Wednesday, August 11, 2010,,

Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898

"Do not be speeches and majority decisions the great questions of our time decided, but by iron and blood! " This" gaffe "Bismarck in the Prussian Diet has become one of his most famous statements. Much has been through this "Iron Chancellor" and its written form is one of the most glorified of modern German history. As „Einiger Deutschlands“ und Visionär, als des Kaisers wichtigster Mann wurde er gefeiert. Und Millionen von Deutschen bewunderten ihn in Literatur und Geschichte, schauten andachtsvoll auf das berühmte Gemälde der Kaiserproklamation in Versailles 1871, auf dem eindeutig, der in weiß gekleidete Bismarck heraus sticht und nicht die im formellen Zentrum stehende Person König Wilhelms I. Wer ist dieser Mann, der zu den bedeutendsten Politikern des 19. Jahrhunderts gehörte und dessen Wesen bis weit ins 20. Jahrhundert hinein strahlte?

Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck wurde 1815 geboren. Er war ein Junker und Landbesitzer in Schönhausen in Brandenburg. Aus einem konservativen und autokratischen Elternhaus stammend war he democratic and liberal ideas are not very fond of. But Bismarck had enough realism of something that appeared to him as "evil" out of it for the best. You could not prevent development, so he wanted to control as much as possible themselves. The concept of realpolitik is also inextricably linked with the name Bismarck.

The first major public appearance Bismarck was on the train of the revolution of 1848. The first, revolutionary-minded, House of Representatives, he was not ongoing. But in October the same year a new house was chosen, which was set more royalist and his 33 year old was a member of. The relationship with King Friedrich Wilhelm was tense. Early supported Bismarck, not least because of his admiration for the Chancellor, Prince Metternich, the "Greater German Solution" at the Association of German states. In the early 50s, but he changed his mind and supported the "small German" solution, which excluded Austria. 1859 Bismarck ambassador in St. Petersburg and 1862 in Paris. But only a short time. The War Minister Albrecht von Roon called him back through the now famous telegram (periculum in mora, Dépêchez-vous ") to Berlin. That same year, Bismarck became the Prussian chancellor, drängte den König Wilhelm I. dazu die Armee zu reformieren, seine Ignoranz gegenüber der parlamentarischen Opposition aufzugeben und sich den realen Umständen zuzuwenden. Wilhelm war zögerlich bei seinen Entscheidungen und hörte entschieden zu viel auf seine Frau. Bismarck änderte dies und geriet dadurch naturgemäß in Konflikt mit der Königin.

Noch war er Österreich gegenüber, zumindest öffentlich, freundlich gesinnt. Zusammen mit Preußen besiegte es 1864 Dänemark. Die Gebiete Schleswig, Holstein und Lauenburg kamen zu Preußen bzw. zu Österreich. Der Konflikt mit Österreich spitzte sich in der Folge jedoch zu und 1866 kam es schließlich zum Krieg, den Preußen fulminant could decide for themselves. The famous battle of Hradec Kralove sets A fitting testimony to it. It focused mainly on the dominance of Germany in Vienna and in the Congress (1814-15) founded the German Confederation, which was led by Austria. But now the emphasis had shifted to the north and Prussia was now the clear leader. The states north of the Main merged to form the North German Confederation, under the chairmanship of Berlin.

the Prussian king was offered in the wake of the English crown. France, however, insisted that she refused. Encirclement by the Germans was unacceptable for France, and soon is the beginning of a diplomatic crisis. This was the casus belli for Bismarck. He wrote his famous "Ems Dispatch " to King William, who was staying for a cure and was written with "improved" words. The purpose was clear. Wilhelm is no other way should be able than to declare war. So it happened. France was defeated, especially in the great battle of Sedan. In January 1871 the German Empire proclaimed in the Mirror Hall of the palace of Versailles, after which the southern kingdoms of Bavaria, Baden Württemberg and the other German states were connected. King William I was to Kaiser Wilhelm I and Bismarck, the first chancellor.

now wanted to protect the Acquired Bismarck, because he was aware how much the new super power in the center of Europe had disturbed the balance in Europe and a new order had opened up that would have been only too happy to hit other states again. France wanted revenge for the loss of Alsace-Lorraine was with him not to expect a lasting peace. Austria was upset, but could be brought so far in 1879 with Germany " Dual Alliance" to close. 1882, joined the newly established Kingdom of Italy ("Triple Alliance "). 1887 Bismarck concluded with Russia the so-called "reinsurance agreement," der dafür sorgen sollte, dass Deutschland in einem kommenden Krieg (und Bismarck sah diesen voraus) nicht von zwei Fronten gleichzeitig angegriffen wurde. Solange Victoria I. Königin (Großmutter von Kaiser Wilhelm II.) von England war, gestalteten sich die Beziehungen gut bis freundschaftlich. Erst al diese 1901 starb und Edward VII. König wurde wendete sich das Blatt. 1904 schlossen England und Frankreich sich zur „Entente Cordiale“ zusammen. Ein eindeutig gegen Deutschland gerichtetes Bündnis.

1878 fand in Berlin der größte diplomatische Kongress sein Wien statt. Es ging um die Neuordnung des Balkans. Bismarck triumphierte auf dem Kongress, wie einst Metternich in Wien.

Innenpolitisch kam es zu einem „ Kulturkampf “ mit der katholischen Kirche, in dem es um die Frage des Erziehungswesens ging. Bismarck erließ gesetzte, die den Katholiken verboten in Ausbildungsfragen mitzureden. Doch bald arrangierte es sich mit den entsprechenden Kreisen im Parlament und dem Heiligen Stuhl. Die Sozialdemokraten waren Bismarck ein Gräuel. Doch drängte ihn die „ Soziale Frage “ dazu erste Kranken-, Unfall- und Pensionsversicherungssysteme zu errichten. Damit war ein Grundstein des Sozialstaates Deutschland gelegt worden und das von einem Konservativen.

1888 starb Wilhelm I. und nach wenigen Wochen auch sein Nachfolger Friedrich III. so dass Wilhelm II. Kaiser wurde. Dieser hatte modernere Idee and true in foreign policy in line with Bismarck little. He announced the reinsurance treaty with Russia. After the tensions of the two men had become more violent, the emperor offered the chancellor for his resignation. 1890 gave them a Bismarck. It was adopted accordingly.

Bismarck saw with terror ahead of the First World War and the desperate situation in which Germany would get if it were attacked from two sides. How right he should have it, the story was not two decades after his death. brought


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