Socrates was born around the year 470 BC, the son of stonemason and a midwife Sophronikos Phainarete. He took over his father's profession, but it has practically not been exercised in his life. Socrates fought bravely as a hoplite in the Peloponnesian War to his native city of Athens. These campaigns were also the only occasion in which he left the city of Athens. Otherwise spent all his life in the metropolis of Attica. 406 he was elected Prytanes, the Executive Committee of the Fünhunderterrates. Socrates, though was who had used during the regime of the Thirty Tyrants for democracy, now attacked by Democrats, who saw him and his ways of thinking as partly responsible for the decline of Athens after the lost war Peloponnesichen. Athens had been humiliated and hard to find a scapegoat had been successful in the person of Socrates. 399 He was sentenced to death completely innocent. He was charged with blasphemy and corruption of youth. Although it was Socrates's death would be an easy escape, for Example, simply by the fact that he had left the city (which he had not been prevented, he decided to die rather the presence of his most loyal disciples and admirers, he drank the hemlock and discussed with them until recently the topic:.. Death and what one could know about it. The nature of his death to be accepted upheld its principles of truth and love of truth, the Socrates classifies even higher, than life itself
What he has lived all his life is not known, he always seemed been on holiday to be. Probably he had inherited a certain amount of wealth that allows him sufficient lifestyle, which was just so much easier, as the philosopher no debauchery led, like so many others with "too much free time" would have probably done in his situation. In any case, Socrates is dedicated to the truth. In essence, however, it was always about the good life. Truth and wisdom were ultimately the only true life purpose, a cause. Socrates could each to engage in conversation and he loved every show that he knew basically nothing, that his knowledge basically nothing else than mere opinions, possibly through the mind so cleverly packaged that it is for real knowledge could hold. One hand, Socrates turned so his fellow man just as hard as nails and above all through to provide the kind of questions that led to a self constantly disagreed. Socrates was not there, the one offended, but be did with it myself this scoffer or Socrates was not a sadist. His concern was really about the truth and the fact that no-one could know something that people had to be brought to this realization but only because a rule was and is the single, very convinced of it to know something, especially when he has education. The method of Socrates was never in it to object to another directly. Always it was to refute the testimony of other indirect and, whenever possible, by the other it self an argument thus leads weit, bis es ad absurdum geführt wird und in sich selbst zusammen bricht. Das Ziel ist erreicht, wenn der Gegner nichts mehr zu sagen weiß oder sich nur noch in Floskeln oder Ad-Hominem-Angriffe flüchten kann.
Den einen war er ein Ärgernis, für die anderen war er ein Held. Sokrates war ein Phänomen, ein Athener Original, den man immer auf den öffentlichen Plätzen und Straßen antreffen konnte und er immer zu einem „Schwätzchen“ aufgelegt war. Dass dieses Schwätzchen immer auf den Kern einer Sache zielen sollte, entging eine freilich, sofern man mit der sokratischen Art zu fragen noch nicht vertraut war. Das Orakel zu Delphi nannte ihn den weisesten Mann der Welt („keiner ist weiser as Socrates). For Socrates was the way and the goal of life one. Not life itself is important, but the living.
There are also some anecdotes of Socrates, only one of which is to be mentioned here. Once on a sunny day, the philosopher went again to the public places of Athens, as was his habit. He had a lantern with him, carrying a lighted light within. When asked why he needed a lantern in broad daylight, he answered that he was looking for people who have so far but still not able to find.
Socrates himself left no single line. Therefore, it is not easy, the doctrine Socrates to reconstruct. What we know about him comes mainly from his most important pupil, Plato, Socrates can occur in several dialogues. Plato himself was not only his philosophy but also as a person of the heritage of Socrates. But not he alone has set out to claim the teaching of Socrates and to have passed. Aristotle also writes about Socrates, Xenophon was one of the best friends Socrates, as the "Dandy" Athens, Alcibiades. All the philosophical currents of the West in any way go back to Socrates. To mention
still would be the allegedly poor relationship with his wife Xanthippe Socrates. Her name has since become synonymous für ein garstiges Weib, einen Hausdrachen. Das meiste davon ist stark überzeichnet. Wenn das Verhältnis auch nicht immer harmonisch gewesen sein mag, so ist es doch übertrieben es als derart missgestaltet hinzustellen, wie dies die „Biographen“ des Sokrates, vor allem früher, gerne getan haben.
Mit Fug und Recht kann man Sokrates als einen der größten Menschen bezeichnen, die je gelebt haben, ein Licht in der Dunkelheit.
Aussagen über Sokrates
„Er war im Tode der Edelste, im Leben der Verständigste und Gerechteste.“
- Platon-
„Sokrates bricht mit der Tradition und holt, wie Cicero es zugespitzt gesagt hat, die Philosophie from heaven to earth. "
- Bruno Snell -
"I admire the bravery and wisdom of Socrates in everything he did, said and not said"
- Friedrich Nietzsche -
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