Monday, May 25, 2009

Bathtub Curtain Circular Rod

Jannah? Mother's feet under!

Eines Abends, als die Mutter gerade das Abendessen kochte, kam der elfjährige Sohn in die Küche, mit einem Zettel in der Hand. Er überreichte den Zettel mit einem seltsamen,
amtlich, anmutenden Gesichtsausdruck seiner Mutter, die sich daraufhin die Hände in der
Schürze abwischte, den Zettel entgegennahm, und zu lesen begann:

Für das Jäten des Blumenbeetes: 2 Euro
Für das Aufräumen meines Zimmers: 8 Euro
Weil ich Milch holen gegangen bin: 1 Euro
Because I spent three afternoons in my little
've watched sister: 12 €
Because I've got two ones: 8 €

Because I get out bring every day the garbage: 3 €
Total: 34 €.

The mother looked gently at her son. There were countless memories to her memory.
Then she took a pen and started on another piece of paper to write:

long for nine months have certainly in my heart: 0 €
For all the sleepless nights I spent at your bedside I: 0 €
For many in the hold-arm and comforting: 0 €
For drying your tears: 0 €
For all that I have you day taught by day: 0 €
for each breakfast, lunch, snacks, cakes and all that I have prepared thee: 0 €
for my life, what I give to you every day: 0 €
Total: 0 €

As she had finished, her mother took the note with a smile in her son's hand.
The child read it, and two large tears ran from his eyes.
Then he pressed the paper to his heart, and wrote the information on his own

Anas reported that the Prophet said:

There are three advantages, and who owns them, who has tasted the sweetness of faith:
that Allah and His Messenger are more costly to him because everything else,
that he loves a man, but not on whose account, but to Allah,
and that he would be disgusting, zurückzuverfallen in disbelief,
as it would be disgusting if he were cast into the fire! ◘ ○ °
] [Al-Bukhari] [


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