Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Merilyn Sakova Meguapload

86. Meine beeiferte Kuvertmacherei

W egen of hastened Kuvertmacherei in this my written records was a pause. I was on 30 June 1893 to continue writing. Just the sight of my eyes and the mobility of my hand for a year so weak that I might be somewhat long run the spring.

On 20 and 21 August 1892 was the now retired bank official, Mr Kolfürst with his wife and daughters with Miss Round trip tickets to Villach came here. He went into the hotel and was Finze me for a chat at once humble themselves. (206) He took me from 9 packages envelopes, and I had to promise to visit him, in case I came to Graz.

On 12 September 1892 I was with envelopes in Judenburg and 13 September, I went to Graz, taking with them 16 packages that I partly in St. Michael and partly sold in Graz.

On this day there was the im orientalischen Stil neu und hübsch erbaute Synagoge in der Zweiglgasse, abwärts der Radetzkybrücke am rechten Mur-Ufer eingeweiht.

     Ich besuchte Herrn Kohlfürst und erhielt von ihm den Auftrag für 1100 Kuverts. Mein Nachtlager hatte ich bei Herrn Major Plank. Am nächsten Tag besuchte ich das Grab meiner Gattin, nahm bei Leidersdorf ein Ries Papier und fuhr abends mit gemischtem Zug nach Leoben und arbeitete an den Kuverts für Herrn Kolfürst, welche ich am 25. Oktober 1892 an ihn sandte.

     Mein Kuvert-Eifer war jedoch Schuld, dass ich erst am 25. Februar 1894 zur Fortsetzung dieser meiner Schreiben kam.

     (Rückblende:)  Am 17. November 1892 war ich wieder in Judenburg, sowie am 23. März 1893 und am 30. März in Zeltweg. Am 29. April 1893 fuhr ich nach Leoben und am 26. Mai 1893 ließ ich mich fotografieren und sandte mein Bildnis an Herrn Maister in Pettau, an Kaufmann Petschaller in Aflenz, an Maria Schidan und Ella Hajek in Wien, dann an Wawrinek in Leoben, an Messner in Pola , an Optiker Bernhardt in Karlsbad und an die 73 Jahre alte Lederermeisterswitwe Anna Steurer in Mureck. Ein Bild erhielt mein Herr Sohn und eines the watchmaker and poet Wischner.

On 25 June and 1 July 1993 I was back in Judenburg. Mr. Heinrich Plank, kk Major, Kohl and Anton Prince, then in Graz and Mrs. Mrs. Zeitler Holzer Aflenz also received a photograph.

On 23 July 1893 I sent several pictures from the magazine to good hour, "according to Pola for the children of the couple Messner. On 12 August came from all parts of Styria and Carinthia from Friesach here in dashing Turner, even from German Laibach Turner. On 13 August was in good weather from the gym ago by Mr. Lane to the main square, a magnificent river with several music bands.

front of City Hall a grandstand was opened, on which the Lord Mayor of all the dignitaries and many beautiful young ladies surrounded the honor marching in front of the grandstand Turner welcomed solemnly. (207) But during which all gymnasts and gymnastic friends poignant speech by the mayor of the rain god suddenly sent a small cloud so that their spirits are poured on the large crowd. The inputs in the houses could not accommodate all those seeking sanctuary, and the dear maids of honor were soaked half before they could flee down from the stands.

was barely two minutes gone after the critical rain cloud. Everyone rushed back to his seat and the mayor was able to continue and complete his pithy speech.

Then all rushed to the lunch, which by local and foreign gymnasts in the spacious, with bleachers and seats provided plenty of fire-training area, the most glorious Turn exercises were performed. Likewise also the other day in the afternoon.

On 14 August, I sent 10 boxes of shotgun shells that I had brought from Aflenz, to the merchant Petsch received for all, and on 14 September 2 Gulden 50 Kreuzer.

said in a newspaper notice is that on 8 September from all parts of Styria delegations of the voluntary fire brigades will be coming to Leoben. So I went on 7 August with a cousin to Mr. and Mrs. Hulda then Wawrinek to view the festival. On 8 Gathered early August, the firefighters at the station, from where a magnificent then Enter into the festive city was decorated. In the meantime, went off from the hill behind the station 100 gun salutes. Here, as in the Knittelfeld feeding were greeted with countless bouquets.

From the Town Hall balcony before which the whole train took up the brave men were the mayor bewillkommt solemnly. The next day was the main square of the height of some large houses made fire drills, which were thwarted by the sustained rain.

A pleasant surprise for me was when the fire Aflenzer tailor Ortner, Lebzelter Schmölzer, Schuster Hödl and merchant Petsch All came toward me and welcomed me warmly. I had to assure you that I, as soon as the railway under construction to be finished by Kapfenberg Aflenz would come for a visit to Aflenz.


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