserves the kingdom of heaven, all people deserve to have evil torments her constantly from the day of birth up to grade and that they were not pleasant happens.
there are concerns in light of the bad circumstances in the world today is the question of what would be for the correct behavior of man. And since there is only the wise counsel of the Apostle Paul, who calls us to eternal chastity. For the holy, good man will abstain from any sexual acts and thoughts, but who can not control himself and needs of sexuality, for it is better he takes a wife, marries and then practiced his desires in this by God pursues not unworthy, found community when he is married with no sexual activity. Of course this is only the second best choice because of celibacy is not just the priest called, but basically all followers of Christ, all saved and just man. But not an external requirement, but the attitude is to cause this, because what would a fair service to the Lord, if he does not come from the heart, but imposed by external circumstances and external pressure?
What are the benefits that this entails any sexual practice? There are a closer study of their diverse and everyone recognizes has the understanding that such a life valuable to the one who can give it. The celibate life strengthens the will power, the power and control that one has about his life in very significant. There will be no unnecessary wasted time to the opposite sex and man as a whole open to God and His revelations and miracles in your life. Instead the attention of the man or woman you desire is to compete, all focused on the eternal and truly valuable. Imagine a priest was married and had children, would be a considerable time for this it, then missing in the service of the Almighty, a shame that would not be justified. Also makes a celibate life reaches a much happier and self-esteem levels of risk which the sexually active people can only dream about - happy who has been equipped by God with a barely existent libido!
is also the health of celibate men are much better than that of sexual trainees, there is no risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases - diseases that attack the human race around and always a punishment for sexual activity were. Not to mention the increased dignity of the non-sexually active people. Catholic Priests today are often attacked because people feel inferior to them - this is the real saints, who have moved to a hard road and the fornicators are a nuisance. But it is precisely the criticism proves the righteousness of saints. Anyone who does not practice sex commits no sexual sin - no extra-marital sex, no masturbation, pornography and the like, the purity of the heart is preserved, with all the people who are not sexually active can be maintained. It is important in this context to mention that it is not easy to adjust his sexual activities altogether. It begins with that all his actions in this regard sets, but even if every sex, every masturbation and pornography has disappeared from life, but usually it takes a while, until the fantasies and images are gone in the head. Here it is, on Post Stand and remain steadfast. But even this evil to an end and after maybe a year or two of complete abstinence disappear and the mental images that sexual desire disappears completely and one can experience a freedom like never before in life. Thanks be to God the Lord, one is able to completely rid of the sex and love with a happiness can, as ordinary people suffering in your life niemals erfahren!
Die spirituelle Reife kann nicht zunehmen solange ein Mensch sexuell noch aktiv ist. Selbst Osho, der fragwürdige hinduistische Guru und Menschenverführer, hat erkannt, dass ab dem Alter von 42 Jahren kein Mensch mehr sexuelle aktiv sein sollte. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass Sexualität ab einem bestimmten Alter nicht nur nicht mehr angemessen, sondern geradezu abscheulich ist (niemand will sich 50jährige im Bett vorstellen!). Zucht und Ordnung, Disziplin und Erhabenheit nehmen zweifellos zu, wenn man der Sexualität entsagt. Die Lebensqualität erreicht neue Höhen und die Lebensfreude kennt keine Grenzen mehr.
Sex schädigt auch die Intelligenz, denn das Gehirn wird ständig mit chemischen Botenstoffen überschwemmt, die die Aktivitäten auf die Reproduktion lenken, anstatt auf wirklich wertvolle menschliche Tätigkeiten. Das Fleisch ist zwar nicht schlecht, doch steht es weit unter dem Geist, der das eigentlich Entscheidende ist.
Im Ergebnis spricht so vieles gegen und so gut wie gar nicht für die ausgelebte Sexualität. Aber wir leben in verruchten Zeiten und so nähern wir uns zweifelsohne der Endzeit. Doch wer standhaft bleibt, der wir seinen Lohn erhalten und für alles entschädigt werden, was er entbehren musste, wobei die Sexualität nicht dazu gehört. Diese nicht zu praktizieren ist eine grandiose Erleichterung und keine Last. Am gesegnetsten sind zweifellos die asexuellen Menschen, denen Gott in seiner Güte the desire has completely absorbed, so that they are his saints, to whom he has his favor. Shame on all those in need of sex and still honor those who have found the strength to practice no more! May the people wake up to recognize, in what for extremely difficult times we live in and choose happiness and abstinence, lest our planet a better one.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hoboken Cruising Spots

82. Der Knabe Heinrich - Altersprobleme - Ausflüge

     I m Jahr 1840, ich war 32 Jahre alt, hatte meine stets fleißig gewesene Frau von weißer Baumwolle für mich zwei Unterjacken gestrickt, welche mir bei meinen Reisen im Verzehrsteuerjahr sehr gute Dienste taten. Eine dieser Jacken ist seit einigen Jahren schon ganz zerfetzt, die andere ist noch einen Winter lang verwendbar.

     Als wir in Graz im 1. Sack, im Nagl'schen Haus im 4. Stock einzogen, wohnte daselbst im 4. Stock gassenseitig der Hausarzt Dr. Kammerhuber, ein sehr verständiger und braver, geschickter Man with woman, a daughter and a boy Otto. In the 3rd Stock tailor lived happy, always the boy Henry came up to play with Otto and our son Edward in the lobby, the tailor's son commanded all the time. As my wife said very often, she would like to know what would become of this boy around. And because Henry is always more to be imagined, it was believed, made him become something great. But he was spoiled as the only child of his mother very much, was a skilled tailor to strangers, came to Paris and Berlin, and his parents had cost large sums, and then looked after at home to the little tailor's shop. He dealt with Agent properties. Since But he embezzled money from a club as treasurer, he was arrested several months.

Otto Huber came into the chamber to military school in Graz Liebenau. His father died on 11 January 1891, 80 years of old age. According to the death notices Otto is at the Austrian State Railways Reischen Assistant Director and married. The sister is still single.

As I mentioned that my wound zuheilte again, my joy was also short-lived, because the wound was transformed back into a large walnut Dippel, who also hurt. Dr. Pölz prescribed a truss, 3 florins which cost me and the Bandageur in his apartment on Monday after Palm Sunday, was administered in the evening. While I was preparing to go to bed and I lay down, I grabbed a terrible cold that I shook horribly during one and a half hours. I lost all appetite and was very tired, but I recovered so far that I could at Easter in the church. (198) The new treatment of the truss is annoying.

Now I realized that the old age when I really grew. My daughter Marie wrote to Dr. Edward Neuhold, that he not leave me this year to Vienna should, because they wanted to visit us this summer.

THEREFORE I made a trip to Pentecost to Leoben to Wawrinek and spent 13 days there. Since I wanted to see mountain front, so I took a card there and back for 70 cruisers. As were asked during the trip, the maps, it appeared that I had in the to St. Michael and not on the front mountain moving train took place. I had now for this station 15 Kreuzer pay more and there to return a card to Leoben solve 10 Kreuzer. I did not mind, I liked this ride only because coming together in St. Michael still trains in Leoben, Pontebba of Carinthia and the Ennstal down, and the turbulent life is interesting. Since the card to the front Berg 8 days was valid, so I used the same 4 days.

The boy Viktor Sommeregger to Leoben learned violin. As I have written for him in March out of sheer boredom on 4 sheets of music paper a mazurka, march 3, 16 songs, 2 songs and 2 hunting serenades, such as I played with my flute always welcome. Because of my crooked finger, I could no longer use the flute. I had a good ear for music, and so I did everything in his mind. Of marches above is one that I was eight years old at the parade ground in Graz aufgefasst hatte und erst jetzt zu Papier brachte. Unter den Walzern ist auch einer von meiner Hochzeit, die am 31. Jänner 1830 war. Alle diese 45 Jahre alten Stücke sind noch immer angenehm und ich bildete mir ein, dass es doch schade wäre, wenn dieselben ganz vergessen würden.

     Als ich mich in Leoben dem erwähnten Herrn Steuereinnehmer Sing empfahl, sagte dessen freundliche Gemahlin zu mir: »In Knittelfeld werden wir uns öfter sehen«. Hier aber in Leoben nimmt kein Mensch von mir Notiz. Ich besuchte schon sieben Gasthäuser, aber weder Wirt noch Wirtin, Kellnerin noch Gast kümmerten sich up to now about me. I lacked the gift to impose myself. Also, I never had the courage, the husband and wife singing to annoy you with yours truly. A granddaughter of my late sister, Maria Stadler married a lawyer, officials called Pichler and is since April 1890 here. For this couple, I am twice a week at five clock in the evening visit.

needs in order to come into the forest next to a half hour. (199) From my window you can see the half an hour distant castle, together with small town Hauzenbichl. The surrounding towns of St. Margaret, Gobernitz, land chess, Grosslobming, pause village Massweg, Sachendorf, Kobenz all I ever visited.

My first trip was to further Judenburg because I was tormented by the longing to see this friendly town and an old friend back there visit. When I namely in 1866 with the Graz gymnasts to Judenburg moved (see Chapter 56) were there we received a warm welcome and showered in the brew house with a shower of flowers. From here on gratitude, I sent from the painted by me 30 beer drinkers the two Egid Frank Turner, a für ihn und einen für das Brauhaus. Frank hat nun dort das sehr gut besuchte Gasthaus »Zur Schönen Aussicht« nebst Badeanstalt. Er sagte, dass sich sein Biertrinker im Turnvereinslokal befinde. Das Bild im Brauhaus fand ich noch frisch im Goldrahmen.

     In Knittelfeld gehe ich öfters gerne zum  Bahnhof .  Dort ist ein bewegtes Leben wenn die Züge ankommen. Man kann am Perron ungehindert auf- und abspazieren. Als ich Anfang März wieder gegangen bin, sprach mich ein Herr sehr freundlich an, er wollte wissen, wie es mir in Knittelfeld gefalle. Ich konnte mich nicht an remind him, and knew not to guess the reason for his kindness. When I saw him speak later with the district judge at the station, I asked my master's son, tell me, who would be friendly for the Lord. Since I was told that he was the Lord tax collector, I could not understand that I do not know this gentleman from Christmas ago.

For a subsequent chance meeting I asked my permission to him and his kind wife Gemahli to be able to make a visit. So I was on 15 and 22 June, there and gave them my landscape paintings 4 pieces: Quedlinburg, Terracine, Bern and lock Sulinica.


These supplements, memories of past events with all the details as soon as he wrote 90 years What kind of memory.!)