strange things happen. Loving fathers become Psychpathen to you, old ladies from rest and slots to son, a child was beyond himself and his mother in the air.
all spores have gotten. Only disguised as a skin rash, but later ....
The CIA agent Dew is attached to the case, order of the highest point. The CDC staff Montoya and Amos with hunting. Their primary goal: Finally get someone living in order to find out who or what they have to do it.
This could be anyone Perry. The book is mainly about him and his various stages of "disease" and what he is doing everything to combat this.
Sigler has a tightly strung and very exciting ... well, what really made horror thriller ... thriller with elements of fiction .... It was good. Solid written and some of them bleeding, just to my taste!
"FM 92,5 - Hörertelefon. Worüber möchten Sie sprechen?" - "Ich habe sie alle umgebracht." Die Epidemologin Margaret Montoya wird bei der CIA mit einer seltsamen Krankheit konfrontiert. Aufgrund eines unbekannten Erregers verwandeln sich normale Menschen in Psychopathen, die ihre Familien töten und sich selbst auf grauenerregende Weise umbringen. Montoya und die US-Regierung glauben zunächst an eine terroristische Attacke mit einer neuartigen Biowaffe, doch die Wahrheit ist noch viel alarmierender ...
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