بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings upon the Messenger of Allah
"I'm sorry ... you only live a few years."
The words of the doctor weigh heavy and make the patient with full force. They lie like lead in space, while its so simple and terrifying meaning slowly into the consciousness of the patient bore, which still hopes to have not the words of the doctor understood. Meanwhile, serious silence but confirmed that they were actually spoken. In fact ...
What if we are to one day these words are addressed? "Only a few years ...".
Once you become aware of the significance of these words would people begin now to consider how they noch verbleibende Zeit ihres Lebens so sinnvoll wie möglich nutzen können. Was aber bedeutet "Sinnvoll" im Leben des Einzelnen, wenn dieses Leben doch begrenzt ist?
Ist es einfach nur das "Mehr" und das "Besser", für die sich die meisten abmühen? Welche Hoffnung treibt dich? Hoffnung auf was? Sich möglichst lange an einem eventuell aus deinem Streben gewonnenen Genuß erfreuen? Und dann?
Was ist der Zweck meines Lebens? Wie nutze ich die Zeit dieses Lebens möglichst sinnvoll?
Der Schöpfer allen Seins und Verleiher jeden Lebens, Allah, hat den Sinn des menschlichen Lebens in all seinen Botschaften an die Gesandten und Propheten, von Noah bis Muhammad s.a.s klar definiert: Ihm allein zu dienen in Anerkennung Seiner Einzigkeit in Göttlichkeit, Anbetungswürdigkeit und im Recht auf Verherrlichung.
Allah sagt:
"Und Ich habe die Jinn und die Menschen nur dazu erschaffen, damit sie Mir dienen. (51: 56)
Und Er sagt:
"Und dient Allah und gesellt Ihm nichts bei."(4: 36)
Allah erklärt auch, daß das Leben jedes Einzelnen im Diesseits eine Prüfung darstellt. Unterwirft sich der Mensch dem Willen seines Schöpfers, indem er dem Gesandten seiner Zeit und dem, womit dieser gekommen ist, folgt, oder ignoriert er dessen Warnungen und verleugnet den Gesandten, seine Botschaft und die Beweise für dessen Wahrhaftigkeit?
Für das Bestehen dieser "Prüfung" hat Allah für jeden eine bestimmte Zeit festgesetzt, die mit dem Tod endet und die wir "Leben" nennen.
Es gibt für den Menschen nur einen Tod. Dieser Tod ist der Übergang vom vergänglichen Leben und der Prüfung im "Diesseits" in die Ewigkeit, die Abrechnung und die Belohnung oder Strafe des "Jenseits".
Alles, was wir im diesseitigen Leben erreicht und angesammelt haben, wird mit dem Tod für uns wertlos werden, außer das, was uns vor der ewigen Strafe bewahrt.
Vor der Ewigkeit der Strafe im Jenseits bewahrt uns lediglich der aufrichtige Glaube an die Einzigkeit Allahs in Seiner Herrschaft, Seinen Namen und Eigenschaften und im Recht auf Worship and glorification and the simultaneous, unconditional consequences of His Messenger, it sas is therefore every action of the heart, tongue and body, which is built on these two pillars and is done only in pursuit of Allah's good pleasure to us by Allah painful punishment removed. It is these actions, which we submit to Allah in this life will and serve Him alone.
is the time of his death the man for the first time to see things that the prophets of Allah have reported in this life though, but they are hidden from the eyes of men. It is then given but no return ...
Allah Most High says:
"Say: Recall you will der Engel des Todes, der mit euch betraut ist, hierauf werdet ihr zu eurem Herrn zurückgebracht.(11)
Könntest du nur sehen, wenn die Übeltäter vor ihrem Herrn die Köpfe senken: 'Unser Herr, jetzt haben wir gesehen und gehört. Bringe uns zurück, so wollen wir rechtschaffen handeln. Gewiß, wir sind nun überzeugt.'" (32: 11-12)
"Wenn dann der Tod zu einem von ihnen kommt, sagt er: 'Mein Herr, bringt mich zurück! (99) Auf daß ich rechtschaffen handele in dem, was ich zurückgelassen habe.' Keineswegs! Es ist nur ein Wort, was er (so) sagt; hinter ihnen wird ein trennendes Hindernis sein bis zu dem Tag, da sie auferweckt werden." (23: 99-100)
Dear reader, whether it may be two, ten, 30 or 60 years ... I'm sorry to inform you that you only have to live a few years. Also, a surprising and premature occurrence of death is not excluded. Uses the rest of your short-term sense. You have eternity before you
"Every soul will taste death. And on the Day of Resurrection you will get your reward in full measure. Then who the (Hell) fire caught up in the garden (paradise) is admitted, he indeed achieved the success. And this life is nothing but chattels of deception. " (3: 185)
Like every living thing we have the "disease death." But what I must do to escape punishment after my death the cause of Allah and for ever a life of joy? This
Allah Almighty our disobedience towards Him, be they forgive sins or unbelief and denial, and not us for them after death to account, we must meet the following five conditions of repentance: first
Purity of intention (Ikhlaas)
This means that we regret solely and exclusively for the sake of Allah and of our disobedience to Him drain over and not because of coercion or in the hope of an advantage in this Life.
second Sincere repentance
This means that we repent of our disobedience to Allah (in the form of a sin, or in the form of disbelief and denial) and honestly see him as a clear offense that we have committed.
third The discharge of the respective disobedience to Allah
This means that we have an unmet duty to Allah begin to attend to (such as the actions of prayer, faith accept themselves, to follow the prophet, etc.) and abandon an approximately sin committed and no longer do this.
we should allocate a prescribed law of Allah, a person has violated (for example, by fraud, theft, defamation etc.), so we have to make up for in addition to the discharge of sin These kinds of damage if possible and send the appropriate person their full right to come or ask for forgiveness.
4th The sincere intention of the particular offense (in fact, statement or belief) never to commit again
5th The benefit of time in which repentance is accepted by Allah
This means to repent before the two hours, after which Allah takes no more remorse, and return to the path of Allah.
Both times, after which will no regret will be accepted by Allah are:
- the last day is announced by the rising of the sun in the west
to Allah the Almighty says:
"The day on which the sign of thy Lord is something good is a soul Do not believe her if she had not believed before or are in their good faith acquired." (6: 158)
- where death occurs to Allah says the following:
is "But not to accept the repentance of those who commit evil deeds until death in one of the sets, (and) he says: 'now regret I ', and even for those who die as unbelievers. For those We have prepared a painful punishment. " (4: 18)
Since no one knows the time of his death, every minute of this life is of inestimable value. Every minute of this life, we can address how the look forever for us. If this minute satisfactory Allah and obey Him and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) to live, it brings us closer to eternity in unclouded joy. If this minute but lived WHILE the wrath of Allah is upon us, because we are disobedient to Allah and His Messenger, it will bring us closer to this minute of eternity in pain, condemnation and punishment and pull on us.
Let us therefore make the short time remaining to us useful to gain Allah's pleasure, and we follow what His Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was revealed.
May Allah the Almighty to guide us in all our faith, our words and deeds.
Praise be to Allah, and may the blessings and peace of Allah upon His servant and Messenger Muhammad, resting on his relatives and his companions.
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