Here again is a vamp The completely unromantic Roman Art Very nice!
Philip Merman is 54 and looks like 27th Well, he's just vampire! His "old" life is completely deprived him gone, there is an Exception to the rule, his old friend Shelly. Friend? Not really, because Shelly has an incredible secret, this disgusting worm.
Phil has never met anyone else of its kind. Phil feed on the homeless, junkies and criminals, so no one would miss the person.
One evening he meets in a club Eddie, he is Vamp. Eddie introduced him to the New York Vamp scene and everything changes for Phil
Great book, with unintentionally funny Protagonists. Phil is a bone-dry sarcastic poke. He works in a kind of photo archives, that is, it archived slides. He has to deal mainly with murder scenes and fatal accidents. These photos are always very kinky accurately described, if Phil AAAB then his comment to desist, one must simply laugh.
Ne, great book, a little harder. It is not for someone who stands only to cuddle vampires. That's nothing here.
Philip Merman is a loner. He lives quietly in a small apartment in Queens, cares little social contact and works only at night. But the thirst lässt ihn nicht ruhen. Denn Phil ist ein Vampir. Seine Opfer sind die Schwächsten der New Yorker Unterwelt, Obdachlose und Drogensüchtige. Sein einziger Gefährte ist der undurchsichtige Shelley. Doch es gibt noch eine andere Vampirwelt in Manhattan, die der Superreichen und Dekadenten. Als Phil diese für sich entdeckt, holt ihn ein Geheimnis aus seiner Vergangenheit ein. Und er muss eine Entscheidung treffen, die auch für einen Vampir alles bedeutet – Leben oder Tod.
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