That what was once North America exestiert no more. By war and natural disasters, it became what it is now-Panem. Panem is in the districts of primitive, elemental, however, the state Capitol all the money and goods produced in the districts are only the citizens of the Capitol reserved.
one time there were thirteen districts, after a revolt against the Capitol, was one p.m. District blotted out. As a reminder every year to find the hunger games instead to demonstrate how powerful is the Capitol. From each district, a female and a male tribute will be drawn. The Tribute are between 12 and 18 years old. You know exactly what they need to compete, but they are forced to follow the games for ages. The Kaptol draws on the whole as a splatter-1a Reality Show. The book revolves solely around the tribute from District 12 to the poorest district. Katniss, a 16-year-old girl, who by bringing her family for 5 years and have already seen and experienced too much has for her age and Peeta, the seemingly privileged and awkward son of a baker's family who is also her age.
The book is divided into three parts. Perfect! The protagonists are real, credible and fantastically drawn.
The atmosphere is oppressive about the book, one can not help but to dive completely.
Attention: Cliff Hanger!
In North America the distant future ruled the Capitol with an iron hand. The most oppressed people in the twelve districts are fighting for survival every day. So the sixteen-year Katniss. She makes sure that her little sister Prim and her mother do not starve, by walking behind the fence without permission of the district to hunt. But the hunger is not the biggest threat: Each year, hosted the "Hunger Games", a kind of gladiatorial combat. From each district for a girl and a boy 12:00 to 16:00 years will be drawn. , Making this year Prim But Katniss goes for her sister in the cruel battle that lasts until only one out of the twenty-four "players" in life. This is terrible enough, but to make matters worse, one of Katniss' enemies just Peeta, who has saved her life once before ...
Gripping from ersten Satz an erzählt die Autorin die Geschichte ihrer wunderbar sperrigen Heldin. Die Idee vom Kampf jeder gegen jeden, bis einer übrig bleibt, ist nicht neu. Auch über eine an das alte Rom erinnernde düstere Zukunftswelt samt Brot und Spielen (”panem et circenses”) hat man durchaus schon einmal gelesen. Aber die Autorin macht etwas Besonderes daraus. Sie schafft es, einen sofort in ihre Geschichte hineinzuziehen und für ihre Heldin einzunehmen – und bis zum Ende kann man das Buch nicht mehr aus der Hand legen.
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