Imagine the world is a drama, a play that was written by a playwright. Suppose it is the play "Faust" by the poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. We humans are now presented in the position of the main character of the scholar Dr. Faust. This looks around in his world, makes his thoughts and draws his own conclusions. But how can attain certainty about something? How did he know that what he imagines is more than smoke and mirrors, a mere collection of ideas? On the presented alone, he can never know this, because everything he could ever know is based on assumptions, assumptions about his world and his sense perceptions. Yes, it goes further, for he has not even a real testament to his own existence! It is indeed our people, because none of us can say with absolute certainty that he was not a, say, butterfly who dreams of a man in the 21 Century on a planet called Earth to be.
is now able to "Faust" to make all sorts of considerations about its existence, its origin, the meaning of his existence and his life or not life after his death. But, what thoughts come to him while always mögen, so wäre er auf sich alleine gestellt doch niemals in der Lage mit Sicherheit sagen zu können, dass er von einem Autor geschaffen wurde. Zwar mag ihm sein Verstand, seine Phantasie und Kreativität auch diese Idee eingeben, doch bliebe diese allerdings eben eine metaphysische Vorstellung, nicht zu unterscheiden von einer bloßen Phantasie. Auch der Mensch befindet sich dergestalt im Universum stehend. Zwar kann er sich Gott vorstellen, doch weiß er aus sich selbst heraus niemals, ob es einen solches wirklich gibt, Gott bleibt Gedanke und wird nicht zur Realität. In diesem Stadium befinden sich alle Religionen, die einen Gott annehmen aber niemals eine tatsächliche Verbindung mit einem solchen hatten.
Und hier kommt das Entscheidende contributes to the revealed religions. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are religions such a revelation, as all three take claim for themselves that God had shown them. When the Jews, Abraham, Moses, to Christianity through the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ and in Islam by the word of God, the book, the Koran, was. In fact it is so that only by such a revelation man can gain assurance that he was created by a Creator, God.
Staying with our example, Faust. Where Faust now knows that Goethe has created him? We have already shown that he can not even know. It is even conceivable only when a contact between Goethe and Faust takes place. Goethe would have to be so even in his play "write in" Faust to announce that he is its creator. Now we imagine that Goethe would have done something, he would hand over fist a book of rules for how people should behave in his play, as they were created and what will be the future of the piece. Faust is replaced by the words "creator" of such a book and it shows the other people in his world (Mephistopheles, Marguerite, Kaiser, Chancellor, witches, etc.). As can now respond to his assertion that it had its dramatic figures and a creator named Goethe created them all? Some would probably not Another fist believe (especially if they are well disposed towards him), others would turn strenuously (his opponents), and others would be severely in doubt, could not decide (agnostic). We see today from the situation on the ground.
But the "book" that has given us the Creator (God), namely the Bible, means that, when read carefully, explanations for each question. The world itself can be detected with reason and when the heart is not hard, and you really "homework" does, then you realize that this Creator has told us in effect, that we are created by him. To experience God However, we have to stop too much trust in the left brain (seat of the diet) alone and to make use of the holistic right brain also detected. Atheists are not people who really know that God does not exist. There are people who have personal reasons to be against God, or have a high interest because there is no God. For the open heart and mind the wise God is easily accessible. Indeed, atheists have to believe a lot more than people who believe in God. An atheist is a person plays the lottery with a single tap, and actually win the chance for higher assessment functions, than to lose those. Sun verquert may be thinking, if you look at the all-embracing knowledge closes!
God respects the free will of man, so God will show up in any way that he imposes one, even the mind does not, as is 5 + 5 = 10. The possibility also "no" to God to say will remain forever. It is a mistake to assume that free will would pour the omnipotence of God. This is precisely not the case. Free will is not limiting the omnipotence of God, but an expression of love for his creatures. God wants not slaves, but children who love him freely out. Why is created so much confusion when it is in the suffering of World is, which does not come from God, but is caused by the misuse of free will of man. No matter what a man believes that he now believes to be true God or not, even the atheist has the following categories for its adoption: intellectual, personal and social reasons.
Who all to explore the reason of the mind, the feeling and the will goes, who comes to the true knowledge and this is to recognize that there is a God who created everything, where everything is and outside the nothing exists. What this really means to be free of space and time, our minds can not tell us, because these are precisely the limits thereof; but trusting in the Almighty, we can live in confidence our lives and if we accept the Savior Jesus Christ and acknowledge that he died for our sins and ascended on the third day bodily into heaven, then we will not be lost, but have eternal life. This is what I truly believe!