Friday, March 4, 2011

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The right kind of humor

When it comes to humor, we can observe it among people rather different forms. The way of laughs and even more so, what things make him laugh, give a profound insight into the mindset and the belief of the person. One can recognize the nature of humor, many of the mental health of a person. I have on this blog often written about the state of "normal", adapted citizen and my readers it has also known that these people for me "sick" believe, not in the sense that they necessarily require treatment, but such that they do not reach their full develop potential, since this too much in the way of. In this respect, I consider everything as a "pathological", which is contrary to what Abraham Maslow called "self-realization."

Many people, even the majority, it is love, there to hear jokes based on it, that a particular person or a whole group of people as over-represented or failed. Many jokes are hostile nature and based on the fact that someone else is injured. It's amazing how many jokes built on it that someone can feel superior to others (usually the joke teller himself and his listeners). Not infrequently, even in circles of those who mock this "superiority" celebrated. This behavior clearly points to a lack of character, no one who respects the dignity of man in full would be another humiliating, even not, if he has clumsily, or in some cases, truly stupid behavior.
are also many jokes also represent a rebellion against the authority dar. term, it is usually those which oedipal or dirty nature are precisely the sexuality and everything linked is just the most intimate area of \u200b\u200bhuman life it is often shamelessly exploited and dragged through the mud. ("Lord of jokes," etc.). No wonder so many people feel embarrassed about it.

Der wirklich gesunde Mensch hingegen pflegt mehr den Humor des Philosophen, der sich eher über die Menschheit im allgemeinen oder auch über sich selbst lustig macht, ohne dabei masochistisch zu sein oder die Rolle eines Clowns zu übernehmen. Der Witz eines Gesunden gleicht mehr einer Fabel oder eine Parabel und reicht über den Gewöhnliche des Lebens hinaus, behält sich dabei aber immer eine gewisse Leichtigkeit, die den wirklich großen Philosophen auszeichnet, der selbst über seine eigene, zutiefst vertretene, Weltsicht noch schmunzeln kann (es versteht wohl von selbst, dass Nietzsche oder Schoppenhauer nicht zu dieser Art von Philosophen gehörten). Es ist der gesunde Witz einer, der die Menschen eint und nicht entzweit, of a sense of connectedness produces and plays not a group or individuals against each other. Jokes that do not violate the. Healthy people are rarely causes of popular songs, steps jokes, joke books, or the humor, the laughter, are attracted.

I personally also the "Jewish" joke think is a very healthy, especially those who are in Vienna in the late 19 and at the beginning of the 20th Century had emerged. The Jewish community has always been distinguished by the fact that the joke as a means of coping with life began and so many serious stories made more bearable, and the whole so that no one was really hurt (apart of very reactive people who already can not bear the slightest allusion to his own person). An example of a Jewish joke: "What is the difference between a Jewish mother and a terrorist? - With a terrorist you can negotiate "or" A poor Jew begging outside a church on Sunday. Nobody gives him something because he is a Jew and all recognize this clearly. Then he pulls a piece of paper from his pocket, holds it to his chest and suddenly give him the money churchgoers, so that his hat was soon filled to bursting. What did the note say? - `I take no money from Jews'". In

psychologists are of the opinion die nicht selten vertreten wird und ich selbst halte sie bis zu einem gewissen Grad für zutreffen, dass die Befreiung den Menschen über das Lachen führt. Lachen ist eine hervorragende Art sich von seelischem Druck zu befreien. Wer lachen kann, der ist schon auf dem Weg der Besserung. Es ist sogar erwiesen, dass lachen dazu beitragen kann nicht nur die subjektive Lebensqualität zu steigern, sondern auch die physische Gesundheit.

Es gibt allerdings auch entartete Formen des Lachens. So existieren Gruppen, und das war über eine gewisse Zeit hinweg sogar ein Trend, die sich trafen und absichtlich Lachorgien veranstalteten, um sich besser zu fühlen. Manche glauben sogar, sie könnten sich ihre Lebensprobleme, in machen Fällen even bad depression, "weglachen. But about such things does a reasonable person not to worry too.

But laughter can also be very dangerous, especially if you are in the wrong place and the wrong time. It is typical of dictatorships, and all the people who use others as objects or use to satisfy their own desires for power, do little hated then, as the jokes are made about them. Power is being attacked very often by humor. In ancient China the Emperor procured this respect, that all those who laughed at himself did not hesitate to kill a second. Sun Tzu, the author of the famous "The Art of War," the emperor himself gave a demonstration in which he showed how one must give respect to disobedient soldiers. He did take to the women of the imperial harem in a military fashion statement and issued the relevant orders, as began the concubines who had been chosen as the leader of women to laugh, (they were the favorites of the emperor) instead of like soldiers behave, let Sun Tzu these executions. From the moment none of the harem has more laughs and unconditionally obey all commands.

Today we have, in the event that we have ridiculed the policy and those in power do not make such consequences to be expected. But the resentments that are generated by no small - we can not deceive us. Therefore, Robert Greene, in his bestseller "The 48 Laws of Power" is also the first of these 48 laws that entitled "Never place the master into the shade" is selected. Even more than most to put in the shade, the satire, the joke is on him, tearing a faux pas, the little one is forgiven, whether in private or in a professional and political fields. On the other side is also true that people laugh about but cabaret artists and comedians, but as that's enough to raise those not even in powerful positions. Comedian remain throughout their lives in gewisser Weise „Verlierer“, Humor und Autorität sind nicht selten Gegensätze und, wenn einer Macht erlagen will ist Humor nur in homöopathischen Dosen zu verbreiten. In erster Linie hat man dabei ernsthaft und würdevoll zu sein. Würde und Humor sind ebenso Gegensatzpaare und beide zu vereinen ist nicht leicht. Am besten konnte wahrscheinlich Abraham Lincoln beide vereinen. Seine Art von Humor war niemals verletzen, er bestand nicht darin eine Überlegenheit darzustellen, kam nicht aus der unteren Schublade und ließ nicht einen anderen den Preis für das Amüsement bezahlen. Solche Menschen sind jedoch sehr selten und vom durchschnittlichen, das heißt, dem „normalen“ Menschen, werden diese Menschen with "philosophical" Humor often regarded as cold and sober. It is deep rooted in her sense of humor in nature and does not focus on superficiality, so usually it is like this even repelled. The ordinary man keeps the healthy contemporaries mostly humorless for little, because he does not laugh, "what are all laughing."

I would still give a small example of a joke, which I consider to be healthy: a man says: "I do not know what people always have. Chinese but can not be that hard. In China, there already are discussing the little children. "

Monday, February 28, 2011

Brazilian Transvetist


In the last few days and weeks the world has banned the Arab world, primarily to North Africa, looked. have regimes that exists for decades, seemingly stable, have disappeared almost immediately and made a future course that is for all of us only in the making and no one can say at this stage how things will develop. Beginning of February is President Mubarak, who has ruled Egypt for 30 years authoritarian (and the state of emergency since the assassination of Sadat never picked up), forced to resign. But what the future looks like, is still uncertain. The West is hoping for a democratic change, but he should in the not so sure. We must never forget the imponderables that are a typical characteristic of a revolution in mind. It was unwise of the European Union not to relate the time being no clear position. Finally, we know from history that what is not among those who are in a revolution that such a start, but those who quit. That was over 200 years ago so with the French Revolution. It was not the States-General, not even the radical and not even the moderate Jacobins, the Revolution finally ended, but the General Napoleon Bonaparte. But who would have more than a few years before he took office Consul und kurz darauf als Kaiser der Franzosen, vorausgesehen. Nein, in solchen Zeiten ist es ratsam sich zurückzuhalten, zu beobachten und seine Schlüsse zu ziehen, die vorerst geheim gehalten werden sollen (als gute historische Beispiele dienen Talleyand und Fouchè).
Die arabische Welt hat in den letzten Wochen sicher erfolgreich eine Befreiungsschlag gewagt, der in absehbarer Zeit auch zum Ende des libyschen Regime unter Gaddafi führen wird – das ist nur noch eine Frage der Zeit. Doch was kommt danach? Das ist die Frage, die für die Menschen außerhalb der Region das Entscheidende ist. Libyen lieferte bisher 1,6 Mio. Barrel Rohöl pro Tag. Das ist beträchtlich, doch auch ein Totalausfall des Landes ist für die Welt manageable (the daily consumption of the world is currently about 88 million barrels) though some local energy suppliers could not make irrelevant (OMV covers about 10 percent of its oil from Libya, which has been currently reduced to virtually zero). The oil price has tightened properly in the last day and now stands at just under 110 per dollars a barrel. In 2008 he stood in oil prices (mainly due to speculation and even before the financial crisis) to almost 150 dollars). If the crisis spread to Saudi Arabia, the world has a huge problem. Currently this is not to be feared, even in Iran there are still no signs of Volksaustand, only Yemen and Bahrain, it revolts However, the relative was resolved peacefully, or seem to be under control.
is the longer term, however, to expect great unrest throughout the Arab world and it would be an illusion of the West, if he believed that the world would agree to a procedure as before. In particular, the U.S. will have to cut back, and the European Union will cease to have no more of that weight in the world, as they previously enjoyed. It is to be welcomed in general, if the local populations show a stronger and beyond a global dominance. A globalized world in itself is not bad, but it should be something like power centers do not provide. Local Control is extremely important in a world that grows more and more together, and there is particular care to ensure that there is never a "world government" or a "world religion" there. While this may sound both seductive, but as a result of which the world would perish.
Another question that arises for me in the observation of the Arab peoples in these days, is that if this fighting spirit, this commitment vorhandne still among the nations in Europe and America would be. If the Europeans and the Americans stand up for their rights today, such as we have seen among people in the Middle East right now? I'm here so my Zweifel. Eine Abstumpfung, eine Stupidität schein eingetreten zu sein, die ein derart kraftvolles Vorgehen nicht mehr als allzu wahrscheinlich erscheinen lassen. Ich hoffe zutiefst, dass ich mich mit dieser Ansicht irrt! Die Zukunft wird uns viele Dinge offenbaren, die uns heute noch völlig unvorstellbar erscheinen. Nun ja, wir werden alle noch große Augen machen, davon bin ich überzeugt!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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God, the sun of the people of the future tasks

Viktor Frankl, der große österreichische Psychiater und Kenner der menschlichen Seele meinte es gäbe drei Dinge, mit denen jeder Mensch in seinem Leben umzugehen habe, ob es ihm nun gefalle oder nicht. Das erste diese Dinge ist die Schuld. Was sie für uns bedeutet, what value we confer on it and how we try to overcome. The second is the suffering and the explanation we have for it, especially when it ourselves in life or the life of a dear one happens. The third thing is death, the certain end of our earthly existence. All three are derived from a different question, namely to God. Like it or not, each was raised this question, it is not culture-and time-dependent and occurs in people all the way out by itself from its own nature. The reason is because God is not a human invention but an objectively existing entity, a person who planted in the heart of every human being himself has, so that anyone who seeks him sincerely and with a pure heart can see, too.

but I want to take up a completely different subject which is integral in connecting with the Creator and that is the growth of man. That the growth of people far beyond the physical realm is to deny no thoughtful man, so is just after the physical development reaches a climax, he begins the emotional, mental, and last and highest spiritual growth. It is this spiritual growth, which makes the people come first to full bloom, that connects the individual with the totality of creation and recognize him his place in it lässt. Sicherlich gibt es Menschen, die sich mehr der reinen Materie zuwenden oder auch dem mentalen oder emotionalen Bereich unserer Persönlichkeit. Doch je reifer einer wird, desto mehr wird die Sehnsucht des Herzens aufflammen, die sich nicht durch die Dinge der Welt befriedigen lässt. „Es gibt mehr Dinge zwischen Himmel und Erde, als sich eure Schulweisheit träumen lässt“, meinte Shakespeare und er wies damit auf etwas hin, das mit Worten nur schwer bis gar nicht, aber vom Geist des Menschen erfahrbar ist.

Welchen Vergleich könnte man wohl ziehen, der dem spirituellen Wachstum des Menschen entspräche? Mir ist dazu in den letzten Tagen das Bild von den Blumen und der Leben spendenden Sonne gekommen. Ohne the sun is impossible for a plant to survive. After the sun, they turn their instincts, and on some stems and sometimes on stems can see the location changes of the plants. Especially with houseplants that have spent their youth in a different place (such as a palm tree) you can see some bizarre turns of the tribe. Each time, however, the plant facing the sun, like a magnet, it is drawn to it and they would not have this mechanism, it would have ended their lives for a long time.

Some plants never see the sun directly, they know nothing of their existence guess, but that indirect experiences. Finally, there is always in the experience a contrast to the shade, otherwise there would not even that. The simple-minded plant may well think that there would be no sun and looks jealous or condescend to those who tell her about it, perhaps even fall into raptures if its heat and energy. In their arrogance they may even consider themselves as superior, although this view in the heart caused her great pain, she thinks he is but as a heroine because she has no illusions should surrender, as the others. How confusing can it be the ghost? How much can a man have ears but hear not, and my eyes do not see?

is because the sun is also the creator of man. Although he is not with the eyes sichtbar und manch einer mag sogar daran zweifeln, dass es ihn gibt, oder er ist gar so vermessen eine Überzeugung zu entwickeln er wäre überhaupt nur eine Erfindung von Träumern, doch wenn einer wirklich sein höchstes Potential entfalten will, dann muss er über den Bereich des Gewohnten, dessen, was „von dieser Welt“ ist, hinaus gehen und sich in den unbekannten Bereich des Göttlichen begeben. Obwohl es ein Sprung ins Unbekannte ist, so hat der einsichtige Mensch doch keine Angst, obwohl er nicht weiß, wohin die Reise geht, ist er doch zutiefst davon überzeugt, dass alles sich zum Guten für ihn findet, wenn er nur Vertrauen in Gott fassen kann. Der Glaube an Gott befreit den Menschen davon sich von the circumstances and the opinions of the other agreed upon. His desire is not directed for approval to the others, but to please the Creator, to accomplish that which is laid out in his heart and what he was born. Previously they had said to someone follow his vocation. Artists and sensitive people today know what it means. Rather than compare with others and meet their expectations met such a person only the expectations of God. As a result, this behavior means that the person develops its maximum potential, and like his creator, because he obeyed the commandments and "the right thing" rather than pleasing, to do what is pleasant or profitable.

goes Life is not about doing what feels good, what it feels like it's not about to follow his thoughts, not even attend to his wishes so. No, what one and only one to do the "right thing" even if it feels bad, even if you will have nothing to do with partout. That is, have discipline, to be honest not to follow the times and in the world but not of the world "to be. Who trusts in God, whoever inside it seeks finds not only him but everything else is given him to do so.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

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resignation of the manager

The resignation a GmbH managing director ist nicht gesetzlich geregelt, dennoch müssen einige Dinge beachtet werden, damit die Amtsniederlegung wirksam ist. Die Tätigkeit eines GmbH-Geschäftsführers endet normalerweise aufgrund eines Gesellschafterbeschlusses über seine Abberufung. Daneben kann der Geschäftsführer aber auch von sich aus sein Amt niederlegen. Im GmbH-Gesetz ist die Amtsniederlegung eines Geschäftsführers allerdings nicht geregelt. Einer Entscheidung des Oberlandesgerichts Naumburg sind zur Amtsniederlegung eines Geschäftsführers nun folgende Grundsätze zu entnehmen:

Evidence must be done that resignation statement has been received by all the shareholders. To document the history goes a confirmation letter from the shareholder or the minutes of a meeting of shareholders.

The resignation of the post of managing director is independent of whether the manager has a good reason to resign. The resignation is also independent of notice periods and can affect the service contract. Ineffective can be a resignation, if the only CEO in the event of an imminent bankruptcy declared the resignation to make no need for bankruptcy. Die Amtsniederlegung haben die verbliebenen Geschäftsführer in notariell beglaubigter Form zum Handelsregister anzumelden. Legt der einzige Geschäftsführer sein Amt nieder, so müssen die Gesellschafter einen neuen Geschäftsführer bestellen, da eine GmbH nur durch einen Geschäftsführer handlungsfähig ist.

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resignation of the CEO Office against individual shareholders sufficient

  • Niederlegung des Geschäftsführeramtes gegenüber einzelnem Gesellschafter genügt
  • Die Niederlegung des Geschäftsführeramtes eines GmbH-Geschäftsführers ist wirksam, wenn die Niederlegung gegenüber einem Gesellschafter erklärt wird, auch wenn eine Benachrichtigung der übrigen Gesellschafter unterbleibt (Fortführung von BGHZ 121, 257, 260). (Leitsatz des Bearbeiters)
  • Urteil v. 17. September 2001 - II ZR 378/99
  • Tatbestand:
    Die Klägerin nimmt die Beklagte aus abgetretenem Recht der M. GmbH auf Zahlung von 247.012,74 DM in Anspruch, die aus der Belastung des bei der Beklagten geführten Girokontos der Zedentin mit zwei am 23. November 1995 über 176.256,74 DM und am 27. November 1995 über 70.756,00 DM ausgestellten Schecks herrühren. Die Parteien streiten darüber, whether HU, which issued the checks for the ceding company, as CEO at that time was their sole representative and thus entitled to issue the checks. According to § 5 clause 2 of the Statute of M represent the company by two directors in common, if the management body is composed of two members. By Theorem 1 of this provision it is only represented by a manager if that is the sole manager. Managers of the M. were great. K. HU and appointed. After the defendant's argument is the managing director K. his post in late summer or early fall of 1994, by notice to the two companions of the ceding company, the A. (later Ac.) resigned GmbH and Me AG (intervener to 1). K. was at that time also the manager of the Ac. been. From the ceding company of K. fax sent on 10 September 1995 shall result that K. was held for the future of the resignation of the CEO Office. This Communication also a resignation lies in the event that one should have been those so far not declared effective. The letter had been sent copies to the witness V., the then Managing Director of Ac. GmbH had been. Also, the Board of Leave to 1 had been informed of the fax. In an with the Board of the intervener to 1 on 19 September 1995 telephone conversation K had brought his continuing desire to resign again expressed. He had stated to have resigned his office manager a year ago, he had to do with the ceding company any more and refuse any further activity from for them. Also constitutes a declaration is contained on the resignation. The Ac. did not need to become informed because it was in fall 1994 and the resignation already been informed. Adds that the legal concept of § 35 paragraph 2 Clause 3 GmbHG also applicable to declarations of intent, which were cast to the entire body of shareholders.
    The applicant objected to this presentation of the defendant. In particular, they pointed out that on 10 September 1995 the witness V, but the witness Ha. Managing Director of Ac. WAS. Further, the revision in the way of reply, before Gegenrüge that HU had resigned by notice dated 5 May 1995, his office manager.

    The action had success in the lower courts. The revision followed the defendant on her dismissal request.

    out the review of the defendant to remand the case to the appellate court.
    Contrary to the Court of Appeal may, under the current status of procedure not be assumed that the defendant is entitled to the redemption of the two checks not claim reimbursement of expenses under § § 675, 670 BGB. For on the basis of the presentation of the parties of the Court of Appeal's assessment of the facts relied on is not clear that HU as manager of the ceding company at the time of signing the checks are not authorized to represent and had no power so that checks for the M. issue.
    first From the applicant does not dispute what the intervener to 1 shows that Ur. K. to the Managing Director of the intervener to 1, S., has expressed that he had resigned his office manager a year ago. This position he reiterated with the further statement that he had with the case - meaning that obviously this is brought to its attention by HU concern is the subject of his answer fax of 10 September 1995 at it - nothing more to do. The office is laid down, he had to do with the firm of M. GmbH anything and refuse any further activity for it off. This affirmation is a confirmation of the resignation of the CEO Office. It is to be regarded as a renewed making the resignation (see § 141 para 1 BGB).
    support of his view that this resignation was not so effective because the other partner Ac. had not been announced, the Court of Appeal relied on the Senate decision of 8 February 1993 (BGHZ 121, 257, 260). In that case, the Senate made clear that the effectiveness of the resignation of the CEO duties for which such information as well as the act of appointment as CEO, the revocation of and termination, suspension and termination of the contract and its receipt of the totality of social conditions is not dependent upon, that they shall be sent to all shareholders. He rather considered it sufficient if the resignation stated to one partner and the other only message is sent. He has left open whether the charge of declaration to any shareholder also sufficient if the notice is omitted the remaining shareholders. This controversial issue in the literature (affirmative: Pland, ZHR 133 (1970), p. 327, 359 f.;
    Rowe / Koppensteiner GmbHG 3rd edition § 38 para 27; Meyer / Landrut / Müller / Niehus, GmbHG 1987 § 38, para 130; negative: Scholz / UH Schneider, GmbHG 9th Edition § 38 para 91; Schneider / Schneider, GmbH-Rundschau 1980, p. 4, 9 f., doubtfully: Lutter / Hommelhoff GmbHG 15th ed § 38 para 42; open in stone in Hachenburg, GmbHG 8th ed § 38 para 138) answered in the affirmative.
    It is a generally accepted principle of law that in the context of the overall representation of a declaration can be released with activity against a total representative (BGHZ 62, 166, 173, RGZ 53, 227, 230 f.). He has been in various statutory provisions - down (see § 171 para 3 CCP - including for the body representation, § 28 para 2 BGB, § 35 para ; GmbHG 2 sentence 3, § 78 paragraph 2 sentence 2 AktG, § 25 para 1 sentence 3 GenG, see also § 125 paragraph 2 sentence 3 HGB). The principle is also applicable to the legal conditions in which the LLC according to § 46 No. 5 GmbHG is represented jointly by its members.
    If that is refused on the grounds that the individual shareholder is not entitled to represent the institution (so Scholz / UH Schneider, supra, § 38, para 91) or the shareholders would have no reciprocal power of attorney and had therefore not to receive such declarations set (Lutter / Hommelhoff supra, § 38, para 42), those considerations, the universality of the principle set out are not sufficiently addressed. The appellate court has objected to the legal relationship of the Shareholders concerning the company and among shareholders have lacked the confidence to represent typical relationship of principal to the Agent, by virtue of which is attributed to the principals actions and knowledge of the agent wanted. Thus it fails to recognize, however, that between the company and the shareholders and the shareholders among themselves, there is a relationship of trust and its impact on mutual loyalty, and they obliged, as part of their behavior bear, including its decision to the concerns of their partner and the company be given due consideration.
    also practical considerations preclude the application of the principle to the community of interests of contract. Companies with a larger group of shareholders are normally a responsibility to take in the statute and provide the directors with the contracts to be concluded. These considerations lead to the conclusion that Ur. K. has performed in the telephone conversation with the witness S. on 19 September 1995 from his position as managing director in the M GmbH resigned effective.
    If HU in November 1995, was Managing Director of M. GmbH, he was able to issue by virtue of his exclusive agency force, the two disputed checks. However, the conclusion is that the revision to the Gegenrüge reply arguments raised by the applicant contrary, HU had by declaration of 5 May 1995, his office manager must set out by notice to the witness G., who was authorized to receive such notice by the intervener. G. The witness had so statement to the former board member of the leave to a HD that they have read and approved it. The intervener to 1 has countered this statement by the applicant.
    second The review also complains to rightly, that the Court of Appeal denied by the applicant's claim of intervening to 1, the witness statement by K. had the ceding company and its two Mitgesellschafterinnen, the A. GmbH and leave to 1, resigned from his CEO post when has not been substantiated sufficiently considered. Unless the appeals court asked the defendant, the authorized representatives designate, submit the partner and whether the statements were towards them given under present or they were received between absent, crosses it, the demands on the burden of proof to the defendant.
    A party meets its duty if it states facts that are appropriate in connection with a legal rule to let the alleged right appear to have been incurred. The mandatory to substantiate is therefore not only be sufficient if the court judge following the presentation can not determine whether the statutory conditions are met the legal consequences attached to a claim (BGH, ruling of March 16, 1998 - II ZR , 323/96, ZIP 1998, 956, 957).
    has since claimed the defendant, Ur. K. had declared the resignation from office over two companions of the ceding company, the result is the legal consequence that the resignation is made effective (references omitted 121, 257, 259 et seq.) That an oral or written statement to a legal person only effective may be that it is delivered to their authorized representative board members or a person authorized by them to be self-evident that to be demonstrated further needs and in the rest of the law shows (see § 78 para 2 sentence 2 AktG, § 35 paragraph 2 sentence 3 GmbHG, § § 167 ff BGB). Since the resignation of the Office of any special conditions form is bound, it can be both orally and in writing that. A more detailed explanation of the form requires it not also.

    position can be different then; if the plaintiff has disputed the claim in a certain way. If he runs, for example, all members of the board or manager would have resided during the relevant period of time on the declarant is not known tourist destination, so separating that issue an oral statement, writing is not received, the statement subject to party forced to substantively engaging with it . This may prove to be in similar circumstances, also in view of the credibility of her presentation as required. In the Court of Appeal ruling has not shown that in this case those conditions are met. If necessary, the Court of Appeal make the claim of the intervener to 1 nor the requisite findings.
    third The review also criticizes, rightly, that the appellate court, the letter sent to the fax of the witnesses K. M. of 10 September 1995, only a knowledge statement, not a declaration of intention to resign had seen. Ur. K. out in this letter including the following from:
    "As you know, I am stepping down as managing director of M. Ltd some time ago and thus have no more powers for the company
    Assuming that there is still A. . the second shareholder is, I must ask you, your concern with A. to discuss and obtain the consent of her ...
    cc. Mr. VAH GmbH "
    It comes once expressed that the witness be managers office in an earlier resigned. This declaration reaffirms, as is clear from his remark that he" therefore no authority over the company " or he must ask the addressee of the letter to discuss his concerns with A. to obtain the requested authorization from her. is contrary to the opinion of the Court of Appeals in this affirmation of the earlier resignation and the outspoken refusal to continue for the M. work actively to both the confirmation the resignation of the CEO Office. This is considered to be re-making (see § 141 para 1 BGB).
    A copy of this fax reply has been sent to the witness V.. Whether this or the witness Ha. at that time manager of the Ac. were is disputed between the parties. After the claim of the intervener to 1, it has gained knowledge of the fax. If necessary, the Court of Appeal also take the extent nor the requisite findings.

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    weiteren Tatvorwürfen
    Das Landgericht München I hat den Angeklagten Dr. Michael Kölmel wegen Untreue in vier Fällen und wegen  Insolvenzverschleppung  zu einer Gesamtfreiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr und zehn Monaten, deren Vollstreckung es zur Bewährung ausgesetzt hat, sowie zu einer Geldstrafe verurteilt. Von weiteren Tatvorwürfen der Untreue, des Betruges und des Bankrottes hat es ihn freigesprochen.
    Der Angeklagte war Gründungsaktionär und späteres Vorstandsmitglied der Kinowelt Medien AG, deren Kerngeschäft der Erwerb und die Vermarktung von Verwertungsrechten an Filmen bildete. Zugleich war er Gründer und Geschäftsführer der Sportwelt Beteiligungs GmbH, deren Geschäftsziel es war, den Spielbetrieb von notleidend gewordenen Traditionsvereinen in den Ligen des Deutschen Fußballbundes mit Krediten zu fördern und im Gegenzug Einnahmen aus abgetretenen Verwertungs- und Lizenzrechten zu erzielen. Der Aufsichtsrat der Kinowelt Medien AG stimmte im Januar 2000 the purchase of the sports world Beteiligungs GmbH, the formal transfer was postponed. In spring 2001 came the Kinowelt Medien AG after the stock market crash on the New Market in financial difficulties. Although in August 2001 restructuring efforts finally failed by paid to the them, all between September and November 2001 from an account of Kinowelt Medien AG three funds totaling approximately one million DM on the sporting world Beteiligungs GmbH In another case, had the defendant in June 2001 after the sale of a stake in the company about two and a half million marks from a subsidiary of Kinowelt Medien AG to his private account. In connection with further prompted by the accused Zahlungen der Kinowelt Medien AG an die Sportwelt Beteiligungs GmbH und mit der Beteiligung der Kinowelt Medien AG an Multiplex-Kino-Ketten hat das Landgericht ein pflichtwidriges Verhalten verneint.
    Gegen das Urteil haben der Angeklagte und die Staatsanwaltschaft Revision eingelegt. Der Angeklagte wendet sich insbesondere gegen die Verurteilung wegen Untreue. Die Staatsanwaltschaft beanstandet die Strafzumessung und erstrebt eine Aufhebung des Urteiles, soweit der Angeklagte freigesprochen wurde.
    Der Bundesgerichtshof hat beide Revisionen verworfen und das landgerichtliche Urteil damit vollumfänglich bestätigt. Er betont, dass dem Angeklagten bei der Leitung der Kinowelt Medien AG ein weiter unternehmerischer Handlungsspielraum zugestanden habe, also the contributions to the sports world Beteiligungs GmbH with regard to their proposed acquisition single lock. Further payments are no longer had to justify, after the Kinowelt Medien AG in such a crisis was advised that acquisitions of other companies were eliminated apparent. Any error of law was the assessment of the district court that there had been no lack of a legal basis for self-transfer in June 2001. In contrast, other payments from the assets of Kinowelt Medien AG, the accused were not to blame, since the accused so that the Kinowelt Medien AG have conferred advantages, the acquittal of the District Court had no objection in that regard. The decision of the District Court is enforceable. Case of 22 November 2005 - 1 StR 571/04
    LG München I - Decision of 22 July 2004 - 1 KLs 316 Js 46261/02
    Karlsruhe, 22 November 2005 press office of the Federal 76 125 Karlsruhe

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    No 188/2007

    No piercing the corporate veil in the case of insolvent Kolping Training Sachsen eV
    The applicant against the mourning under various legal aspects of their claims because of insolvency of the Association by the KBS resulting financial loss. The defendants - as a legal and unincorporated associations organized - members of the active at various local levels Kolping Society. According to the applicant to the organized as unincorporated associations complain to 1), 3) and 5) given the group-like structure of the Kolping organizations are regarded as de facto members of the KBS eV, together with their respective legal capacity sponsor agency - Liable for the liabilities - the defendant to 2), 4) and 6). The complaint was on appeal only in respect of the defendant to 3-6 in part by the consideration of the Higher Regional Court of success that the (actual) members of a personalistic structured the association, which is operated by the so-called secondary function privilege also economically significant, liable for abuse of the legal form of accessory for all club debts, if they - are aware of the economic activity and areas that do not stop - as here.
    The called on all parties Second Civil Division of the Federal Court, the revision of the applicant refused, revoked, however, the conviction of the defendant to 3-6 and dismissed the action against this defendant.
    The Federal Court has ruled that the - the Court of Appeal adopted - accessory liability of the defendant to 3-6 as the (actual) members of the KBS eV for the club owed to the applicant by way of piercing the corporate veil because of legal form abuse with applicable statutory law (§ § 21 ff, 43, paragraph 2 BGB) is not in compliance.
    liability is settled supreme court for the liabilities of a registered association of this principle, only himself and not standing behind him, the club members. An opening of this separation principle is only exceptionally permissible if the use of the legal differences between the legal entity and the individuals behind it is quite unfair (references omitted 54, 222, 224, 78, 318, 333). The existence of such an abuse has been able to have the Court of Appeal not evident. Neither existed on the part of the KBS eV from the start about credit problems that the applicant had been concealed in bad faith, still quite unfair wealth shifts found in the Group or a similar use of corporate structures to the detriment of creditors instead of, let alone were evidence of an extent that the defendant cause attributable to 3-6. Also, the nature and extent of the economic activity of the KBS eV were as such in the form of controlling large construction projects to outsiders - and particularly the applicant as a customer and later lessor regarding any of these major projects - easily recognizable. does not justify that - the defendant to 3-6 unpaid by the applicant - inaction against the major economic activity of the KBS eV and therein lies exceeding the secondary function privilege - they may have been significant - the Court of Appeal postulated liability penetration of the creditors in this (factual) club members because of legal form abuse. It is contrary to that law has taken to prevent such behavior measures, a loophole is not: The penalty for such an improper business activities of the association, the law provides only the official cancellation proceedings under § § 159, 142 FGG or official deprivation of legal capacity pursuant to § 43 paragraph 2 BGB. Only by such an act is the legal capacity of the association is terminated and this is not legally responsible for an economic association, for its liabilities to members - are personally liable - only from that point on, (§ 54 BGB). Die gesetzlichen Sanktionen der Amtslöschung gemäß §§ 159, 142 FGG und der behördlichen Entziehung der Rechtsfähigkeit nach § 43 Abs. 2 BGB sowie der durch sie bewirkte mittelbare Zwang zur Auflösung oder Umwandlung des das Nebenzweckprivileg überschreitenden Idealvereins sind nach derzeitiger Gesetzeslage grundsätzlich - d.h., soweit nicht ausnahmsweise eine, hier allerdings nicht vorliegende, rechtsmissbräuchliche Ausnutzung des Trennungsprinzips durch die Vereinsmitglieder im oben beschriebenen Sinne hinzukommt - zum Schutz des Rechtsverkehrs ausreichend.
    Angesichts dieser eindeutigen Gesetzeslage ist für den vom Berufungsgericht unternommenen Versuch, im Wege einer Rechtsfortbildung die Duldung bzw. Nichtverhinderung einer Überschreitung des Nebenzweckprivilegs durch Vereinsmitglieder zusätzlich mit der Sanktion ihrer (rückwirkenden) persönlichen Haftung zu belegen, schon wegen Fehlens einer - regelungsbedürftigen - Gesetzeslücke kein Raum. Überdies trifft die Ausgangsthese des Berufungsgerichts, es entspreche "allgemeinen korporationsrechtlichen Grundsätzen, dass die Mitglieder bzw. Gesellschafter einer Körperschaft grundlegenden strukturellen Fehlentwicklungen durch nachhaltige Maßnahmen entgegenzutreten haben und sie bei der Verletzung einer solchen Pflicht einer persönlichen Haftung unterworfen" sind, nicht zu; such a break-through event is the current legal alien.
    Judgement of 10 December 2007 - II ZR 239/05
    LG Dresden - 10 O 5117/02 - Decision 6.4.2004
    OLG Dresen - 2 U 897/04 - decision of 9.8.2005
    Karlsruhe, 10 December 2007

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    When historians turn to the past in order for the present and the future as accurately and truthfully represent and / or write your comments to do so, they face some difficulties in their way. One of these circumstances is to achieve the necessary sources. From many eras us are few and fragmentary sources. Most of the things that could serve as a guide, went in the whirlpool of time forever lost. Many things are therefore not accessible to us, because written records were rare and often write the witnesses could not or no desire to leave something for posterity large enough war. Medien wie Fotographie oder gar Film, sind erst in historisch jüngster Zeit aufgetaucht und unterliegen ebenso einem Verfallsprozess, wie alles Irdische.

    Wenn nun aber der Historiker sich mit einem traditionellen Mangel an Quellen konfrontiert sah und sieht, wie wird es für zukünftige Geschichtswissenschaftler sein, die unsere Zeit zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts werden zu beschreiben haben? Mangel an Information, an Daten und Quellen werden sie nicht zu beklagen haben. Es sei denn eine globale Katastrophe unvorstellbaren Ausmaßes würde größte Teile der menschlichen Kultur vernichten. Abgesehen von diesem Fall wird der Historiker der Zukunft von Datenmaterial geradezu erdrückt werden. Mehr als die Informationsbeschaffen the screening and selection to the fore. We are witnessing in our time all that the amount of data has become obvious that it is impossible to be any information on a specific thing to fear. But we still have the old mentality, especially to us for resources and hold them, as they were almost always seen traditionally. So it is with the information. It is still trying, even though we know rationally it better, as much as possible to acquire material. Of course this can not lead to success.

    The task facing us all is the correct selection of available data. How we can do it as quickly as possible and provide easy access exactly the information we need without having to wear the uncomfortable feeling in my mind that we have overlooked something crucial, because we have stopped at a certain point the flow of information in order to remain employed do not last forever with a thing? It is to be expected, namely, that criticism is like to start at that point. There will always be some who will accuse us of not having this or that anxious to have this or that information neglected or not treated. There is probably no way to escape. And it should also not try.

    is crucial to the proper valuation standard that is used as a standard gauge to good and bad, from inappropriate matching, true to be distinguished from false information. But not only the specialist is now faced with this problem, no also the ordinary layman is in a position to assess data, of which he has no idea, see sources before him, he does not know the judge. The prime example offered by the Internet. Here, anyone can publish his own thoughts and has potentially the whole world as an audience. Personal opinions are usually consciously or unconsciously, as the facts given, situated unverifiable allegations - of course with the aim of high reliability. There is a battle raging for our minds to our Spirit! People today feel alienated and overloaded. And to a large extent this goes back on the amount of data that we can integrate into their lives. The individual pieces of the puzzle can not be meaningful place in the overall picture of life. It is so done, as if truth were relative and subjective. But that does eliminate the truth. A relative and personal truth is no truth, but a mere opinion, an idea in your head, not even an experience!

    This is one of the major tasks of the future: self-knowledge of each individual, develop an independent spirit, distinguished from the others and the world (the ever- tried their position to bring down), acceptance of the basic state of war in the world (especially the war of the spirit) and the ability to make razor-sharp judgments and defend against all opposition successfully - even if the only person in the world should be to determine who had a view!