Monday, August 16, 2010

How To Make Uhf/vhf Transformer

81. Erinnerungen an frühere Jahre

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When I was little and often to the veteran with Dr. Fink Cook and Aunt Therese Dunkley came, I gave the maid mentioned, Johanna Seidnitz, play "Who knows what this is good? To read." And has since started in 1847 with the evil of the fingers are crooked, it occurred to me, who knows what is good? I had the happy thought, let me issue on the fingers crooked medical certificates, which were then still considered a result of my son's requests for time exemption from military duty.

, When I, 19 years old, in 1827, convened to comment was all preloaded in the City Hall came to the barred with iron gratings, long corridor on the third floor. The 36 agents took position in the night orderly pandemonium. The departure of Assentierung was fixed for the next Thursday.

As food we received convicts a small piece of meat on a Trögl and to a wooden spoon. The recruits from better homes were supplied by the parents with a better snack. Since the first floor a spacious office-local was empty, the recruits were from the third floor down expidiert in the freshly whitewashed room. The prisoners had to carry all the mattresses approach for us. Among us there was an elegant Tyrolean, student of medicine, his accommodation provider had caused it, that the fine and nice man not a student should sleep under the noisy people, but at home. The moment he was gone, I asked everyone (196) around a pencil and drew on the walls neugeweissten half the night soldiers from all genres: Infantry, hunters, pensioners, artillery, infantry, Marque tender inside - all the cartoons in more than life size.

Neuhold original of this image in private collections in Munich

Als um 8 Uhr früh der Gefangenenaufseher die Tür öffnete und die bekritzelten Wände sah, fluchte er entsetzlich und wollte wissen, wer dies getan habe. Wir aber schoben die Schuld auf den Mediziner, der gestern Nacht nach Hause gehen durfte. Gleich kamen zwei Arrestanten mit Kalk und mussten das Lokal überweissen, und wir marschierten unter Anführung des Magistratsrates Bonstingl und seines Amtsdieners zur Assentierung am Nikolaus-Quai.

     Als ich im Herbst 1821, 13 Jahre alt, auf Ferien nach Judenburg kam, liess Onkel Dunkl ein Zimmer neu weissen und einen dunklen Sockel anbringen, welchen ich mittels selbstgemachter Patronen farbig einsäumte. An einer Wand konnte I paint two landscapes in black frame so deceptively, as if they were suspended. Some visitors wanted to remove the images for a closer inspection.

Neuhold original of this image in private collections in Munich

I once walked with his uncle after Knittelfeld. In front of the inn where we Achilty, sat an invalid with the crutch and a wooden leg, and I had to sign off on the request of the uncle once the interesting invalid character. When I was this portrayal really succeeded, was the uncle of the drawing all those present and bragged with his talented nephew.

Uncle John Dunkley in Hartberg was Oberschützen champion of civil shooting range. He had a glass case full of won worth of prizes. When I was old at Easter 1822, age 14, on holiday stayed there, I had to request his uncle's all in the shooting range been present shooters, including the town priest and a pastor from the area, secretly sign off, what then laughed a lot and I with all sides friendly eyes was honored.

When I was in the master binder journeyman printer, was taken from a journeyman Radkersburg. This told that he had swum there, very often on the river Mur and also wants to give it a try when I accomplices. One Sunday afternoon we went to the workshop off our clothes and jumped in front of them, wearing only swimming trunks, in the Mur and tried, as possible to come straight across. On the far lawn we encamped to rest a little. Then came up from below, two police men in the worst run on us and wanted to take us, as was prohibited in the Mur bathing. We let them come at five paces and then hopped like frogs in water.

(197) The officers then ran to the lower Mur Bridge, hoping to catch us on this side. When we were dressed very dry and fast in their Sunday best in front of the house, the two police officers were fully welded, therefore, and since they are not, of course, recognized and were the bystanders also give no information, it was running and sweating to the police for nothing and gave us have a pleasure to be fooled the same.


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