A mother with an eye
My mother had only one eye.
I hated them and had to be ashamed for them.
worked as a cook in our school cafeteria, where I studied.
One day she came to me to look after me if I was OK.
I was very upset as she could only do this to me?
After this incident, I ignored it at school
and looked at her with eyes full of hate.
The next day I told a classmate
, oooh so your mother has only one eye "
In that moment I wanted to sink into the ground with shame
wanted and that they disappear from my life ...
The next day I said to her, because of you I am going to the joke in the school ..
why you and do not die easily .. .?
you Answered me .... but
I do not know what I said at that moment because I was very angry ....
I did not know how they would react.
... I left the city ....
I studied tirelessly and got a scholarship and spent my study abroad ...
... I finished my studies got married, bought a house and had a happy family
One day my mother came to visit me
were schon Jahre her ,seitdem ich sie nicht gesehen hatte und sie hatte ihre Enkelkinder noch nie gesehen...
sie blieb vor der Tür stehen während meine Kinder sich über sie lustig machten...
Als ich sie sah, schrie ich sie an wie sie es nur wagen könnte vor meiner Haustür zu stehen und meinen Kindern Angst machen könnte.
Mit ruhiger Stimme antwortete sie mir:
Ich entschuldige mich, ich bin an der falschen Addresse,und sie verschwand.
.....als ich eines Tages an ihrem Haus vorbei ging kam mir ihr Against neighbor and gave me a letter ..:
"my dear son, I've always thought of you"
I regret the visit abroad and I am sorry that I scared your children .. . and I'm sorry that I have drawn you in a number of occasions in disgrace.
you knew when you were a baby, you lost an eye in an accident
.. and like any other mother, I wanted my child to grow up healthy ...
.... I have given my eye ...
..... I was proud to know that my son's world mit meinem Auge sehen kann .
In Liebe deine Mutter...........
My mother had only one eye.
I hated them and had to be ashamed for them.
worked as a cook in our school cafeteria, where I studied.
One day she came to me to look after me if I was OK.
I was very upset as she could only do this to me?
After this incident, I ignored it at school
and looked at her with eyes full of hate.
The next day I told a classmate
, oooh so your mother has only one eye "
In that moment I wanted to sink into the ground with shame
wanted and that they disappear from my life ...
The next day I said to her, because of you I am going to the joke in the school ..
why you and do not die easily .. .?
you Answered me .... but
I do not know what I said at that moment because I was very angry ....
I did not know how they would react.
... I left the city ....
I studied tirelessly and got a scholarship and spent my study abroad ...
... I finished my studies got married, bought a house and had a happy family
One day my mother came to visit me
were schon Jahre her ,seitdem ich sie nicht gesehen hatte und sie hatte ihre Enkelkinder noch nie gesehen...
sie blieb vor der Tür stehen während meine Kinder sich über sie lustig machten...
Als ich sie sah, schrie ich sie an wie sie es nur wagen könnte vor meiner Haustür zu stehen und meinen Kindern Angst machen könnte.
Mit ruhiger Stimme antwortete sie mir:
Ich entschuldige mich, ich bin an der falschen Addresse,und sie verschwand.
.....als ich eines Tages an ihrem Haus vorbei ging kam mir ihr Against neighbor and gave me a letter ..:
"my dear son, I've always thought of you"
I regret the visit abroad and I am sorry that I scared your children .. . and I'm sorry that I have drawn you in a number of occasions in disgrace.
you knew when you were a baby, you lost an eye in an accident
.. and like any other mother, I wanted my child to grow up healthy ...
.... I have given my eye ...
..... I was proud to know that my son's world mit meinem Auge sehen kann .
In Liebe deine Mutter...........
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