Friday, December 31, 2010

Dream Prediction Maid Honor

liability of a GmbH managing director

liability of a GmbH managing director
• 1 Hardly a profession is so great Haftungsrisiken ausgesetzt wie der eines GmbH-Geschäftsführers. Seien es zivilrechtliche Ansprüche auf Schadenersatz, strafrechtliche Konsequenzen oder Steuer- und Sozialrechtliche Vorschriften. Wichtig für einen GmbH-Geschäftsführer ist, diese Haftungsrisiken zu kennen.
Zivilrechtlich unterscheidet man zwischen der Innenhaftung und der Außenhaftung:
• Die Innenhaftung beschreibt die Haftung des Geschäftsführers gegenüber „seiner“ Gesellschaft. Haftet der Geschäftsführer zivilrechtlich, dann haftet he freely with his entire fortune, including his current and future private property. This also applies to appointed as managing partners of an LLC, called the managing partner.
My posts on the liability of LLC manager is therefore structured as follows:
liability of a GmbH managing director internally The managing director is liable pursuant. § 43 GmbH-Act against the Company for damages if he intentionally or negligently in the affairs of the Company care of a prudent businessman, not (has) and This gives the company a financial loss. Gem is § 43 para 3 Companies Act, the management of the Company to payment of compensation, if it makes contrary to § 30 GmbH-law of the conservation of the capital assets required payments to its shareholders (so-called illegal deposit refund) show Attack of the manager to buy back shares by the company whose share capital of, the Company shall be liable for the damage. Exceptional cases, this liability exists even if a shareholder resolution covers his behavior.

reversal of the burden of proof:
Since a ruling by the Federal of 04.11.2002, the burden of proof lies with the GmbH's liability cases, which has its position on liability cases deteriorated. The manager must demonstrate and prove in court,

• is that he fulfilled his duty of care or
• that the damage was caused by him inevitable.
• R
you Ufen 030 240 30 550, the expert team

Each GmbH managing director should always documented in writing, as he has exercised his discretion to major corporate business decisions, and what has led him to do so. Whenever possible, he should apply in business decisions, welche unter seine alleinige Entscheidungskompetenz fallen, einen Zustimmungsbeschluss der Gesellschafterversammlung einholen und diese dazu vorher umfassend informieren.

Auflistung typischer Haftungstatbestände eines GmbH-Geschäftsführers
Folgende Aufzählung zeigt typische Haftungstatbestände eines GmbH-Geschäftsführers:

• Gesetzesverletzungen: Jede vorsätzliche oder fahrlässige Verletzung von Gesetzen, die zu einem Schaden für die Gesellschaft führt, kann eine Schadenersatzpflicht auslösen. • Illoyales Verhalten gegenüber der GmbH, wie z.B. eine Verletzung der Geheimhaltungspflicht, Verstöße gegen das Wettbewerbsverbot, oder Verstöße against the business opportunity principle (ie, the manager may not do business in their own name and for own account or on a leave related parties make, which are under the objects of the society). • Acceptance of bribes
• Lending: failure to fulfill its obligation in respect of the customer's default. •
cash and merchandise shortages: The manager must prevent unauthorized withdrawals by employees.
• Violations of the accounting requirement. •
conclusion of mutual contracts without equivalence.
• Violation of the information requirements compared with joint managers and shareholders' meeting. •
exceeded the Manager in the statutes or the employment contract granted competence. • Risk business: The assessment of whether a business was very risky and therefore would not, or not, without prior approval of the shareholders' meeting may be conducted, the conditions at the time of the determination to implement the business to be based, where the probability of success or the failure of the business and the degree of possible damage should be put in relation. A liability of the manager, the business sorgfältig geprüft und vorbereitet hat sowie die Kompetenzvorbehalte beachtet hat, tritt nur bei schlechthin unvertretbarem Geschäftsführungshandeln ein.
Haftung bei Verletzung der Sorgfaltspflicht eines ordentlichen Geschäftsmannes.

Im Einzelnen umfasst die Sorgfaltspflicht folgende Gesichtpunkte:
• Ein GmbH-Geschäftsführer hat sich ständig über die Ertragslage, Liquidität und den Verschuldensgrad der GmbH informiert zu halten; hierzu hat er entweder selbst laufend die entsprechenden Unterlagen einzusehen oder ein turnusmäßiges monatliches Berichtswesen zu installieren.
• Wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen, insbesondere solche von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung, he has to prepare adequately and carefully: for a large investment must be a sound investment accounts are created, the need for regulatory approval is necessary to consider the market situation is to be observed etc.
the extent of the LLC manager • self and his team, the required expertise own, seek professional advice from the outside, and pick the manager to guide and monitor carefully added.
• The company's internal processes (eg, compliance with safety regulations by the employees) have to be monitored and the Manager shall take all measures that it breaches be reported and responded to this appropriately;
• Staff are carefully selected and instruct. Important: In the original business management duties such as the bankruptcy obligation, the duty to take action for defective products and tax obligations delegation relieves the director within the company.
• The Executive Director has the internally required approval of the shareholders (or another body, eg council) to obtain, if he fails, and it is the consent for the adoption of management measures issued not later, he is liable for a failure even if the action appears reasonable and meets the manager of their implementation, not at fault.
Important: The special standard of liability for workers not in any ordinary negligence, refers to the liability of the GmbH's managing director, does not apply, unless the statutes or the employment contract of the manager is a corresponding clause. However, is a GmbH managing director with regard to the liability standard to a "normal" workers treated when the damage occurred outside of management (for example, the manager on a business trip the damage it controls Firmenwagen).

Haftung bei mehreren Geschäftsführen

Hat die Gesellschaft eine mehrgliedrige Geschäftsführung und sind den einzelnen Geschäftsführern besondere Aufgabenbereiche zugewiesen, z.B. dem Geschäftsführer A die technische Leitung, dem Geschäftsführer B. die kaufmännische Leitung, so kann A grundsätzlich nicht für Sorgfaltspflichtverletzungen des B zur Verantwortung gezogen werden.
Allerdings hat jeder Geschäftsführer im Rahmen der Gesamtverantwortung aller Geschäftsführer eine Überwachungspflicht bezüglich der Aufgabenbezogenen Tätigkeit des anderen Geschäftsführers. Jeder Geschäftsführer ist gehalten, sich über all essential matters outside his own area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility to inform continuous. Therefore would have in the above example GF A to verify the fact that the GF B the accounting requirement fulfilled by the company, which discharges the employees wage tax in time to the tax office etc.

liability when taking entrepreneurial risks

Business decisions bring special risks , ie they involve a failure and thus a financial loss to the society in itself. For the taking of business risks by the Managing Director to the Federal Court, as follows:
"This includes basically besides entering into the conscious business risks, the risk of misjudgments and miscalculations that every CEO, he may yet act as responsible, is exposed. Liability for damages can the mere fact that the measure proves to be defective, are rescinded. This is rather only be considered if the conditions and limits for responsible business conduct are not met "
similar to § 93 para 1 of the Companies Act the board of a public company:
. A breach of duty do not apply if the Board member business at a decision reasonably could take to act on the basis of adequate information for the benefit of society. "
no liability of the manager is there for a measure, even if it led to the damage from the Company,
• if the manager beforehand and properly informed decision has prepared
• if the measure is legitimate and the provisions of the statute are met,
• if he is acting for the good of society, in particular, pursued their own interests and
• if the basic principles of good corporate governance is not grossly violated.

7 Rules to avoid liability GmbH managing director internally

first Rule
liability at all business decisions of managers do not
• if he is fully informed and prepared for its decision properly
• if the measure of law and statutory,
• if they are exclusively from the corporate welfare has been guided and
• if he has complied with the basic rules of proper management.
The managing director is not liable for incorrect actions of his or his co-managing director (s), if a proper Geschäftsverteilung erfolgt ist und wenn er seiner Überwachungspflicht nachgekommen hat.
3. Regel
Der Geschäftsführer haftet nicht für fehlerhafte Maßnahmen der Mitarbeiter, sofern ihn kein Organisationsverschulden trifft.
4. Regel
Der Geschäftsführer haftet nicht, wenn die schädigende Maßnahme in Übereinstimmung mit Gesetz und Satzung auf einem Beschluss der Gesellschafterversammlung beruht.
5. Regel
Der Geschäftsführer haftet bei rechts- und satzungswidrigen Maßnahmen nicht, wenn er sich in einem entschuldbaren Verbotsirrtum befindet. (Anm.: Von einem Verbotsirrtum sprechen Juristen, wenn sich der Handelnde der Unrechtmäßigkeit seines Tuns nicht bewußt war. Man unterscheidet den vermeidbaren und den unvermeidbaren Verbotsirrtum. Vermeidbar war ein Verbotsirrtum, wenn der Handelnde nicht alle ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Möglichkeiten ausgeschöpft hat, nachzuprüfen, ob sein Handeln rechtmäßig ist. Ggf. muß er sogar Rechtsrat einholen).
6. Regel
Der Geschäftsführer haftet nicht, wenn ihn die Gesellschafterversammlung trotz Kenntnis der Maßnahme durch Beschluss entlastet hat oder er mit der Gesellschaft einen
abgeschlossen hat. Beim „Generalbereinigungsvertrag“ werden auch schädliche Maßnahmen des Geschäftsführers eingeschlossen, welche der Gesellschafterversammlung still unknown.
Kluge CEO use the contract for the general settlement not only for their retirement as CEO, but also in a reassignment or if it has been neglected in the past to bring about discharge decisions
7th Rule
The manager is not liable or only limited, if it is provided in the contract of employment or in the articles exemption from liability or limitation of liability. The liability can be excluded or limited only for negligence to gross negligence and intent are. Also, the claim for damages be limited to the amount of the Company.

liability of a GmbH managing director in an external

This refers to the personal civil liability of the Managing Director for damages caused to the company (internal liability), but against third parties.
Such liability of the manager of the manager to a third party is considered only when a particular provision of it - has been violated - usually at fault. There are many possible legislation which would be below describe in more detail.

liability risks of a GmbH managing director in tort under § § 823 et seq

In tort is essentially understood in § § 823 et seq anchored liability standards. A civil liability generally occurs here only if the managing such a liability standard has violated negligently or intentionally. Important liability rules of tort are here:
• § 823 Abs 1 BGB: Unlawful intentional or negligent injury to life, limb, health, liberty, property, or any other law (eg personal right, right in the company , not wealth).
• § 823 para 2 BGB: Violation of a protection law: This includes all the provisions of Penal Code (StGB), when the Legal right of a third party (eg the property) protection. Such protection laws are very numerous: for example § 263 of the Criminal Code (fraud), § 266 StGB (infidelity), § § 84, 64 para 1 GmbH-Gesetz (Insolvenzverschleppung!).
• § 826 BGB: intentional immoral injury of a third party. These include in particular those cases can be attributed in which the manager fraudulent behavior, the intention of the creditor injury, a collusion with employees of the contractor or similar dishonest dealings. • § 824 BGB : credit risk of an untruthful statement or dissemination of facts which disadvantages suitable for the acquisition or the advancement of a third party must be achieved. There can
liability risks of a GmbH managing director of the "strict liability"

It also liability standards, which caused a civil liability for damages, where the GF without culpable violation of a liability norm. This is called strict liability. Here is the basic liability already doing of an act that is generally suitable to harm a third party.
Such liability standards are in the Road Traffic Act. Driving a motor vehicle is considered by law as a generally dangerous. Liability for damage caused is only then, when "force majeure" for the damage was the cause. Next there is a strict liability under the Medicines Act, the Aviation Act, and finally - very important - in the product liability law (see next point).
liability risks of a GmbH managing director of Product Liability
is killed by a defect in a product someone, his body or his health injured or damaged one thing, the manufacturer of the product is committed to the injured party for damages (§ 1 para 1 product liability law). This strict liability makes the manufacturer, subsidiary to the retailer of a defective product. Normally There is no personal liability of the manager, because the manufacturer or distributor is the limited liability
The Manager may, however, acc. § 15 para 2 of the stick product liability law and personally, if a tort according to him. § 823 para 1 BGB can be criticized. This may be illegal in a violation of traffic hedging obligations or in a house the organization, such as breach of the duty of careful development, production, product survey or instruction of the consumer. This is called product liability manager.

Other legislation for foreign liability of a GmbH managing director

fault of the GmbH-Geschäftsführers bei Vertragsschluss
Eine persönliche Haftung des Geschäftsführers aus – wie die Juristen sagen - „culpa in contrahando“ (§ 311 Abs. 2 BGB iVm § 280 BGB) besteht, wenn der Geschäftsführer bei Abschluss eines Vertrags namens der GmbH in besonderem Maße das persönliche Vertrauen des jeweiligen Geschäftspartners in Anspruch genommen hat, zum Beispiel
• bei laufender Geschäftsverbindung ist der Geschäftsführer auf Anfrage eines Lieferanten verpflichtet, die wirtschaftliche Lage der GmbH wahrheitsgemäß darzustellen, wenn die GmbH einen Warenkredit in Anspruch nehmen will,
• der Geschäftsführer einer erkennbar debt-ridden corporation that receives from personally secured bank credit in life is to appropriate information required if the contract is directed to the supply of goods on credit to the LLC.
warrant liability of LLC manager
A warrant liability of the manager always comes into consideration if he stands contrary to § 35 para 3, § 4 para 2 GmbHG without the "GmbH" for the company and had been raised for the business partner is an impression that that he had to do it with a single contractor or partner in a partnership (example: The manager shall issue a check without his signature endorsed with the words "LLC", unless the payee knew of the directors have GmbH and would not commit itself).
A warrant liability of the agent but also comes into play when someone as "manager" of a limited occurs that is not or no longer exists due to cancellation.
According to § 11 paragraph 2 shall be liable GmbHG the appointed managing director of an on-GmbH, ie a limited company, although built in a deed, but not yet entered in the register, is personally when he, on behalf of (or lack of) GmbH contracts (eg contracts) concludes, the GmbH but for some Reasons is not registered in the commercial register and thus not formed.
Personal liability of the GmbH's managing director in case of insolvency of the GmbH
A manager must make in case of insolvency and / or insolvency of the GmbH to within three weeks of the request to open insolvency proceedings (§ 64 para 1 GmbH-Gesetz). If more managers are appointed, each of them meets the requirement to submit applications. This obligation exists even if from a third party already request to open insolvency proceedings was made.
In this context, a GmbH managing director in two cases of threat of personal liability:
• Late bankruptcy filing is in accordance. Companies Act § 84 threatened with punishment. This penalty provision is, however, iS together with § 64 para 1 Companies Act as a protective law. § 823 para 2 BGB (see above point 1.) Viewed. This means that the manager has to replace new believers the damage that is caused by the fact that they have entered into business relationship with a mature company insolvency thus suffering a loss due to bad debt.
• Does the manager after the onset of insolvency payments to third parties, regardless of whether inside or outside the three-week period, then he is the company (ie the later Liquidator) gem. § 64 para 2 GmbH undertakes to pay compensation law. Permitted only those payments that are compatible with the diligence of a prudent businessman, to which all payments are to prevent the immediate collapse of the company or reduce the bankruptcy estate does not, such as business rent, wages (not pension payments), withheld payroll taxes and social security, electricity, water, telephone charges, payment in full-fledged return. Condition is the fault of the manager: He must realize at fault not ignore the indebtedness of the GmbH or in spite of knowledge. •

three-week period to the GmbH the possibility , Take steps to give their consolidation. It therefore applies not when viewed objectively, a consolidation is not possible. Then there is the requirement for the manager to put the bankruptcy immediately.

list of further liability risks of a GmbH managing director
Not all possible liability of the manager could be exhausted. Some were said to be below specified or short
• The manager is personally liable for distributions to shareholders which attack the capital of the company;
• Liability of the Manager may arise on acquisition of own shares by the Company;
• A liability of the manager may be given if he fails to inform the shareholders about the fact that 50% of the share capital of the company are lost;
• A liability of the manager is concerned, if he retention of a third party not followed
• manager are obliged to notify the court of registration changes in shareholders' Stand by sending a list of shareholders immediately. Should the GF this obligation, he shall be liable to the creditors of the Company for the ensuing harm them;
• contingent liability of the manager due to existence hazardous procedure under § 823 para 2 in connection with § 266 of the Criminal Code (breach of trust) to creditors, for example of deprivation of property or chances of success of the GmbH, the initiative risky a speculation business;
• Liability of managers for capital contribution and foundation expenses (§ 9a GmbHG). •

liability of a GmbH managing director for tax and social legislation

This is a sub-category of external liability, so the liability of the manager to a third party. Such liability may be made based on the provisions of tax law

• • social security law
• the promotion of food law

Personal liability of the GmbH's managing director in the tax law

According to § 34 of the Tax Code (AO) is the Managing Director as the legal representative of the GmbH is committed to deliver the tax returns for the LLC and the taxes due from funds of the Ltd. payable.
Does the CEO intentionally or negligently violates this duty imposed upon him, he is liable pursuant. § 69 AO personally not for the tax paid. The liability of the manager shall, however, only if the taxes are not to gain from a GmbH (more).
If payment constraints, the principle of pro rata reduction, ie, the LLC may reduce their tax payments up to the same extent as other short maturing liabilities as well. If
overdue wage payments or tax sales tax payments are not made, the manager takes the tax office regularly in person liability, if he is to blame for this fault.
The use of the manager is not done by application of the tax office in the civil courts. Rather, the tax office shall issue the manager a waiver may appeal against the opposition of managers and, where necessary before the tax courts can complain.
liability for several GmbH managing director
Several are jointly and severally liable, that anyone can be claimed. But, the tax authority must exercise their discretion in accordance with duty. We may not, for example, the technical managers will be used first in liability if the commercial director was after the internal allocation of responsibility in this respect and it will appear solvent.
However, hitting the non-specialist and not internally competent CEO in crisis, or if evidence of a non-orderly conduct of the "competent" CEO present, the duty to be here automatically.
income tax liability
The liability for income tax is not discharged in practice one of the most common cases of liability for the GmbH's Managing Director. By IRS and the tax courts here applied strict criteria:
• The reference to the means of the GmbH would have a corresponding payment of income tax is not approved, irrelevant.
• With a lack of liquidity to reduce the net wage, or less to the employees' pay, so that still remain sufficient resources left over to deposit the income tax to the tax office.
• The transfer of withheld income tax is "priority" ahead of the other creditors. A proportional reduction here is generally not considered.
• When liquidity problems of the LLC must be made by the Managing Director precautions to ensure that the wage tax can be discharged when due also to the tax office, that is withheld from wages, payroll tax is also available.
sales tax liability
Here, the principle of pro rata repayment if the liquidity of the GmbH, a full payment to the tax office does not allow.

is committing fraud manager in his office for the benefit of the represented GmbH a Steuerhinziehung, he is liable pursuant. § 71 AO personally for the taxes evaded.

(sufficient conditional intent!) The willful failure to make a sales appointment or income tax reporting and non-payment of sales tax advance payment or non-payment of withheld income tax is the tax office as an evasion of sales tax advance payment or the payroll taxes are considered. These are statistically the most common tax evasion offense.

Personal Liability of LLC Managing Director in the Social Security Law

claim basis is § 823 para 2 BGB in conjunction with § 266a Criminal Code (StGB). The latter provision is a protection law under § 823 para 2 BGB in favor of social security.
is punishable by § 266 para 1 of the Criminal Code, who is not as employer contributions by the worker's Social Security dissipates. Employers, although the LLC, the managing director as its legal representative, however, must act for them and if he makes himself liable to prosecution. However, he must have been at fault, negligence is not enough.
must Unlike the tax law to sue the social insurance office the manager in the civil courts if it wants to take him for not dissipated in social security contributions liability.
Attention: Liability for Arbeitnehmeranteile ist noch schärfer als bei der Lohnsteuer. Die Abführung der Sozialversicherungsbeiträge (zumindest des Arbeitnehmeranteils) ist „vorrangig“ vor den anderen Gläubigern.
Persönliche Haftung des GmbH-Geschäftsführers im Fördermittelrecht (Subventionsrecht)
Wird ein Bewilligungsbescheid wegen falscher Angaben des Anspruchsberechtigten (hier: GmbH) widerrufen, so kann der für die GmbH handelnde Geschäftsführer für Ausfälle persönlich in Haftung genommen werden, wenn ihm ein vorsätzlicher oder leichtfertiger(!) (d.h. grobfahrlässiger) Verstoß gegen die Bewilligungsgesetze angelastet werden kann.
Der Straftatbestand des Subventionsbetrugs (§ 264 StGB) When a law under § 823 is para 2 BGB, so that the manager may be in person civilly liable for losses if he has complied with the crime of subsidy fraud for the benefit of what he legally represented GmbH.

Criminal liability of LLC manager

To the criminal liability of LLC business leader to present fairly exhaustive, the scope of a book would be required. This review can only give a rough outline in more detail here and only for the business leaders particularly important offenses.

I. General: 1st

The LLC itself may not be criminal prosecuted under German criminal law, since it is a legal person. Only natural persons can be convicted. However
be allocated as described in § 14 paragraph 1 No. 1 Penal Code (PC) personal characteristics of criminality between juridical person the manager.
Example: The LLC is in the legal sense, the operator of a production facility and as such obliged to provide the Authority certain ads. A breach of this obligation is a criminal offense, the criminal standard is as follows: "Whoever fails as an operator of an industrial plant will be punished." Omits now the manager of this GmbH fault the ad, he is liable to prosecution, even though he does not, but the limited liability company "operator" of the plant.
in other misdemeanor cases: This is a legal person may own, including a limited company to be punished with a fine. This has particular significance in the area of antitrust and environmental law.
is generally punishable only deliberate action, which requires that the offender knew the actual facts of the offense characteristics. The
negligent act committed is only punishable if it is determined in the relevant criminal law explicitly. In some penal provisions only a particularly severe form of negligence, recklessness called, threatened with punishment.
crimes can be committed by omission, for if the offender is a legal duty to act existed.
For many offenses, there is already an attempt to penalty threatened. is the attempt of a negligent crime does not exist.
The offense also requires that the offense was committed unlawful and culpable (intentional, negligent, if necessary). The
Rechtwidrigkeit missing when a just cause is shown, for example, self-defense emergency.
example, the open by accident during an accident at work passing by GF for life-saving awareness a particular valve and also acts as a Water pollution in purchasing. Emergency!
is particularly noted that most of the offenses and protective laws to § 823 para 2 BGB.
That is, the manager, who has committed such a crime, can also be made to civil damages claim. So he can - even on a charge of the prosecution - are punished by the criminal court by a criminal conviction and the civil courts - even to a complaint by the victim - be sentenced to pay damages.

II relevant to the manager three groups of offenses

Group 1: General offenses. These are criminal acts, die sich an die Allgemeinheit richten; dazu gehören u.a.: Diebstahl (§ 242 StGB), Unterschlagung (§ 246 StGB), Betrug (§ 263 StGB), Untreue (§ 266 StGB). – nachfolgender Abschnitt III -
Gruppe 2: Straftatbestände, die sich an die GmbH als Unternehmerin richten, wobei jedoch gem. § 14 StGB den Geschäftsführer die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit trifft. – nachfolgender Abschnitt IV -
Gruppe 3: Straftatbestände, die sich direkt an den Geschäftsführer richten. – nachfolgender Abschnitt V –

III. Allgemeine Straftatbestände
Es werden in diesem Rahmen nur für den Geschäftsführer besonders wichtige Straftatbestände be treated.
first Infidelity
In this group the most important for the manager's infidelity offense (§ 266 StGB).
Penal Code § 266 distinguishes between two cases of infidelity:
abuse: The offender abused a power granted to him to dispose of foreign assets.
example: In dealing with the GF may represent the LLC without restriction. However, he disregarded it internally by statute or contract of employment restrictions imposed on his authority to act, he may meet the abuse offense of embezzlement.
treachery event: the perpetrators violated a duty it manda-away, foreign property interests exercise, and adds this one, whose financial interests are perceiving it, disadvantages.
typical example is the acceptance of bribes by the manager, without pay over to the LLC.
too arbitrary withdrawals against the cash position of the GmbH can elements of the crime of embezzlement. The same a profit-taking due to an incorrect balance.
In the relevant literature and are continuously published numerous convictions punishable with more examples CEO behavior.

is a special set of circumstances is § 266a of the Criminal Code of infidelity, which the withholding and embezzlement of wages is punishable. This includes in particular the non-payment of the employee contributions to social insurance.
second Key findings
injury has brought here in 1990 handed down the "Leather Spray verdict" of the Federal Court.
Indicted were all directors of a GmbH for premeditated grievous bodily harm. The GmbH produced a leather spray. It became more frequent complaints from consumers, which were on the application of the remedy massive health damage occurred. Nevertheless, the funds are not withdrawn from the market as well as warnings-on packages were not appropriate. The Federal Court confirmed
in the revision process, the land court condemnation of all directors of the company for intentional grievous bodily harm and stated in his verdict the following principles to:
a) No manager may claim that he is not responsible for product safety was that it must act in the management as a whole.
b) That an authority, eg. Federal Health Office has not intervened is sovereign, no relief for the management dar.
c) The Board is committed to continuous product monitoring, including the collection and analysis of incoming damage reports heard.
d) The Board is committed to improving the instruction manual for a product and the consumer always give information on the potential misuse (eg use only outdoors).
e) in acute danger to life and limb must implement emergency management measures, including each individual director is obliged, if necessary even against the will of the overall business management. Conflicting interests instructions does not relieve the manager in such cases.
third Bankruptcy crimes are
insolvency offenses
• § § 283, § 283a of the Criminal Code (Bankruptcy)
• § 283b of the Penal Code (violation of Accounting obligation)
• § 283C of the Penal Code (creditors favored
• § 283d StGB (debtor-favored)
A natural person who has been convicted of a bankruptcy crime under § § 283 to 283d Criminal Code, for a period of five (5) years since the force of law the appeal is not managing a limited company to be.
This crime can make not only GmbH managing director, but also officers, members of partnerships and sole traders guilty.
's example, if a sole trader failed because of insolvency and he due to bankruptcy, according to. § 283 StGB been convicted is then it can not be for five years director of a GmbH.

It is every entrepreneur, CEO, etc. recommended strongly the Penal Code § 283 (bankruptcy) to read once. In the crisis of a company, the risk is great that an attempt "by all means" to avert the calamity and fortune to rescue from impending bankruptcy pie. The following is reprinted
§ 283 of the Penal Code, to raise awareness of the topic. Attention should be drawn to paragraph 6: The act is only punishable if the offender has suspended payments or has been opened against its assets, insolvency procedures or the application to open (or the GmbH, see § 14 StGB!) mangels Masse abgewiesen ist.
Bei einigen Tatbeständen genügt bereits Fahrlässigkeit bzw. Leichtfertigkeit (vgl. Absätze 4 und 5).
§ 283 Bankrott
(1) Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer bei Überschuldung oder bei drohender oder eingetretener Zahlungsunfähigkeit
Bestandteile seines Vermögens, die im Falle der Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens zur Insolvenzmasse gehören, beiseite schafft oder verheimlicht oder in einer den Anforderungen einer ordnungsgemäßen Wirtschaft widersprechenden Weise zerstört, beschädigt oder unbrauchbar macht,
in einer den Anforderungen einer ordnungsgemäßen Wirtschaft manner contrary to loss or speculation or arbitrage transactions in goods or securities received or consumed by wasteful spending, excessive play or bet amounts or guilty, is third

goods or securities purchased on credit, and they or the products made from these items sold well below their value in the requirements of a proper business manner contrary to or otherwise emits
rights of others or feigning fictitious Rights recognizes
trade books, whose leadership he is obliged by law fails to perform, or keeps or changes that the examination of his financial status is complicated,
trade books or other documents, is committed to keeping by a merchant to commercial law, before the expiry of the existing retention periods for records shall report creates aside, hidden, destroyed or damaged and difficult track of his financial status,
contrary to commercial law
sheet should draw up that list is made more difficult on his financial status, or
it fails to establish the balance of its assets or inventory in the prescribed time, or
in a anderen, den Anforderungen einer ordnungsgemäßen Wirtschaft grob widersprechenden Weise seinen Vermögensstand verringert oder seine wirklichen geschäftlichen Verhältnisse verheimlicht oder verschleiert.
(2) Ebenso wird bestraft, wer durch eine der in Absatz 1 bezeichneten Handlungen seine Überschuldung oder Zahlungsunfähigkeit herbeiführt.
(3) Der Versuch ist strafbar.
(4) Wer in den Fällen
des Absatzes 1 die Überschuldung oder die drohende oder eingetretene Zahlungsunfähigkeit fahrlässig nicht kennt oder
des Absatzes 2 die Überschuldung oder Zahlungsunfähigkeit leichtfertig verursacht,
wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder punished by a fine.
(5) Who in the cases first

of paragraph 1, No. 2, 5 or 7 is negligent and the indebtedness or the threatened or actual insolvency does not know or at least negligently
of paragraph 2 in connection with paragraph 1, No. 2, 5 or 7 is reckless and over-indebtedness or insolvency of at least recklessly caused
is punished with imprisonment up to two years or a fine.
(6) The offense is only punishable if the offender has suspended payments or opened against its assets, insolvency proceedings or the opening application was dismissed for lack of assets.

IV offenses that are directed to the GmbH as a businesswoman, but according to. § 14 StGB the manager to the criminal liability shall

These include in particular environmental crimes iS § § 324 to 330d of the Penal Code and the offense of § 266a of the Criminal Code (withholding of social security contributions) fall.

V. offenses that are aimed directly at the GmbH's

not the penal code, but the Companies Act provides in § § 82, 84 and 85 GmbHG specific offenses, which can commit only a GmbH managing director.
first False information in establishing the GmbH and capital (§ 82 GmbHG)
is punishable under § 82 GmbHG, who as managing director in the application to the commercial register false information about
the acquisition of capital contributions (eg identity of
• the power of capital contributions (eg description • as a cash contribution although it is a kind)
• the use of funds (eg false indication of the formation expenses)
• special benefits (eg, the manager fails to mention that he received in settlement from the company's assets a special fee)
are especially dangerous here misstatements due to a hidden Cash, and the concealment of pre-pollution in the assets. Even the manager, who fails to mention that he because of a bankruptcy crime criminal record and is therefore unsuitable as a personal manager, is liable to prosecution.
are made negligently or innocently false information, so the manager shall, after the discovery of the inaccuracy of the duty to immediately corrected, otherwise it is liable to prosecution for failure.
second Insolvenzverschleppung
§ 84 para 1 No. 2 represents the GmbHG Insolvenzverschleppung punishable. The manager has acc. § 64 para 1 GmbHG the obligation, at the opening of insolvency or indebtedness insolvency proceedings applied for.
This is a pure omission crime that can be committed negligently.
third Failure to display acc. § 49 GmbHG that half of the share capital is lost
Insolvenzverschleppung That is punishable know well each manager. Many managers, however, is unaware that according to the same penalty provision, and in the same way - (!), See § 84 paragraph 1 No. 1-the manager makes an offense if he fails deliberately or negligently, the shareholders a loss view of half of the share capital.
4th Injury
of confidentiality is punishable by § 85 GmbHG who illegally as a director or former director an industrial or commercial secrets passed on to any third party without authorization or recovered in enrichment or intent to cause damage.
The act, however, pursued only on the request of the Company.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Antique Map Dealers Phone Numbers

dismissal of the manager

No other further employment of a dismissed manager
CEO employment contracts are usually the only employment as Managing Director to content. An activity below the organ level is typically not agreed. Concludes the Federal Court that dismissed Managing Director, in principle, has no right to continued employment in a similar senior position, unless the employment contract provides for such employment oppor-sensitivity expressly.

BGH from
11.10.2010 - II ZR 266/08

What Motherboard In Hp A1110y

liability CEO

any liability of the manager in accordance. § 43 GmbHG is possible even if the order has not yet been registered as a managing director in the Commercial Register.
(See BGH NJW 1994, 2027).

Monday, December 27, 2010

What To Write Bachelorette Party

know the time between Christmas and New Year

The last days of the year are always characterized by a very special atmosphere. The Christmas festivities have subsided and there are before New Year's Eve and New Year. It is a time to come in the most people to rest, spend in the company of loved ones, and pass the Past Revue can. Man erinnert sich vielleicht an die Kindheit, and die Dinge, die man gerne getan hat, was einen überrascht hat, wie Weihnachten gewesen war und welche Geschenke man bekommen hat. Vor allem aber sind die Gedanken auch bei den lieben Menschen, die nicht mehr unter uns weilen. Ein Blick ins Familienalbum lässt Gefühle wieder hochkommen, die das ganze Jahr über schlummerten. Es ist eine Zeit, die sentimentaler ist, als jede andere im Jahr. Und das ist auch gut so.
Man erinnert sich and die guten Vorsätze, die man beim letzten Jahreswechsel gefasst hat und man sieht mit einem kritischen Auge auf Soll und Haben, das, was daraus geworden ist. Dabei bemerkt fast ein jeder, dass nicht alles, was man sich vorgenommen hatte auch in Erfüllung went. Some things were mere pipe dream, little or no thought, another could not be fulfilled due to unexpected twists of fate and then another turned out to be less significant than was originally. However, the positive should not be forgotten. Yet some lucky cases have occurred, some has developed far better than was thought, and often has one or the other, a great pleasant surprise to experience.
Then again, the thoughts are also with the world and the people it is not as good as one's self one regrets it and wishes that the world is a better feel, and herself helpless, and thinks nichts tun zu können. Manches Gebet wird gesprochen, doch glaubt man selbst nicht dran, dass es erhört werden könnte, zumindest hat man das Gefühl, dass in der Vergangenheit nur allzu viele Gebete auf ein offenes Ohr beim Höchsten trafen. Natürlich wissen wir im Grunde es besser, doch vermögen wir nicht zu bemessen, wie sich die großen Dinge im Generalplan Gottes verhalten und deshalb erscheint uns die Welt oft sinnlos und ohne Ziel. Wenn ein Mensch von einem rein naturalistischen Weltbild ausgeht, dann ist das Leben fürwahr absurd, richtig und falsch, Wahrheit und Lüge sind dann völlig relativ und vom weitest möglichen Standpunkt aus, macht im Grunde keine Sache irgendeinen Sinn. Nur allzu oft haben Wissenschaft und Philosophie versucht uns diese traurige Weltsicht schmackhaft zu machen – glücklicherweise ohne Erfolg. Und so mag es auch in Zukunft so bleiben.
Die Zeit bis zum 31. Dezember ist oft auch wie eine leere Periode, in der der einzelne sein eigenes Leben hinterfragt. Zwischen reichhaltigen Mahlzeiten und Besuchen bei Verwandten und Freunden, schleicht sich das Gefühl der Unzufriedenheit ein, die im Alltag aufgrund der großen Hektik kaum merkbar ist, da sie überdeckt wird durch die vermeintlichen Notwendigkeiten des Lebens. In Wahrheit sind diese oft nur eine Flucht vor der Realität. Es gibt eine Art Faulheit des Geistes, die sich in übergroßer Aktivität zeigt. Gerade die Fleißigsten und Aktivsten, sind zuweilen die faulsten People. What I'm saying? Who takes the time to rest, especially in these days to wonder, "Who am I?", "Where am I?", "Where am I going?" Or "What is the meaning of my existence," knows exactly what I write here.
"Producing more and consume less," which I recommend for the new year. Anyone who consumed only (we have all been brought up to this behavior) is dependent and has less and less control over his life. The very prosperity of our society has in many parts of the population (especially in much of the Jungend) led to disaster. It is a paradox, but just because of the wealth has come for many of us the chance lost. True happiness comes from the fact that you achieved something that you are something, not because you have something. Freedom is in large part is to receive not only as a child, but to give in particular. And that's what I mean by producing. This involves all areas of life from the private to the professional. produce something, to do something for others, concealed a satisfied not only with a sense of satisfaction and a sense of his own existence, but it gives one more freedom and therefore, it was not, even more power. However, a power that can not be built out to dominate others, or more to have but to be more and that kind of power makes the world a better place.
If one is moody or even depressed, then there is nothing better than once in sight of the individual person and to do something for others. Concentration on themselves increasingly negative mood even more. The positive is then only by looking after the other, the fellow-man. This is not just the message we have Christmas once a year, but they should be in our hearts every 365 days present. be
May the year 2011 for all people a good year, a year that people find more to himself and realized the good to which we are all capable of!

How Long Does It Take A Deworer To Work

manager pilot

often try managing bankruptcies and layoffs, thus averting the "end" of the company, by all means. "

, especially in small and medium-sized independent sub-contractors "are the times now so hard that many believe is often to be able to hold during the crisis only with marginal means of water".
"eighth early on turbulence and collect time a pilot on board."
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Dr. Roland Boettcher


What Devices Can Be Used To Hack In A Atm

strategy and tactics in criminal tax

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Summary of Unit

"strategy and tactics in criminal tax"

(from Dr RA . hc Michael Bärlein) 10 509 Berlin

defense lawyers have repeatedly versuchen, die meist recht einseitige
Sichtweise der Strafverfolgungsbehörden zugunsten der Mandanten zu korrigieren,
um so die Feststellung unrichtiger Sachverhalte zu verhindern. Hierbei
ist die enge Zusammenarbeit der Steuerberater mit den Strafvelieidigern notwendig.

Dies ist auch erforderlich, weil die Ennittlungsbehörden stetig aufgerüstet haben, z. B. bei der Entwicklung von Computerprogrammen bei Betriebsprüfungen mit der Folge,
dass Betriebsprüfungsverfahren häufig in Ermittlungsverfahren mündeten. Der Gesetzgeber hat fleißig angebliche Schlupflöcher
geschlossen und auch die Strafen für Criminal tax matters increased considerably.
The penalties for commercial fraud is, for example, a
years to 10 years imprisonment and corresponds now to the penalty
for "trafficking for sexual exploitation (232 StGB)
and is thus higher than the sale of children, deprivation of liberty . and negligent
killing the necessary integration of in the professions - accountants and defense lawyers
- is on the acquisition of credentials in criminal tax proceedings in

already from the different objectives, that of Accountants

and Strafvelieidiger their Task approach.
The obligations of tax advisers are described as follows:
"The requested Council tax advisor is a comprehensive and as required
exhaustive instruction of his client, he has to.

advised clients those steps that lead to the desired goal
are appropriate and to avoid disadvantages for the ALiftraggeber if
these are predictable and preventable.
And he has the client show the relative
safest and most dangerous way to the intended tax target
and propose El10lg the necessary steps to ensure the client
can make an informed decision. "
Formuliemng This comes from a recent decision of the Supreme Court of 19 March 2009, Az IX ZR 214/07
Case" Haarmann, Hemmelrath . /. Werhahn. is for the defense lawyer is to prevent the clients a willful violation of law
to obtain tax benefits or a recklessness that led to a loss of tax, under the
Criminal Procedure Code can be detected or because not always a acquittal defense is possible to help ensure that a just punishment for
the client is fixed or a consensual termination the process is brought about
without penalty. The daily practice of the investigations in criminal tax matters is as follows: andl
tax investigators or prosecutors can be found at 07.30 clock in front of the Ob, one of their projects
targets are
first the accused taxpayer;
second student of his tax advisors;
the business of the taxpayer;
4th possibly witnesses.
try Usually those affected to get in touch immediately by phone with her lawyer
or tax advisor. In most cases this
Ulu • Time antwOliet only Anmfbeantworter. I powers but to point out,
be that the main points made already at this early Shmde.
It is therefore essential that Steuerstrafrechtler have "red phones". Of course, our firm has
a red phone, 24 hours busy.
not sufficient, that the voice of the person or persons affected received
, but only bemhigende calls are made, it must be immediately acted

The first tactical actions (under the Code of Criminal Procedure, to
refers §
385 para 1 AO) is called metaphorically a building 'burst' (borrowed the concept is the protection of nuclear reactors)
What is now "bursting" in criminal tax and how is it structured?
Here are four recommendations that defense lawyers are accountants and their clients
must give

first Recommendation silence
second Recommendation silence
The 3rd and 4 Recommendation is silence.
This is the first crucial interface, I call them, the first tooth
between the tasks of the defense lawyers and accountants, as have most
only defense on an emergency team that is trained.
Special germinates results of a tax consultant for tax proceedings are required when it

following provisions of the tax code is:
At the beginning of the search must be tested werden, ob die erschienenen
Finanzbeamten für diesen Fall überhaupt zuständig sind. Besondere Zuständigkeiten für Finanzbehärden finden sich in den §§ 386 bis 390
AO, Zuständigkeitsregelungen für Ermittlungsverfahren der Finanzbehärde.
Darüber hinaus sind besondere Regelungen der Abgabenordnung für Steuerstrafverfahren
zu beachten:
§ 391 AO, Gerichtszuständigkeit
§ 392 AO, Persänliche Qualifikation des Verteidigers §§ 393 bis 396, 404 AO, Befugnisse, Akteneinsichts- und Aussetzungsregelungen
§§ 397 bis 403 AO, Ermittlungsverfahren
§§ 409 bis 412 AO, Bußgeldverfahren.
Findet eine Durchsuchung statt, dann sind heide, Steuerberater und Strafverteidiger,
Die Durchsuchung muss im Rahmen der Gesetze, d. h. im Rahmen der StPO erfolgen.
Hierzu sind wiederum spezielle Kenntnisse der Strafprozessordnung erforderlich,
z.B. ob der Durchsuchungsbeschluss des Amtgerichts gesetzlich korrekt formuliert
ist und wie eine Durchsuchung "regelgerecht" ablaufen muss.
Unser Büro hat einen Leitfaden im Umfang eines schmalen Leitzordners zusammengestellt,
der bei Durchsuchungen mitzuführen ist, um To check whether the search
de lege artis "runs, or whether opposition to actions and measures
the investigating authorities should be filed with the court.
If the "red phone" rings have the following mechanisms to build

run a burst protection:
a) First, a lawyer for the company by the taxpayer during the search
be present, because the company may be required to own right true
can. You could threaten a method for certain offenses
, the consequences are abzuwem'en time. As often several subsidiaries
are concerned, it is possible that a criminal defense office personnel
is reaching its limits. What is more, often with several taxpayer
is searched simultaneously. , Again a criminal defense lawyer
be present on site. Frequently Ermittier try out the Code of Criminal Procedure, to question
family members or domestic servants and not

always in line with the Code of Criminal Procedure. These usually held in a relaxed
type of survey interviews are not in a Vennerk
and prescribes how the Code of Criminal Procedure, subject to an interrogation log
These notes, and it must be pointed out emphatically are
used in court. In our experience, they are always introduced with the
follows "after detailed instruction on his rights"
then a mention. The author of the note as a witness may later
this conversation to be heard. It must be prevented so that
it comes to searches for such informal discussions.
The proper instruction of accused and witnesses is one of the basic skills of each
defense lawyer.

Often it is recommended that the accused identify taxpayers a criminal defense lawyer
aside from the other office as the attorney of the company concerned or the Prosecutor, who acts as supervisor of the witnesses. It is here
the risk of conflicts of interest, a danger that the defense lawyer must weigh carefully since it is otherwise punishable under § 356 of the Penal Code makes.
This does not mean that the various defense lawyers can work together.
The Federal Constitutional Court has endorsed the possibility of so-called base defense
explicitly. That is, counsel should, where possible, jointly defend
I advise the parties during a search, either among themselves or communicate by telephone with
third party of the case. The reasons for such
"telephone communications ban" krum identify you only with the latest laws
familiar defense.
If you're in the 50th can look up edition of the short commentary Meyer / Gossner 2007, monitored
crimes in which the telecommunications, you will find something in
§ 100a Code of Criminal Procedure. In three paragraphs, even
Welm bit lengthy, controlled monitoring. Offenses or crimes with reference

the tax code, you will not find in this section.
Pull the other hand, the latest comment from 2008 rate, you find that
same rule has tripled not only others, but explains a telecommunications surveillance in these tax cases admissible
• suspicion of tax evasion under the conditions of § 370 para 3 sentence a
2 No. 5 AO; • suspicion of commercial, violent and gang-like
smuggling. § 373 and AO
• suspicion of receiving stolen property tax in the case of
§ 374 para 2 AO
The Tax Code has been amended accordingly.

My recommendation in large investigations: Absolute phone ban.
Simultaneously with the increase of control options were also adopted stricter laws
that have led to intensified law enforcement operations.
to combat terrorism - whether necessary or not is another question
- adopted a series of new laws. More were added. Another example of the tougher approach of the legislator are § 261 of the Penal Code and the money laundering law
with the result that money comes from tax evasion, money laundering
under the provisions of § 261 of fcillt. Previously this only applied to money
of crime that can be subsumed under a § 370 AO.

In the official printed matter of justifying the need for these measures
18) states that not every form of tax evasion is part
of organized crime but evaded taxes increase the financial power
of organized crime .
To return to the search warrant and the need for cooperation
of Accountants und Strafverteidiger:
Die 25 wichtigsten Kontrollfragen, die Steuerberater und Strafverteidiger bei einer
Hausdurchsuchung beachten müssen und die Sie kennen sollten, sind in einem gemeinsamen
Aufsatz von Steuerberater Dieter Hild und Rechtsanwalt Eckart C. Hild
in der Zeitschrift "Betriebsberater" 1999, Seite 343 ff aufgelistet. Die Liste müsste heute aktualisiert werden:
So ist z.
die Versiegelung von Unterlagen an das Gericht weggefallen. Zunehmende
Bedeutung haben inzwischen die sogenannten Zufallsfunde.
Strafverteidiger und Steuerberater müssen wissen, wann es sich um gezielte and
therefore is not usable by chance.
For example: In a house search turns out that the prosecution
a search warrant for four as agenda requested that the
court but in a body of facts absence there are sufficient factual

evidence (§ 1 02 Code of Criminal Procedure) is not the search allowed had. The prosecution sought nevertheless targeted to documents that the body of facts concerned, who was not part of the search warrant.
chance finds, which are targeted at beschlagnalunt searches can not, as evidence
be used. Therefore, a thorough examination of the search warrant
and knowledge of the importance of chance finds are essential.
strategy warrants
be even more important this time the defense lawyer and the above-described
tactics, if the taxpayer is arrested. The legal test of whether
can ever present the requirements for a warrant or an arrest
is possible usefully be made by a defense lawyer. Investigators love fast arrests: public appeal
and as the day before Christmas Eve.
Why, shows that a popular saying in the circles of the flippant enforcement authorities
"pre-trial detention creates Rechtskraftl. In detention or the threat would
the accused are often prematurely to things that he afterwards re-qualify
Even ads
An effective self-disclosure rules out criminal liability in the execution of a
arrest warrant is therefore necessary to consider that question first.
an important issue, which in both cases, the Liechtenstein-defense has also employed as
Accountants, concerned the effectiveness of self-display, and
for this is the moment of self-display of enormous importance.
Prosecutors Bochum took the view that self-view of the taxpayer
are therefore not effective because they "had to pay off" because of the detailed reporting
with the discovery of their tax offense.
(blocking effect of the 371 paragraph II AO)

different opinion from tax advisers and defense lawyers, they keep the
Even ads in the Liechtenstein-cases for effective
lawyer Randt result in DStR 2008 from:
§ 371 para
No. 2
lit 1. a) AG is an effective self-display
not possible when an officer appeared of tax authorities to tax

examination or the initiation of an offender against Strafoelfahrens was notified to him. The first alternative, the so-called, Matt theory ' was developed. Then an officer appears to test as soon as he enters
the property and / or the residence of the taxpayer for the purpose
that fiscal relations übelpriijen to, so if the auditor
, like that on the mat 'is the taxpayer and thus is physically present at the
exam (see Lüttger, StB
1993, 376). The arrangement of the
examination alone is harmless. After completion of the test lives the way
to reimburse a self-ad again (Randt / Schmiff, DStR 2008
489, 490 with further references).
This seemingly simple throw-to-use formula in the cases Liechtenstein
still have questions mif to none other than Salditt argues
basis of an assumed recovery prohibition as follows (Salditt, PSTR
84, 87; in this direction FehlinglRothbächer, DStZ 2008, 821,
The prohibition on the use results in a negative sentence prognosis
present. Therefore, an investigating judge with knowledge of the situation no
should have been issued search and seizure decisions. If he were in Ignorance would have been allowed, so the decision was surreptitiously °. Both
constellations lead to the illegality of the sanctions. Thus
could not the blocking effect of
§ 371 Abs occur
2 No one
AG. As a result
that a defendant would be acquitted, except against any further evidence
EXIST the stolen data. "
is yet, no decision of a High Court before. criminal proceedings that begin with the district court of Bochum, are not decided by the Supreme Court , but by the Higher Regional Court of Hamm. The Supreme Court will decide only
is when the process was opened before the regional court in Bochum. If you already have to arrest warrant is, for the defense lawyers, the
important tactical question of whether he present the question of the effectiveness of self-display already with the adhesive or complaint only after the commencement of the trial
. In general, it is wiser to bring the legal question before the trial
system, since in a civil complaint, the courts only a summary examination
the grounds for detention and rarely on substantive law issues . Enter
The same meaning of the substantive criminal law in the early stages of
investigation, in particular for verifying the legality
an arrest warrant.
The question of whether crimes "with a tax evasion case concerning Tatmehrheit"
(Tax Code §
370 para 2 no 2) is possible, recently the Supreme Court decision by
v. 22 September 2008 - 1 str 323/08 - decided as follows:
"Does the assistant to a number of tax penalties by each
self-help support activities in the sense the
Criminal Code, is
the fact that the accused alif already in the initiation of total business,
go back the the individual main acts involved, was the adoption of several
in proportion to the Tatmehrheit ( § 53 para a Criminal Code) to each other deeds
the facilitation of tax evasion does not prevent. "
Every defense needs time to understand this sentence tapeworm.
For Accountants, he is probably an imposition. The involvement of a defense lawyer is therefore recommended. zitielie The decision of the Supreme Court could play for the height of the expected punishment is important role. When asked why the amount of the penalty erwalienden
already in checking the legality of the arrest warrant is beIücksichtigen to
I will discuss later.
jurisdictional issues, the necessary integration of the activities of tax advisers and defense lawyers the result of two further examples:
The cooperation of representatives of both professions is important in issue which
financial authority and which prosecutors in the specific control procedures are responsible
. For this purpose there are special provisions in the tax code (§ § 387 to 391
AO), which are applicable according to its terms only to the jurisdiction of the tax authorities öliliche
. The Accountants shall examine the financial authorities can be considered
, the defense lawyers on the other hand there is the responsibility for the
tax proceedings from the Courts Act and the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Both must agree on the question of jurisdiction.
Experts by the way is now clear that the prosecutor in Bochum

the Liechtenstein cases
not responsible, nor the district court of Bochum.
Another argument Wal'um a verantwOliungsbewusster defense should always
consult a tax adviser, is the fact that
the Blankettstrafgeset
of § 370 ff AO, which must be filled only by the tax laws, for
the defense lawyers typically "
terra incognita"
What Strafvelieidiger germinates Ulieil the federal court of 18.11.2008, Az
VIII R 07/24, the so-called "Black funds". The Ausleglmg of Ulieils and make application to specific cases, the tax adviser. This can be the
not criminal lawyer.
This is z. B. for sales tax laws with foreign participation. A defense lawyer would put you at a risk of liability if he no tax advisers would
Do you know a criminal lawyer, to which the diametric reversal of finallzgerichtlichen law on tax exemption for intra-Community supply (§ 4
No. 1 in B, § 6 a VAT Law) is known?
The relevant ECJ and BFH-Urteile sind für einen Strafverteidiger kaum verständlich.
Das oben zitierte Urteil des Bundesfinanzhofs zu den "schwarzen Fonds" ist für den
Strafverteidiger auch deshalb von so eminenter Bedeutung, weil die Höhe der geschuldeten
Steuer für die "schwarzen Fonds" durch dieses Urteil wesentlich reduzieli
werden und damit auch die Höhe der Strafe, die der Steuerpflichtige zu erwarten hat.
Vor dem Erlass eines Haftbefehls prüfen Gerichte stets auch die Höhe der
Straferwartung. Das bedeutet bei niedrigerer Steuerschuld könnte das Gericht
vom Erlass eines Haftbefehls absehen.

Steuerberater and defense lawyers in the team
preliminary to comment on the issues regulated by the § 392 and § 410 paragraph 3 AO
power alone to defend the taxpayers through tax consultants, tax agents,
auditors and certified accountants. The power
ends for sole defense, when the prosecutor or the court involved (in
penalty proceedings).
As the defense lawyers are always involved must Welid it is "seriously"
, should Welid possible to be formed joint teams from the beginning to
defend the client as possible.
Which Accountants should now defend together with the defense lawyers in the team
. It seems reasonable to instruct the accountant of the accused or the firm with
representation, because this tax adviser knows precisely the tax
property relations of the accused and the persons responsible for
the tax authorities.
In our opinion and experience speak against the selection decision
arguments. In most cases, the tax adviser übenascht even see what is possibly happening behind his back with his client
, so that his special skills just not conducive
for the criminal proceedings. can

• Often the counselor as a witness be useful:
more arguments. Mitvelieidiger as he is a party,
his statements thus do not have the same weight as that of a witness.
• It is also possible that by trying to justify his activities
he involved in the process and thus by the investigating authorities
is considered as not very credible.

• Third, there may be a conflict of interest.
• Fourth: Often enough, the consultants for its proximity to the taxpayer of the tax police bodies registered as a co-accused, so he is automatically ruled out as a defender.
There is a simple solution:

In the larger tax consultants are Accountants who have never had with the attorney-client relationship
to do something - "Chinese walls" - to leave them as Mitverteidiger in
the team can be taken without knowledge is wasted.

If the team was blocked in the light of the above factors together
and the first "attack", is sich die Frage: Kämpfen
wir mit allen Mitteln der StPO, um eine Einstellung mangels Tatverdachts zu
erlangen oder aber sollen wir verhandeln?
Verständigung in Steuerstrafsachen

Diese zweite Frage muss schon deshalb geklärt werden, weil in Steuerstrafverfahren
die tatsächliche Verständigung als Instrument der Verfahrensbewältigung inzwischen
höchst richterlich anerkannt ist. Durch die Verständigung können in einem Zuge sowohl
der materielle Steueranspruch als auch der Strafanspruch erledigt werden
Vor einer Verständigung müssen Strafverteidiger und Steuerberater necessarily jointly discuss
the possible forecasts of the outcome of the trial
Liechtenstein Back to our case: There must be considered in predicting
whether the illegally purchased CDs in the process as a means of evidence

may be used.
If - as has happened in fact - from the documents provided to the Federal Intelligence Service
been leaked, only stating that the accused person is the beneficial owner of the
Vermögenswelien of the foundation, the question must be clarified
whether the CDs at all as evidence usable. The vast majority
vertreten Juristen die Meinung, es bestehe ein Verwertungsverbot, da die CDs
durch eine strafbare Handlung erlangt wurden. Von vielen wird die Auffassung ge
teilt, dass sogar
die Angaben, die der Beschuldigte im Hinblick auf das rechtswidrig erlangte CD-Material gemacht hat, nicht verwertbar seien.
Auch hier ist die Verzahnung des Wissens des Strafverteidigers und des Steuerberaters
von großer Bedeutung.
Überprüft werden muss auch, ob ein solches Verwertungsverbot
eine steuerrechtliche
Fernwirkung entfaltet.
Interessant ist hier das Urteil des Bundesfinanzhofs vom
04.10.2006, Az. VIII R 54/04, in which the court in qualified basis violations
or with evidence that was obtained in criminal way by the financial authority
expressly affirms a long-range effect.
you'll wonder why this has not done any of those affected. This is a slightly bedlückende history.
The concerns about the alleged illegally obtained evidence were obviously also the prosecutor in Bochum known. The now at his own request
top prosecutor
L. is therefore "soft deals" offered
haben, die Beschuldigten als so verlockend erschienen, dass sie ein schnelles Ende mit finanziellen Schrecken vorzogen. Die öffentliche Prangerwirkung im Fall
Zumwinkel hat die Beschuldigten zusätzlich bestärkt, nicht in die Konfliktverteidigung
zu gehen.
Wie sehr sich das Blatt inzwischen gewendet hat, ergibt sich daraus, dass die Staatsanwälte
in Bochum sich an die ausgehandelten Deals mit der OStA'in Frau nicht
mehr gebunden fühlen und über Geldauflagen bei Einstellungen gern. § 153 a StPO verhandeln oder statt "Soft deals" empfindliche Strafen beantragen. Dabei kam das BGH-U11eil v. 02.12.2008 - 1 Str 416/08 - including published
wistra, Issue 3, p. 107, the new stricter principles of tax proceedings developed
for law enforcement at the right time. want to be seen
From talking to magistrates or judges at the District Court that
they do not "bullying" by the Supreme Court can. For Bochum but this does not
Finally, one last argument, so I think the Verzalmung between defense lawyers and accountants
in criminal tax
The question of whether the tax investigation, the IRS Criminal or the prosecution
the offer should be made, the procedure you. Code of Criminal Procedure § 153 a set, must be of Accountants and defense lawyers are checked very thoroughly to develop according to the results of this test, a common strategy.
is negotiated before or submitted in writing and orally, is necessarily the
access to the files required. From the file, there is the found to date
facts. Delivery of Ennittlungsakten also to the client is not only permissible,
but also for a successful criminal defense imperative.
Nur nach gemeinsamer Durchdringung der Ermittlungsakten durch Steuerberater,
Strafverteidiger und Mandanten können die erforderlichen strategischen Maßnahmen zur Verteidigung ergriffen werden:
Folgende Handlungsmöglichkeiten sollten Sie kennen:
1. weiter schweigen,
2. schriftsätzlicher Vortrag,
3. Einlassung durch den Mandanten
4. Verhandlungen mit den "Gegnern"
Wenn verhandelt wird, vertreten wir die These:
Sobald die Frage der Einstellung gegen Geldauflage mit dem Gegner erörtert wird,
ist die Unschuldsvermutung fragwürdig geworden. Eine Defense with the objective to achieve an acquittal
is to achieve then no.
other hand, the tax adviser, for example, in terms favorable to his client
tax estimates would prefer to reach a sclmellen end of the procedure using the
§ 153 a Code of Criminal Procedure. An important argument in favor of a tax consultant
a contract under § 153 is a Code of Criminal Procedure in particular, that the tax payment can be agreed as a condition
. Here you need further observed that in Berlin, according to the settings
. § 153 a Code of Criminal Procedure in the corruption mistakenly register Genant
register acc. the Register corruption law will apply.

Conclusion: Confident team work always serves the interests of the client.

Friday, December 24, 2010

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GmbH Managing Director Attention 030 240 30 550

watch GmbH managing director - private expenditure focus
The recently adopted anti-tax evasion law has far reaching implications for big earners: From the year 2010, audits also provided for persons whose income from self-employment amount, from capital or rental, or lease in the year more than 500,000 €. So far, the officials check - depending on sales and profit - Primarily businesses. Those who do not receive income from self-generated or commercial activity remained generally been spared.

Such special reasons are no longer needed as of next year. The mere fact that someone earns more than 500,000 € justify an audit. For non-self-employed people are affected due to the higher content essentially managers of larger companies and GmbH Managing Director. You have to adjust to many new responsibilities. Complain at face high penalties.
Above all, the retention of documents is concerned tax payer move: The new law provides that all documents that may be relevant to the tax office, must be retained for six years. GmbH for managing it is important to file proof of expenditure and revenue. This is true not only in relation to the job, but also for other income derived from such leased real estate or investments. It is also advisable to keep invoices and receipts for major purchases or private expenditure for that period. Because the auditors look at very carefully whether the income from the CEO position with the investment income in accordance stehen. Im Klartext: Wer trotz eines hohen Verdienstes über mehrere Jahre keine steigenden Zinseinkünfte vorweisen kann, dürfte Probleme bekommen, wenn er keinen entsprechenden Lebensstil pflegt. Wer hingegen Ausgaben für teure Reisen oder Schmuck belegen kann, ist beim Finanzamt aus dem Schneider.

Das kürzlich verabschiedete Steuerhinterziehungsbekämpfungsgesetz hat weitreichende Folgen für Vielverdiener: Ab dem Jahr 2010 sind Außenprüfungen auch bei Personen vorgesehen, deren Einkünfte aus nichtselbstständiger Arbeit, aus Kapitalvermögen oder Vermietung und Verpachtung im Jahr mehr als 500.000 Euro betragen. Bisher prüfen die Beamten - abhängig von Umsatz und Gewinn - vornehmlich Betriebe. Wer keine Einkünfte aus selbstständiger oder gewerblicher Tätigkeit erzielte, blieb bisher in der Regel verschont. Solche besonderen Gründe sind ab dem kommenden Jahr nicht mehr erforderlich. Allein die Tatsache, dass jemand mehr als 500.000 Euro verdient, rechtfertigt eine Außenprüfung. Bei den nichtselbstständig Tätigen sind aufgrund des höheren Gehalts im Wesentlichen Manager von größeren Unternehmen und GmbH-Geschäftsführer betroffen. Sie müssen sich auf zahlreiche neue Pflichten einstellen. Bei Regelverstoß drohen empfindliche Sanktionen.

Vor allem bei der Aufbewahrung von Belegen müssen sich betroffene Steuerzahler umstellen: The new law provides that all documents that may be relevant to the tax office, must be retained for six years. GmbH for managing it is important to file proof of expenditure and revenue. This is true not only in relation to the job, but also for other income derived from such leased real estate or investments.
It is also advisable to keep invoices and receipts for major purchases or private expenditure for that period. Because the auditors look at very carefully whether the income is from the CEO position with the investment income in line. In Clear: Anyone who can show despite high earnings over several years, no increase in interest income is likely to have problems if he does not keep the lifestyle. For those that can show spending on expensive trips or decoration, the tax office out of the woods.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

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Judicial bias

OLG Koblenz
16th November 2010
4 W 641/10
ZPO § 42
A court-appointed experts might be against a single judge to reject the application if suspected of partiality, rejecting an appeal decision not to.
OLG Koblenz, decision of 16.11.2010 - 4 W 641/10
LG Mainz, 24.09.2010 - 4 O 127/06


used with its immediate appeal, the court-appointed experts ... [A] against a rejection of his request to the Judge of the District Court ... [B] if suspected of partiality rejecting the decision of the 4th Civil Chamber of the Landgericht Mainz, 24 September 2010.

The judge had rejected the opposition directed against the expert application of the defendant by order of 28th June 2010 for reasons stated and the third by a further resolution August 2010 found that the expert of the invoiced fee for his second Supplement Report nicht zustehe.

Der 14. Zivilsenat des Oberlandesgerichts Koblenz hat die gegen die Ablehnung der Vergütung gerichtete Beschwerde des Sachverständigen durch Beschluss des Einzelrichters vom 21. Oktober 2010 zurückgewiesen.

Zur Begründung seines gegen die Richterin am Landgericht ...[B] gerichteten Ablehnungsgesuchs hat der Sachverständige vorgetragen, die gerichtliche Entscheidung vom 28. Juni 2010 sei nicht nachvollziehbar. Das Gericht habe durch die unbeanstandete Verwertung des 1. Gutachtens sowie des 1. Ergänzungsgutachtens zu erkennen gegeben, dass es gegen die darin erfolgte stillschweigende Anpassung des Beweisbeschlusses keine Einwände erhebe. Im Übrigen erklärt der Sachverständige, es könne quite possible that his second Supplement reports to include formulations that could lead to a superficial glance, without any detection of the opinion the accusation of bias. However, it lacks so far at any rate to the required degree of culpability of gross negligence.

The district court, the Judge of the District Court against the ... [B] directed by order of rejection of application 24th September 2010 and dismissed on the ground that there were no apparent circumstances which show a distrust of the impartiality of the judge.

him against that on 6 October 2010 decision notified to apply the expert with the 21 October 2010 letter by fax to the District Court of Mainz inserted immediate appeal. The district court has not remedied the complaint of the experts (decision of 18 October 2010 - 4 O 127/06) and submitted the case to the state court to rule on the appeal.


The immediate appeal of the expert ... [A] is not allowed.

The right of refusal under § 42 ZPO is in principle not only to the party, but anyone who is like a party in his own name involved in the process. The court-appointed experts is that the proceedings so far as he in the process of determining of expert witnesses is relevant to them (OLG Frankfurt, Frankfurt OLGR 1997, 305;. Munich Commentary on the Code of Civil Procedure, 3rd edition, 2008 § 42, para 3). He comes to the present dispute a limited role on this side is a party, where he opposed the refusal of compensation experts for a refund of the 2nd Opinion supplement applies.

The decision standing here for immediate appeal lies but only with respect to the rejection of the petition rejecting the expert decision of the District Court of Mainz, 24 September 2010.

Although motive for such an appeal is essentially the Denial of the compensation claim for the refund of the 2nd may have been additional report, the expert is against the dismissal of the petition rejecting an appeal not to. Under the taxation of costs by 14 Civil Division of the Higher Regional Court of Koblenz was indirectly review the decision on the application for refusal is final and not open to attack by the expert.

The appeal was rejected as inadmissible, after all.

The cost is based on § 97 para 1 CCP.

the complaint, the Senate has value to the economic interests of the complainant in the annulment of the contested Decision and the related decision on the taxation of the costs for the reimbursement of the 2nd Supplement report calculated.

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bankruptcy proceedings



Case IX ZR 242/09

GESO; KO § 86; Insolvency Act § 66
The bankruptcy process has a newly appointed administrator to dismiss the administrator is not entitled to the grant of a ( partial) final bill .*)
BGH, Judgement of 23.09.2010 - IX ZR 242/09
LG Stendal, 17.12.2009 - 22 S 71/09
AG Stendal, 27/05/2009 - 3 C 1038/08
in the case


The IX. Civil Division of the Federal Supreme Court hearing on the 23rd September 2010 by the presiding judge, Dr. Ganter, Judges Raebel, Prof. Dr. Kayser, Dr. Gehrlein and group


The appeal against the verdict of the Civil Chamber of the Landgericht Stendal 2 of 17 December 2009 is rejected at the expense of the plaintiff.

By law


1 The defendant was a manager in the bankruptcy proceedings against the assets of the FV. By order of the bankruptcy court on 25 April 2006, he was dismissed from office and ordered the plaintiff to the new manager. The defendant gave the plaintiff range of documents. put to the request by the applicant, a final bill for its administrative work, but after he came not.

2 remained on presentation of a final bill for its administrative work, is made from a revenue and expenditure account, a balance sheet and a final report, direct action in the courts without success. The Court of Appeal approved revision pursued by the applicant on his request.


3 The revision had no success.

4 1 The appellate court stated: The bankruptcy order can not see any requirement of the recall liquidator Granting of a partial final bill against third parties. Such obligations are also not a recourse to the provisions of the bankruptcy or insolvency law. While it was recognized that the dismissed manager is required, under § 86 and § 66 para 1 KO Insolvency Act, to create a final invoice. This obligation exists only with respect to the meeting of creditors and the court, not against the new manager. That would only encourage supervisory action of the court. It concluded that neither through the application of law or by analogy a right of action for the new manager will be concluded for the full enforcement proceedings. It is neither a plan anti-loophole, you can still there is a need for a right of action for the new manager. Such could not be from § 259 BGB, the principle of good faith (§ 242 BGB) or derived from § 666 BGB.

5 2 These statements hold legal examination.

6 a) The bankruptcy order contains no provision that would oblige a dismissed manager to put on his undertaking to the following account manager. It is limited to at the end of bankruptcy proceedings, to demand the distribution of producing a final report (§ 18 para 4 GESO) and the meeting of creditors and the creditors' committee given the right to demand more widely reporting and accounting (§ 15 paragraph 5, sentence 2 and § 15 paragraph 6, sentence 2 GESO). It follows from the claim, as well as the review admits derive not.

7 b) Contrary to the view of the appeal is a claim by the new manager of accounting by the dismissed manager is also not an appropriate use of standards of bankruptcy or insolvency policy, for there are neither the prerequisites of a law immanent nor those of a law of increasing development of the law before (see Larenz / Canaris, Methodology of International Law, 3rd edition, p. 191 ff and p. 232 ff). The question is already if the bankruptcy order, if they have a claim of the new manager of accounting does not regulate, even incomplete, is whether in view of their own settlement plan or the overall legal system, or if to exclude such a claim. In any event, contains neither the bankruptcy nor the bankruptcy order is a regulation, the conclusion, justified the legislature in the case of a statutory scheme establishes the issue in the bankruptcy procedure, a claim the new manager of accounting, or which would be incompatible with universal notions of justice and child rights principles would appear to deny such a claim the new manager (See the criteria BGH, Judgement of 20 January 2000 - IX ZR 58/99, BGHZ 143, 332, 334 ff; December 14, 2006 - IX ZR 92/05, BGHZ 170, 187 Rn and 14 f. 19 f).

8 aa) According to § 66 para 1 of the Insolvency Act has put to the termination of his office manager at a general meeting statement. A similar undertaking normalized § 86 sentence 1 KO. The duty applies and was recognized for the premature removal Administrator (Insolvency Act to § 66: BGH, decision of 14 April 2005 - IX ZB 76/04, ZIP 2005, 865, 866, 10 November 2005 - IX ZB 168 / 04, ZIP 2006, 93; Jaeger / Eckardt, Insolvency Act, § 66 Rn 9;. MünchKomm-InsO/Nowak, 2nd ed § 66 para 3;. FK-InsO/Kind, 5th ed § 66 para. 2; Uhlenbruck, Insolvency, 13 , § 66 para. 24 f; HK-InsO/Eickmann, 5 , § 66 para. 16; to § 86 KO: Kilger / Schmidt, bankruptcy laws, 17 , § 86 KO's note 1a; Kuhn / Uhlenbruck, KO, 11 , § 86 para. 2; Jaeger / Weber, KO, 8 , § 86 para. 1). If he does not fulfill this obligation, the insolvency or bankruptcy court against the administrator of a financial penalty set (§ 58 para 2 clause 1 Insolvency Act, § 84 para 1 sentence 1 KO, BGH, decision of 14 April 2005 - IX ZB 76/04, supra; Jaeger / Eckardt, supra para 21;. Uhlenbruck, supra para 25;. Eickmann, supra; Weber, supra). The other parties to the proceedings, and the new manager can inspire such supervisory measures. A legally enforceable right to their own accounts, the new manager does not.

9 bb) the scope of the Bankruptcy Act, contrary to what the revision of § 86 clause 3 KO otherwise. According to this standard, the subsequent managers had the right to object to the accounting manager of the recall raised. This stood in relation to the provision in § 86 clause 4 KO, after which the bill was accepted as if the date of the creditors' meeting no objections were raised. With the ability to raise objections, the new administrator could thus prevent the discharge of the previous administrator and obtain possible compensation claims. There is no enforceable right to financial reporting did not follow it. For this was no compelling need. Put the old administrator account does not, he could not relieve.

10 cc) is entitled to the new manager after the bankruptcy and the bankruptcy order is not enforceable claim against the accounting manager recalled, may be one can not also included in the scope of the bankruptcy order. If all of the recalled the administrator as a dismissed bankruptcy or insolvency the creditors against the Rechungslegung required. Whether such a duty manager with oversight of the recall measures of the bankruptcy court would be enforceable, may be left (the bankruptcy order does not provide for coercive measures, the Senate has left open whether the provisions of the bankruptcy and insolvency law are far mutatis mutandis, see BGH, Judgement of 27 April 1995 - IX ZR 102/04, ZIP 1995, 932 , 934). A lack of duty of the manager can dismiss any case be taken into account in setting his compensation and result in a claim for damages. The information interests of creditors can be satisfied by the new manager.

11 c) A claim of the plaintiff on accounts by the defendant also does not arise from standards or principles of civil law. Against the relevant observations Court of Appeals does not turn the revision. You are not objectionable from the viewpoint of the Audit Court.

12 d) The Court of the Senate is entitled to in the scope of the bankruptcy order the new administrator a claim against the former manager of access, if, on certain information concerning the current procedure is dependent (BGH, Judgement of 4 December 2003 - IX ZR 222/02, ZIP 2003, 326, 328). Such a claim is not the subject of the present, aimed at accounting action. The applicant seeks the grant of a non-specific, only the defendant's potential as a former administrator access, but a comprehensive and formal composition the mass and the former manager of revenue and expenditure and his other actions. That such special accounts, presupposed in the documents submitted and not visible to the defendant only available knowledge is not claimed by the plaintiff.