Friday, August 27, 2010

Stop Bleeding On Roof

conscious and unconscious will

„Was der Mensch tut, das will er auch“. Auf diesen Umstand hat der Psychiater Alfred Adler immer wieder hingewiesen und für ihn war dies auch das entscheidende Kriterium der Beurteilung eines Menschen. Was zählt ist nicht, was ein Mensch über himself says, because the opinions are about themselves often corrupt, inbred, and have little to do with reality. The only true in regard to the assessment of a person's actions. Of a certain number of actions can be attributed to the lifestyle of a person close and this in turn to its attitudes towards themselves, others and the world.

"We want to do what we want, but we can not just do what we want." - Anonymous

now but that is what a person consciously thinks, which is usually dealing with what to him as Kind beigebracht hat von sich zu denken, und dem, was ein Mensch wirklich (meist unbewusst) von sich hält stark auseinander. Die Handlungen leiten sich, bis auf wenige Ausnahme alle aus dem wahren Willen, der wahren Einstellung über sich selbst und die Welt ab. Weil aber so viele Handlungen, um nicht zu sagen beinahe alle, ihren Ursprung im Unbewussten haben, ist es kein Wunder, dass der Mensch sich meist oft selbst das größte Rätsel ist. Wie ist es zu erklären, dass einer meinst inkompetent zu sein, dabei jedoch hervorragende Leistungen erbringt, was ihm auch durch seine Umwelt bestätigt wird, was jedoch nicht zu einer Änderung der Meinung führt.

Täuschung funktioniert vor allem deshalb so gut, weil jede Gesellschaft darauf beruht, dass unter Erwachsenen jeder die Rolle akzeptiert, die er spielt, wenn dieser im Gegenzug die Rolle, die man selbst spielt annimmt. So leben wir in einer Welt von Schauspielern und wissen dies noch nicht einmal. Goethe und Shakespeare bemerkten beide, dass das Leben im Grunde nichts andres als ein großes Theater sei, auf dem jeder manche Rollen spielt. Eric Berne („Spiele der Erwachsenen“) hat sich intensiv mit den „Spielen“ beschäftigt, die Menschen spielen. Diese sind verdeckte Transaktionen, die auf einem Schwindel beruhen, aber von beiden Seiten akzeptiert werden, da sie einen Spielgewinn daraus ziehen. So gibt es etwa ein Spiel mit dem Namen „Schlemihl“, das darauf due to a slip put my foot, another upset about it, the "offender" apologized and the apology is accepted. Unlike a real apology is, however, a procedure to change to not have to. The apology is just a play action, no genuine repentance, in truth wants to be apologetic person wipe the other one may not openly show his dislike (usually a command to childhood to be "nice"). Therefore, this detour will be selected.
games are the most intimate acts, to which most people are capable of intimacy as the most but is subjected in childhood and Thus, for the rest of their lives no longer are able to do so (of appropriate therapeutic interventions apart).

If objective and conscious attitude to life are not congruent, then the difference lies in the unconscious. At the unconscious is essential however not reach easily. Usually, this requires the help of others. What can be transported by a little thought into the conscious, not unconscious, but only pre-consciously. methods to get at something approaching the unconscious are the classic psychoanalysis, free association, dream interpretation and analysis of erroneous actions of the life of the client.

friend's finding that a large part of life des Menschen nicht durch das Bewusstsein gesteuert wird, braucht uns nicht unbedingt zu beunruhigen. Lebenserfolg hängt recht wenig von der Kontrolle, als viel mehr von der Flexibilität (im Geiste) ab, mit der man in die Lage versetzt wird im jeweiligen Augenblick das „Richtige“ zu tun. Zwar ist noch niemals eine Gesellschaft aus ausgerichtet gewesen, dass ihre Mitglieder dazu in die Lage versetzt worden wären (vor allem durch Sozialisation) – auch in Zukunft ist dies nicht zu erwarten – doch für den einzelnen gibt es Hoffnung, für die Gesamtheit der Menschen nicht. Ich denke dies ist Ansporn genug seine Energie auf sich selbst zu richten und nicht in der Welt sich sinnloser Zerstreuung hingeben. An der Wirklichkeit is easy to despair, but to accept them and even make changes in a very difficult. Abraham Maslow in the 50s and 60s, research on so-called "Selbstverwirklichende people" employed, while among 3000 college students found none that would have been good for it. One of his conclusions from it was that are not found (psychological) completely healthy people at a young age and possibly, though rarely enough, such individuals are found only in advanced age. My personal observation is the same conclusion. I have never met anyone under 40 who had been free of psychosis, neurosis or personality disorders. The wounds of childhood heal poorly, if at all, and of course this never happens. But in some persons it was possible to me seems at least to some degree to justify hope.

Perhaps what the Buddhists refer to as "enlightenment", the resolution of the unconscious and the transfer of all information in the same consciousness? One consideration is at best value.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Most Popular Mature Full

Socrates (470-399 BC)

"That says that it knows something, although he knows nothing. Although I know nothing, but I never claimed to know something. " This famous saying of the man who " Philosophy from heaven to earth brought down "is also shortened with" I know I know nothing "terms. This man is possibly the greatest of all philosophers, all goes back to the Western philosophy: the philosopher Socrates Street.

Socrates was born around the year 470 BC, the son of stonemason and a midwife Sophronikos Phainarete. He took over his father's profession, but it has practically not been exercised in his life. Socrates fought bravely as a hoplite in the Peloponnesian War to his native city of Athens. These campaigns were also the only occasion in which he left the city of Athens. Otherwise spent all his life in the metropolis of Attica. 406 he was elected Prytanes, the Executive Committee of the Fünhunderterrates. Socrates, though was who had used during the regime of the Thirty Tyrants for democracy, now attacked by Democrats, who saw him and his ways of thinking as partly responsible for the decline of Athens after the lost war Peloponnesichen. Athens had been humiliated and hard to find a scapegoat had been successful in the person of Socrates. 399 He was sentenced to death completely innocent. He was charged with blasphemy and corruption of youth. Although it was Socrates's death would be an easy escape, for Example, simply by the fact that he had left the city (which he had not been prevented, he decided to die rather the presence of his most loyal disciples and admirers, he drank the hemlock and discussed with them until recently the topic:.. Death and what one could know about it. The nature of his death to be accepted upheld its principles of truth and love of truth, the Socrates classifies even higher, than life itself

What he has lived all his life is not known, he always seemed been on holiday to be. Probably he had inherited a certain amount of wealth that allows him sufficient lifestyle, which was just so much easier, as the philosopher no debauchery led, like so many others with "too much free time" would have probably done in his situation. In any case, Socrates is dedicated to the truth. In essence, however, it was always about the good life. Truth and wisdom were ultimately the only true life purpose, a cause. Socrates could each to engage in conversation and he loved every show that he knew basically nothing, that his knowledge basically nothing else than mere opinions, possibly through the mind so cleverly packaged that it is for real knowledge could hold. One hand, Socrates turned so his fellow man just as hard as nails and above all through to provide the kind of questions that led to a self constantly disagreed. Socrates was not there, the one offended, but be did with it myself this scoffer or Socrates was not a sadist. His concern was really about the truth and the fact that no-one could know something that people had to be brought to this realization but only because a rule was and is the single, very convinced of it to know something, especially when he has education. The method of Socrates was never in it to object to another directly. Always it was to refute the testimony of other indirect and, whenever possible, by the other it self an argument thus leads weit, bis es ad absurdum geführt wird und in sich selbst zusammen bricht. Das Ziel ist erreicht, wenn der Gegner nichts mehr zu sagen weiß oder sich nur noch in Floskeln oder Ad-Hominem-Angriffe flüchten kann.

Den einen war er ein Ärgernis, für die anderen war er ein Held. Sokrates war ein Phänomen, ein Athener Original, den man immer auf den öffentlichen Plätzen und Straßen antreffen konnte und er immer zu einem „Schwätzchen“ aufgelegt war. Dass dieses Schwätzchen immer auf den Kern einer Sache zielen sollte, entging eine freilich, sofern man mit der sokratischen Art zu fragen noch nicht vertraut war. Das Orakel zu Delphi nannte ihn den weisesten Mann der Welt („keiner ist weiser as Socrates). For Socrates was the way and the goal of life one. Not life itself is important, but the living.

There are also some anecdotes of Socrates, only one of which is to be mentioned here. Once on a sunny day, the philosopher went again to the public places of Athens, as was his habit. He had a lantern with him, carrying a lighted light within. When asked why he needed a lantern in broad daylight, he answered that he was looking for people who have so far but still not able to find.

Socrates himself left no single line. Therefore, it is not easy, the doctrine Socrates to reconstruct. What we know about him comes mainly from his most important pupil, Plato, Socrates can occur in several dialogues. Plato himself was not only his philosophy but also as a person of the heritage of Socrates. But not he alone has set out to claim the teaching of Socrates and to have passed. Aristotle also writes about Socrates, Xenophon was one of the best friends Socrates, as the "Dandy" Athens, Alcibiades. All the philosophical currents of the West in any way go back to Socrates. To mention

still would be the allegedly poor relationship with his wife Xanthippe Socrates. Her name has since become synonymous für ein garstiges Weib, einen Hausdrachen. Das meiste davon ist stark überzeichnet. Wenn das Verhältnis auch nicht immer harmonisch gewesen sein mag, so ist es doch übertrieben es als derart missgestaltet hinzustellen, wie dies die „Biographen“ des Sokrates, vor allem früher, gerne getan haben.

Mit Fug und Recht kann man Sokrates als einen der größten Menschen bezeichnen, die je gelebt haben, ein Licht in der Dunkelheit.

Aussagen über Sokrates

„Er war im Tode der Edelste, im Leben der Verständigste und Gerechteste.“
- Platon-

„Sokrates bricht mit der Tradition und holt, wie Cicero es zugespitzt gesagt hat, die Philosophie from heaven to earth. "
- Bruno Snell -

"I admire the bravery and wisdom of Socrates in everything he did, said and not said"
- Friedrich Nietzsche -

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81. Erinnerungen an frühere Jahre

N un I still It only some.

When I was little and often to the veteran with Dr. Fink Cook and Aunt Therese Dunkley came, I gave the maid mentioned, Johanna Seidnitz, play "Who knows what this is good? To read." And has since started in 1847 with the evil of the fingers are crooked, it occurred to me, who knows what is good? I had the happy thought, let me issue on the fingers crooked medical certificates, which were then still considered a result of my son's requests for time exemption from military duty.

, When I, 19 years old, in 1827, convened to comment was all preloaded in the City Hall came to the barred with iron gratings, long corridor on the third floor. The 36 agents took position in the night orderly pandemonium. The departure of Assentierung was fixed for the next Thursday.

As food we received convicts a small piece of meat on a Trögl and to a wooden spoon. The recruits from better homes were supplied by the parents with a better snack. Since the first floor a spacious office-local was empty, the recruits were from the third floor down expidiert in the freshly whitewashed room. The prisoners had to carry all the mattresses approach for us. Among us there was an elegant Tyrolean, student of medicine, his accommodation provider had caused it, that the fine and nice man not a student should sleep under the noisy people, but at home. The moment he was gone, I asked everyone (196) around a pencil and drew on the walls neugeweissten half the night soldiers from all genres: Infantry, hunters, pensioners, artillery, infantry, Marque tender inside - all the cartoons in more than life size.

Neuhold original of this image in private collections in Munich

Als um 8 Uhr früh der Gefangenenaufseher die Tür öffnete und die bekritzelten Wände sah, fluchte er entsetzlich und wollte wissen, wer dies getan habe. Wir aber schoben die Schuld auf den Mediziner, der gestern Nacht nach Hause gehen durfte. Gleich kamen zwei Arrestanten mit Kalk und mussten das Lokal überweissen, und wir marschierten unter Anführung des Magistratsrates Bonstingl und seines Amtsdieners zur Assentierung am Nikolaus-Quai.

     Als ich im Herbst 1821, 13 Jahre alt, auf Ferien nach Judenburg kam, liess Onkel Dunkl ein Zimmer neu weissen und einen dunklen Sockel anbringen, welchen ich mittels selbstgemachter Patronen farbig einsäumte. An einer Wand konnte I paint two landscapes in black frame so deceptively, as if they were suspended. Some visitors wanted to remove the images for a closer inspection.

Neuhold original of this image in private collections in Munich

I once walked with his uncle after Knittelfeld. In front of the inn where we Achilty, sat an invalid with the crutch and a wooden leg, and I had to sign off on the request of the uncle once the interesting invalid character. When I was this portrayal really succeeded, was the uncle of the drawing all those present and bragged with his talented nephew.

Uncle John Dunkley in Hartberg was Oberschützen champion of civil shooting range. He had a glass case full of won worth of prizes. When I was old at Easter 1822, age 14, on holiday stayed there, I had to request his uncle's all in the shooting range been present shooters, including the town priest and a pastor from the area, secretly sign off, what then laughed a lot and I with all sides friendly eyes was honored.

When I was in the master binder journeyman printer, was taken from a journeyman Radkersburg. This told that he had swum there, very often on the river Mur and also wants to give it a try when I accomplices. One Sunday afternoon we went to the workshop off our clothes and jumped in front of them, wearing only swimming trunks, in the Mur and tried, as possible to come straight across. On the far lawn we encamped to rest a little. Then came up from below, two police men in the worst run on us and wanted to take us, as was prohibited in the Mur bathing. We let them come at five paces and then hopped like frogs in water.

(197) The officers then ran to the lower Mur Bridge, hoping to catch us on this side. When we were dressed very dry and fast in their Sunday best in front of the house, the two police officers were fully welded, therefore, and since they are not, of course, recognized and were the bystanders also give no information, it was running and sweating to the police for nothing and gave us have a pleasure to be fooled the same.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010,,

Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898

"Do not be speeches and majority decisions the great questions of our time decided, but by iron and blood! " This" gaffe "Bismarck in the Prussian Diet has become one of his most famous statements. Much has been through this "Iron Chancellor" and its written form is one of the most glorified of modern German history. As „Einiger Deutschlands“ und Visionär, als des Kaisers wichtigster Mann wurde er gefeiert. Und Millionen von Deutschen bewunderten ihn in Literatur und Geschichte, schauten andachtsvoll auf das berühmte Gemälde der Kaiserproklamation in Versailles 1871, auf dem eindeutig, der in weiß gekleidete Bismarck heraus sticht und nicht die im formellen Zentrum stehende Person König Wilhelms I. Wer ist dieser Mann, der zu den bedeutendsten Politikern des 19. Jahrhunderts gehörte und dessen Wesen bis weit ins 20. Jahrhundert hinein strahlte?

Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck wurde 1815 geboren. Er war ein Junker und Landbesitzer in Schönhausen in Brandenburg. Aus einem konservativen und autokratischen Elternhaus stammend war he democratic and liberal ideas are not very fond of. But Bismarck had enough realism of something that appeared to him as "evil" out of it for the best. You could not prevent development, so he wanted to control as much as possible themselves. The concept of realpolitik is also inextricably linked with the name Bismarck.

The first major public appearance Bismarck was on the train of the revolution of 1848. The first, revolutionary-minded, House of Representatives, he was not ongoing. But in October the same year a new house was chosen, which was set more royalist and his 33 year old was a member of. The relationship with King Friedrich Wilhelm was tense. Early supported Bismarck, not least because of his admiration for the Chancellor, Prince Metternich, the "Greater German Solution" at the Association of German states. In the early 50s, but he changed his mind and supported the "small German" solution, which excluded Austria. 1859 Bismarck ambassador in St. Petersburg and 1862 in Paris. But only a short time. The War Minister Albrecht von Roon called him back through the now famous telegram (periculum in mora, Dépêchez-vous ") to Berlin. That same year, Bismarck became the Prussian chancellor, drängte den König Wilhelm I. dazu die Armee zu reformieren, seine Ignoranz gegenüber der parlamentarischen Opposition aufzugeben und sich den realen Umständen zuzuwenden. Wilhelm war zögerlich bei seinen Entscheidungen und hörte entschieden zu viel auf seine Frau. Bismarck änderte dies und geriet dadurch naturgemäß in Konflikt mit der Königin.

Noch war er Österreich gegenüber, zumindest öffentlich, freundlich gesinnt. Zusammen mit Preußen besiegte es 1864 Dänemark. Die Gebiete Schleswig, Holstein und Lauenburg kamen zu Preußen bzw. zu Österreich. Der Konflikt mit Österreich spitzte sich in der Folge jedoch zu und 1866 kam es schließlich zum Krieg, den Preußen fulminant could decide for themselves. The famous battle of Hradec Kralove sets A fitting testimony to it. It focused mainly on the dominance of Germany in Vienna and in the Congress (1814-15) founded the German Confederation, which was led by Austria. But now the emphasis had shifted to the north and Prussia was now the clear leader. The states north of the Main merged to form the North German Confederation, under the chairmanship of Berlin.

the Prussian king was offered in the wake of the English crown. France, however, insisted that she refused. Encirclement by the Germans was unacceptable for France, and soon is the beginning of a diplomatic crisis. This was the casus belli for Bismarck. He wrote his famous "Ems Dispatch " to King William, who was staying for a cure and was written with "improved" words. The purpose was clear. Wilhelm is no other way should be able than to declare war. So it happened. France was defeated, especially in the great battle of Sedan. In January 1871 the German Empire proclaimed in the Mirror Hall of the palace of Versailles, after which the southern kingdoms of Bavaria, Baden Württemberg and the other German states were connected. King William I was to Kaiser Wilhelm I and Bismarck, the first chancellor.

now wanted to protect the Acquired Bismarck, because he was aware how much the new super power in the center of Europe had disturbed the balance in Europe and a new order had opened up that would have been only too happy to hit other states again. France wanted revenge for the loss of Alsace-Lorraine was with him not to expect a lasting peace. Austria was upset, but could be brought so far in 1879 with Germany " Dual Alliance" to close. 1882, joined the newly established Kingdom of Italy ("Triple Alliance "). 1887 Bismarck concluded with Russia the so-called "reinsurance agreement," der dafür sorgen sollte, dass Deutschland in einem kommenden Krieg (und Bismarck sah diesen voraus) nicht von zwei Fronten gleichzeitig angegriffen wurde. Solange Victoria I. Königin (Großmutter von Kaiser Wilhelm II.) von England war, gestalteten sich die Beziehungen gut bis freundschaftlich. Erst al diese 1901 starb und Edward VII. König wurde wendete sich das Blatt. 1904 schlossen England und Frankreich sich zur „Entente Cordiale“ zusammen. Ein eindeutig gegen Deutschland gerichtetes Bündnis.

1878 fand in Berlin der größte diplomatische Kongress sein Wien statt. Es ging um die Neuordnung des Balkans. Bismarck triumphierte auf dem Kongress, wie einst Metternich in Wien.

Innenpolitisch kam es zu einem „ Kulturkampf “ mit der katholischen Kirche, in dem es um die Frage des Erziehungswesens ging. Bismarck erließ gesetzte, die den Katholiken verboten in Ausbildungsfragen mitzureden. Doch bald arrangierte es sich mit den entsprechenden Kreisen im Parlament und dem Heiligen Stuhl. Die Sozialdemokraten waren Bismarck ein Gräuel. Doch drängte ihn die „ Soziale Frage “ dazu erste Kranken-, Unfall- und Pensionsversicherungssysteme zu errichten. Damit war ein Grundstein des Sozialstaates Deutschland gelegt worden und das von einem Konservativen.

1888 starb Wilhelm I. und nach wenigen Wochen auch sein Nachfolger Friedrich III. so dass Wilhelm II. Kaiser wurde. Dieser hatte modernere Idee and true in foreign policy in line with Bismarck little. He announced the reinsurance treaty with Russia. After the tensions of the two men had become more violent, the emperor offered the chancellor for his resignation. 1890 gave them a Bismarck. It was adopted accordingly.

Bismarck saw with terror ahead of the First World War and the desperate situation in which Germany would get if it were attacked from two sides. How right he should have it, the story was not two decades after his death. brought

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Puffy Eye Lid But Not Red

The three greatest illusions of life

Siegmund friend got to the point, which he described as a huge shock to the modern People have taken and now would contribute to his suffering, in a unprecedented scale. These are attacks on the ego, the world view that man has preserved over thousands of years and was backed by the science and research to waver and finally brought down. 1) Copernicus Heliocentric with his world view: These attacks were the man could no longer live in the idea that the world was the center of the universe. Through astronomy the following centuries, the dimensions in the universe got bigger and the subjective sensation of the people are smaller. How big is the man already in relation to the sheer scale of the universe? 2) Darwin and his theory of evolution. Man could no longer be regarded as the crown of creation, at least not in the old, previously dominant form. The idea with the monkeys had a common ancestor to have been for the understanding of man almost unbearable. And even now ready to do some problems, especially at very insecure people. 3) The findings of Freud himself, namely, in particular, that only a very small part of what man thinks he can speak to, can be controlled by, really. The powerful unconscious dominated much more people than the small area that we are aware. The one is unique, not "master in his own house."

Independent of these blows to the human ego, however, Freud discovered that there are three great illusions that plague humans. A healthy person gradually comes so far to lay them down and gain without illusions its self and its security. The sick man, however, is at one, if not hold on all three, although to varying degrees. The first of these illusions is the illusion of being irresistible. It is the belief in reason to be unlimited and attractive for all people. So who is holding a person who is subject to this illusion is not attractive, not from the perspective of the illusionists honest. Or, what would be just as possible, he is not "completely clever "hot, should he find himself in error. Interestingly, there are precisely the people who live furthest from the truth, who believe to be the greatest realists and assume the error anywhere in the world, with each other just is not in itself It's like the ghost riders on the highway : It looks as if the only reasonable driver would have and today have only a driver on the road his spirits.

The second illusion, which was discovered by Freud, is to believe that that one is immortal. It is the childlike desire to live forever. Die, do only the other. Such Illusionist thinks if he should die, then die with it the whole world. He just can not imagine the world without it can continue to exist. To some degree all people have the desire to live forever, and even if not forever, at least as long as possible and that too at youthful look.

The third illusion is that to be omnipotent. Many people believe the reason no doubt as to person to be confined. The childish belief in magic is never completely extinguish. Even today there are many superstitions. Magic rituals, paraphernalia, pull irrational ideas etc. still the society. There seems to be that somewhere must be a "trick", it would reveal that we people are basically being its much larger, as we commonly believe. The child may have his fantasies of omnipotence, as an adult it is ridiculous to even believe it.

Everyone can, if he sees our world see how much these three illusions for fellow human beings, but also with themselves (in many cases) are found. I refrain here also thought to rule over society. I have often enough and I will do it more often, but here I would like the three illusions have just presented it. It is now up to each individual to get an accurate picture.