Jacob ist ein Dämon, ein Schattenwandler. Er ist der wohl einsamste Dämon. Bei seiner Art, ist er sehr gefürchet, denn er ist der Vollstrecker. Seine Aufgabe, as its name suggests, detect and punish errant demons.
The nature of the demons, is slowly but surely on Anzola. Always be recalled to them will be on Necromancer.
When Jacob is looking for a demon called away, he meets Isabella, rather it on him, because it falls out the window, just in his arms.
Isabella gave me at first was pretty good. The somewhat naive, but clever librarian. It is drawn in
Isabella Jacobs affairs ... a vortex opens up and will not spit out. It is not what she believes to be!
In this book, gave me the structure of the hierarchy of demons incredibly well liked. It was well constructed and complex to be I guess for the next volumes already prepared to be.
up just over half, I was completely smitten by this book, but then everything was always wiedersprüchlicher for me. Thus, some actions of Protas I could not understand at all. Some things rumgerissen the helm again, so give me so that only 8 out of 10.
The next band I will read, Gideon seems quite interesting. There
Since the beginning of time it is the demonic shadow transformer. The love of mortals is forbidden. A man checks that this law is complied with: Jacob. Seven hundred years, he resisted any temptation to set up countless shadows converter, the full moon gave themselves their dark impulses. But when he rescues the beautiful Isabella, a passion flared up in him, which he never knew before. And now it is Jacob himself, who breaks the iron law of shadow transformer.
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