Friday, May 29, 2009

Bush Dvrhs02 Instruction Booklet

... Eeendlich the meeting ....

Assalamualeikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuh
counting weeks since I have the days to MJ for 3 days, the hours ... finally its here ... Alhamdulillah
is equal to my Check-Out but I'm too excited to do something else ........
ride To all: insallah see you then and those who have not done this time ...
the next come along Insaallah everything good comes from ALLAH

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bathtub Curtain Circular Rod

Jannah? Mother's feet under!

Eines Abends, als die Mutter gerade das Abendessen kochte, kam der elfjährige Sohn in die Küche, mit einem Zettel in der Hand. Er überreichte den Zettel mit einem seltsamen,
amtlich, anmutenden Gesichtsausdruck seiner Mutter, die sich daraufhin die Hände in der
Schürze abwischte, den Zettel entgegennahm, und zu lesen begann:

Für das Jäten des Blumenbeetes: 2 Euro
Für das Aufräumen meines Zimmers: 8 Euro
Weil ich Milch holen gegangen bin: 1 Euro
Because I spent three afternoons in my little
've watched sister: 12 €
Because I've got two ones: 8 €

Because I get out bring every day the garbage: 3 €
Total: 34 €.

The mother looked gently at her son. There were countless memories to her memory.
Then she took a pen and started on another piece of paper to write:

long for nine months have certainly in my heart: 0 €
For all the sleepless nights I spent at your bedside I: 0 €
For many in the hold-arm and comforting: 0 €
For drying your tears: 0 €
For all that I have you day taught by day: 0 €
for each breakfast, lunch, snacks, cakes and all that I have prepared thee: 0 €
for my life, what I give to you every day: 0 €
Total: 0 €

As she had finished, her mother took the note with a smile in her son's hand.
The child read it, and two large tears ran from his eyes.
Then he pressed the paper to his heart, and wrote the information on his own

Anas reported that the Prophet said:

There are three advantages, and who owns them, who has tasted the sweetness of faith:
that Allah and His Messenger are more costly to him because everything else,
that he loves a man, but not on whose account, but to Allah,
and that he would be disgusting, zurückzuverfallen in disbelief,
as it would be disgusting if he were cast into the fire! ◘ ○ °
] [Al-Bukhari] [

Monday, May 18, 2009

Do U Wear Underwear With A Wrestling Singlet

ready On your marks ... aand SABR!

Patience is one of the highest virtues of a Muslim.

gives you endurance and a tremendous strength to face the internal and external influences.
steadfast people achieve their goals through patience and persistence, whereas most impatient people give up too quickly and give up their hope of achieving their goals.
In combination with the knowledge that promotes your discernment, you with the patience of a great protection against sin.

Your patience is perfect if you meet the following three features:
1.Display patience in performing the obligations imposed on you, since you are obliged to obey the commands of Allah to afford.
2.Zeige patience with the omission of the forbidden things, since you are obliged to keep you from sin.
3.Zeige patience in the trials of life!

The Quran clearly shows that man will be tested on earth
and we will (certainly) with something of fear and hunger, as well as the loss of part of the assets and of (your loved ones) people and the (lack) of fruits examined. And proclaim the glad tidings to the patient.
(Al-Baqara, 155)

Be thankful if you happen to good, and put the gifts in an honest way to stay in it patiently!

One of the tests and that gets one or two more in wealth, power, children, health, knowledge and wide usage.
Strive sincerely to please Allah and steadfastness, equip you with more patience.
How can you improve your endurance

1.The perform the five daily obligatory prayers gives you a regular routine.
gives the usual follow this order Dir Standhaftigkeit gegenüber den Dingen, die Dich davon ablenken wollen.
2.Das freiwillige Fasten außerhalb des Monats Ramadan hilft Dir Deine Begierden zu kontrollieren und steigert Deine Geduld, weil Du bis zum Sonnenuntergang ausharren musst, um die erlaubten Dinge wieder genießen zu können.
3.Anderen Menschen zu vergeben und sie gut zu behandeln, auch wenn sie Dir Schlechtes angetan haben, ist ein Mittel zur Steigerung Deiner Geduld.

Wer geduldig ist und vergibt: so ist dies gewiss (ein Zeichen) von fester Entschlossenheit.
(Ash-Shura, 43)

Nur dieser erste entscheidene Moment, in dem Geduld gezeigt wird, zieht den von Allah versprochenen, unbegrenzten Lohn nach sich.

Vergeht in aller Regel der erste Schmerz nach einer Prüfung, dann vermögen die meisten Menschen Geduld zu zeigen.
Der Gesandte näherte sich eines Tages einer Frau, die über dem Grab (ihres kleinen Kindes) weinte.
Der Gesandte sprach zu ihr: Fürchte Allah und harre in Geduld aus.
Sie wusste nicht, dass es der Gesandte war, und erwiderte: Gehe fort von mir, denn du wurdest nicht mit dem heimgesucht, womit ich heimgesucht wurde.
Ihr wurde gesagt: Es ist der Prophet.
Sie ging (daraufhin) zum Haus des Gesandten und sagte: Ich wusste nicht, dass du es bist.
Er sprach: Die Geduld ist bei der ersten Konfrontation.
(von Al-Bukhari und Muslim überliefert)
Und geduldige dich mit schöner Geduld.
(Al-Ma^arij, 5)

Wer die Auswirkungen der Prüfungen nicht an sich erkennen lässt, schmückt seinen Charakter mit einer schönen Geduld.
Allah lobt die Gläubigen, die in guten wie schlechten Zeiten standhaft live in Islam: The
, happens when an accident, saying: Verily, by Allah we are (created) and to Him (the place of his account), we are returning.
Those will be the forgiveness of their Lord and His grace bestowed - and those are the ones who are rightly guided.
(Al-Baqara, 156-157)
... and He rewards enormous, according to the severity of a test:
By Anas: I heard the Messenger:
Allah, the Exalted, says:
When I check my (faithful) servants at both its eyes (As he lost his sight) and he endures patiently, then I reward him (it) with paradise.
(Al-Bukhari narrated)
Said asked the Messenger:
What man is subjected to the severest test ? The Minister said
The prophets, then those who come after them, then those who come after them.
The man is tested in accordance with his religion Level:
his test will be hard, if his religion is stable, with weaknesses fail, as is its religious neglect.
Die Prüfung lässt erst dann vom Diener ab, bis er durch sie frei von Sünden auf der Erde umhergeht.
(von At-Tirmidhi überliefert)
Mit den Geduldigen sind jene gemeint, die gleich zu Beginn einer Prüfung standhaft sind.
Nur in diesem Moment zeichnet sich der geduldige Mensch aus, da seine Standhaftigkeit während der ersten Konfrontation mit einer Prüfung auf die Kontrolle und Standfestigkeit seines Herzens hinweist und damit sein angewandtes Wissen signalisiert.

Allah ta^ala bestraft nicht unmittelbar und gnadenlos jede begangene Sünde

Er beschreibt Sich mit dem Namen As-Sabur, der überaus Geduldige, und bezeichnet mit diesem Namen Seine Eigenschaft, dass Er die Sünder meistens nicht sofort ihrer gerechten Strafe unterzieht, sondern ihnen Zeit zur Abkehr von den Sünden (At-Tauba) und zur Reue gibt.
Halte Dich an den wichtigsten Grundsatz des islamischen Erziehungssystems, der sich in den folgenden Worten zusammenfassen läßt:
Glaube, rechte Werke und Geduld.
Die Sura Al-^Asr beweist mit wenigen Worten überaus eindrucksvoll, dass die Rechtschaffenen durch die islamische Erziehung vor einem endgültigen Schaden bewahrt sein werden:
Beim Nachmittag!
Verily Man is in loss.
Except those who believe, do righteous deeds, exhort one another to truth and one another to patience.
Most people keep trying to compensate for their concerns and problems with things that we know can solve any of their problems, but also produce many new problems.
Ultimately, they fall into discontent in this world and hereafter.

Dear brother and dear sister,
be steadfast and meet the tests with determination.
upright handle and prepare a lot of good for a huge day, from which there is no escape, and while you practice in patience and ask Allah for His grace!
The Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said:
No one receives a better gift than patience.
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Piper Aztec Parts Catalog

love for Prophet Muhammad sas

The Love of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be among the most important principles of Iman. Allah's messenger sas said: "No one of you believes until I am better than him, his father, his son and all people"
Allah swa urges Muslims not the love of Allah and the Prophet preferred!
Love of Allah's messenger sas thrives on knowledge of his life, his perfect features and the sublimity of his teachings. If you want to love the Prophet peace be honest, there is no way past the obedience you want to obey him out, no way in the past to follow his Sunnah.
Love for Muhammad sas is not a pure lip service.
Hassan al-Basri said: "At the time of the prophets, the people said to him: 'O Muhammad, we love our Lord', whereupon Allah swa revealed:" Say: If you love Allah, follow me, then you love Allah, and He will forgive your sins, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful '"(3:31). Thus Allah swa follow the example of His Prophet, peace be a sign of sincere love of God made and the reason for His forgiveness.

Salamualeikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatu

this song my favorite song is here it comes
that the morning sun warms us, even illuminated the face of our Prophet Muhammad sas.
that the dust under our feet in the beard of the Prophet Muhammad was und er ihn rausgebürstet hat,
dass der Regen  der auf uns regnet mal ein Fluss war in dem der Prophet Muhammad s.a.s seine Gebetswaschung verrichtete.
Ich schliesse meine Augen und spüre den Propheten Muhammad s.a.s

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Best Tabletfor Writing

.... The moral of forgiveness ......

Eine gute Tat vollendet man, indem mann die Undankbarkeit verzeiht

Zwei Freunde wanderten durch die Wüste. Während der Wanderung kam es zu einem Streit und der eine schlug dem anderen im Affekt ins Gesicht.
The beaten was hurt. Without saying a word, he knelt down and wrote the following words in the sand:

"Today I hit my best friend in the face."

They continued their journey and soon came to an oasis. There, they both decided to take a bath. The friend who had been beaten, remained stuck in the mud at one time and almost drowned. But his friend saved him literally at the last minute.
After the friend who was nearly drowned, was recovered, he took into a stone and scratched the following words:

"Today is my best friend saved my life."

The friend who had beaten the other, and also rescued asked, surprised: "When I hurt you, did you write your sentence only in the sand, but now you engraves the words in a stone Why."
said the other friend. "If we have hurt or offended someone, we should write in the sand so that the wind of forgiveness erase it again but if someone can do something that is good for us, then we can the engraved into a stone so no wind can ever delete it. "

"Forgive the sins of those who are on the earth so that Allah gives you compassion for the mercy zeigt.HAbe is under you, that is above you has compassion with you." (Hz.Mevlana)

Friday, May 8, 2009

How To Reupholst A Chair

Think about it .....!

just imagine ... you would have won in a competition the following prices:
Every morning you will put your bank € 86,400.00 on serving private account available
But these prices would also have its rules, as each game has its rules

Die erste Regel wäre:
Alles was du im Laufe des Tages nicht ausgegeben hast, wird Dir wieder weggenommen.
Du kannst das Geld nicht einfach auf ein anderes Konto überweisen.
Du kannst es nur ausgeben.
Aber jeden Morgen, wenn du erwachst eröffnet Dir deine Bank ein neues Konto mit neuen 86.400,00 für den kommenden Tag. 
Zweite Regel:  
The bank can finish the game without Vorwahnung, any time she can say: "It's over, the game is over"
You can close the account and you get a new account more.

What would you do personally?
You'd buy everything you möchtest ? 
Nicht nur für dich selbst, auch für alle Menschen die du liebst?
Vielleicht sogar für Menschen, die du nicht kennst, da du das ja nie alles nur für Dich alleine ausgeben könntest
Du würdest versuchen, jeden Cent auszugeben und ihn zu . Use

this game is actually the reality!
Each of us has a magic bank, " we just do not see!

The Bank is the magical time.
Every morning when we wake up, we get 86,400 seconds of life for the day given, and if we will sleep in the evening the rest of us time is not credited.
What we have not lived on this day is lost forever!
Yesterday is gone!
Each morning, the Konto zu füllen, aber die Bank kann das Konto jederzeit auflösen... Ohne Vorwahnung! 

Was machst du also mit deinen täglichen 86.400  Sekunden???
Sind sie nicht viel mehr Wert als die gleiche Menge in Euro ? 
Denke darüber nach und denke immer daran: 
Convert the time in hasanat because only Allah can you multiply many times over. For that you might get no money for it but you can get in your seconds Jannah form in which you will stay forever .....
...... you plant trees, work out your place in Al-Firdaus, and filed a bit to your palace ......

So: Use the seconds of your life, for the time you run them much faster than you think

Take good care of yourself!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dunk Tank Non-profit Tx

the Mercy of Allah `s swa

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim: In the name Allah's is the Beneficent the Merciful
99 names of Allah. One is more beautiful than the other ... Subhanallah ...
but his mercy is greatest ....
ALLAH swa has imagined so much mercy that you can not you ....
His mercy from him is against us on this Dunja already soo great.
for this size must be measured not find a unit ... :)
As he speisst us and clothe us and gives Rahma although we make many mistakes.
But that's nothing compared to what awaits us in akhira.
He is on the Jüngstentag are indeed very angry but Allah himself says:
, my Barmherzigkeit ist grösser als mein Zorn"

Wie Barmherzig bist du??
wie reagierst du wenn dir jemand deine markenklamotten beschädigt....
Obwohl Mütter sehr geduldig und Barmherzig sind,
trotzdem sind sie manchmal sehr böse.....
zB.: Mama..?? was ist mein kind?
Mama..? Ja was ist denn
Mama..? SAG DOCH ENDLICH !!!! :(
ALLAH s.w.a hört uns immer wieder zu und nimmt unsere Dua`s an....
Warum können wir nicht auch ein bisschen barmherzig sein?????
warum nehmen wir uns als geschöpfe das recht anders zu handeln???
Ich frag mich...
Frag dich mal auch....!