Friday, April 17, 2009

Ultimate Attraction Gabriella Hall

We try on Friday to remember Allah in the mosques ...

Maybe Friday night ...

And, the unlikely event of an evening prayer.

We want him as our disease have to us ...

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However, we have no time or opportunity while working or playing, for him ....

Because ... we think that this is part of our lives ... We can and should, handle alone.
May Allah wa subhana ta3ala ever forgive me that I was thinking, dass ..

. There a time or place gibt, wo... Er nicht der Erste(beim Gedenken) ist in meinem Leben.

Wir sollten immer die Zeit haben uns daran zu erinnern, was Er alles für uns getan hat.

Er lässt mich jenen und jeden Tag leben und funktionieren können. Ohne Ihn, werde ich nichts sein

Wenn du ALLAH liebst...Und dich nicht für all diese wunderbaren Sachen, die Er für dich getan hat, schämst....

Von all the gifts we receive is the prayer, the best of all ....

Then Pray for ...

There's no fuss, but wonderful rewards ......

Note: Is not it funny how easy it is for people not to believe in Allah, but to wonder about why the world to hell is

Is not it funny how some can say "I believe in Allah," but still follow Satan (who, incidentally, also in Allah "believe.")?

Allah - there is no god but Him, the Living, the Self. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what lies behind them, they compass aught of His knowledge except what He wills. Far as His Kursi (throne stool) of the heavens and the earth, and He is not hard to save them (both). He is the Most High, the Magnificent. (2:255)


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