Knapp hundert Seiten hat dieses XS-Buch, ist aber voll gepackt mit einer mitreissenden Geschichte. Pippa ist 16, kommt aus Boston und ihre Eltern lassen sich scheiden, deshalb wohnt sie eine Weile bei ihren Verwandten in Augusta/Maine. Um Pippa bei Laune zu halten, machen sie mit ihr einen Wochenendausflug. Dort lernt sie Fox kennen, it is a bit strange, but Pippa can only think of him. Did she still in love with him, although he said they should not ... What they do not know, Fox is owned by a wicked fairy and she is the solution to the track. I was thrilled at this mini-book that the author has managed nevertheless to build a great atmosphere, the figures, what is necessary to give a deep and still hinbekommt 1 a U-turn. Great!
Philippa meets the mysterious Fox and falls in love with him. In search of his past, she encounters the ancient story of Lady Nightingale. To Fox out of the hands to save the fairy queen, Philippa must wait until the equinox. As the autumn night comes, it is on its way to the forests on Mount Nightingale.
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