Wenn nun aber der Historiker sich mit einem traditionellen Mangel an Quellen konfrontiert sah und sieht, wie wird es für zukünftige Geschichtswissenschaftler sein, die unsere Zeit zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts werden zu beschreiben haben? Mangel an Information, an Daten und Quellen werden sie nicht zu beklagen haben. Es sei denn eine globale Katastrophe unvorstellbaren Ausmaßes würde größte Teile der menschlichen Kultur vernichten. Abgesehen von diesem Fall wird der Historiker der Zukunft von Datenmaterial geradezu erdrückt werden. Mehr als die Informationsbeschaffen the screening and selection to the fore. We are witnessing in our time all that the amount of data has become obvious that it is impossible to be any information on a specific thing to fear. But we still have the old mentality, especially to us for resources and hold them, as they were almost always seen traditionally. So it is with the information. It is still trying, even though we know rationally it better, as much as possible to acquire material. Of course this can not lead to success.
The task facing us all is the correct selection of available data. How we can do it as quickly as possible and provide easy access exactly the information we need without having to wear the uncomfortable feeling in my mind that we have overlooked something crucial, because we have stopped at a certain point the flow of information in order to remain employed do not last forever with a thing? It is to be expected, namely, that criticism is like to start at that point. There will always be some who will accuse us of not having this or that anxious to have this or that information neglected or not treated. There is probably no way to escape. And it should also not try.
is crucial to the proper valuation standard that is used as a standard gauge to good and bad, from inappropriate matching, true to be distinguished from false information. But not only the specialist is now faced with this problem, no also the ordinary layman is in a position to assess data, of which he has no idea, see sources before him, he does not know the judge. The prime example offered by the Internet. Here, anyone can publish his own thoughts and has potentially the whole world as an audience. Personal opinions are usually consciously or unconsciously, as the facts given, situated unverifiable allegations - of course with the aim of high reliability. There is a battle raging for our minds to our Spirit! People today feel alienated and overloaded. And to a large extent this goes back on the amount of data that we can integrate into their lives. The individual pieces of the puzzle can not be meaningful place in the overall picture of life. It is so done, as if truth were relative and subjective. But that does eliminate the truth. A relative and personal truth is no truth, but a mere opinion, an idea in your head, not even an experience!
This is one of the major tasks of the future: self-knowledge of each individual, develop an independent spirit, distinguished from the others and the world (the ever- tried their position to bring down), acceptance of the basic state of war in the world (especially the war of the spirit) and the ability to make razor-sharp judgments and defend against all opposition successfully - even if the only person in the world should be to determine who had a view!
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