Monday, April 26, 2010

Engagement Thank You Parents

65th Visits Mureck - scams - Move to Aflenz

A m 29th August 1885 I was tormented by the desire to see the new railway from the field on Mureck to Radkersburg. On this occasion I wanted to visit old friends. In Mureck I came to the mentioned merchant Kolettnig August, although the more deaf and decrepit as I was. Then I visited the Gürtlermeister Robertine and had learned that the mentioned Lederer's daughter Marie Steurer, now widowed Sattler champion Tesch, all living on alms. After I during our stay in Mureck 1833 to 1839 in the house of Mr. Simon Steurer was taken always good, so I had - at that time because of consumption tax transactions themselves often coming to Mureck - the Lord Steurer asked me every time grant in his property, rather than I stopped at inns. We came to conv to 10 Kreuzer. Coin for each breakfast or lunch or supper bed together in agreement.

(161) The above-mentioned daughter had at that time the utility out and was always concerned about me. There were above 10 cruisers against the cost of all proportion, I decided to pay a small fee once if possible.

When I at 8 clock arrived by train and got off in Mureck Gürtlermeister Robertine, it was raining very heavily. I took refuge in which we have been duly estate, currently a guest house. In the repair of this house I had on the outside of the entrance portal a pretty homemade decorated with columns above and below the cornice in relief the intricate ineinenander letters of our names attached with the year in oak.

     Im Gastzimmer hing in schönem Goldrahmen der einst dem erwähnten Anton Steurer spendierte Biertrinker. Als ich das gut erhaltene Portal betrachtete, sagte ein im Vorhaus befindliches kleines Mädchen: «Der Vater hat es erst neu angestrichen».

     Ich hätte so gerne die Witwe Tesch besucht, aber der strömende Regen machte mich so misslaunig, dass ich mit dem Mittagszug zurück nach Leibnitz fuhr, wo ich bei dem erwähnten Franz Neupert einkehrte und erst den andern Tag abends wieder in Graz ankam. Gleich darauf sandte ich der armen Witwe Tesch 2 guilders and 2 for Christmas again guilders. The Honourable Knaupert I sent the picture, "The City of Two Bridges", close to the Alsace, the birthplace of his father, Valentin Knaupert, then the image, as the Emperor goes walking with the Empress on Lake Starnberg, while playing her father, the zither. A few days after returning from Mureck I read in the newspaper about the death of August Kolettnigg. He died 79 years old.

Countless many old friends have died, most in the 70 years, which often filled me with horror. If I think that in the passed with Dr. Falls 20 1 / 2 years from the Office 9 Schreiber, and in the 9 years with Dr. Reddi five writers departed with death, it is evident the grace of God and a great wonder that after so much hard work and with my body and soul diseases still alive.

How often sadness comes over me at my so dearly beloved wife, and how painful it is that they doubt on my integrity in the grave was. The pain is immortal, that I was not able to make my dear, generous wife as happy as she would have deserved it for their truly real (162) female virtues. In my bed is it by me in 1838 manufactured portrait. If I do the same when you get up early in the evening and at bedtime intimacy with look and kiss many times, probably many tears fall onto the glass.

I have some more It only: When my father had left the postal service mentioned again, he came to the Mercy Hospital as a nurse and then to Gösting Attems.

When I was a staff when he mentioned consumption tax lease, I had once done in the office of the rule Halbenrain, its manager and his clerk Wilhem Schlegl Auer Erzgauner were. A farmer left by these managers a savings bank loans for 1000 guilders obtain by intabulierten note . As at the farmers basically nothing stuck, so the manager faked a promissory note to 1000 guilders and pocketed the sum, for which the rent was paid by him.

After a few years back had paid the farmer his debt of 1,000 florins, and received therefor from the bank receipt. When the administrator has paid for other vices in the arrests and sat for the second THEREFORE 1,000 guilders no one's interests (interest), the farmer was accused by the savings bank. This, over here alarmed, showed the same receipt. "Yes," said Dr. Kaiser field, "this is the first 1,000 guilders, but the lawsuit relates to the second 1000 guilders." Then came the knavery of the manager, said Auer helped unconscionable. I was just in the office, as this one introduced tobacco Blacker wanted to take the examination. "What?" Cried the black, "you want me to say? Do you remember that I had to learn to spin you, when they were 2 years in prison? "Auer threw away the pen and hurried out. As the thing went out with above 1000 florins, I did not experience anymore.

My son, Dr. Edward Neuhaus, who was already several years as the imperial state court Gerichtsadjunkt competes, successively, by the district judgeship in Friedberg, Neumarkt, Kirchbach and Aflenz in Upper Styria. The district court in the latter place, Josef Maier, was to Kirchbach, added 3 miles east of Graz, and my son was given the district judgeship in Aflenz . Then he said I should go with him and give him a death that I was in my 78th Years of life needed some rest.

up from 19th in 1877 October 1885 I have around 381 961 in the envelopes of all sizes produced and sold, and taken for 1780 Gulden 10 Kreuzer. (163) The specific income for folders, file covers, etc. Kartandl 360 guilders to have amounted to 88 cruisers. The monthly expenses for paper, cardboard, rubber, starch, glue, brushes, scissors, sanding, etc., for the above transactions amounted to an average of 9 guilders 81 cruisers. But no one remembered me to envy those few proceeds or objectionable.

In Linz been present very large moving van, the whole body of the Son with four strong horses was expidiert to the station. My belongings and the kitchen utensils of the Son came specially packaged to the station.

On 20 October 1885 are now Edward, his wife, 2 children, me and the maid Kapfenberg by rail to and from there by mail to Aflenz, where we arrived at noon by 1 clock. We had to stay at the hotel to the post office until all the furniture arrived.

On 21 October took over Dr. Neuhold the official duties and in the evening at the hotel was to the post office in honor of the continued pulling District Judge Maier a big farewell party. On 22 October came up on the hill with 8 colossal horse-drawn, large moving van, with which then carried the body of Mr. Maier Kirchbach was. On 24 the rest came after a cart. Since there was now a lot of work to create everything in order in 4 rooms and give the kitchen, which drew upon the wife of the son's effort to follow an ailment and had to stay in bed for several weeks.

I thank God that I - billed age weaknesses - even the reasonably healthy appetite and am. Sometimes I have a heart attack and suffered cramp in the feet at night. Such defects are of my age to suffer inevitable and patient.


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