Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Image Of Cervix 3 Weeks Pregnant

66th My time in Aflenz

I m January 1886, died, mentioned in famous Schmölzer Kindberg. As a result of the aforementioned family Puff employed intrigues, intrigues and troubles it could not stand more of Hayek and his wife and granddaughter Ella in the business of Mr. August Klein. He was in Vienna to find another position.

On Monday, 22 February 1886 went along with child and my daughter Ella Marie to there. The most indispensable The furniture has been expidiert few days earlier by rail. The aforementioned Victor, son of my daughter had learned the tailor profession. When Ljubljana regiment he has spent three years and came after a few years ago as a reserve man Graz. There he joined the volunteer fire department at Turner, where he was one of the boldest, most daring and one of the highest Turner. He joined the choir as a singer Liederkranz. His purchase he had with the tailor shop. (164) Where any conversation was a joke or to donate has been, he was one of the main organizers. This was Viktor since 22 February 1886 at the great steel plant of Baron Rothschild to Wilkowitz in Moravia to 48 guilders per month als Beamter angestellt.

     Ich kann nicht umhin, auch von der erwähnten Julie Deanino zu erzählen. Ihr Vater war Kaufmann in Mureck. Ihr Bruder lebte dort als Winkelschreiber , ein zweiter Bruder lebt in Graz als pensionierter städtischer Kassier. Eine Schwester war immer Wirtschafterin bei Herrschaften, und eine Schwester war die sehr vermögliche Witwe Berger, aus deren Grundbesitz in Graz der Volksgarten entstanden ist. Julie hatte zwei kleine Stunden von Mureck einen schönen Wein- und Obstgarten, von wo für unser Gasthaus in Mureck der allerbeste Most bezogen wurde.

     In ihrer Nearby was the winemaker son, John Neuhaus, who was driven out of pranks as a bricklayer apprentice, 18 years old, in Radkersburg. Since then, he worked in vineyards diligent and knowledgeable full, a comedian without parallel, and concerned with the reality of Julie Deanino had all the necessary shops. She was a very compassionate lady who was preparing for a mercy poor patient medication. According to their claim that the heart does not get old, they married 50 years this guy.

you brought it to the point that when the master mason in Radkersburg his apprenticeship finished and handed it in Graz in the drawing school of the architect Lindner, where he awoke after Talenten solche Fortschritte machte, dass er nach kurzer Zeit in Marburg selbst Maurermeister wurde. Er stellte bei der Errichtung der Eisenbahn daselbst für die Südbahn sehr viele Bauten her. Davon konnte er sich zwei Häuser erwerben und nahm im tollen Übermute eine Zuhälterin bei sich auf. Wenn seine geduldige Frau nach Marburg kam, gab er sie für seine Mutter aus.

     Nach einiger Zeit wurde er wegen eines grossen Betruges gegen die Südbahn überführt und auf zwei Jahre Kerker verurteilt. während dieser Zeit besorgte er in allen kaiserlichen Kanzleien das Weisseln und Reparaturarbeiten, da er nur des nachts im Arrest war. Am letzten Tag seiner zwei Jahre Prison he was busy with whitening of the stairs in the district court. When I had submitted some documents, he said in his usual jokes to me as an old friend that he is still so cheap to work tomorrow but no more. He was so smart to put his property to secure against all attacks.

When he died suddenly after a few years ago, was his legacy to the old wife, who without being asked his illegitimate children of generosity, compassion and mercy of free drive 800 florins left.

(165) Because I'm now in Aflenz much spare time I repair my own clothes This work has previously always my dear, I worried unforgettable woman. I see how to write even when inserting without glasses well. Now I want to know whether the occurrence described in the following states with the eyes even with several old people like me in: naked light I can not tolerate, for every light in the room or on the street is a circle in all the colors of the rainbow. Each star in the sky, as each light has 10 points. When I look at the crescent moon, I always see 3 or 4 half moons in a row. I look at the full moon up, then shows a second behind him. I see in the distance, a cross, a tall tree or tower, it appears all twice. The best part is at all an art fireworks and when the strike at rocket Buoyant countless sparks, so every spark a star with 10 points.

Because of my poor hearing I had to avoid for many years the theater and all societies. Only occurs when something pleasant to the eye, so I was happy there. So I am on 7 September 1884 after Bad Gleichenberg traveled to see this paradise of Styria.

When I was still host to the giant store in Graz, I had the pleasure to host Deer for a Bichl Hunter Ball decorated. At the request of the said Knight of Haidegg I also had to host the Schönbrunn decorate the hall for a hunter ball. How do I then asked for my trouble by the same 4 guilders, nobody wanted to pay to know something. "Haidegg," cried the landlord, "will pay!". The host said, therefore, should pay Knight of Haidegg. After I had reason to do already several programs in the city and to Schönbrunn on the Maria-scalers-road, I managed, by both the 4 Gulden, thus obtaining time for failures twice.

Haidegg was so stingy, he had at the Glacis Road 2, two-floor-high Houses and the brother of my Resch of Anne Street occupied house from which he received 70 000 guilders annual interest (interest). If he stop off along with children and wife with us, were two of beer and 8 rolls the whole bill.

the aforementioned Schneider Jukius Korhammer I had at that time housed in the office of Dr. waterfall, when my son to Dr. Eduard Rechbauer came. After the death of Dr. waterfall was Korhammer solicitor with Dr. von Graefe stone. He had been the third wife. In my envelope sale in Graz was the Dr. Gmeiner, afterwards lawyer, my best customers. (166) When he on 1 October 1885 to Bruck moved, I gave it to me here in protecting Aflenz of boredom, until 17 March set 1886 2150 envelopes and send.


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