Human freedom is precisely that 'no' to say 'no' to around drinking, "No" to things and, ultimately, "no" to most people around him. How should someone be free, under the necessity of connection to things or people? Freedom is not the mobility of the non Need of anything but themselves? I think the is the case. Most do not recognize at all the chains that bind them and live in the illusion of free people to be - as if there is such a thing as a free man would be in this world? Well, I exaggerate a little, for they are already free men, but they are extremely rare and do not fuss around, yes they are from ordinary people as "strange" or even as "eccentric" views.
Happy are the people who celebrate Christmas at all and celebrate this day as every other year. The original meaning of this festival is already lost, and the Bible says nothing of a fir tree, the one drawing up in his apartment. Senseless, entire plantations of Christmas trees planted, only hinzuverdorren then for a week or two in a warm, dry room to himself. For this, the hypocrisy! The families come together to enjoy artificially sing corny songs and the belly of their travel, and often to a not entirely negligible quantity comes to hard liquor, without which, the admit to many of would be the festive season not to survive. There is never a family more stress than just the holidays and this would offer a great opportunity to see what's really wrong between people. Friends looking for one off, but with the family one is beaten for a lifetime, they must take as it is, even if none of its members liebt. Es ist eine Ironie des Schicksals, dass Menschen so verbogen werden diejenigen zu lieben, mit denen sie gemeinsame Vorfahren haben. Wohlwollen wird zur Pflicht, die wahren Gefühle eines Menschen spielen dabei keine Rolle. Mütter und Väter erziehen ihre Kinder so, dass diese sie und die anderen Verwandten lieben. Dass dies in Wahrheit oft gar nicht der Fall ist, wir durch eine künstliche Schicht an „Rollenspielen“ überdeckt, so dass nach außen hin alles harmonisch und schön aussieht. Der Schein zählt mehr als das Sein! So funktioniert jede Gesellschaft. Und gerade aus der seelischen Not heraus, die die Folge eines solchen falschen Verhaltens ist, speisen sich allerlei Abhängigkeiten. Der Mensch, der nicht he himself may have to develop attachments to things and people, otherwise it can not survive. The consumption, more pronounced in its form, is just one of the consequences of this, I think it may well call it, adult neurosis! wake up sleepy Christmas and New Year's simple and on the third or fourth re January::
A proposal for this year then is the nightmare is over and one is none other than well-rested for the new year!
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