Monday, February 28, 2011

Brazilian Transvetist


In the last few days and weeks the world has banned the Arab world, primarily to North Africa, looked. have regimes that exists for decades, seemingly stable, have disappeared almost immediately and made a future course that is for all of us only in the making and no one can say at this stage how things will develop. Beginning of February is President Mubarak, who has ruled Egypt for 30 years authoritarian (and the state of emergency since the assassination of Sadat never picked up), forced to resign. But what the future looks like, is still uncertain. The West is hoping for a democratic change, but he should in the not so sure. We must never forget the imponderables that are a typical characteristic of a revolution in mind. It was unwise of the European Union not to relate the time being no clear position. Finally, we know from history that what is not among those who are in a revolution that such a start, but those who quit. That was over 200 years ago so with the French Revolution. It was not the States-General, not even the radical and not even the moderate Jacobins, the Revolution finally ended, but the General Napoleon Bonaparte. But who would have more than a few years before he took office Consul und kurz darauf als Kaiser der Franzosen, vorausgesehen. Nein, in solchen Zeiten ist es ratsam sich zurückzuhalten, zu beobachten und seine Schlüsse zu ziehen, die vorerst geheim gehalten werden sollen (als gute historische Beispiele dienen Talleyand und Fouchè).
Die arabische Welt hat in den letzten Wochen sicher erfolgreich eine Befreiungsschlag gewagt, der in absehbarer Zeit auch zum Ende des libyschen Regime unter Gaddafi führen wird – das ist nur noch eine Frage der Zeit. Doch was kommt danach? Das ist die Frage, die für die Menschen außerhalb der Region das Entscheidende ist. Libyen lieferte bisher 1,6 Mio. Barrel Rohöl pro Tag. Das ist beträchtlich, doch auch ein Totalausfall des Landes ist für die Welt manageable (the daily consumption of the world is currently about 88 million barrels) though some local energy suppliers could not make irrelevant (OMV covers about 10 percent of its oil from Libya, which has been currently reduced to virtually zero). The oil price has tightened properly in the last day and now stands at just under 110 per dollars a barrel. In 2008 he stood in oil prices (mainly due to speculation and even before the financial crisis) to almost 150 dollars). If the crisis spread to Saudi Arabia, the world has a huge problem. Currently this is not to be feared, even in Iran there are still no signs of Volksaustand, only Yemen and Bahrain, it revolts However, the relative was resolved peacefully, or seem to be under control.
is the longer term, however, to expect great unrest throughout the Arab world and it would be an illusion of the West, if he believed that the world would agree to a procedure as before. In particular, the U.S. will have to cut back, and the European Union will cease to have no more of that weight in the world, as they previously enjoyed. It is to be welcomed in general, if the local populations show a stronger and beyond a global dominance. A globalized world in itself is not bad, but it should be something like power centers do not provide. Local Control is extremely important in a world that grows more and more together, and there is particular care to ensure that there is never a "world government" or a "world religion" there. While this may sound both seductive, but as a result of which the world would perish.
Another question that arises for me in the observation of the Arab peoples in these days, is that if this fighting spirit, this commitment vorhandne still among the nations in Europe and America would be. If the Europeans and the Americans stand up for their rights today, such as we have seen among people in the Middle East right now? I'm here so my Zweifel. Eine Abstumpfung, eine Stupidität schein eingetreten zu sein, die ein derart kraftvolles Vorgehen nicht mehr als allzu wahrscheinlich erscheinen lassen. Ich hoffe zutiefst, dass ich mich mit dieser Ansicht irrt! Die Zukunft wird uns viele Dinge offenbaren, die uns heute noch völlig unvorstellbar erscheinen. Nun ja, wir werden alle noch große Augen machen, davon bin ich überzeugt!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Back Pain And Green Stool

God, the sun of the people of the future tasks

Viktor Frankl, der große österreichische Psychiater und Kenner der menschlichen Seele meinte es gäbe drei Dinge, mit denen jeder Mensch in seinem Leben umzugehen habe, ob es ihm nun gefalle oder nicht. Das erste diese Dinge ist die Schuld. Was sie für uns bedeutet, what value we confer on it and how we try to overcome. The second is the suffering and the explanation we have for it, especially when it ourselves in life or the life of a dear one happens. The third thing is death, the certain end of our earthly existence. All three are derived from a different question, namely to God. Like it or not, each was raised this question, it is not culture-and time-dependent and occurs in people all the way out by itself from its own nature. The reason is because God is not a human invention but an objectively existing entity, a person who planted in the heart of every human being himself has, so that anyone who seeks him sincerely and with a pure heart can see, too.

but I want to take up a completely different subject which is integral in connecting with the Creator and that is the growth of man. That the growth of people far beyond the physical realm is to deny no thoughtful man, so is just after the physical development reaches a climax, he begins the emotional, mental, and last and highest spiritual growth. It is this spiritual growth, which makes the people come first to full bloom, that connects the individual with the totality of creation and recognize him his place in it lässt. Sicherlich gibt es Menschen, die sich mehr der reinen Materie zuwenden oder auch dem mentalen oder emotionalen Bereich unserer Persönlichkeit. Doch je reifer einer wird, desto mehr wird die Sehnsucht des Herzens aufflammen, die sich nicht durch die Dinge der Welt befriedigen lässt. „Es gibt mehr Dinge zwischen Himmel und Erde, als sich eure Schulweisheit träumen lässt“, meinte Shakespeare und er wies damit auf etwas hin, das mit Worten nur schwer bis gar nicht, aber vom Geist des Menschen erfahrbar ist.

Welchen Vergleich könnte man wohl ziehen, der dem spirituellen Wachstum des Menschen entspräche? Mir ist dazu in den letzten Tagen das Bild von den Blumen und der Leben spendenden Sonne gekommen. Ohne the sun is impossible for a plant to survive. After the sun, they turn their instincts, and on some stems and sometimes on stems can see the location changes of the plants. Especially with houseplants that have spent their youth in a different place (such as a palm tree) you can see some bizarre turns of the tribe. Each time, however, the plant facing the sun, like a magnet, it is drawn to it and they would not have this mechanism, it would have ended their lives for a long time.

Some plants never see the sun directly, they know nothing of their existence guess, but that indirect experiences. Finally, there is always in the experience a contrast to the shade, otherwise there would not even that. The simple-minded plant may well think that there would be no sun and looks jealous or condescend to those who tell her about it, perhaps even fall into raptures if its heat and energy. In their arrogance they may even consider themselves as superior, although this view in the heart caused her great pain, she thinks he is but as a heroine because she has no illusions should surrender, as the others. How confusing can it be the ghost? How much can a man have ears but hear not, and my eyes do not see?

is because the sun is also the creator of man. Although he is not with the eyes sichtbar und manch einer mag sogar daran zweifeln, dass es ihn gibt, oder er ist gar so vermessen eine Überzeugung zu entwickeln er wäre überhaupt nur eine Erfindung von Träumern, doch wenn einer wirklich sein höchstes Potential entfalten will, dann muss er über den Bereich des Gewohnten, dessen, was „von dieser Welt“ ist, hinaus gehen und sich in den unbekannten Bereich des Göttlichen begeben. Obwohl es ein Sprung ins Unbekannte ist, so hat der einsichtige Mensch doch keine Angst, obwohl er nicht weiß, wohin die Reise geht, ist er doch zutiefst davon überzeugt, dass alles sich zum Guten für ihn findet, wenn er nur Vertrauen in Gott fassen kann. Der Glaube an Gott befreit den Menschen davon sich von the circumstances and the opinions of the other agreed upon. His desire is not directed for approval to the others, but to please the Creator, to accomplish that which is laid out in his heart and what he was born. Previously they had said to someone follow his vocation. Artists and sensitive people today know what it means. Rather than compare with others and meet their expectations met such a person only the expectations of God. As a result, this behavior means that the person develops its maximum potential, and like his creator, because he obeyed the commandments and "the right thing" rather than pleasing, to do what is pleasant or profitable.

goes Life is not about doing what feels good, what it feels like it's not about to follow his thoughts, not even attend to his wishes so. No, what one and only one to do the "right thing" even if it feels bad, even if you will have nothing to do with partout. That is, have discipline, to be honest not to follow the times and in the world but not of the world "to be. Who trusts in God, whoever inside it seeks finds not only him but everything else is given him to do so.