Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cube Runner Unblocked At School

88. Hier also meine letzten Aufschreibungen

G egen end of December 1893 I made the decision to stop making the envelope, because my eyes were quite critical.

I had made since Advent 1891 to October 1893! 43'921! Envelopes. The boredom drove me time and again to this work, as well as some parties kaprizierten because of the good rubber on my products.

Because of my sick eyes, especially of the right, I advised the watchmaker Vischner, the famous eye Nartz Othmar Purtscher in Klagenfurt visit. So I went on 7 May 1894 by train for 1 Gulden 28 Kreuzer Jews castle there. This friendly gentleman at once recognized in my right eye cataract and had the surgery done immediately, if I might have to decide. I asked him to provide a means for the possible preservation of the left, already very debilitated eye, which he prescribed me a prescription for drops and an ointment to rub above the left eye and at the temples. For the meeting, he demanded 2 guilders. Clock in the evening at 10 I was back home.

At Pentecost 1894 I was in Leoben, where I got the pleasure to see the new railway to Aflenz. I took a map of Leoben and Kapfenberg to return for 80 cruisers. From there I rode the new railway station to the next Aflenz Pabersdorf for 33 cruisers. was then by mail for up to 30 Kreuzer Aflenz, where I arrived at 11 noon clock and everywhere (209) warmly welcomed. One night I slept with Mr Grabner, what has been welcoming our neighbors. When more than 25 years been there mayor, Mr. William Schmid, I had another wonderful day dined and then slept well. I then made several visits. Dr. Winkler drove me to ride the new rail to even up Seebach Au. I now went downhill, visited the host Firstner, vulgo Wedl in Palbersdorf went from there to the next stop arms stone chamber and took the train to the terminus of the incoming train Seebach Au for 28 cruisers. After half an hour was the return to Kapfenberg.

in Leoben told me that Mr. Maister Pettau taken in a stroke a few days then died. In the school holidays in July Ella Hajek was with her two children in Leoben in Wawrinek dannn and some days with us in Knittelfeld. Her husband picked her up in Leoben and was a night here. He hastened sich wieder nach Wien, und Ella reiste mit den Kindern am 16. September über Selztal und Amstetten nach Wien. Ich begleitete sie bis St. Michael, gab ihr 3 Gulden Reisekostenbeitrag und fuhr zur Abwechslung nach Graz. Dort besuchte ich Herrn Kaufmann Hansel Kohlfürst und Herrn Major Plank und noch andere. Über Maria Grün und Stoffbauer gings dann zur Rose. Dort wollte ich die Wirtsleute Tropetz besuchen, die uns als unsere Nebenpartei in der Sterngasse sehr zugetan waren. Jedoch fand ich sie dort nicht mehr. Zwei Nächte schlief ich wieder im vormals Redler'schen Hause. Im Oktober 1894 kam meine Tochter von Wien hierher auf Besuch. Am 18. Oktober 1894 fuhr sie nach Graz, von dort nach Pola und dann zu ihrem Sohn Viktor Wilkowitz in Mähren.   ......


    Hier enden die »Aufschreibungen«  von Johann Neuhold und vermutlich auch sein reich gespicktes Leben.


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